blob: 45610fb70d3481affbbb6560563e00f904a557bc [file] [log] [blame]
# Check the behavior of the ALLOW_RETRIES keyword.
# This test uses a file that's stable across retries of the test to fail and
# only succeed the fourth time it is retried.
# RUN: rm -f %t.counter
# RUN: %{lit} %{inputs}/allow-retries/ -Dcounter=%t.counter -Dpython=%{python} | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-TEST1 %s
# CHECK-TEST1: Passed With Retry: 1
# Test that a per-file ALLOW_RETRIES overwrites the config-wide test_retry_attempts property, if any.
# RUN: rm -f %t.counter
# RUN: %{lit} %{inputs}/allow-retries/ -Dtest_retry_attempts=2 -Dcounter=%t.counter -Dpython=%{python} | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-TEST2 %s
# CHECK-TEST2: Passed With Retry: 1
# This test does not succeed within the allowed retry limit
# Check that the execution trace isn't corrupt due to reprocessing the script
# multiple times (e.g., '%dbg(...)' processing used to accumulate across
# retries).
# RUN: not %{lit} %{inputs}/allow-retries/ -v |\
# RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-TEST3 -match-full-lines %s
# CHECK-TEST3: FAIL: allow-retries :: (1 of 1)
# CHECK-TEST3-NEXT: {{\**}} TEST 'allow-retries ::' FAILED {{\**}}
# CHECK-TEST3-NEXT: Exit Code: 1
# CHECK-TEST3-NEXT: Command Output (stdout):
# CHECK-TEST3-NEXT: # {{RUN}}: at line 3
# CHECK-TEST3-NEXT: # executed command: false
# CHECK-TEST3-NEXT: # note: command had no output on stdout or stderr
# CHECK-TEST3-NEXT: # error: command failed with exit status: 1
# CHECK-TEST3: Failed Tests (1):
# CHECK-TEST3: allow-retries ::
# This test should be UNRESOLVED since it has more than one ALLOW_RETRIES
# lines, and that is not allowed.
# RUN: not %{lit} %{inputs}/allow-retries/ | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-TEST4 %s
# CHECK-TEST4: Unresolved Tests (1):
# CHECK-TEST4: allow-retries ::
# This test does not provide a valid integer to the ALLOW_RETRIES keyword.
# It should be unresolved.
# RUN: not %{lit} %{inputs}/allow-retries/ | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-TEST5 %s
# CHECK-TEST5: Unresolved Tests (1):
# CHECK-TEST5: allow-retries ::
# This test checks that the config-wide test_retry_attempts property is used
# when no ALLOW_RETRIES keyword is present.
# RUN: rm -f %t.counter
# RUN: %{lit} %{inputs}/test_retry_attempts/ -Dcounter=%t.counter -Dpython=%{python} | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-TEST6 %s
# CHECK-TEST6: Passed With Retry: 1
# This test checks that --per-test-coverage doesn't accumulate inserted
# LLVM_PROFILE_FILE= commands across retries.
# RUN: rm -f %t.counter
# RUN: %{lit} -a %{inputs}/test_retry_attempts/ --per-test-coverage\
# RUN: -Dcounter=%t.counter -Dpython=%{python} | \
# RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-TEST7 %s
# CHECK-TEST7: Command Output (stdout):
# CHECK-TEST7: # executed command: export LLVM_PROFILE_FILE=
# CHECK-TEST7-NOT: # executed command: export LLVM_PROFILE_FILE=
# CHECK-TEST7: Passed With Retry: 1