blob: ef9e9ff04f85f729e176bcfebf0a2aca1426e7ff [file] [log] [blame]
//===- GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter.cpp - --------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file Generate a combiner implementation for GlobalISel from a declarative
/// syntax using GlobalISelMatchTable.
/// Usually, TableGen backends use "assert is an error" as a means to report
/// invalid input. They try to diagnose common case but don't try very hard and
/// crashes can be common. This backend aims to behave closer to how a language
/// compiler frontend would behave: we try extra hard to diagnose invalid inputs
/// early, and any crash should be considered a bug (= a feature or diagnostic
/// is missing).
/// While this can make the backend a bit more complex than it needs to be, it
/// pays off because MIR patterns can get complicated. Giving useful error
/// messages to combine writers can help boost their productivity.
/// As with anything, a good balance has to be found. We also don't want to
/// write hundreds of lines of code to detect edge cases. In practice, crashing
/// very occasionally, or giving poor errors in some rare instances, is fine.
#include "Basic/CodeGenIntrinsics.h"
#include "Common/CodeGenInstruction.h"
#include "Common/CodeGenTarget.h"
#include "Common/GlobalISel/CXXPredicates.h"
#include "Common/GlobalISel/CodeExpander.h"
#include "Common/GlobalISel/CodeExpansions.h"
#include "Common/GlobalISel/CombinerUtils.h"
#include "Common/GlobalISel/GlobalISelMatchTable.h"
#include "Common/GlobalISel/GlobalISelMatchTableExecutorEmitter.h"
#include "Common/GlobalISel/MatchDataInfo.h"
#include "Common/GlobalISel/PatternParser.h"
#include "Common/GlobalISel/Patterns.h"
#include "Common/SubtargetFeatureInfo.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/EquivalenceClasses.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ScopedPrinter.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/StringMatcher.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
#include <cstdint>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::gi;
#define DEBUG_TYPE "gicombiner-emitter"
namespace {
GICombinerEmitterCat("Options for -gen-global-isel-combiner");
cl::opt<bool> StopAfterParse(
cl::desc("Stop processing after parsing rules and dump state"),
SelectedCombiners("combiners", cl::desc("Emit the specified combiners"),
cl::cat(GICombinerEmitterCat), cl::CommaSeparated);
cl::opt<bool> DebugCXXPreds(
cl::desc("Add Contextual/Debug comments to all C++ predicates"),
cl::opt<bool> DebugTypeInfer("gicombiner-debug-typeinfer",
cl::desc("Print type inference debug logs"),
constexpr StringLiteral CXXApplyPrefix = "GICXXCustomAction_CombineApply";
constexpr StringLiteral CXXPredPrefix = "GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_";
//===- CodeExpansions Helpers --------------------------------------------===//
void declareInstExpansion(CodeExpansions &CE, const InstructionMatcher &IM,
StringRef Name) {
CE.declare(Name, "State.MIs[" + to_string(IM.getInsnVarID()) + "]");
void declareInstExpansion(CodeExpansions &CE, const BuildMIAction &A,
StringRef Name) {
// Note: we use redeclare here because this may overwrite a matcher inst
// expansion.
CE.redeclare(Name, "OutMIs[" + to_string(A.getInsnID()) + "]");
void declareOperandExpansion(CodeExpansions &CE, const OperandMatcher &OM,
StringRef Name) {
CE.declare(Name, "State.MIs[" + to_string(OM.getInsnVarID()) +
"]->getOperand(" + to_string(OM.getOpIdx()) + ")");
void declareTempRegExpansion(CodeExpansions &CE, unsigned TempRegID,
StringRef Name) {
CE.declare(Name, "State.TempRegisters[" + to_string(TempRegID) + "]");
//===- Misc. Helpers -----------------------------------------------------===//
template <typename Container> auto keys(Container &&C) {
return map_range(C, [](auto &Entry) -> auto & { return Entry.first; });
template <typename Container> auto values(Container &&C) {
return map_range(C, [](auto &Entry) -> auto & { return Entry.second; });
std::string getIsEnabledPredicateEnumName(unsigned CombinerRuleID) {
return "GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule" + to_string(CombinerRuleID) + "Enabled";
//===- MatchTable Helpers ------------------------------------------------===//
LLTCodeGen getLLTCodeGen(const PatternType &PT) {
return *MVTToLLT(getValueType(PT.getLLTRecord()));
LLTCodeGenOrTempType getLLTCodeGenOrTempType(const PatternType &PT,
RuleMatcher &RM) {
if (PT.isLLT())
return getLLTCodeGen(PT);
auto &OM = RM.getOperandMatcher(PT.getTypeOfOpName());
return OM.getTempTypeIdx(RM);
//===- PrettyStackTrace Helpers ------------------------------------------===//
class PrettyStackTraceParse : public PrettyStackTraceEntry {
const Record &Def;
PrettyStackTraceParse(const Record &Def) : Def(Def) {}
void print(raw_ostream &OS) const override {
if (Def.isSubClassOf("GICombineRule"))
OS << "Parsing GICombineRule '" << Def.getName() << "'";
else if (Def.isSubClassOf(PatFrag::ClassName))
OS << "Parsing " << PatFrag::ClassName << " '" << Def.getName() << "'";
OS << "Parsing '" << Def.getName() << "'";
OS << '\n';
class PrettyStackTraceEmit : public PrettyStackTraceEntry {
const Record &Def;
const Pattern *Pat = nullptr;
PrettyStackTraceEmit(const Record &Def, const Pattern *Pat = nullptr)
: Def(Def), Pat(Pat) {}
void print(raw_ostream &OS) const override {
if (Def.isSubClassOf("GICombineRule"))
OS << "Emitting GICombineRule '" << Def.getName() << "'";
else if (Def.isSubClassOf(PatFrag::ClassName))
OS << "Emitting " << PatFrag::ClassName << " '" << Def.getName() << "'";
OS << "Emitting '" << Def.getName() << "'";
if (Pat)
OS << " [" << Pat->getKindName() << " '" << Pat->getName() << "']";
OS << '\n';
//===- CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker --------------------------------------===//
/// This is a wrapper around OperandTypeChecker specialized for Combiner Rules.
/// On top of doing the same things as OperandTypeChecker, this also attempts to
/// infer as many types as possible for temporary register defs & immediates in
/// apply patterns.
/// The inference is trivial and leverages the MCOI OperandTypes encoded in
/// CodeGenInstructions to infer types across patterns in a CombineRule. It's
/// thus very limited and only supports CodeGenInstructions (but that's the main
/// use case so it's fine).
/// We only try to infer untyped operands in apply patterns when they're temp
/// reg defs, or immediates. Inference always outputs a `TypeOf<$x>` where $x is
/// a named operand from a match pattern.
class CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker : private OperandTypeChecker {
CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker(const Record &RuleDef,
const OperandTable &MatchOpTable)
: OperandTypeChecker(RuleDef.getLoc()), RuleDef(RuleDef),
MatchOpTable(MatchOpTable) {}
/// Records and checks a 'match' pattern.
bool processMatchPattern(InstructionPattern &P);
/// Records and checks an 'apply' pattern.
bool processApplyPattern(InstructionPattern &P);
/// Propagates types, then perform type inference and do a second round of
/// propagation in the apply patterns only if any types were inferred.
void propagateAndInferTypes();
/// TypeEquivalenceClasses are groups of operands of an instruction that share
/// a common type.
/// e.g. [[a, b], [c, d]] means a and b have the same type, and c and
/// d have the same type too. b/c and a/d don't have to have the same type,
/// though.
using TypeEquivalenceClasses = EquivalenceClasses<StringRef>;
/// \returns true for `OPERAND_GENERIC_` 0 through 5.
/// These are the MCOI types that can be registers. The other MCOI types are
/// either immediates, or fancier operands used only post-ISel, so we don't
/// care about them for combiners.
static bool canMCOIOperandTypeBeARegister(StringRef MCOIType) {
// Assume OPERAND_GENERIC_0 through 5 can be registers. The other MCOI
// OperandTypes are either never used in gMIR, or not relevant (e.g.
// OPERAND_GENERIC_IMM, which is definitely never a register).
return MCOIType.drop_back(1).ends_with("OPERAND_GENERIC_");
/// Finds the "MCOI::"" operand types for each operand of \p CGP.
/// This is a bit trickier than it looks because we need to handle variadic
/// in/outs.
/// e.g. for
/// (G_BUILD_VECTOR $vec, $x, $y) ->
/// For unknown types (which can happen in variadics where varargs types are
/// inconsistent), a unique name is given, e.g. "unknown_type_0".
static std::vector<std::string>
getMCOIOperandTypes(const CodeGenInstructionPattern &CGP);
/// Adds the TypeEquivalenceClasses for \p P in \p OutTECs.
void getInstEqClasses(const InstructionPattern &P,
TypeEquivalenceClasses &OutTECs) const;
/// Calls `getInstEqClasses` on all patterns of the rule to produce the whole
/// rule's TypeEquivalenceClasses.
TypeEquivalenceClasses getRuleEqClasses() const;
/// Tries to infer the type of the \p ImmOpIdx -th operand of \p IP using \p
/// TECs.
/// This is achieved by trying to find a named operand in \p IP that shares
/// the same type as \p ImmOpIdx, and using \ref inferNamedOperandType on that
/// operand instead.
/// \returns the inferred type or an empty PatternType if inference didn't
/// succeed.
PatternType inferImmediateType(const InstructionPattern &IP,
unsigned ImmOpIdx,
const TypeEquivalenceClasses &TECs) const;
/// Looks inside \p TECs to infer \p OpName's type.
/// \returns the inferred type or an empty PatternType if inference didn't
/// succeed.
PatternType inferNamedOperandType(const InstructionPattern &IP,
StringRef OpName,
const TypeEquivalenceClasses &TECs,
bool AllowSelf = false) const;
const Record &RuleDef;
SmallVector<InstructionPattern *, 8> MatchPats;
SmallVector<InstructionPattern *, 8> ApplyPats;
const OperandTable &MatchOpTable;
bool CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker::processMatchPattern(InstructionPattern &P) {
return check(P, /*CheckTypeOf*/ [](const auto &) {
// GITypeOf in 'match' is currently always rejected by the
// CombineRuleBuilder after inference is done.
return true;
bool CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker::processApplyPattern(InstructionPattern &P) {
return check(P, /*CheckTypeOf*/ [&](const PatternType &Ty) {
// GITypeOf<"$x"> can only be used if "$x" is a matched operand.
const auto OpName = Ty.getTypeOfOpName();
if (MatchOpTable.lookup(OpName).Found)
return true;
PrintError(RuleDef.getLoc(), "'" + OpName + "' ('" + Ty.str() +
"') does not refer to a matched operand!");
return false;
void CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker::propagateAndInferTypes() {
/// First step here is to propagate types using the OperandTypeChecker. That
/// way we ensure all uses of a given register have consistent types.
/// Build the TypeEquivalenceClasses for the whole rule.
const TypeEquivalenceClasses TECs = getRuleEqClasses();
/// Look at the apply patterns and find operands that need to be
/// inferred. We then try to find an equivalence class that they're a part of
/// and select the best operand to use for the `GITypeOf` type. We prioritize
/// defs of matched instructions because those are guaranteed to be registers.
bool InferredAny = false;
for (auto *Pat : ApplyPats) {
for (unsigned K = 0; K < Pat->operands_size(); ++K) {
auto &Op = Pat->getOperand(K);
// We only want to take a look at untyped defs or immediates.
if ((!Op.isDef() && !Op.hasImmValue()) || Op.getType())
// Infer defs & named immediates.
if (Op.isDef() || Op.isNamedImmediate()) {
// Check it's not a redefinition of a matched operand.
// In such cases, inference is not necessary because we just copy
// operands and don't create temporary registers.
if (MatchOpTable.lookup(Op.getOperandName()).Found)
// Inference is needed here, so try to do it.
if (PatternType Ty =
inferNamedOperandType(*Pat, Op.getOperandName(), TECs)) {
if (DebugTypeInfer)
errs() << "INFER: " << Op.describe() << " -> " << Ty.str() << '\n';
InferredAny = true;
// Infer immediates
if (Op.hasImmValue()) {
if (PatternType Ty = inferImmediateType(*Pat, K, TECs)) {
if (DebugTypeInfer)
errs() << "INFER: " << Op.describe() << " -> " << Ty.str() << '\n';
InferredAny = true;
// If we've inferred any types, we want to propagate them across the apply
// patterns. Type inference only adds GITypeOf types that point to Matched
// operands, so we definitely don't want to propagate types into the match
// patterns as well, otherwise bad things happen.
if (InferredAny) {
OperandTypeChecker OTC(RuleDef.getLoc());
for (auto *Pat : ApplyPats) {
if (!OTC.check(*Pat, [&](const auto &) { return true; }))
"OperandTypeChecker unexpectedly failed on '" +
Pat->getName() + "' during Type Inference");
if (DebugTypeInfer) {
errs() << "Apply patterns for rule " << RuleDef.getName()
<< " after inference:\n";
for (auto *Pat : ApplyPats) {
errs() << " ";
Pat->print(errs(), /*PrintName*/ true);
errs() << '\n';
errs() << '\n';
PatternType CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker::inferImmediateType(
const InstructionPattern &IP, unsigned ImmOpIdx,
const TypeEquivalenceClasses &TECs) const {
// We can only infer CGPs (except intrinsics).
const auto *CGP = dyn_cast<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(&IP);
if (!CGP || CGP->isIntrinsic())
return {};
// For CGPs, we try to infer immediates by trying to infer another named
// operand that shares its type.
// e.g.
// Pattern: G_BUILD_VECTOR $x, $y, 0
// $y has the same type as 0, so we can infer $y and get the type 0 should
// have.
// We infer immediates by looking for a named operand that shares the same
// MCOI type.
const auto MCOITypes = getMCOIOperandTypes(*CGP);
StringRef ImmOpTy = MCOITypes[ImmOpIdx];
for (const auto &[Idx, Ty] : enumerate(MCOITypes)) {
if (Idx != ImmOpIdx && Ty == ImmOpTy) {
const auto &Op = IP.getOperand(Idx);
if (!Op.isNamedOperand())
// Named operand with the same name, try to infer that.
if (PatternType InferTy = inferNamedOperandType(IP, Op.getOperandName(),
TECs, /*AllowSelf=*/true))
return InferTy;
return {};
PatternType CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker::inferNamedOperandType(
const InstructionPattern &IP, StringRef OpName,
const TypeEquivalenceClasses &TECs, bool AllowSelf) const {
// This is the simplest possible case, we just need to find a TEC that
// contains OpName. Look at all operands in equivalence class and try to
// find a suitable one. If `AllowSelf` is true, the operand itself is also
// considered suitable.
// Check for a def of a matched pattern. This is guaranteed to always
// be a register so we can blindly use that.
StringRef GoodOpName;
for (auto It = TECs.findLeader(OpName); It != TECs.member_end(); ++It) {
if (!AllowSelf && *It == OpName)
const auto LookupRes = MatchOpTable.lookup(*It);
if (LookupRes.Def) // Favor defs
return PatternType::getTypeOf(*It);
// Otherwise just save this in case we don't find any def.
if (GoodOpName.empty() && LookupRes.Found)
GoodOpName = *It;
if (!GoodOpName.empty())
return PatternType::getTypeOf(GoodOpName);
// No good operand found, give up.
return {};
std::vector<std::string> CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker::getMCOIOperandTypes(
const CodeGenInstructionPattern &CGP) {
// FIXME?: Should we cache this? We call it twice when inferring immediates.
static unsigned UnknownTypeIdx = 0;
std::vector<std::string> OpTypes;
auto &CGI = CGP.getInst();
Record *VarArgsTy = CGI.TheDef->isSubClassOf("GenericInstruction")
? CGI.TheDef->getValueAsOptionalDef("variadicOpsType")
: nullptr;
std::string VarArgsTyName =
VarArgsTy ? ("MCOI::" + VarArgsTy->getValueAsString("OperandType")).str()
: ("unknown_type_" + Twine(UnknownTypeIdx++)).str();
// First, handle defs.
for (unsigned K = 0; K < CGI.Operands.NumDefs; ++K)
// Then, handle variadic defs if there are any.
if (CGP.hasVariadicDefs()) {
for (unsigned K = CGI.Operands.NumDefs; K < CGP.getNumInstDefs(); ++K)
// If we had variadic defs, the op idx in the pattern won't match the op idx
// in the CGI anymore.
int CGIOpOffset = int(CGI.Operands.NumDefs) - CGP.getNumInstDefs();
assert(CGP.hasVariadicDefs() ? (CGIOpOffset <= 0) : (CGIOpOffset == 0));
// Handle all remaining use operands, including variadic ones.
for (unsigned K = CGP.getNumInstDefs(); K < CGP.getNumInstOperands(); ++K) {
unsigned CGIOpIdx = K + CGIOpOffset;
if (CGIOpIdx >= CGI.Operands.size()) {
} else {
assert(OpTypes.size() == CGP.operands_size());
return OpTypes;
void CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker::getInstEqClasses(
const InstructionPattern &P, TypeEquivalenceClasses &OutTECs) const {
// Determine the TypeEquivalenceClasses by:
// - Getting the MCOI Operand Types.
// - Creating a Map of MCOI Type -> [Operand Indexes]
// - Iterating over the map, filtering types we don't like, and just adding
// the array of Operand Indexes to \p OutTECs.
// We can only do this on CodeGenInstructions that aren't intrinsics. Other
// InstructionPatterns have no type inference information associated with
// them.
// TODO: We could try to extract some info from CodeGenIntrinsic to
// guide inference.
// TODO: Could we add some inference information to builtins at least? e.g.
// ReplaceReg should always replace with a reg of the same type, for instance.
// Though, those patterns are often used alone so it might not be worth the
// trouble to infer their types.
auto *CGP = dyn_cast<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(&P);
if (!CGP || CGP->isIntrinsic())
const auto MCOITypes = getMCOIOperandTypes(*CGP);
assert(MCOITypes.size() == P.operands_size());
DenseMap<StringRef, std::vector<unsigned>> TyToOpIdx;
for (const auto &[Idx, Ty] : enumerate(MCOITypes))
if (DebugTypeInfer)
errs() << "\tGroups for " << P.getName() << ":\t";
for (const auto &[Ty, Idxs] : TyToOpIdx) {
if (!canMCOIOperandTypeBeARegister(Ty))
if (DebugTypeInfer)
errs() << '[';
StringRef Sep = "";
// We only collect named operands.
StringRef Leader;
for (unsigned Idx : Idxs) {
const auto &Op = P.getOperand(Idx);
if (!Op.isNamedOperand())
const auto OpName = Op.getOperandName();
if (DebugTypeInfer) {
errs() << Sep << OpName;
Sep = ", ";
if (Leader.empty())
OutTECs.insert((Leader = OpName));
OutTECs.unionSets(Leader, OpName);
if (DebugTypeInfer)
errs() << "] ";
if (DebugTypeInfer)
errs() << '\n';
CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker::getRuleEqClasses() const {
StringMap<unsigned> OpNameToEqClassIdx;
TypeEquivalenceClasses TECs;
if (DebugTypeInfer)
errs() << "Rule Operand Type Equivalence Classes for " << RuleDef.getName()
<< ":\n";
for (const auto *Pat : MatchPats)
getInstEqClasses(*Pat, TECs);
for (const auto *Pat : ApplyPats)
getInstEqClasses(*Pat, TECs);
if (DebugTypeInfer) {
errs() << "Final Type Equivalence Classes: ";
for (auto ClassIt = TECs.begin(); ClassIt != TECs.end(); ++ClassIt) {
// only print non-empty classes.
if (auto MembIt = TECs.member_begin(ClassIt);
MembIt != TECs.member_end()) {
errs() << '[';
StringRef Sep = "";
for (; MembIt != TECs.member_end(); ++MembIt) {
errs() << Sep << *MembIt;
Sep = ", ";
errs() << "] ";
errs() << '\n';
return TECs;
//===- CombineRuleBuilder -------------------------------------------------===//
/// Parses combine rule and builds a small intermediate representation to tie
/// patterns together and emit RuleMatchers to match them. This may emit more
/// than one RuleMatcher, e.g. for `wip_match_opcode`.
/// Memory management for `Pattern` objects is done through `std::unique_ptr`.
/// In most cases, there are two stages to a pattern's lifetime:
/// - Creation in a `parse` function
/// - The unique_ptr is stored in a variable, and may be destroyed if the
/// pattern is found to be semantically invalid.
/// - Ownership transfer into a `PatternMap`
/// - Once a pattern is moved into either the map of Match or Apply
/// patterns, it is known to be valid and it never moves back.
class CombineRuleBuilder {
using PatternMap = MapVector<StringRef, std::unique_ptr<Pattern>>;
using PatternAlternatives = DenseMap<const Pattern *, unsigned>;
CombineRuleBuilder(const CodeGenTarget &CGT,
SubtargetFeatureInfoMap &SubtargetFeatures,
Record &RuleDef, unsigned ID,
std::vector<RuleMatcher> &OutRMs)
: Parser(CGT, RuleDef.getLoc()), CGT(CGT),
SubtargetFeatures(SubtargetFeatures), RuleDef(RuleDef), RuleID(ID),
OutRMs(OutRMs) {}
/// Parses all fields in the RuleDef record.
bool parseAll();
/// Emits all RuleMatchers into the vector of RuleMatchers passed in the
/// constructor.
bool emitRuleMatchers();
void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;
void dump() const { print(dbgs()); }
/// Debug-only verification of invariants.
#ifndef NDEBUG
void verify() const;
const CodeGenInstruction &getGConstant() const {
return CGT.getInstruction(RuleDef.getRecords().getDef("G_CONSTANT"));
void PrintError(Twine Msg) const { ::PrintError(&RuleDef, Msg); }
void PrintWarning(Twine Msg) const { ::PrintWarning(RuleDef.getLoc(), Msg); }
void PrintNote(Twine Msg) const { ::PrintNote(RuleDef.getLoc(), Msg); }
void print(raw_ostream &OS, const PatternAlternatives &Alts) const;
bool addApplyPattern(std::unique_ptr<Pattern> Pat);
bool addMatchPattern(std::unique_ptr<Pattern> Pat);
/// Adds the expansions from \see MatchDatas to \p CE.
void declareAllMatchDatasExpansions(CodeExpansions &CE) const;
/// Adds a matcher \p P to \p IM, expanding its code using \p CE.
/// Note that the predicate is added on the last InstructionMatcher.
/// \p Alts is only used if DebugCXXPreds is enabled.
void addCXXPredicate(RuleMatcher &M, const CodeExpansions &CE,
const CXXPattern &P, const PatternAlternatives &Alts);
/// Adds an apply \p P to \p IM, expanding its code using \p CE.
void addCXXAction(RuleMatcher &M, const CodeExpansions &CE,
const CXXPattern &P);
bool hasOnlyCXXApplyPatterns() const;
bool hasEraseRoot() const;
// Infer machine operand types and check their consistency.
bool typecheckPatterns();
/// For all PatFragPatterns, add a new entry in PatternAlternatives for each
/// PatternList it contains. This is multiplicative, so if we have 2
/// PatFrags with 3 alternatives each, we get 2*3 permutations added to
/// PermutationsToEmit. The "MaxPermutations" field controls how many
/// permutations are allowed before an error is emitted and this function
/// returns false. This is a simple safeguard to prevent combination of
/// PatFrags from generating enormous amounts of rules.
bool buildPermutationsToEmit();
/// Checks additional semantics of the Patterns.
bool checkSemantics();
/// Creates a new RuleMatcher with some boilerplate
/// settings/actions/predicates, and and adds it to \p OutRMs.
/// \see addFeaturePredicates too.
/// \param Alts Current set of alternatives, for debug comment.
/// \param AdditionalComment Comment string to be added to the
/// `DebugCommentAction`.
RuleMatcher &addRuleMatcher(const PatternAlternatives &Alts,
Twine AdditionalComment = "");
bool addFeaturePredicates(RuleMatcher &M);
bool findRoots();
bool buildRuleOperandsTable();
bool parseDefs(const DagInit &Def);
bool emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE, const PatternAlternatives &Alts,
const InstructionPattern &IP);
bool emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE, const PatternAlternatives &Alts,
const AnyOpcodePattern &AOP);
bool emitPatFragMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE,
const PatternAlternatives &Alts, RuleMatcher &RM,
InstructionMatcher *IM,
const PatFragPattern &PFP,
DenseSet<const Pattern *> &SeenPats);
bool emitApplyPatterns(CodeExpansions &CE, RuleMatcher &M);
// Recursively visits InstructionPatterns from P to build up the
// RuleMatcher actions.
bool emitInstructionApplyPattern(CodeExpansions &CE, RuleMatcher &M,
const InstructionPattern &P,
DenseSet<const Pattern *> &SeenPats,
StringMap<unsigned> &OperandToTempRegID);
bool emitCodeGenInstructionApplyImmOperand(RuleMatcher &M,
BuildMIAction &DstMI,
const CodeGenInstructionPattern &P,
const InstructionOperand &O);
bool emitBuiltinApplyPattern(CodeExpansions &CE, RuleMatcher &M,
const BuiltinPattern &P,
StringMap<unsigned> &OperandToTempRegID);
// Recursively visits CodeGenInstructionPattern from P to build up the
// RuleMatcher/InstructionMatcher. May create new InstructionMatchers as
// needed.
using OperandMapperFnRef =
function_ref<InstructionOperand(const InstructionOperand &)>;
using OperandDefLookupFn =
function_ref<const InstructionPattern *(StringRef)>;
bool emitCodeGenInstructionMatchPattern(
CodeExpansions &CE, const PatternAlternatives &Alts, RuleMatcher &M,
InstructionMatcher &IM, const CodeGenInstructionPattern &P,
DenseSet<const Pattern *> &SeenPats, OperandDefLookupFn LookupOperandDef,
OperandMapperFnRef OperandMapper = [](const auto &O) { return O; });
PatternParser Parser;
const CodeGenTarget &CGT;
SubtargetFeatureInfoMap &SubtargetFeatures;
Record &RuleDef;
const unsigned RuleID;
std::vector<RuleMatcher> &OutRMs;
// For InstructionMatcher::addOperand
unsigned AllocatedTemporariesBaseID = 0;
/// The root of the pattern.
StringRef RootName;
/// These maps have ownership of the actual Pattern objects.
/// They both map a Pattern's name to the Pattern instance.
PatternMap MatchPats;
PatternMap ApplyPats;
/// Operand tables to tie match/apply patterns together.
OperandTable MatchOpTable;
OperandTable ApplyOpTable;
/// Set by findRoots.
Pattern *MatchRoot = nullptr;
SmallDenseSet<InstructionPattern *, 2> ApplyRoots;
SmallVector<MatchDataInfo, 2> MatchDatas;
SmallVector<PatternAlternatives, 1> PermutationsToEmit;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::parseAll() {
auto StackTrace = PrettyStackTraceParse(RuleDef);
if (!parseDefs(*RuleDef.getValueAsDag("Defs")))
return false;
if (!Parser.parsePatternList(
[this](auto Pat) { return addMatchPattern(std::move(Pat)); }, "match",
(RuleDef.getName() + "_match").str()))
return false;
if (!Parser.parsePatternList(
[this](auto Pat) { return addApplyPattern(std::move(Pat)); }, "apply",
(RuleDef.getName() + "_apply").str()))
return false;
if (!buildRuleOperandsTable() || !typecheckPatterns() || !findRoots() ||
!checkSemantics() || !buildPermutationsToEmit())
return false;
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitRuleMatchers() {
auto StackTrace = PrettyStackTraceEmit(RuleDef);
CodeExpansions CE;
for (const auto &Alts : PermutationsToEmit) {
switch (MatchRoot->getKind()) {
case Pattern::K_AnyOpcode: {
if (!emitMatchPattern(CE, Alts, *cast<AnyOpcodePattern>(MatchRoot)))
return false;
case Pattern::K_PatFrag:
case Pattern::K_Builtin:
case Pattern::K_CodeGenInstruction:
if (!emitMatchPattern(CE, Alts, *cast<InstructionPattern>(MatchRoot)))
return false;
case Pattern::K_CXX:
PrintError("C++ code cannot be the root of a rule!");
return false;
llvm_unreachable("unknown pattern kind!");
return true;
void CombineRuleBuilder::print(raw_ostream &OS) const {
OS << "(CombineRule name:" << RuleDef.getName() << " id:" << RuleID
<< " root:" << RootName << '\n';
if (!MatchDatas.empty()) {
OS << " (MatchDatas\n";
for (const auto &MD : MatchDatas) {
OS << " ";
OS << '\n';
OS << " )\n";
const auto &SeenPFs = Parser.getSeenPatFrags();
if (!SeenPFs.empty()) {
OS << " (PatFrags\n";
for (const auto *PF : Parser.getSeenPatFrags()) {
PF->print(OS, /*Indent=*/" ");
OS << '\n';
OS << " )\n";
const auto DumpPats = [&](StringRef Name, const PatternMap &Pats) {
OS << " (" << Name << " ";
if (Pats.empty()) {
OS << "<empty>)\n";
OS << '\n';
for (const auto &[Name, Pat] : Pats) {
OS << " ";
if (Pat.get() == MatchRoot)
OS << "<match_root>";
if (isa<InstructionPattern>(Pat.get()) &&
OS << "<apply_root>";
OS << Name << ":";
Pat->print(OS, /*PrintName=*/false);
OS << '\n';
OS << " )\n";
DumpPats("MatchPats", MatchPats);
DumpPats("ApplyPats", ApplyPats);
MatchOpTable.print(OS, "MatchPats", /*Indent*/ " ");
ApplyOpTable.print(OS, "ApplyPats", /*Indent*/ " ");
if (PermutationsToEmit.size() > 1) {
OS << " (PermutationsToEmit\n";
for (const auto &Perm : PermutationsToEmit) {
OS << " ";
print(OS, Perm);
OS << ",\n";
OS << " )\n";
OS << ")\n";
#ifndef NDEBUG
void CombineRuleBuilder::verify() const {
const auto VerifyPats = [&](const PatternMap &Pats) {
for (const auto &[Name, Pat] : Pats) {
if (!Pat)
PrintFatalError("null pattern in pattern map!");
if (Name != Pat->getName()) {
PrintFatalError("Pattern name mismatch! Map name: " + Name +
", Pat name: " + Pat->getName());
// Sanity check: the map should point to the same data as the Pattern.
// Both strings are allocated in the pool using insertStrRef.
if ( != Pat->getName().data()) {
dbgs() << "Map StringRef: '" << Name << "' @ "
<< (const void *) << '\n';
dbgs() << "Pat String: '" << Pat->getName() << "' @ "
<< (const void *)Pat->getName().data() << '\n';
PrintFatalError("StringRef stored in the PatternMap is not referencing "
"the same string as its Pattern!");
// Check there are no wip_match_opcode patterns in the "apply" patterns.
if (any_of(ApplyPats,
[&](auto &E) { return isa<AnyOpcodePattern>(E.second.get()); })) {
"illegal wip_match_opcode pattern in the 'apply' patterns!");
// Check there are no nullptrs in ApplyRoots.
if (ApplyRoots.contains(nullptr)) {
"CombineRuleBuilder's ApplyRoots set contains a null pointer!");
void CombineRuleBuilder::print(raw_ostream &OS,
const PatternAlternatives &Alts) const {
SmallVector<std::string, 1> Strings(
map_range(Alts, [](const auto &PatAndPerm) {
return PatAndPerm.first->getName().str() + "[" +
to_string(PatAndPerm.second) + "]";
// Sort so output is deterministic for tests. Otherwise it's sorted by pointer
// values.
OS << "[" << join(Strings, ", ") << "]";
bool CombineRuleBuilder::addApplyPattern(std::unique_ptr<Pattern> Pat) {
StringRef Name = Pat->getName();
if (ApplyPats.contains(Name)) {
PrintError("'" + Name + "' apply pattern defined more than once!");
return false;
if (isa<AnyOpcodePattern>(Pat.get())) {
PrintError("'" + Name +
"': wip_match_opcode is not supported in apply patterns");
return false;
if (isa<PatFragPattern>(Pat.get())) {
PrintError("'" + Name + "': using " + PatFrag::ClassName +
" is not supported in apply patterns");
return false;
if (auto *CXXPat = dyn_cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get()))
ApplyPats[Name] = std::move(Pat);
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::addMatchPattern(std::unique_ptr<Pattern> Pat) {
StringRef Name = Pat->getName();
if (MatchPats.contains(Name)) {
PrintError("'" + Name + "' match pattern defined more than once!");
return false;
// For now, none of the builtins can appear in 'match'.
if (const auto *BP = dyn_cast<BuiltinPattern>(Pat.get())) {
PrintError("'" + BP->getInstName() +
"' cannot be used in a 'match' pattern");
return false;
MatchPats[Name] = std::move(Pat);
return true;
void CombineRuleBuilder::declareAllMatchDatasExpansions(
CodeExpansions &CE) const {
for (const auto &MD : MatchDatas)
CE.declare(MD.getPatternSymbol(), MD.getQualifiedVariableName());
void CombineRuleBuilder::addCXXPredicate(RuleMatcher &M,
const CodeExpansions &CE,
const CXXPattern &P,
const PatternAlternatives &Alts) {
// FIXME: Hack so C++ code is executed last. May not work for more complex
// patterns.
auto &IM = *std::prev(M.insnmatchers().end());
auto Loc = RuleDef.getLoc();
const auto AddComment = [&](raw_ostream &OS) {
OS << "// Pattern Alternatives: ";
print(OS, Alts);
OS << '\n';
const auto &ExpandedCode =
DebugCXXPreds ? P.expandCode(CE, Loc, AddComment) : P.expandCode(CE, Loc);
void CombineRuleBuilder::addCXXAction(RuleMatcher &M, const CodeExpansions &CE,
const CXXPattern &P) {
const auto &ExpandedCode = P.expandCode(CE, RuleDef.getLoc());
bool CombineRuleBuilder::hasOnlyCXXApplyPatterns() const {
return all_of(ApplyPats, [&](auto &Entry) {
return isa<CXXPattern>(Entry.second.get());
bool CombineRuleBuilder::hasEraseRoot() const {
return any_of(ApplyPats, [&](auto &Entry) {
if (const auto *BP = dyn_cast<BuiltinPattern>(Entry.second.get()))
return BP->getBuiltinKind() == BI_EraseRoot;
return false;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::typecheckPatterns() {
CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker OTC(RuleDef, MatchOpTable);
for (auto &Pat : values(MatchPats)) {
if (auto *IP = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(Pat.get())) {
if (!OTC.processMatchPattern(*IP))
return false;
for (auto &Pat : values(ApplyPats)) {
if (auto *IP = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(Pat.get())) {
if (!OTC.processApplyPattern(*IP))
return false;
// Always check this after in case inference adds some special types to the
// match patterns.
for (auto &Pat : values(MatchPats)) {
if (auto *IP = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(Pat.get())) {
if (IP->diagnoseAllSpecialTypes(
RuleDef.getLoc(), PatternType::SpecialTyClassName +
" is not supported in 'match' patterns")) {
return false;
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::buildPermutationsToEmit() {
// Start with one empty set of alternatives.
for (const auto &Pat : values(MatchPats)) {
unsigned NumAlts = 0;
// Note: technically, AnyOpcodePattern also needs permutations, but:
// - We only allow a single one of them in the root.
// - They cannot be mixed with any other pattern other than C++ code.
// So we don't really need to take them into account here. We could, but
// that pattern is a hack anyway and the less it's involved, the better.
if (const auto *PFP = dyn_cast<PatFragPattern>(Pat.get()))
NumAlts = PFP->getPatFrag().num_alternatives();
// For each pattern that needs permutations, multiply the current set of
// alternatives.
auto CurPerms = PermutationsToEmit;
for (const auto &Perm : CurPerms) {
assert(!Perm.count(Pat.get()) && "Pattern already emitted?");
for (unsigned K = 0; K < NumAlts; ++K) {
PatternAlternatives NewPerm = Perm;
NewPerm[Pat.get()] = K;
if (int64_t MaxPerms = RuleDef.getValueAsInt("MaxPermutations");
MaxPerms > 0) {
if ((int64_t)PermutationsToEmit.size() > MaxPerms) {
PrintError("cannot emit rule '" + RuleDef.getName() + "'; " +
Twine(PermutationsToEmit.size()) +
" permutations would be emitted, but the max is " +
return false;
// Ensure we always have a single empty entry, it simplifies the emission
// logic so it doesn't need to handle the case where there are no perms.
if (PermutationsToEmit.empty()) {
return true;
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::checkSemantics() {
assert(MatchRoot && "Cannot call this before findRoots()");
bool UsesWipMatchOpcode = false;
for (const auto &Match : MatchPats) {
const auto *Pat = Match.second.get();
if (const auto *CXXPat = dyn_cast<CXXPattern>(Pat)) {
if (!CXXPat->getRawCode().contains("return "))
PrintWarning("'match' C++ code does not seem to return!");
// MIFlags in match cannot use the following syntax: (MIFlags $mi)
if (const auto *CGP = dyn_cast<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(Pat)) {
if (auto *FI = CGP->getMIFlagsInfo()) {
if (!FI->copy_flags().empty()) {
"'match' patterns cannot refer to flags from other instructions");
PrintNote("MIFlags in '" + CGP->getName() +
"' refer to: " + join(FI->copy_flags(), ", "));
return false;
const auto *AOP = dyn_cast<AnyOpcodePattern>(Pat);
if (!AOP)
if (UsesWipMatchOpcode) {
PrintError("wip_opcode_match can only be present once");
return false;
UsesWipMatchOpcode = true;
for (const auto &Apply : ApplyPats) {
const auto *IP = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(Apply.second.get());
if (!IP)
if (UsesWipMatchOpcode) {
PrintError("cannot use wip_match_opcode in combination with apply "
"instruction patterns!");
return false;
// Check that the insts mentioned in copy_flags exist.
if (const auto *CGP = dyn_cast<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(IP)) {
if (auto *FI = CGP->getMIFlagsInfo()) {
for (auto InstName : FI->copy_flags()) {
auto It = MatchPats.find(InstName);
if (It == MatchPats.end()) {
PrintError("unknown instruction '$" + InstName +
"' referenced in MIFlags of '" + CGP->getName() + "'");
return false;
if (!isa<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(It->second.get())) {
"'$" + InstName +
"' does not refer to a CodeGenInstruction in MIFlags of '" +
CGP->getName() + "'");
return false;
const auto *BIP = dyn_cast<BuiltinPattern>(IP);
if (!BIP)
StringRef Name = BIP->getInstName();
// (GIEraseInst) has to be the only apply pattern, or it can not be used at
// all. The root cannot have any defs either.
switch (BIP->getBuiltinKind()) {
case BI_EraseRoot: {
if (ApplyPats.size() > 1) {
PrintError(Name + " must be the only 'apply' pattern");
return false;
const auto *IRoot = dyn_cast<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(MatchRoot);
if (!IRoot) {
PrintError(Name + " can only be used if the root is a "
"CodeGenInstruction or Intrinsic");
return false;
if (IRoot->getNumInstDefs() != 0) {
PrintError(Name + " can only be used if on roots that do "
"not have any output operand");
PrintNote("'" + IRoot->getInstName() + "' has " +
Twine(IRoot->getNumInstDefs()) + " output operands");
return false;
case BI_ReplaceReg: {
// (GIReplaceReg can only be used on the root instruction)
// TODO: When we allow rewriting non-root instructions, also allow this.
StringRef OldRegName = BIP->getOperand(0).getOperandName();
auto *Def = MatchOpTable.getDef(OldRegName);
if (!Def) {
PrintError(Name + " cannot find a matched pattern that defines '" +
OldRegName + "'");
return false;
if (MatchOpTable.getDef(OldRegName) != MatchRoot) {
PrintError(Name + " cannot replace '" + OldRegName +
"': this builtin can only replace a register defined by the "
"match root");
return false;
return true;
RuleMatcher &CombineRuleBuilder::addRuleMatcher(const PatternAlternatives &Alts,
Twine AdditionalComment) {
auto &RM = OutRMs.emplace_back(RuleDef.getLoc());
std::string Comment;
raw_string_ostream CommentOS(Comment);
CommentOS << "Combiner Rule #" << RuleID << ": " << RuleDef.getName();
if (!Alts.empty()) {
CommentOS << " @ ";
print(CommentOS, Alts);
if (!AdditionalComment.isTriviallyEmpty())
CommentOS << "; " << AdditionalComment;
return RM;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::addFeaturePredicates(RuleMatcher &M) {
if (!RuleDef.getValue("Predicates"))
return true;
ListInit *Preds = RuleDef.getValueAsListInit("Predicates");
for (Init *PI : Preds->getValues()) {
DefInit *Pred = dyn_cast<DefInit>(PI);
if (!Pred)
Record *Def = Pred->getDef();
if (!Def->isSubClassOf("Predicate")) {
::PrintError(Def, "Unknown 'Predicate' Type");
return false;
if (Def->getValueAsString("CondString").empty())
if (SubtargetFeatures.count(Def) == 0) {
Def, SubtargetFeatureInfo(Def, SubtargetFeatures.size()));
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::findRoots() {
const auto Finish = [&]() {
if (hasOnlyCXXApplyPatterns() || hasEraseRoot())
return true;
auto *IPRoot = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(MatchRoot);
if (!IPRoot)
return true;
if (IPRoot->getNumInstDefs() == 0) {
// No defs to work with -> find the root using the pattern name.
auto It = ApplyPats.find(RootName);
if (It == ApplyPats.end()) {
PrintError("Cannot find root '" + RootName + "' in apply patterns!");
return false;
auto *ApplyRoot = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(It->second.get());
if (!ApplyRoot) {
PrintError("apply pattern root '" + RootName +
"' must be an instruction pattern");
return false;
return true;
// Collect all redefinitions of the MatchRoot's defs and put them in
// ApplyRoots.
const auto DefsNeeded = IPRoot->getApplyDefsNeeded();
for (auto &Op : DefsNeeded) {
assert(Op.isDef() && Op.isNamedOperand());
StringRef Name = Op.getOperandName();
auto *ApplyRedef = ApplyOpTable.getDef(Name);
if (!ApplyRedef) {
PrintError("'" + Name + "' must be redefined in the 'apply' pattern");
return false;
ApplyRoots.insert((InstructionPattern *)ApplyRedef);
if (auto It = ApplyPats.find(RootName); It != ApplyPats.end()) {
if (find(ApplyRoots, It->second.get()) == ApplyRoots.end()) {
PrintError("apply pattern '" + RootName +
"' is supposed to be a root but it does not redefine any of "
"the defs of the match root");
return false;
return true;
// Look by pattern name, e.g.
// (G_FNEG $x, $y):$root
if (auto MatchPatIt = MatchPats.find(RootName);
MatchPatIt != MatchPats.end()) {
MatchRoot = MatchPatIt->second.get();
return Finish();
// Look by def:
// (G_FNEG $root, $y)
auto LookupRes = MatchOpTable.lookup(RootName);
if (!LookupRes.Found) {
PrintError("Cannot find root '" + RootName + "' in match patterns!");
return false;
MatchRoot = LookupRes.Def;
if (!MatchRoot) {
PrintError("Cannot use live-in operand '" + RootName +
"' as match pattern root!");
return false;
return Finish();
bool CombineRuleBuilder::buildRuleOperandsTable() {
const auto DiagnoseRedefMatch = [&](StringRef OpName) {
PrintError("Operand '" + OpName +
"' is defined multiple times in the 'match' patterns");
const auto DiagnoseRedefApply = [&](StringRef OpName) {
PrintError("Operand '" + OpName +
"' is defined multiple times in the 'apply' patterns");
for (auto &Pat : values(MatchPats)) {
auto *IP = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(Pat.get());
if (IP && !MatchOpTable.addPattern(IP, DiagnoseRedefMatch))
return false;
for (auto &Pat : values(ApplyPats)) {
auto *IP = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(Pat.get());
if (IP && !ApplyOpTable.addPattern(IP, DiagnoseRedefApply))
return false;
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::parseDefs(const DagInit &Def) {
if (Def.getOperatorAsDef(RuleDef.getLoc())->getName() != "defs") {
PrintError("Expected defs operator");
return false;
SmallVector<StringRef> Roots;
for (unsigned I = 0, E = Def.getNumArgs(); I < E; ++I) {
if (isSpecificDef(*Def.getArg(I), "root")) {
// Subclasses of GIDefMatchData should declare that this rule needs to pass
// data from the match stage to the apply stage, and ensure that the
// generated matcher has a suitable variable for it to do so.
if (Record *MatchDataRec =
getDefOfSubClass(*Def.getArg(I), "GIDefMatchData")) {
// Otherwise emit an appropriate error message.
if (getDefOfSubClass(*Def.getArg(I), "GIDefKind"))
PrintError("This GIDefKind not implemented in tablegen");
else if (getDefOfSubClass(*Def.getArg(I), "GIDefKindWithArgs"))
PrintError("This GIDefKindWithArgs not implemented in tablegen");
PrintError("Expected a subclass of GIDefKind or a sub-dag whose "
"operator is of type GIDefKindWithArgs");
return false;
if (Roots.size() != 1) {
PrintError("Combine rules must have exactly one root");
return false;
RootName = Roots.front();
// Assign variables to all MatchDatas.
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE,
const PatternAlternatives &Alts,
const InstructionPattern &IP) {
auto StackTrace = PrettyStackTraceEmit(RuleDef, &IP);
auto &M = addRuleMatcher(Alts);
InstructionMatcher &IM = M.addInstructionMatcher(IP.getName());
declareInstExpansion(CE, IM, IP.getName());
DenseSet<const Pattern *> SeenPats;
const auto FindOperandDef = [&](StringRef Op) -> InstructionPattern * {
return MatchOpTable.getDef(Op);
if (const auto *CGP = dyn_cast<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(&IP)) {
if (!emitCodeGenInstructionMatchPattern(CE, Alts, M, IM, *CGP, SeenPats,
return false;
} else if (const auto *PFP = dyn_cast<PatFragPattern>(&IP)) {
if (!PFP->getPatFrag().canBeMatchRoot()) {
PrintError("cannot use '" + PFP->getInstName() + " as match root");
return false;
if (!emitPatFragMatchPattern(CE, Alts, M, &IM, *PFP, SeenPats))
return false;
} else if (isa<BuiltinPattern>(&IP)) {
llvm_unreachable("No match builtins known!");
} else
llvm_unreachable("Unknown kind of InstructionPattern!");
// Emit remaining patterns
for (auto &Pat : values(MatchPats)) {
if (SeenPats.contains(Pat.get()))
switch (Pat->getKind()) {
case Pattern::K_AnyOpcode:
PrintError("wip_match_opcode can not be used with instruction patterns!");
return false;
case Pattern::K_PatFrag: {
if (!emitPatFragMatchPattern(CE, Alts, M, /*IM*/ nullptr,
*cast<PatFragPattern>(Pat.get()), SeenPats))
return false;
case Pattern::K_Builtin:
PrintError("No known match builtins");
return false;
case Pattern::K_CodeGenInstruction:
return false;
case Pattern::K_CXX: {
addCXXPredicate(M, CE, *cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get()), Alts);
llvm_unreachable("unknown pattern kind!");
return emitApplyPatterns(CE, M);
bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE,
const PatternAlternatives &Alts,
const AnyOpcodePattern &AOP) {
auto StackTrace = PrettyStackTraceEmit(RuleDef, &AOP);
for (const CodeGenInstruction *CGI : AOP.insts()) {
auto &M = addRuleMatcher(Alts, "wip_match_opcode '" +
CGI->TheDef->getName() + "'");
InstructionMatcher &IM = M.addInstructionMatcher(AOP.getName());
declareInstExpansion(CE, IM, AOP.getName());
// declareInstExpansion needs to be identical, otherwise we need to create a
// CodeExpansions object here instead.
assert(IM.getInsnVarID() == 0);
// Emit remaining patterns.
for (auto &Pat : values(MatchPats)) {
if (Pat.get() == &AOP)
switch (Pat->getKind()) {
case Pattern::K_AnyOpcode:
PrintError("wip_match_opcode can only be present once!");
return false;
case Pattern::K_PatFrag: {
DenseSet<const Pattern *> SeenPats;
if (!emitPatFragMatchPattern(CE, Alts, M, /*IM*/ nullptr,
return false;
case Pattern::K_Builtin:
PrintError("No known match builtins");
return false;
case Pattern::K_CodeGenInstruction:
return false;
case Pattern::K_CXX: {
addCXXPredicate(M, CE, *cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get()), Alts);
llvm_unreachable("unknown pattern kind!");
if (!emitApplyPatterns(CE, M))
return false;
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitPatFragMatchPattern(
CodeExpansions &CE, const PatternAlternatives &Alts, RuleMatcher &RM,
InstructionMatcher *IM, const PatFragPattern &PFP,
DenseSet<const Pattern *> &SeenPats) {
auto StackTrace = PrettyStackTraceEmit(RuleDef, &PFP);
if (SeenPats.contains(&PFP))
return true;
const auto &PF = PFP.getPatFrag();
if (!IM) {
// When we don't have an IM, this means this PatFrag isn't reachable from
// the root. This is only acceptable if it doesn't define anything (e.g. a
// pure C++ PatFrag).
if (PF.num_out_params() != 0) {
return false;
} else {
// When an IM is provided, this is reachable from the root, and we're
// expecting to have output operands.
// TODO: If we want to allow for multiple roots we'll need a map of IMs
// then, and emission becomes a bit more complicated.
assert(PF.num_roots() == 1);
CodeExpansions PatFragCEs;
if (!PFP.mapInputCodeExpansions(CE, PatFragCEs, RuleDef.getLoc()))
return false;
// List of {ParamName, ArgName}.
// When all patterns have been emitted, find expansions in PatFragCEs named
// ArgName and add their expansion to CE using ParamName as the key.
SmallVector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, 4> CEsToImport;
// Map parameter names to the actual argument.
const auto OperandMapper =
[&](const InstructionOperand &O) -> InstructionOperand {
if (!O.isNamedOperand())
return O;
StringRef ParamName = O.getOperandName();
// Not sure what to do with those tbh. They should probably never be here.
assert(!O.isNamedImmediate() && "TODO: handle named imms");
unsigned PIdx = PF.getParamIdx(ParamName);
// Map parameters to the argument values.
if (PIdx == (unsigned)-1) {
// This is a temp of the PatFragPattern, prefix the name to avoid
// conflicts.
return O.withNewName(
insertStrRef((PFP.getName() + "." + ParamName).str()));
// The operand will be added to PatFragCEs's code expansions using the
// parameter's name. If it's bound to some operand during emission of the
// patterns, we'll want to add it to CE.
auto ArgOp = PFP.getOperand(PIdx);
if (ArgOp.isNamedOperand())
CEsToImport.emplace_back(ArgOp.getOperandName().str(), ParamName);
if (ArgOp.getType() && O.getType() && ArgOp.getType() != O.getType()) {
StringRef PFName = PF.getName();
PrintWarning("impossible type constraints: operand " + Twine(PIdx) +
" of '" + PFP.getName() + "' has type '" +
ArgOp.getType().str() + "', but '" + PFName +
"' constrains it to '" + O.getType().str() + "'");
if (ArgOp.isNamedOperand())
PrintNote("operand " + Twine(PIdx) + " of '" + PFP.getName() +
"' is '" + ArgOp.getOperandName() + "'");
if (O.isNamedOperand())
PrintNote("argument " + Twine(PIdx) + " of '" + PFName + "' is '" +
ParamName + "'");
return ArgOp;
// PatFragPatterns are only made of InstructionPatterns or CXXPatterns.
// Emit instructions from the root.
const auto &FragAlt = PF.getAlternative(Alts.lookup(&PFP));
const auto &FragAltOT = FragAlt.OpTable;
const auto LookupOperandDef =
[&](StringRef Op) -> const InstructionPattern * {
return FragAltOT.getDef(Op);
DenseSet<const Pattern *> PatFragSeenPats;
for (const auto &[Idx, InOp] : enumerate(PF.out_params())) {
if (InOp.Kind != PatFrag::PK_Root)
StringRef ParamName = InOp.Name;
const auto *Def = FragAltOT.getDef(ParamName);
assert(Def && "PatFrag::checkSemantics should have emitted an error if "
"an out operand isn't defined!");
assert(isa<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(Def) &&
"Nested PatFrags not supported yet");
if (!emitCodeGenInstructionMatchPattern(
PatFragCEs, Alts, RM, *IM, *cast<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(Def),
PatFragSeenPats, LookupOperandDef, OperandMapper))
return false;
// Emit leftovers.
for (const auto &Pat : FragAlt.Pats) {
if (PatFragSeenPats.contains(Pat.get()))
if (const auto *CXXPat = dyn_cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get())) {
addCXXPredicate(RM, PatFragCEs, *CXXPat, Alts);
if (const auto *IP = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(Pat.get())) {
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unexpected pattern kind in PatFrag");
for (const auto &[ParamName, ArgName] : CEsToImport) {
// Note: we're find if ParamName already exists. It just means it's been
// bound before, so we prefer to keep the first binding.
CE.declare(ParamName, PatFragCEs.lookup(ArgName));
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitApplyPatterns(CodeExpansions &CE, RuleMatcher &M) {
if (hasOnlyCXXApplyPatterns()) {
for (auto &Pat : values(ApplyPats))
addCXXAction(M, CE, *cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get()));
return true;
DenseSet<const Pattern *> SeenPats;
StringMap<unsigned> OperandToTempRegID;
for (auto *ApplyRoot : ApplyRoots) {
assert(isa<InstructionPattern>(ApplyRoot) &&
"Root can only be a InstructionPattern!");
if (!emitInstructionApplyPattern(CE, M,
SeenPats, OperandToTempRegID))
return false;
for (auto &Pat : values(ApplyPats)) {
if (SeenPats.contains(Pat.get()))
switch (Pat->getKind()) {
case Pattern::K_AnyOpcode:
llvm_unreachable("Unexpected pattern in apply!");
case Pattern::K_PatFrag:
// TODO: We could support pure C++ PatFrags as a temporary thing.
llvm_unreachable("Unexpected pattern in apply!");
case Pattern::K_Builtin:
if (!emitInstructionApplyPattern(CE, M, cast<BuiltinPattern>(*Pat),
SeenPats, OperandToTempRegID))
return false;
case Pattern::K_CodeGenInstruction:
return false;
case Pattern::K_CXX: {
addCXXAction(M, CE, *cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get()));
llvm_unreachable("unknown pattern kind!");
// Erase the root.
unsigned RootInsnID =
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitInstructionApplyPattern(
CodeExpansions &CE, RuleMatcher &M, const InstructionPattern &P,
DenseSet<const Pattern *> &SeenPats,
StringMap<unsigned> &OperandToTempRegID) {
auto StackTrace = PrettyStackTraceEmit(RuleDef, &P);
if (SeenPats.contains(&P))
return true;
// First, render the uses.
for (auto &Op : P.named_operands()) {
if (Op.isDef())
StringRef OpName = Op.getOperandName();
if (const auto *DefPat = ApplyOpTable.getDef(OpName)) {
if (!emitInstructionApplyPattern(CE, M, *DefPat, SeenPats,
return false;
} else {
// If we have no def, check this exists in the MatchRoot.
if (!Op.isNamedImmediate() && !MatchOpTable.lookup(OpName).Found) {
PrintError("invalid output operand '" + OpName +
"': operand is not a live-in of the match pattern, and it "
"has no definition");
return false;
if (const auto *BP = dyn_cast<BuiltinPattern>(&P))
return emitBuiltinApplyPattern(CE, M, *BP, OperandToTempRegID);
if (isa<PatFragPattern>(&P))
llvm_unreachable("PatFragPatterns is not supported in 'apply'!");
auto &CGIP = cast<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(P);
// Now render this inst.
auto &DstMI =
M.addAction<BuildMIAction>(M.allocateOutputInsnID(), &CGIP.getInst());
bool HasEmittedIntrinsicID = false;
const auto EmitIntrinsicID = [&]() {
HasEmittedIntrinsicID = true;
for (auto &Op : P.operands()) {
// Emit the intrinsic ID after the last def.
if (CGIP.isIntrinsic() && !Op.isDef() && !HasEmittedIntrinsicID)
if (Op.isNamedImmediate()) {
PrintError("invalid output operand '" + Op.getOperandName() +
"': output immediates cannot be named");
PrintNote("while emitting pattern '" + P.getName() + "' (" +
P.getInstName() + ")");
return false;
if (Op.hasImmValue()) {
if (!emitCodeGenInstructionApplyImmOperand(M, DstMI, CGIP, Op))
return false;
StringRef OpName = Op.getOperandName();
// Uses of operand.
if (!Op.isDef()) {
if (auto It = OperandToTempRegID.find(OpName);
It != OperandToTempRegID.end()) {
assert(!MatchOpTable.lookup(OpName).Found &&
"Temp reg is also from match pattern?");
} else {
// This should be a match live in or a redef of a matched instr.
// If it's a use of a temporary register, then we messed up somewhere -
// the previous condition should have passed.
assert(MatchOpTable.lookup(OpName).Found &&
!ApplyOpTable.getDef(OpName) && "Temp reg not emitted yet!");
// Determine what we're dealing with. Are we replace a matched instruction?
// Creating a new one?
auto OpLookupRes = MatchOpTable.lookup(OpName);
if (OpLookupRes.Found) {
if (OpLookupRes.isLiveIn()) {
// live-in of the match pattern.
PrintError("Cannot define live-in operand '" + OpName +
"' in the 'apply' pattern");
return false;
// TODO: Handle this. We need to mutate the instr, or delete the old
// one.
// Likewise, we also need to ensure we redef everything, if the
// instr has more than one def, we need to redef all or nothing.
if (OpLookupRes.Def != MatchRoot) {
PrintError("redefining an instruction other than the root is not "
"supported (operand '" +
OpName + "')");
return false;
// redef of a match
// Define a new register unique to the apply patterns (AKA a "temp"
// register).
unsigned TempRegID;
if (auto It = OperandToTempRegID.find(OpName);
It != OperandToTempRegID.end()) {
TempRegID = It->second;
} else {
// This is a brand new register.
TempRegID = M.allocateTempRegID();
OperandToTempRegID[OpName] = TempRegID;
const auto Ty = Op.getType();
if (!Ty) {
PrintError("def of a new register '" + OpName +
"' in the apply patterns must have a type");
return false;
declareTempRegExpansion(CE, TempRegID, OpName);
// Always insert the action at the beginning, otherwise we may end up
// using the temp reg before it's available.
M.actions_begin(), getLLTCodeGenOrTempType(Ty, M), TempRegID);
DstMI.addRenderer<TempRegRenderer>(TempRegID, /*IsDef=*/true);
// Some intrinsics have no in operands, ensure the ID is still emitted in such
// cases.
if (CGIP.isIntrinsic() && !HasEmittedIntrinsicID)
// Render MIFlags
if (const auto *FI = CGIP.getMIFlagsInfo()) {
for (StringRef InstName : FI->copy_flags())
for (StringRef F : FI->set_flags())
for (StringRef F : FI->unset_flags())
// Don't allow mutating opcodes for GISel combiners. We want a more precise
// handling of MIFlags so we require them to be explicitly preserved.
// TODO: We don't mutate very often, if at all in combiners, but it'd be nice
// to re-enable this. We'd then need to always clear MIFlags when mutating
// opcodes, and never mutate an inst that we copy flags from.
// DstMI.chooseInsnToMutate(M);
declareInstExpansion(CE, DstMI, P.getName());
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitCodeGenInstructionApplyImmOperand(
RuleMatcher &M, BuildMIAction &DstMI, const CodeGenInstructionPattern &P,
const InstructionOperand &O) {
// If we have a type, we implicitly emit a G_CONSTANT, except for G_CONSTANT
// itself where we emit a CImm.
// No type means we emit a simple imm.
// G_CONSTANT is a special case and needs a CImm though so this is likely a
// mistake.
const bool isGConstant ="G_CONSTANT");
const auto Ty = O.getType();
if (!Ty) {
if (isGConstant) {
PrintError("'G_CONSTANT' immediate must be typed!");
PrintNote("while emitting pattern '" + P.getName() + "' (" +
P.getInstName() + ")");
return false;
return true;
auto ImmTy = getLLTCodeGenOrTempType(Ty, M);
if (isGConstant) {
DstMI.addRenderer<ImmRenderer>(O.getImmValue(), ImmTy);
return true;
unsigned TempRegID = M.allocateTempRegID();
// Ensure MakeTempReg & the BuildConstantAction occur at the beginning.
auto InsertIt = M.insertAction<MakeTempRegisterAction>(M.actions_begin(),
ImmTy, TempRegID);
M.insertAction<BuildConstantAction>(++InsertIt, TempRegID, O.getImmValue());
return true;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitBuiltinApplyPattern(
CodeExpansions &CE, RuleMatcher &M, const BuiltinPattern &P,
StringMap<unsigned> &OperandToTempRegID) {
const auto Error = [&](Twine Reason) {
PrintError("cannot emit '" + P.getInstName() + "' builtin: " + Reason);
return false;
switch (P.getBuiltinKind()) {
case BI_EraseRoot: {
// Root is always inst 0.
M.addAction<EraseInstAction>(/*InsnID*/ 0);
return true;
case BI_ReplaceReg: {
StringRef Old = P.getOperand(0).getOperandName();
StringRef New = P.getOperand(1).getOperandName();
if (!ApplyOpTable.lookup(New).Found && !MatchOpTable.lookup(New).Found)
return Error("unknown operand '" + Old + "'");
auto &OldOM = M.getOperandMatcher(Old);
if (auto It = OperandToTempRegID.find(New);
It != OperandToTempRegID.end()) {
// Replace with temp reg.
M.addAction<ReplaceRegAction>(OldOM.getInsnVarID(), OldOM.getOpIdx(),
} else {
// Replace with matched reg.
auto &NewOM = M.getOperandMatcher(New);
M.addAction<ReplaceRegAction>(OldOM.getInsnVarID(), OldOM.getOpIdx(),
NewOM.getInsnVarID(), NewOM.getOpIdx());
// checkSemantics should have ensured that we can only rewrite the root.
// Ensure we're deleting it.
assert(MatchOpTable.getDef(Old) == MatchRoot);
return true;
llvm_unreachable("Unknown BuiltinKind!");
bool isLiteralImm(const InstructionPattern &P, unsigned OpIdx) {
if (const auto *CGP = dyn_cast<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(&P)) {
StringRef InstName = CGP->getInst().TheDef->getName();
return (InstName == "G_CONSTANT" || InstName == "G_FCONSTANT") &&
OpIdx == 1;
bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitCodeGenInstructionMatchPattern(
CodeExpansions &CE, const PatternAlternatives &Alts, RuleMatcher &M,
InstructionMatcher &IM, const CodeGenInstructionPattern &P,
DenseSet<const Pattern *> &SeenPats, OperandDefLookupFn LookupOperandDef,
OperandMapperFnRef OperandMapper) {
auto StackTrace = PrettyStackTraceEmit(RuleDef, &P);
if (SeenPats.contains(&P))
return true;
declareInstExpansion(CE, IM, P.getName());
// If this is an intrinsic, check the intrinsic ID.
if (P.isIntrinsic()) {
// The IntrinsicID's operand is the first operand after the defs.
OperandMatcher &OM = IM.addOperand(P.getNumInstDefs(), "$intrinsic_id",
// Check flags if needed.
if (const auto *FI = P.getMIFlagsInfo()) {
if (const auto &SetF = FI->set_flags(); !SetF.empty())
if (const auto &UnsetF = FI->unset_flags(); !UnsetF.empty())
for (auto [Idx, OriginalO] : enumerate(P.operands())) {
// Remap the operand. This is used when emitting InstructionPatterns inside
// PatFrags, so it can remap them to the arguments passed to the pattern.
// We use the remapped operand to emit immediates, and for the symbolic
// operand names (in IM.addOperand). CodeExpansions and OperandTable lookups
// still use the original name.
// The "def" flag on the remapped operand is always ignored.
auto RemappedO = OperandMapper(OriginalO);
assert(RemappedO.isNamedOperand() == OriginalO.isNamedOperand() &&
"Cannot remap an unnamed operand to a named one!");
const auto OpName =
RemappedO.isNamedOperand() ? RemappedO.getOperandName().str() : "";
// For intrinsics, the first use operand is the intrinsic id, so the true
// operand index is shifted by 1.
// From now on:
// Idx = index in the pattern operand list.
// RealIdx = expected index in the MachineInstr.
const unsigned RealIdx =
(P.isIntrinsic() && !OriginalO.isDef()) ? (Idx + 1) : Idx;
OperandMatcher &OM =
IM.addOperand(RealIdx, OpName, AllocatedTemporariesBaseID++);
if (!OpName.empty())
declareOperandExpansion(CE, OM, OriginalO.getOperandName());
// Handle immediates.
if (RemappedO.hasImmValue()) {
if (isLiteralImm(P, Idx))
// Handle typed operands, but only bother to check if it hasn't been done
// before.
// getOperandMatcher will always return the first OM to have been created
// for that Operand. "OM" here is always a new OperandMatcher.
// Always emit a check for unnamed operands.
if (OpName.empty() ||
!M.getOperandMatcher(OpName).contains<LLTOperandMatcher>()) {
if (const auto Ty = RemappedO.getType()) {
// TODO: We could support GITypeOf here on the condition that the
// OperandMatcher exists already. Though it's clunky to make this work
// and isn't all that useful so it's just rejected in typecheckPatterns
// at this time.
assert(Ty.isLLT() && "Only LLTs are supported in match patterns!");
// Stop here if the operand is a def, or if it had no name.
if (OriginalO.isDef() || !OriginalO.isNamedOperand())
const auto *DefPat = LookupOperandDef(OriginalO.getOperandName());
if (!DefPat)
if (OriginalO.hasImmValue()) {
// This is a named immediate that also has a def, that's not okay.
// e.g.
// (G_SEXT $y, (i32 0))
// (COPY $x, 42:$y)
PrintError("'" + OpName +
"' is a named immediate, it cannot be defined by another "
PrintNote("'" + OpName + "' is defined by '" + DefPat->getName() + "'");
return false;
// From here we know that the operand defines an instruction, and we need to
// emit it.
auto InstOpM =
OM.addPredicate<InstructionOperandMatcher>(M, DefPat->getName());
if (!InstOpM) {
// TODO: copy-pasted from GlobalISelEmitter.cpp. Is it still relevant
// here?
PrintError("Nested instruction '" + DefPat->getName() +
"' cannot be the same as another operand '" +
OriginalO.getOperandName() + "'");
return false;
auto &IM = (*InstOpM)->getInsnMatcher();
if (const auto *CGIDef = dyn_cast<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(DefPat)) {
if (!emitCodeGenInstructionMatchPattern(CE, Alts, M, IM, *CGIDef,
SeenPats, LookupOperandDef,
return false;
if (const auto *PFPDef = dyn_cast<PatFragPattern>(DefPat)) {
if (!emitPatFragMatchPattern(CE, Alts, M, &IM, *PFPDef, SeenPats))
return false;
llvm_unreachable("unknown type of InstructionPattern");
return true;
//===- GICombinerEmitter --------------------------------------------------===//
/// Main implementation class. This emits the tablegenerated output.
/// It collects rules, uses `CombineRuleBuilder` to parse them and accumulate
/// RuleMatchers, then takes all the necessary state/data from the various
/// static storage pools and wires them together to emit the match table &
/// associated function/data structures.
class GICombinerEmitter final : public GlobalISelMatchTableExecutorEmitter {
RecordKeeper &Records;
StringRef Name;
const CodeGenTarget &Target;
Record *Combiner;
unsigned NextRuleID = 0;
// List all combine rules (ID, name) imported.
// Note that the combiner rule ID is different from the RuleMatcher ID. The
// latter is internal to the MatchTable, the former is the canonical ID of the
// combine rule used to disable/enable it.
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, std::string>> AllCombineRules;
// Keep track of all rules we've seen so far to ensure we don't process
// the same rule twice.
StringSet<> RulesSeen;
MatchTable buildMatchTable(MutableArrayRef<RuleMatcher> Rules);
void emitRuleConfigImpl(raw_ostream &OS);
void emitAdditionalImpl(raw_ostream &OS) override;
void emitMIPredicateFns(raw_ostream &OS) override;
void emitI64ImmPredicateFns(raw_ostream &OS) override;
void emitAPFloatImmPredicateFns(raw_ostream &OS) override;
void emitAPIntImmPredicateFns(raw_ostream &OS) override;
void emitTestSimplePredicate(raw_ostream &OS) override;
void emitRunCustomAction(raw_ostream &OS) override;
void emitAdditionalTemporariesDecl(raw_ostream &OS,
StringRef Indent) override;
const CodeGenTarget &getTarget() const override { return Target; }
StringRef getClassName() const override {
return Combiner->getValueAsString("Classname");
StringRef getCombineAllMethodName() const {
return Combiner->getValueAsString("CombineAllMethodName");
std::string getRuleConfigClassName() const {
return getClassName().str() + "RuleConfig";
void gatherRules(std::vector<RuleMatcher> &Rules,
const std::vector<Record *> &&RulesAndGroups);
explicit GICombinerEmitter(RecordKeeper &RK, const CodeGenTarget &Target,
StringRef Name, Record *Combiner);
~GICombinerEmitter() {}
void run(raw_ostream &OS);
void GICombinerEmitter::emitRuleConfigImpl(raw_ostream &OS) {
OS << "struct " << getRuleConfigClassName() << " {\n"
<< " SparseBitVector<> DisabledRules;\n\n"
<< " bool isRuleEnabled(unsigned RuleID) const;\n"
<< " bool parseCommandLineOption();\n"
<< " bool setRuleEnabled(StringRef RuleIdentifier);\n"
<< " bool setRuleDisabled(StringRef RuleIdentifier);\n"
<< "};\n\n";
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> Cases;
for (const auto &[ID, Name] : AllCombineRules)
Cases.emplace_back(Name, "return " + to_string(ID) + ";\n");
OS << "static std::optional<uint64_t> getRuleIdxForIdentifier(StringRef "
"RuleIdentifier) {\n"
<< " uint64_t I;\n"
<< " // getAtInteger(...) returns false on success\n"
<< " bool Parsed = !RuleIdentifier.getAsInteger(0, I);\n"
<< " if (Parsed)\n"
<< " return I;\n\n"
<< "#ifndef NDEBUG\n";
StringMatcher Matcher("RuleIdentifier", Cases, OS);
OS << "#endif // ifndef NDEBUG\n\n"
<< " return std::nullopt;\n"
<< "}\n";
OS << "static std::optional<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>> "
"getRuleRangeForIdentifier(StringRef RuleIdentifier) {\n"
<< " std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> RangePair = "
<< " if (!RangePair.second.empty()) {\n"
<< " const auto First = "
<< " const auto Last = "
<< " if (!First || !Last)\n"
<< " return std::nullopt;\n"
<< " if (First >= Last)\n"
<< " report_fatal_error(\"Beginning of range should be before "
"end of range\");\n"
<< " return {{*First, *Last + 1}};\n"
<< " }\n"
<< " if (RangePair.first == \"*\") {\n"
<< " return {{0, " << AllCombineRules.size() << "}};\n"
<< " }\n"
<< " const auto I = getRuleIdxForIdentifier(RangePair.first);\n"
<< " if (!I)\n"
<< " return std::nullopt;\n"
<< " return {{*I, *I + 1}};\n"
<< "}\n\n";
for (bool Enabled : {true, false}) {
OS << "bool " << getRuleConfigClassName() << "::setRule"
<< (Enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled") << "(StringRef RuleIdentifier) {\n"
<< " auto MaybeRange = getRuleRangeForIdentifier(RuleIdentifier);\n"
<< " if (!MaybeRange)\n"
<< " return false;\n"
<< " for (auto I = MaybeRange->first; I < MaybeRange->second; ++I)\n"
<< " DisabledRules." << (Enabled ? "reset" : "set") << "(I);\n"
<< " return true;\n"
<< "}\n\n";
OS << "static std::vector<std::string> " << Name << "Option;\n"
<< "static cl::list<std::string> " << Name << "DisableOption(\n"
<< " \"" << Name.lower() << "-disable-rule\",\n"
<< " cl::desc(\"Disable one or more combiner rules temporarily in "
<< "the " << Name << " pass\"),\n"
<< " cl::CommaSeparated,\n"
<< " cl::Hidden,\n"
<< " cl::cat(GICombinerOptionCategory),\n"
<< " cl::callback([](const std::string &Str) {\n"
<< " " << Name << "Option.push_back(Str);\n"
<< " }));\n"
<< "static cl::list<std::string> " << Name << "OnlyEnableOption(\n"
<< " \"" << Name.lower() << "-only-enable-rule\",\n"
<< " cl::desc(\"Disable all rules in the " << Name
<< " pass then re-enable the specified ones\"),\n"
<< " cl::Hidden,\n"
<< " cl::cat(GICombinerOptionCategory),\n"
<< " cl::callback([](const std::string &CommaSeparatedArg) {\n"
<< " StringRef Str = CommaSeparatedArg;\n"
<< " " << Name << "Option.push_back(\"*\");\n"
<< " do {\n"
<< " auto X = Str.split(\",\");\n"
<< " " << Name << "Option.push_back((\"!\" + X.first).str());\n"
<< " Str = X.second;\n"
<< " } while (!Str.empty());\n"
<< " }));\n"
<< "\n\n"
<< "bool " << getRuleConfigClassName()
<< "::isRuleEnabled(unsigned RuleID) const {\n"
<< " return !DisabledRules.test(RuleID);\n"
<< "}\n"
<< "bool " << getRuleConfigClassName() << "::parseCommandLineOption() {\n"
<< " for (StringRef Identifier : " << Name << "Option) {\n"
<< " bool Enabled = Identifier.consume_front(\"!\");\n"
<< " if (Enabled && !setRuleEnabled(Identifier))\n"
<< " return false;\n"
<< " if (!Enabled && !setRuleDisabled(Identifier))\n"
<< " return false;\n"
<< " }\n"
<< " return true;\n"
<< "}\n\n";
void GICombinerEmitter::emitAdditionalImpl(raw_ostream &OS) {
OS << "bool " << getClassName() << "::" << getCombineAllMethodName()
<< "(MachineInstr &I) const {\n"
<< " const TargetSubtargetInfo &ST = MF.getSubtarget();\n"
<< " const PredicateBitset AvailableFeatures = "
<< " B.setInstrAndDebugLoc(I);\n"
<< " State.MIs.clear();\n"
<< " State.MIs.push_back(&I);\n"
<< " " << MatchDataInfo::StructName << " = "
<< MatchDataInfo::StructTypeName << "();\n\n"
<< " if (executeMatchTable(*this, State, ExecInfo, B"
<< ", getMatchTable(), *ST.getInstrInfo(), MRI, "
"*MRI.getTargetRegisterInfo(), *ST.getRegBankInfo(), AvailableFeatures"
<< ", /*CoverageInfo*/ nullptr)) {\n"
<< " return true;\n"
<< " }\n\n"
<< " return false;\n"
<< "}\n\n";
void GICombinerEmitter::emitMIPredicateFns(raw_ostream &OS) {
auto MatchCode = CXXPredicateCode::getAllMatchCode();
emitMIPredicateFnsImpl<const CXXPredicateCode *>(
OS, "", ArrayRef<const CXXPredicateCode *>(MatchCode),
[](const CXXPredicateCode *C) -> StringRef { return C->BaseEnumName; },
[](const CXXPredicateCode *C) -> StringRef { return C->Code; });
void GICombinerEmitter::emitI64ImmPredicateFns(raw_ostream &OS) {
// Unused, but still needs to be called.
OS, "I64", "int64_t", {}, [](unsigned) { return ""; },
[](unsigned) { return ""; });
void GICombinerEmitter::emitAPFloatImmPredicateFns(raw_ostream &OS) {
// Unused, but still needs to be called.
OS, "APFloat", "const APFloat &", {}, [](unsigned) { return ""; },
[](unsigned) { return ""; });
void GICombinerEmitter::emitAPIntImmPredicateFns(raw_ostream &OS) {
// Unused, but still needs to be called.
OS, "APInt", "const APInt &", {}, [](unsigned) { return ""; },
[](unsigned) { return ""; });
void GICombinerEmitter::emitTestSimplePredicate(raw_ostream &OS) {
if (!AllCombineRules.empty()) {
OS << "enum {\n";
std::string EnumeratorSeparator = " = GICXXPred_Invalid + 1,\n";
// To avoid emitting a switch, we expect that all those rules are in order.
// That way we can just get the RuleID from the enum by subtracting
// (GICXXPred_Invalid + 1).
unsigned ExpectedID = 0;
for (const auto &ID : keys(AllCombineRules)) {
assert(ExpectedID++ == ID && "combine rules are not ordered!");
OS << " " << getIsEnabledPredicateEnumName(ID) << EnumeratorSeparator;
EnumeratorSeparator = ",\n";
OS << "};\n\n";
OS << "bool " << getClassName()
<< "::testSimplePredicate(unsigned Predicate) const {\n"
<< " return RuleConfig.isRuleEnabled(Predicate - "
"GICXXPred_Invalid - "
<< "}\n";
void GICombinerEmitter::emitRunCustomAction(raw_ostream &OS) {
const auto ApplyCode = CXXPredicateCode::getAllApplyCode();
if (!ApplyCode.empty()) {
OS << "enum {\n";
std::string EnumeratorSeparator = " = GICXXCustomAction_Invalid + 1,\n";
for (const auto &Apply : ApplyCode) {
OS << " " << Apply->getEnumNameWithPrefix(CXXApplyPrefix)
<< EnumeratorSeparator;
EnumeratorSeparator = ",\n";
OS << "};\n";
OS << "void " << getClassName()
<< "::runCustomAction(unsigned ApplyID, const MatcherState &State, "
"NewMIVector &OutMIs) const "
if (!ApplyCode.empty()) {
OS << " switch(ApplyID) {\n";
for (const auto &Apply : ApplyCode) {
OS << " case " << Apply->getEnumNameWithPrefix(CXXApplyPrefix) << ":{\n"
<< " Helper.getBuilder().setInstrAndDebugLoc(*State.MIs[0]);\n"
<< " " << join(split(Apply->Code, '\n'), "\n ") << '\n'
<< " return;\n";
OS << " }\n";
OS << "}\n";
OS << " llvm_unreachable(\"Unknown Apply Action\");\n"
<< "}\n";
void GICombinerEmitter::emitAdditionalTemporariesDecl(raw_ostream &OS,
StringRef Indent) {
OS << Indent << "struct " << MatchDataInfo::StructTypeName << " {\n";
for (const auto &[Type, VarNames] : AllMatchDataVars) {
assert(!VarNames.empty() && "Cannot have no vars for this type!");
OS << Indent << " " << Type << " " << join(VarNames, ", ") << ";\n";
OS << Indent << "};\n"
<< Indent << "mutable " << MatchDataInfo::StructTypeName << " "
<< MatchDataInfo::StructName << ";\n\n";
GICombinerEmitter::GICombinerEmitter(RecordKeeper &RK,
const CodeGenTarget &Target,
StringRef Name, Record *Combiner)
: Records(RK), Name(Name), Target(Target), Combiner(Combiner) {}
GICombinerEmitter::buildMatchTable(MutableArrayRef<RuleMatcher> Rules) {
std::vector<Matcher *> InputRules;
for (Matcher &Rule : Rules)
unsigned CurrentOrdering = 0;
StringMap<unsigned> OpcodeOrder;
for (RuleMatcher &Rule : Rules) {
const StringRef Opcode = Rule.getOpcode();
assert(!Opcode.empty() && "Didn't expect an undefined opcode");
if (OpcodeOrder.count(Opcode) == 0)
OpcodeOrder[Opcode] = CurrentOrdering++;
llvm::stable_sort(InputRules, [&OpcodeOrder](const Matcher *A,
const Matcher *B) {
auto *L = static_cast<const RuleMatcher *>(A);
auto *R = static_cast<const RuleMatcher *>(B);
return std::make_tuple(OpcodeOrder[L->getOpcode()], L->getNumOperands()) <
std::make_tuple(OpcodeOrder[R->getOpcode()], R->getNumOperands());
for (Matcher *Rule : InputRules)
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Matcher>> MatcherStorage;
std::vector<Matcher *> OptRules =
optimizeRules<GroupMatcher>(InputRules, MatcherStorage);
for (Matcher *Rule : OptRules)
OptRules = optimizeRules<SwitchMatcher>(OptRules, MatcherStorage);
return MatchTable::buildTable(OptRules, /*WithCoverage*/ false,
/*IsCombiner*/ true);
/// Recurse into GICombineGroup's and flatten the ruleset into a simple list.
void GICombinerEmitter::gatherRules(
std::vector<RuleMatcher> &ActiveRules,
const std::vector<Record *> &&RulesAndGroups) {
for (Record *Rec : RulesAndGroups) {
if (!Rec->isValueUnset("Rules")) {
gatherRules(ActiveRules, Rec->getValueAsListOfDefs("Rules"));
StringRef RuleName = Rec->getName();
if (!RulesSeen.insert(RuleName).second) {
"skipping rule '" + Rec->getName() +
"' because it has already been processed");
AllCombineRules.emplace_back(NextRuleID, Rec->getName().str());
CombineRuleBuilder CRB(Target, SubtargetFeatures, *Rec, NextRuleID++,
if (!CRB.parseAll()) {
assert(ErrorsPrinted && "Parsing failed without errors!");
if (StopAfterParse) {
if (!CRB.emitRuleMatchers()) {
assert(ErrorsPrinted && "Emission failed without errors!");
void GICombinerEmitter::run(raw_ostream &OS) {
Records.startTimer("Gather rules");
std::vector<RuleMatcher> Rules;
gatherRules(Rules, Combiner->getValueAsListOfDefs("Rules"));
if (ErrorsPrinted)
PrintFatalError(Combiner->getLoc(), "Failed to parse one or more rules");
if (StopAfterParse)
Records.startTimer("Creating Match Table");
unsigned MaxTemporaries = 0;
for (const auto &Rule : Rules)
MaxTemporaries = std::max(MaxTemporaries, Rule.countRendererFns());
llvm::stable_sort(Rules, [&](const RuleMatcher &A, const RuleMatcher &B) {
if (A.isHigherPriorityThan(B)) {
assert(!B.isHigherPriorityThan(A) && "Cannot be more important "
"and less important at "
"the same time");
return true;
return false;
const MatchTable Table = buildMatchTable(Rules);
Records.startTimer("Emit combiner");
emitSourceFileHeader(getClassName().str() + " Combiner Match Table", OS);
// Unused
std::vector<StringRef> CustomRendererFns;
// Unused
std::vector<Record *> ComplexPredicates;
SmallVector<LLTCodeGen, 16> TypeObjects;
append_range(TypeObjects, KnownTypes);
// Hack: Avoid empty declarator.
if (TypeObjects.empty())
// GET_GICOMBINER_DEPS, which pulls in extra dependencies.
<< "#include \"llvm/ADT/SparseBitVector.h\"\n"
<< "namespace llvm {\n"
<< "extern cl::OptionCategory GICombinerOptionCategory;\n"
<< "} // end namespace llvm\n"
<< "#endif // ifdef GET_GICOMBINER_DEPS\n\n";
// GET_GICOMBINER_TYPES, which needs to be included before the declaration of
// the class.
OS << "#endif // ifdef GET_GICOMBINER_TYPES\n\n";
emitPredicateBitset(OS, "GET_GICOMBINER_TYPES");
// GET_GICOMBINER_CLASS_MEMBERS, which need to be included inside the class.
// GET_GICOMBINER_IMPL, which needs to be included outside the class.
emitExecutorImpl(OS, Table, TypeObjects, Rules, ComplexPredicates,
CustomRendererFns, "GET_GICOMBINER_IMPL");
// GET_GICOMBINER_CONSTRUCTOR_INITS, which are in the constructor's
// initializer list.
emitTemporariesInit(OS, MaxTemporaries, "GET_GICOMBINER_CONSTRUCTOR_INITS");
} // end anonymous namespace
static void EmitGICombiner(RecordKeeper &RK, raw_ostream &OS) {
CodeGenTarget Target(RK);
if (SelectedCombiners.empty())
PrintFatalError("No combiners selected with -combiners");
for (const auto &Combiner : SelectedCombiners) {
Record *CombinerDef = RK.getDef(Combiner);
if (!CombinerDef)
PrintFatalError("Could not find " + Combiner);
GICombinerEmitter(RK, Target, Combiner, CombinerDef).run(OS);
static TableGen::Emitter::Opt X("gen-global-isel-combiner", EmitGICombiner,
"Generate GlobalISel Combiner");