blob: 2a05273e7270180429e4319ca54e97319724b08f [file] [log] [blame]
//===- CodeGenInstAlias.h - InstAlias Class Wrapper -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines a wrapper class for the 'InstAlias' TableGen class.
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
template <typename T> class ArrayRef;
class CodeGenInstruction;
class CodeGenTarget;
class DagInit;
class SMLoc;
class Record;
/// CodeGenInstAlias - This represents an InstAlias definition.
class CodeGenInstAlias {
Record *TheDef; // The actual record defining this InstAlias.
/// AsmString - The format string used to emit a .s file for the
/// instruction.
std::string AsmString;
/// Result - The result instruction.
DagInit *Result;
/// ResultInst - The instruction generated by the alias (decoded from
/// Result).
CodeGenInstruction *ResultInst;
struct ResultOperand {
std::string Name;
Record *R = nullptr;
int64_t Imm = 0;
enum { K_Record, K_Imm, K_Reg } Kind;
ResultOperand(std::string N, Record *r)
: Name(std::move(N)), R(r), Kind(K_Record) {}
ResultOperand(int64_t I) : Imm(I), Kind(K_Imm) {}
ResultOperand(Record *r) : R(r), Kind(K_Reg) {}
bool isRecord() const { return Kind == K_Record; }
bool isImm() const { return Kind == K_Imm; }
bool isReg() const { return Kind == K_Reg; }
StringRef getName() const {
return Name;
Record *getRecord() const {
return R;
int64_t getImm() const {
return Imm;
Record *getRegister() const {
return R;
unsigned getMINumOperands() const;
/// ResultOperands - The decoded operands for the result instruction.
std::vector<ResultOperand> ResultOperands;
/// ResultInstOperandIndex - For each operand, this vector holds a pair of
/// indices to identify the corresponding operand in the result
/// instruction. The first index specifies the operand and the second
/// index specifies the suboperand. If there are no suboperands or if all
/// of them are matched by the operand, the second value should be -1.
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, int>> ResultInstOperandIndex;
CodeGenInstAlias(Record *R, CodeGenTarget &T);
bool tryAliasOpMatch(DagInit *Result, unsigned AliasOpNo, Record *InstOpRec,
bool hasSubOps, ArrayRef<SMLoc> Loc, CodeGenTarget &T,
ResultOperand &ResOp);
} // namespace llvm