blob: 0e90f57af49389896a91a1c6fe6445390fc91708 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- ARMTargetDefEmitter.cpp - Generate data about ARM Architectures ----===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This tablegen backend exports information about CPUs, FPUs, architectures,
// and features into a common format that can be used by both TargetParser and
// the ARM and AArch64 backends.
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
#include <cstdint>
using namespace llvm;
static void EmitARMTargetDef(RecordKeeper &RK, raw_ostream &OS) {
OS << "// Autogenerated by ARMTargetDefEmitter.cpp\n\n";
// Look through all SubtargetFeature defs with the given FieldName, and
// collect the set of all Values that that FieldName is set to.
auto gatherSubtargetFeatureFieldValues = [&RK](StringRef FieldName) {
llvm::StringSet<> Set;
for (const Record *Rec : RK.getAllDerivedDefinitions("SubtargetFeature")) {
if (Rec->getValueAsString("FieldName") == FieldName) {
return Set;
// Sort the extensions alphabetically, so they don't appear in tablegen order.
std::vector<Record *> SortedExtensions =
auto Alphabetical = [](Record *A, Record *B) -> bool {
const auto MarchA = A->getValueAsString("MArchName");
const auto MarchB = B->getValueAsString("MArchName");
return < 0; // A lexographically less than B
std::sort(SortedExtensions.begin(), SortedExtensions.end(), Alphabetical);
// The ARMProcFamilyEnum values are initialised by SubtargetFeature defs
// which set the ARMProcFamily field. We can generate the enum from these defs
// which look like this:
// def ProcA5 : SubtargetFeature<"a5", "ARMProcFamily", "CortexA5",
// "Cortex-A5 ARM processors", []>;
<< "#endif\n\n";
const StringSet<> ARMProcFamilyVals =
for (const StringRef &Family : ARMProcFamilyVals.keys())
OS << "ARM_PROCESSOR_FAMILY(" << Family << ")\n";
OS << "\n#undef ARM_PROCESSOR_FAMILY\n\n";
OS << "#ifndef ARM_ARCHITECTURE\n"
<< "#endif\n\n";
// This should correspond to instances of the Architecture tablegen class.
const StringSet<> ARMArchVals = gatherSubtargetFeatureFieldValues("ARMArch");
for (const StringRef &Arch : ARMArchVals.keys())
OS << "ARM_ARCHITECTURE(" << Arch << ")\n";
OS << "\n#undef ARM_ARCHITECTURE\n\n";
// Emit the ArchExtKind enum
<< "enum ArchExtKind : unsigned {\n"
<< " AEK_NONE = 1,\n";
for (const Record *Rec : SortedExtensions) {
auto AEK = Rec->getValueAsString("ArchExtKindSpelling").upper();
if (AEK != "AEK_NONE")
OS << " " << AEK << ",\n";
<< "};\n"
<< "#endif // EMIT_ARCHEXTKIND_ENUM\n";
// Emit information for each defined Extension; used to build ArmExtKind.
OS << "#ifdef EMIT_EXTENSIONS\n"
<< "inline constexpr ExtensionInfo Extensions[] = {\n";
for (const Record *Rec : SortedExtensions) {
auto AEK = Rec->getValueAsString("ArchExtKindSpelling").upper();
OS << " ";
OS << "{\"" << Rec->getValueAsString("MArchName") << "\"";
if (auto Alias = Rec->getValueAsString("MArchAlias"); Alias.empty())
OS << ", {}";
OS << ", \"" << Alias << "\"";
OS << ", AArch64::" << AEK;
if (AEK == "AEK_NONE") {
// HACK: don't emit posfeat/negfeat strings for FMVOnlyExtensions.
OS << ", {}, {}";
} else {
OS << ", \"+" << Rec->getValueAsString("Name") << "\""; // posfeature
OS << ", \"-" << Rec->getValueAsString("Name") << "\""; // negfeature
OS << ", " << Rec->getValueAsString("FMVBit");
OS << ", \"" << Rec->getValueAsString("FMVDependencies") << "\"";
OS << ", " << (uint64_t)Rec->getValueAsInt("FMVPriority");
OS << "},\n";
OS << " {\"none\", {}, AArch64::AEK_NONE, {}, {}, FEAT_INIT, \"\", "
OS << "};\n"
<< "#undef EMIT_EXTENSIONS\n"
<< "#endif // EMIT_EXTENSIONS\n"
<< "\n";
static TableGen::Emitter::Opt
X("gen-arm-target-def", EmitARMTargetDef,
"Generate the ARM or AArch64 Architecture information header.");