| ## According to the ELF gABI, "Currently, an object file may have only one |
| ## section of each type [SHT_SYMTAB and SHT_DYNSYM], but this restriction may be |
| ## relaxed in the future." |
| ## This test shows that we emit an error if we encounter multiple SHT_SYMTAB |
| ## sections. |
| # RUN: yaml2obj %s -o %t |
| # RUN: not llvm-objcopy %t /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck %s |
| |
| # CHECK: error: found multiple SHT_SYMTAB sections |
| |
| --- !ELF |
| FileHeader: |
| Class: ELFCLASS64 |
| Type: ET_REL |
| Sections: |
| - Name: .symtab |
| Type: SHT_SYMTAB |
| - Name: .symtab2 |
| Type: SHT_SYMTAB |