blob: 1f183975d9481fdb13de926a8918bccaebc4e303 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- llvm-readtapi.cpp - tapi file reader and transformer -----*- C++-*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the command-line driver for llvm-readtapi.
#include "DiffEngine.h"
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Magic.h"
#include "llvm/Option/Arg.h"
#include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
#include "llvm/Option/Option.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/InitLLVM.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/TextAPI/DylibReader.h"
#include "llvm/TextAPI/TextAPIError.h"
#include "llvm/TextAPI/TextAPIReader.h"
#include "llvm/TextAPI/TextAPIWriter.h"
#include "llvm/TextAPI/Utils.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace MachO;
using namespace object;
namespace {
using namespace llvm::opt;
enum ID {
OPT_INVALID = 0, // This is not an option ID.
#define OPTION(...) LLVM_MAKE_OPT_ID(__VA_ARGS__),
#include ""
#undef OPTION
static constexpr StringLiteral NAME##_init[] = VALUE; \
static constexpr ArrayRef<StringLiteral> NAME(NAME##_init, \
std::size(NAME##_init) - 1);
#include ""
#undef PREFIX
static constexpr opt::OptTable::Info InfoTable[] = {
#include ""
#undef OPTION
class TAPIOptTable : public opt::GenericOptTable {
TAPIOptTable() : opt::GenericOptTable(InfoTable) {
struct StubOptions {
bool DeleteInput = false;
bool DeletePrivate = false;
bool TraceLibs = false;
struct Context {
std::vector<std::string> Inputs;
StubOptions StubOpt;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_fd_stream> OutStream;
FileType WriteFT = FileType::TBD_V5;
bool Compact = false;
Architecture Arch = AK_unknown;
// Use unique exit code to differentiate failures not directly caused from
// TextAPI operations. This is used for wrapping `compare` operations in
// automation and scripting.
const int NON_TAPI_EXIT_CODE = 2;
const std::string TOOLNAME = "llvm-readtapi";
ExitOnError ExitOnErr;
} // anonymous namespace
// Handle error reporting in cases where `ExitOnError` is not used.
static void reportError(Twine Message, int ExitCode = EXIT_FAILURE) {
errs() << TOOLNAME << ": error: " << Message << "\n";
// Handle warnings.
static void reportWarning(Twine Message) {
errs() << TOOLNAME << ": warning: " << Message << "\n";
/// Get what the symlink points to.
/// This is a no-op on windows as it references POSIX level apis.
static void read_link(const Twine &Path, SmallVectorImpl<char> &Output) {
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
if (Path.isTriviallyEmpty())
SmallString<PATH_MAX> Storage;
auto P = Path.toNullTerminatedStringRef(Storage);
SmallString<PATH_MAX> Result;
ssize_t Len;
if ((Len = ::readlink(,, PATH_MAX)) == -1)
reportError("unable to read symlink: " + Path);
reportError("unable to read symlink on windows: " + Path);
static std::unique_ptr<InterfaceFile>
getInterfaceFile(const StringRef Filename, bool ResetBanner = true) {
ExitOnErr.setBanner(TOOLNAME + ": error: '" + Filename.str() + "' ");
ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> BufferOrErr =
if (BufferOrErr.getError())
auto Buffer = std::move(*BufferOrErr);
std::unique_ptr<InterfaceFile> IF;
switch (identify_magic(Buffer->getBuffer())) {
case file_magic::macho_dynamically_linked_shared_lib:
case file_magic::macho_dynamically_linked_shared_lib_stub:
case file_magic::macho_universal_binary:
IF = ExitOnErr(DylibReader::get(Buffer->getMemBufferRef()));
case file_magic::tapi_file:
IF = ExitOnErr(TextAPIReader::get(Buffer->getMemBufferRef()));
reportError(Filename + ": unsupported file type");
if (ResetBanner)
ExitOnErr.setBanner(TOOLNAME + ": error: ");
return IF;
static bool handleCompareAction(const Context &Ctx) {
if (Ctx.Inputs.size() != 2)
reportError("compare only supports two input files",
// Override default exit code.
ExitOnErr = ExitOnError(TOOLNAME + ": error: ",
auto LeftIF = getInterfaceFile(Ctx.Inputs.front());
auto RightIF = getInterfaceFile(;
raw_ostream &OS = Ctx.OutStream ? *Ctx.OutStream : outs();
return DiffEngine(LeftIF.get(), RightIF.get()).compareFiles(OS);
static bool handleWriteAction(const Context &Ctx,
std::unique_ptr<InterfaceFile> Out = nullptr) {
if (!Out) {
if (Ctx.Inputs.size() != 1)
reportError("write only supports one input file");
Out = getInterfaceFile(Ctx.Inputs.front());
raw_ostream &OS = Ctx.OutStream ? *Ctx.OutStream : outs();
ExitOnErr(TextAPIWriter::writeToStream(OS, *Out, Ctx.WriteFT, Ctx.Compact));
static bool handleMergeAction(const Context &Ctx) {
if (Ctx.Inputs.size() < 2)
reportError("merge requires at least two input files");
std::unique_ptr<InterfaceFile> Out;
for (StringRef FileName : Ctx.Inputs) {
auto IF = getInterfaceFile(FileName);
// On the first iteration copy the input file and skip merge.
if (!Out) {
Out = std::move(IF);
Out = ExitOnErr(Out->merge(IF.get()));
return handleWriteAction(Ctx, std::move(Out));
static void stubifyImpl(std::unique_ptr<InterfaceFile> IF, Context &Ctx) {
// TODO: Add inlining and magic merge support.
if (Ctx.OutStream == nullptr) {
std::error_code EC;
assert(!IF->getPath().empty() && "Unknown output location");
SmallString<PATH_MAX> OutputLoc = IF->getPath();
replace_extension(OutputLoc, ".tbd");
Ctx.OutStream = std::make_unique<llvm::raw_fd_stream>(OutputLoc, EC);
if (EC)
reportError("opening file '" + OutputLoc + ": " + EC.message());
handleWriteAction(Ctx, std::move(IF));
// Clear out output stream after file has been written incase more files are
// stubifed.
Ctx.OutStream = nullptr;
static void stubifyDirectory(const StringRef InputPath, Context &Ctx) {
assert(InputPath.back() != '/' && "Unexpected / at end of input path.");
StringMap<std::vector<SymLink>> SymLinks;
StringMap<std::unique_ptr<InterfaceFile>> Dylibs;
StringMap<std::string> OriginalNames;
std::set<std::pair<std::string, bool>> LibsToDelete;
std::error_code EC;
for (sys::fs::recursive_directory_iterator IT(InputPath, EC), IE; IT != IE;
IT.increment(EC)) {
if (EC == std::errc::no_such_file_or_directory) {
reportWarning(IT->path() + ": " + EC.message());
if (EC)
reportError(IT->path() + ": " + EC.message());
// Skip header directories (include/Headers/PrivateHeaders) and module
// files.
StringRef Path = IT->path();
if (Path.ends_with("/include") || Path.ends_with("/Headers") ||
Path.ends_with("/PrivateHeaders") || Path.ends_with("/Modules") ||
Path.ends_with(".map") || Path.ends_with(".modulemap")) {
// Check if the entry is a symlink. We don't follow symlinks but we record
// their content.
bool IsSymLink;
if (auto EC = sys::fs::is_symlink_file(Path, IsSymLink))
reportError(Path + ": " + EC.message());
if (IsSymLink) {
bool ShouldSkip;
auto SymLinkEC = shouldSkipSymLink(Path, ShouldSkip);
// If symlink is broken, for some reason, we should continue
// trying to repair it before quitting.
if (!SymLinkEC && ShouldSkip)
if (Ctx.StubOpt.DeletePrivate &&
isPrivateLibrary(Path.drop_front(InputPath.size()), true)) {
LibsToDelete.emplace(Path, false);
SmallString<PATH_MAX> SymPath;
read_link(Path, SymPath);
// Sometimes there are broken symlinks that are absolute paths, which are
// invalid during build time, but would be correct during runtime. In the
// case of an absolute path we should check first if the path exists with
// the known locations as prefix.
SmallString<PATH_MAX> LinkSrc = Path;
SmallString<PATH_MAX> LinkTarget;
if (sys::path::is_absolute(SymPath)) {
LinkTarget = InputPath;
sys::path::append(LinkTarget, SymPath);
// TODO: Investigate supporting a file manager for file system accesses.
if (sys::fs::exists(LinkTarget)) {
// Convert the absolute path to an relative path.
if (auto ec = MachO::make_relative(LinkSrc, LinkTarget, SymPath))
reportError(LinkTarget + ": " + EC.message());
} else if (!sys::fs::exists(SymPath)) {
reportWarning("ignoring broken symlink: " + Path);
} else {
LinkTarget = SymPath;
} else {
LinkTarget = LinkSrc;
sys::path::append(LinkTarget, SymPath);
// For Apple SDKs, the symlink src is guaranteed to be a canonical path
// because we don't follow symlinks when scanning. The symlink target is
// constructed from the symlink path and needs to be canonicalized.
if (auto ec = sys::fs::real_path(Twine(LinkTarget), LinkTarget)) {
reportWarning(LinkTarget + ": " + ec.message());
auto itr = SymLinks.insert({LinkTarget.c_str(), std::vector<SymLink>()});
itr.first->second.emplace_back(LinkSrc.str(), std::string(SymPath.str()));
bool IsDirectory = false;
if (auto EC = sys::fs::is_directory(Path, IsDirectory))
reportError(Path + ": " + EC.message());
if (IsDirectory)
if (Ctx.StubOpt.DeletePrivate &&
isPrivateLibrary(Path.drop_front(InputPath.size()))) {
LibsToDelete.emplace(Path, false);
auto IF = getInterfaceFile(Path);
if (Ctx.StubOpt.TraceLibs)
errs() << Path << "\n";
// Normalize path for map lookup by removing the extension.
SmallString<PATH_MAX> NormalizedPath(Path);
replace_extension(NormalizedPath, "");
if ((IF->getFileType() == FileType::MachO_DynamicLibrary) ||
(IF->getFileType() == FileType::MachO_DynamicLibrary_Stub)) {
OriginalNames[NormalizedPath.c_str()] = IF->getPath();
// Don't add this MachO dynamic library because we already have a
// text-based stub recorded for this path.
if (Dylibs.count(NormalizedPath.c_str()))
Dylibs[NormalizedPath.c_str()] = std::move(IF);
for (auto &Lib : Dylibs) {
auto &Dylib = Lib.second;
// Get the original file name.
SmallString<PATH_MAX> NormalizedPath(Dylib->getPath());
stubifyImpl(std::move(Dylib), Ctx);
replace_extension(NormalizedPath, "");
auto Found = OriginalNames.find(NormalizedPath.c_str());
if (Found == OriginalNames.end())
if (Ctx.StubOpt.DeleteInput)
LibsToDelete.emplace(Found->second, true);
// Don't allow for more than 20 levels of symlinks when searching for
// libraries to stubify.
StringRef LibToCheck = Found->second;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
auto LinkIt = SymLinks.find(LibToCheck.str());
if (LinkIt != SymLinks.end()) {
for (auto &SymInfo : LinkIt->second) {
SmallString<PATH_MAX> LinkSrc(SymInfo.SrcPath);
SmallString<PATH_MAX> LinkTarget(SymInfo.LinkContent);
replace_extension(LinkSrc, "tbd");
replace_extension(LinkTarget, "tbd");
if (auto EC = sys::fs::remove(LinkSrc))
reportError(LinkSrc + " : " + EC.message());
if (auto EC = sys::fs::create_link(LinkTarget, LinkSrc))
reportError(LinkTarget + " : " + EC.message());
if (Ctx.StubOpt.DeleteInput)
LibsToDelete.emplace(SymInfo.SrcPath, true);
LibToCheck = SymInfo.SrcPath;
} else
// Recursively delete the directories. This will abort when they are not empty
// or we reach the root of the SDK.
for (const auto &[LibPath, IsInput] : LibsToDelete) {
if (!IsInput && SymLinks.count(LibPath))
if (auto EC = sys::fs::remove(LibPath))
reportError(LibPath + " : " + EC.message());
std::error_code EC;
auto Dir = sys::path::parent_path(LibPath);
do {
EC = sys::fs::remove(Dir);
Dir = sys::path::parent_path(Dir);
if (!Dir.starts_with(InputPath))
} while (!EC);
static bool handleStubifyAction(Context &Ctx) {
if (Ctx.Inputs.empty())
reportError("stubify requires at least one input file");
if ((Ctx.Inputs.size() > 1) && (Ctx.OutStream != nullptr))
reportError("cannot write multiple inputs into single output file");
for (StringRef PathName : Ctx.Inputs) {
bool IsDirectory = false;
if (auto EC = sys::fs::is_directory(PathName, IsDirectory))
reportError(PathName + ": " + EC.message());
if (IsDirectory) {
if (Ctx.OutStream != nullptr)
reportError("cannot stubify directory'" + PathName +
"' into single output file");
stubifyDirectory(PathName, Ctx);
stubifyImpl(getInterfaceFile(PathName), Ctx);
if (Ctx.StubOpt.DeleteInput)
if (auto ec = sys::fs::remove(PathName))
reportError("deleting file '" + PathName + ": " + ec.message());
using IFOperation =
const llvm::MachO::InterfaceFile &, Architecture)>;
static bool handleSingleFileAction(const Context &Ctx, const StringRef Action,
IFOperation act) {
if (Ctx.Inputs.size() != 1)
reportError(Action + " only supports one input file");
if (Ctx.Arch == AK_unknown)
reportError(Action + " requires -arch <arch>");
auto IF = getInterfaceFile(Ctx.Inputs.front(), /*ResetBanner=*/false);
auto OutIF = act(*IF, Ctx.Arch);
if (!OutIF)
return handleWriteAction(Ctx, std::move(*OutIF));
static void setStubOptions(opt::InputArgList &Args, StubOptions &Opt) {
Opt.DeleteInput = Args.hasArg(OPT_delete_input);
Opt.DeletePrivate = Args.hasArg(OPT_delete_private_libraries);
Opt.TraceLibs = Args.hasArg(OPT_t);
int main(int Argc, char **Argv) {
InitLLVM X(Argc, Argv);
BumpPtrAllocator A;
StringSaver Saver(A);
TAPIOptTable Tbl;
Context Ctx;
ExitOnErr.setBanner(TOOLNAME + ": error:");
opt::InputArgList Args = Tbl.parseArgs(
Argc, Argv, OPT_UNKNOWN, Saver, [&](StringRef Msg) { reportError(Msg); });
if (Args.hasArg(OPT_help)) {
"USAGE: llvm-readtapi <command> [-arch <architecture> "
"<options>]* <inputs> [-o "
"LLVM TAPI file reader and transformer");
if (Args.hasArg(OPT_version)) {
for (opt::Arg *A : Args.filtered(OPT_INPUT))
if (opt::Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_output_EQ)) {
std::string OutputLoc = std::move(A->getValue());
std::error_code EC;
Ctx.OutStream = std::make_unique<llvm::raw_fd_stream>(OutputLoc, EC);
if (EC)
reportError("error opening the file '" + OutputLoc + EC.message(),
Ctx.Compact = Args.hasArg(OPT_compact);
if (opt::Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_filetype_EQ)) {
StringRef FT = A->getValue();
Ctx.WriteFT = TextAPIWriter::parseFileType(FT);
if (Ctx.WriteFT < FileType::TBD_V3)
reportError("deprecated filetype '" + FT + "' is not supported to write");
if (Ctx.WriteFT == FileType::Invalid)
reportError("unsupported filetype '" + FT + "'");
if (opt::Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_arch_EQ)) {
StringRef Arch = A->getValue();
Ctx.Arch = getArchitectureFromName(Arch);
if (Ctx.Arch == AK_unknown)
reportError("unsupported architecture '" + Arch);
// Handle top level and exclusive operation.
SmallVector<opt::Arg *, 1> ActionArgs(Args.filtered(OPT_action_group));
if (ActionArgs.empty())
// If no action specified, write out tapi file in requested format.
return handleWriteAction(Ctx);
if (ActionArgs.size() > 1) {
std::string Buf;
raw_string_ostream OS(Buf);
OS << "only one of the following actions can be specified:";
for (auto *Arg : ActionArgs)
OS << " " << Arg->getSpelling();
switch (ActionArgs.front()->getOption().getID()) {
case OPT_compare:
return handleCompareAction(Ctx);
case OPT_merge:
return handleMergeAction(Ctx);
case OPT_extract:
return handleSingleFileAction(Ctx, "extract", &InterfaceFile::extract);
case OPT_remove:
return handleSingleFileAction(Ctx, "remove", &InterfaceFile::remove);
case OPT_stubify:
setStubOptions(Args, Ctx.StubOpt);
return handleStubifyAction(Ctx);