blob: 9600fe638249fcaf3e0d2498c8dea9c0b9359972 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: not llc < %s --mtriple=wasm32 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
; Demonstrates a code pattern that could be encountered even with frontend
; restrictions on creating new pointers to globals. In the absence of a better
; fix, the backend should produce a comprehensible message for why it can't
; continue.
; CHECK: LVM ERROR: Encountered an unlowerable store to the wasm_var address space
@g1 = external addrspace(1) global i32
@g2 = external addrspace(1) global i32
define void @global_set_phi(i1 zeroext %bool) {
%sel = select i1 %bool, ptr addrspace(1) @g1, ptr addrspace(1) @g2
store i32 100, ptr addrspace(1) %sel
ret void