blob: ee0d95bbce64f24c043386592c24961b5f10197d [file] [log] [blame]
//===- LowerMemIntrinsics.cpp ----------------------------------*- C++ -*--===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/LowerMemIntrinsics.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ScalarEvolution.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h"
#include "llvm/IR/MDBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/BasicBlockUtils.h"
#include <optional>
#define DEBUG_TYPE "lower-mem-intrinsics"
using namespace llvm;
void llvm::createMemCpyLoopKnownSize(
Instruction *InsertBefore, Value *SrcAddr, Value *DstAddr,
ConstantInt *CopyLen, Align SrcAlign, Align DstAlign, bool SrcIsVolatile,
bool DstIsVolatile, bool CanOverlap, const TargetTransformInfo &TTI,
std::optional<uint32_t> AtomicElementSize) {
// No need to expand zero length copies.
if (CopyLen->isZero())
BasicBlock *PreLoopBB = InsertBefore->getParent();
BasicBlock *PostLoopBB = nullptr;
Function *ParentFunc = PreLoopBB->getParent();
LLVMContext &Ctx = PreLoopBB->getContext();
const DataLayout &DL = ParentFunc->getDataLayout();
MDBuilder MDB(Ctx);
MDNode *NewDomain = MDB.createAnonymousAliasScopeDomain("MemCopyDomain");
StringRef Name = "MemCopyAliasScope";
MDNode *NewScope = MDB.createAnonymousAliasScope(NewDomain, Name);
unsigned SrcAS = cast<PointerType>(SrcAddr->getType())->getAddressSpace();
unsigned DstAS = cast<PointerType>(DstAddr->getType())->getAddressSpace();
Type *TypeOfCopyLen = CopyLen->getType();
Type *LoopOpType = TTI.getMemcpyLoopLoweringType(
Ctx, CopyLen, SrcAS, DstAS, SrcAlign.value(), DstAlign.value(),
assert((!AtomicElementSize || !LoopOpType->isVectorTy()) &&
"Atomic memcpy lowering is not supported for vector operand type");
unsigned LoopOpSize = DL.getTypeStoreSize(LoopOpType);
assert((!AtomicElementSize || LoopOpSize % *AtomicElementSize == 0) &&
"Atomic memcpy lowering is not supported for selected operand size");
uint64_t LoopEndCount = CopyLen->getZExtValue() / LoopOpSize;
if (LoopEndCount != 0) {
// Split
PostLoopBB = PreLoopBB->splitBasicBlock(InsertBefore, "memcpy-split");
BasicBlock *LoopBB =
BasicBlock::Create(Ctx, "load-store-loop", ParentFunc, PostLoopBB);
PreLoopBB->getTerminator()->setSuccessor(0, LoopBB);
IRBuilder<> PLBuilder(PreLoopBB->getTerminator());
Align PartDstAlign(commonAlignment(DstAlign, LoopOpSize));
Align PartSrcAlign(commonAlignment(SrcAlign, LoopOpSize));
IRBuilder<> LoopBuilder(LoopBB);
PHINode *LoopIndex = LoopBuilder.CreatePHI(TypeOfCopyLen, 2, "loop-index");
LoopIndex->addIncoming(ConstantInt::get(TypeOfCopyLen, 0U), PreLoopBB);
// Loop Body
Value *SrcGEP =
LoopBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(LoopOpType, SrcAddr, LoopIndex);
LoadInst *Load = LoopBuilder.CreateAlignedLoad(LoopOpType, SrcGEP,
PartSrcAlign, SrcIsVolatile);
if (!CanOverlap) {
// Set alias scope for loads.
MDNode::get(Ctx, NewScope));
Value *DstGEP =
LoopBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(LoopOpType, DstAddr, LoopIndex);
StoreInst *Store = LoopBuilder.CreateAlignedStore(
Load, DstGEP, PartDstAlign, DstIsVolatile);
if (!CanOverlap) {
// Indicate that stores don't overlap loads.
Store->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_noalias, MDNode::get(Ctx, NewScope));
if (AtomicElementSize) {
Value *NewIndex =
LoopBuilder.CreateAdd(LoopIndex, ConstantInt::get(TypeOfCopyLen, 1U));
LoopIndex->addIncoming(NewIndex, LoopBB);
// Create the loop branch condition.
Constant *LoopEndCI = ConstantInt::get(TypeOfCopyLen, LoopEndCount);
LoopBuilder.CreateCondBr(LoopBuilder.CreateICmpULT(NewIndex, LoopEndCI),
LoopBB, PostLoopBB);
uint64_t BytesCopied = LoopEndCount * LoopOpSize;
uint64_t RemainingBytes = CopyLen->getZExtValue() - BytesCopied;
if (RemainingBytes) {
IRBuilder<> RBuilder(PostLoopBB ? PostLoopBB->getFirstNonPHI()
: InsertBefore);
SmallVector<Type *, 5> RemainingOps;
TTI.getMemcpyLoopResidualLoweringType(RemainingOps, Ctx, RemainingBytes,
SrcAS, DstAS, SrcAlign.value(),
DstAlign.value(), AtomicElementSize);
for (auto *OpTy : RemainingOps) {
Align PartSrcAlign(commonAlignment(SrcAlign, BytesCopied));
Align PartDstAlign(commonAlignment(DstAlign, BytesCopied));
// Calculate the new index
unsigned OperandSize = DL.getTypeStoreSize(OpTy);
(!AtomicElementSize || OperandSize % *AtomicElementSize == 0) &&
"Atomic memcpy lowering is not supported for selected operand size");
uint64_t GepIndex = BytesCopied / OperandSize;
assert(GepIndex * OperandSize == BytesCopied &&
"Division should have no Remainder!");
Value *SrcGEP = RBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(
OpTy, SrcAddr, ConstantInt::get(TypeOfCopyLen, GepIndex));
LoadInst *Load =
RBuilder.CreateAlignedLoad(OpTy, SrcGEP, PartSrcAlign, SrcIsVolatile);
if (!CanOverlap) {
// Set alias scope for loads.
MDNode::get(Ctx, NewScope));
Value *DstGEP = RBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(
OpTy, DstAddr, ConstantInt::get(TypeOfCopyLen, GepIndex));
StoreInst *Store = RBuilder.CreateAlignedStore(Load, DstGEP, PartDstAlign,
if (!CanOverlap) {
// Indicate that stores don't overlap loads.
Store->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_noalias, MDNode::get(Ctx, NewScope));
if (AtomicElementSize) {
BytesCopied += OperandSize;
assert(BytesCopied == CopyLen->getZExtValue() &&
"Bytes copied should match size in the call!");
// \returns \p Len udiv \p OpSize, checking for optimization opportunities.
static Value *getRuntimeLoopCount(const DataLayout &DL, IRBuilderBase &B,
Value *Len, Value *OpSize,
unsigned OpSizeVal) {
// For powers of 2, we can lshr by log2 instead of using udiv.
if (isPowerOf2_32(OpSizeVal))
return B.CreateLShr(Len, Log2_32(OpSizeVal));
return B.CreateUDiv(Len, OpSize);
// \returns \p Len urem \p OpSize, checking for optimization opportunities.
static Value *getRuntimeLoopRemainder(const DataLayout &DL, IRBuilderBase &B,
Value *Len, Value *OpSize,
unsigned OpSizeVal) {
// For powers of 2, we can and by (OpSizeVal - 1) instead of using urem.
if (isPowerOf2_32(OpSizeVal))
return B.CreateAnd(Len, OpSizeVal - 1);
return B.CreateURem(Len, OpSize);
void llvm::createMemCpyLoopUnknownSize(
Instruction *InsertBefore, Value *SrcAddr, Value *DstAddr, Value *CopyLen,
Align SrcAlign, Align DstAlign, bool SrcIsVolatile, bool DstIsVolatile,
bool CanOverlap, const TargetTransformInfo &TTI,
std::optional<uint32_t> AtomicElementSize) {
BasicBlock *PreLoopBB = InsertBefore->getParent();
BasicBlock *PostLoopBB =
PreLoopBB->splitBasicBlock(InsertBefore, "post-loop-memcpy-expansion");
Function *ParentFunc = PreLoopBB->getParent();
const DataLayout &DL = ParentFunc->getDataLayout();
LLVMContext &Ctx = PreLoopBB->getContext();
MDBuilder MDB(Ctx);
MDNode *NewDomain = MDB.createAnonymousAliasScopeDomain("MemCopyDomain");
StringRef Name = "MemCopyAliasScope";
MDNode *NewScope = MDB.createAnonymousAliasScope(NewDomain, Name);
unsigned SrcAS = cast<PointerType>(SrcAddr->getType())->getAddressSpace();
unsigned DstAS = cast<PointerType>(DstAddr->getType())->getAddressSpace();
Type *LoopOpType = TTI.getMemcpyLoopLoweringType(
Ctx, CopyLen, SrcAS, DstAS, SrcAlign.value(), DstAlign.value(),
assert((!AtomicElementSize || !LoopOpType->isVectorTy()) &&
"Atomic memcpy lowering is not supported for vector operand type");
unsigned LoopOpSize = DL.getTypeStoreSize(LoopOpType);
assert((!AtomicElementSize || LoopOpSize % *AtomicElementSize == 0) &&
"Atomic memcpy lowering is not supported for selected operand size");
IRBuilder<> PLBuilder(PreLoopBB->getTerminator());
// Calculate the loop trip count, and remaining bytes to copy after the loop.
Type *CopyLenType = CopyLen->getType();
IntegerType *ILengthType = dyn_cast<IntegerType>(CopyLenType);
assert(ILengthType &&
"expected size argument to memcpy to be an integer type!");
Type *Int8Type = Type::getInt8Ty(Ctx);
bool LoopOpIsInt8 = LoopOpType == Int8Type;
ConstantInt *CILoopOpSize = ConstantInt::get(ILengthType, LoopOpSize);
Value *RuntimeLoopCount = LoopOpIsInt8
? CopyLen
: getRuntimeLoopCount(DL, PLBuilder, CopyLen,
CILoopOpSize, LoopOpSize);
BasicBlock *LoopBB =
BasicBlock::Create(Ctx, "loop-memcpy-expansion", ParentFunc, PostLoopBB);
IRBuilder<> LoopBuilder(LoopBB);
Align PartSrcAlign(commonAlignment(SrcAlign, LoopOpSize));
Align PartDstAlign(commonAlignment(DstAlign, LoopOpSize));
PHINode *LoopIndex = LoopBuilder.CreatePHI(CopyLenType, 2, "loop-index");
LoopIndex->addIncoming(ConstantInt::get(CopyLenType, 0U), PreLoopBB);
Value *SrcGEP = LoopBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(LoopOpType, SrcAddr, LoopIndex);
LoadInst *Load = LoopBuilder.CreateAlignedLoad(LoopOpType, SrcGEP,
PartSrcAlign, SrcIsVolatile);
if (!CanOverlap) {
// Set alias scope for loads.
Load->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_alias_scope, MDNode::get(Ctx, NewScope));
Value *DstGEP = LoopBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(LoopOpType, DstAddr, LoopIndex);
StoreInst *Store =
LoopBuilder.CreateAlignedStore(Load, DstGEP, PartDstAlign, DstIsVolatile);
if (!CanOverlap) {
// Indicate that stores don't overlap loads.
Store->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_noalias, MDNode::get(Ctx, NewScope));
if (AtomicElementSize) {
Value *NewIndex =
LoopBuilder.CreateAdd(LoopIndex, ConstantInt::get(CopyLenType, 1U));
LoopIndex->addIncoming(NewIndex, LoopBB);
bool requiresResidual =
!LoopOpIsInt8 && !(AtomicElementSize && LoopOpSize == AtomicElementSize);
if (requiresResidual) {
Type *ResLoopOpType = AtomicElementSize
? Type::getIntNTy(Ctx, *AtomicElementSize * 8)
: Int8Type;
unsigned ResLoopOpSize = DL.getTypeStoreSize(ResLoopOpType);
assert((ResLoopOpSize == AtomicElementSize ? *AtomicElementSize : 1) &&
"Store size is expected to match type size");
Align ResSrcAlign(commonAlignment(PartSrcAlign, ResLoopOpSize));
Align ResDstAlign(commonAlignment(PartDstAlign, ResLoopOpSize));
Value *RuntimeResidual = getRuntimeLoopRemainder(DL, PLBuilder, CopyLen,
CILoopOpSize, LoopOpSize);
Value *RuntimeBytesCopied = PLBuilder.CreateSub(CopyLen, RuntimeResidual);
// Loop body for the residual copy.
BasicBlock *ResLoopBB = BasicBlock::Create(Ctx, "loop-memcpy-residual",
// Residual loop header.
BasicBlock *ResHeaderBB = BasicBlock::Create(
Ctx, "loop-memcpy-residual-header", PreLoopBB->getParent(), nullptr);
// Need to update the pre-loop basic block to branch to the correct place.
// branch to the main loop if the count is non-zero, branch to the residual
// loop if the copy size is smaller then 1 iteration of the main loop but
// non-zero and finally branch to after the residual loop if the memcpy
// size is zero.
ConstantInt *Zero = ConstantInt::get(ILengthType, 0U);
PLBuilder.CreateCondBr(PLBuilder.CreateICmpNE(RuntimeLoopCount, Zero),
LoopBB, ResHeaderBB);
LoopBuilder.CreateICmpULT(NewIndex, RuntimeLoopCount), LoopBB,
// Determine if we need to branch to the residual loop or bypass it.
IRBuilder<> RHBuilder(ResHeaderBB);
RHBuilder.CreateCondBr(RHBuilder.CreateICmpNE(RuntimeResidual, Zero),
ResLoopBB, PostLoopBB);
// Copy the residual with single byte load/store loop.
IRBuilder<> ResBuilder(ResLoopBB);
PHINode *ResidualIndex =
ResBuilder.CreatePHI(CopyLenType, 2, "residual-loop-index");
ResidualIndex->addIncoming(Zero, ResHeaderBB);
Value *FullOffset = ResBuilder.CreateAdd(RuntimeBytesCopied, ResidualIndex);
Value *SrcGEP =
ResBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(ResLoopOpType, SrcAddr, FullOffset);
LoadInst *Load = ResBuilder.CreateAlignedLoad(ResLoopOpType, SrcGEP,
ResSrcAlign, SrcIsVolatile);
if (!CanOverlap) {
// Set alias scope for loads.
MDNode::get(Ctx, NewScope));
Value *DstGEP =
ResBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(ResLoopOpType, DstAddr, FullOffset);
StoreInst *Store =
ResBuilder.CreateAlignedStore(Load, DstGEP, ResDstAlign, DstIsVolatile);
if (!CanOverlap) {
// Indicate that stores don't overlap loads.
Store->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_noalias, MDNode::get(Ctx, NewScope));
if (AtomicElementSize) {
Value *ResNewIndex = ResBuilder.CreateAdd(
ResidualIndex, ConstantInt::get(CopyLenType, ResLoopOpSize));
ResidualIndex->addIncoming(ResNewIndex, ResLoopBB);
// Create the loop branch condition.
ResBuilder.CreateICmpULT(ResNewIndex, RuntimeResidual), ResLoopBB,
} else {
// In this case the loop operand type was a byte, and there is no need for a
// residual loop to copy the remaining memory after the main loop.
// We do however need to patch up the control flow by creating the
// terminators for the preloop block and the memcpy loop.
ConstantInt *Zero = ConstantInt::get(ILengthType, 0U);
PLBuilder.CreateCondBr(PLBuilder.CreateICmpNE(RuntimeLoopCount, Zero),
LoopBB, PostLoopBB);
LoopBuilder.CreateICmpULT(NewIndex, RuntimeLoopCount), LoopBB,
// If \p Addr1 and \p Addr2 are pointers to different address spaces, create an
// addresspacecast to obtain a pair of pointers in the same addressspace. The
// caller needs to ensure that addrspacecasting is possible.
// No-op if the pointers are in the same address space.
static std::pair<Value *, Value *>
tryInsertCastToCommonAddrSpace(IRBuilderBase &B, Value *Addr1, Value *Addr2,
const TargetTransformInfo &TTI) {
Value *ResAddr1 = Addr1;
Value *ResAddr2 = Addr2;
unsigned AS1 = cast<PointerType>(Addr1->getType())->getAddressSpace();
unsigned AS2 = cast<PointerType>(Addr2->getType())->getAddressSpace();
if (AS1 != AS2) {
if (TTI.isValidAddrSpaceCast(AS2, AS1))
ResAddr2 = B.CreateAddrSpaceCast(Addr2, Addr1->getType());
else if (TTI.isValidAddrSpaceCast(AS1, AS2))
ResAddr1 = B.CreateAddrSpaceCast(Addr1, Addr2->getType());
llvm_unreachable("Can only lower memmove between address spaces if they "
"support addrspacecast");
return {ResAddr1, ResAddr2};
// Lower memmove to IR. memmove is required to correctly copy overlapping memory
// regions; therefore, it has to check the relative positions of the source and
// destination pointers and choose the copy direction accordingly.
// The code below is an IR rendition of this C function:
// void* memmove(void* dst, const void* src, size_t n) {
// unsigned char* d = dst;
// const unsigned char* s = src;
// if (s < d) {
// // copy backwards
// while (n--) {
// d[n] = s[n];
// }
// } else {
// // copy forward
// for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// d[i] = s[i];
// }
// }
// return dst;
// }
// If the TargetTransformInfo specifies a wider MemcpyLoopLoweringType, it is
// used for the memory accesses in the loops. Then, additional loops with
// byte-wise accesses are added for the remaining bytes.
static void createMemMoveLoopUnknownSize(Instruction *InsertBefore,
Value *SrcAddr, Value *DstAddr,
Value *CopyLen, Align SrcAlign,
Align DstAlign, bool SrcIsVolatile,
bool DstIsVolatile,
const TargetTransformInfo &TTI) {
Type *TypeOfCopyLen = CopyLen->getType();
BasicBlock *OrigBB = InsertBefore->getParent();
Function *F = OrigBB->getParent();
const DataLayout &DL = F->getDataLayout();
LLVMContext &Ctx = OrigBB->getContext();
unsigned SrcAS = cast<PointerType>(SrcAddr->getType())->getAddressSpace();
unsigned DstAS = cast<PointerType>(DstAddr->getType())->getAddressSpace();
Type *LoopOpType = TTI.getMemcpyLoopLoweringType(
Ctx, CopyLen, SrcAS, DstAS, SrcAlign.value(), DstAlign.value());
unsigned LoopOpSize = DL.getTypeStoreSize(LoopOpType);
Type *Int8Type = Type::getInt8Ty(Ctx);
bool LoopOpIsInt8 = LoopOpType == Int8Type;
// If the memory accesses are wider than one byte, residual loops with
// i8-accesses are required to move remaining bytes.
bool RequiresResidual = !LoopOpIsInt8;
Type *ResidualLoopOpType = Int8Type;
unsigned ResidualLoopOpSize = DL.getTypeStoreSize(ResidualLoopOpType);
// Calculate the loop trip count and remaining bytes to copy after the loop.
IntegerType *ILengthType = cast<IntegerType>(TypeOfCopyLen);
ConstantInt *CILoopOpSize = ConstantInt::get(ILengthType, LoopOpSize);
ConstantInt *Zero = ConstantInt::get(ILengthType, 0);
ConstantInt *One = ConstantInt::get(ILengthType, 1);
IRBuilder<> PLBuilder(InsertBefore);
Value *RuntimeLoopCount = CopyLen;
Value *RuntimeLoopRemainder = nullptr;
Value *RuntimeBytesCopiedMainLoop = CopyLen;
Value *SkipResidualCondition = nullptr;
if (RequiresResidual) {
RuntimeLoopCount =
getRuntimeLoopCount(DL, PLBuilder, CopyLen, CILoopOpSize, LoopOpSize);
RuntimeLoopRemainder = getRuntimeLoopRemainder(DL, PLBuilder, CopyLen,
CILoopOpSize, LoopOpSize);
RuntimeBytesCopiedMainLoop =
PLBuilder.CreateSub(CopyLen, RuntimeLoopRemainder);
SkipResidualCondition =
PLBuilder.CreateICmpEQ(RuntimeLoopRemainder, Zero, "skip_residual");
Value *SkipMainCondition =
PLBuilder.CreateICmpEQ(RuntimeLoopCount, Zero, "skip_main");
// Create the a comparison of src and dst, based on which we jump to either
// the forward-copy part of the function (if src >= dst) or the backwards-copy
// part (if src < dst).
// SplitBlockAndInsertIfThenElse conveniently creates the basic if-then-else
// structure. Its block terminators (unconditional branches) are replaced by
// the appropriate conditional branches when the loop is built.
// If the pointers are in different address spaces, they need to be converted
// to a compatible one. Cases where memory ranges in the different address
// spaces cannot overlap are lowered as memcpy and not handled here.
auto [CmpSrcAddr, CmpDstAddr] =
tryInsertCastToCommonAddrSpace(PLBuilder, SrcAddr, DstAddr, TTI);
Value *PtrCompare =
PLBuilder.CreateICmpULT(CmpSrcAddr, CmpDstAddr, "compare_src_dst");
Instruction *ThenTerm, *ElseTerm;
SplitBlockAndInsertIfThenElse(PtrCompare, InsertBefore->getIterator(),
&ThenTerm, &ElseTerm);
// If the LoopOpSize is greater than 1, each part of the function consist of
// four blocks:
// memmove_copy_backwards:
// skip the residual loop when 0 iterations are required
// memmove_bwd_residual_loop:
// copy the last few bytes individually so that the remaining length is
// a multiple of the LoopOpSize
// memmove_bwd_middle: skip the main loop when 0 iterations are required
// memmove_bwd_main_loop: the actual backwards loop BB with wide accesses
// memmove_copy_forward: skip the main loop when 0 iterations are required
// memmove_fwd_main_loop: the actual forward loop BB with wide accesses
// memmove_fwd_middle: skip the residual loop when 0 iterations are required
// memmove_fwd_residual_loop: copy the last few bytes individually
// The main and residual loop are switched between copying forward and
// backward so that the residual loop always operates on the end of the moved
// range. This is based on the assumption that buffers whose start is aligned
// with the LoopOpSize are more common than buffers whose end is.
// If the LoopOpSize is 1, each part of the function consists of two blocks:
// memmove_copy_backwards: skip the loop when 0 iterations are required
// memmove_bwd_main_loop: the actual backwards loop BB
// memmove_copy_forward: skip the loop when 0 iterations are required
// memmove_fwd_main_loop: the actual forward loop BB
BasicBlock *CopyBackwardsBB = ThenTerm->getParent();
BasicBlock *CopyForwardBB = ElseTerm->getParent();
BasicBlock *ExitBB = InsertBefore->getParent();
Align PartSrcAlign(commonAlignment(SrcAlign, LoopOpSize));
Align PartDstAlign(commonAlignment(DstAlign, LoopOpSize));
// Accesses in the residual loops do not share the same alignment as those in
// the main loops.
Align ResidualSrcAlign(commonAlignment(PartSrcAlign, ResidualLoopOpSize));
Align ResidualDstAlign(commonAlignment(PartDstAlign, ResidualLoopOpSize));
// Copying backwards.
BasicBlock *MainLoopBB = BasicBlock::Create(
F->getContext(), "memmove_bwd_main_loop", F, CopyForwardBB);
// The predecessor of the memmove_bwd_main_loop. Updated in the
// following if a residual loop is emitted first.
BasicBlock *PredBB = CopyBackwardsBB;
if (RequiresResidual) {
// backwards residual loop
BasicBlock *ResidualLoopBB = BasicBlock::Create(
F->getContext(), "memmove_bwd_residual_loop", F, MainLoopBB);
IRBuilder<> ResidualLoopBuilder(ResidualLoopBB);
PHINode *ResidualLoopPhi = ResidualLoopBuilder.CreatePHI(ILengthType, 0);
Value *ResidualIndex = ResidualLoopBuilder.CreateSub(
ResidualLoopPhi, One, "bwd_residual_index");
Value *LoadGEP = ResidualLoopBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(
ResidualLoopOpType, SrcAddr, ResidualIndex);
Value *Element = ResidualLoopBuilder.CreateAlignedLoad(
ResidualLoopOpType, LoadGEP, ResidualSrcAlign, SrcIsVolatile,
Value *StoreGEP = ResidualLoopBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(
ResidualLoopOpType, DstAddr, ResidualIndex);
ResidualLoopBuilder.CreateAlignedStore(Element, StoreGEP,
ResidualDstAlign, DstIsVolatile);
// After the residual loop, go to an intermediate block.
BasicBlock *IntermediateBB = BasicBlock::Create(
F->getContext(), "memmove_bwd_middle", F, MainLoopBB);
// Later code expects a terminator in the PredBB.
IRBuilder<> IntermediateBuilder(IntermediateBB);
IntermediateBB, ResidualLoopBB);
ResidualLoopPhi->addIncoming(ResidualIndex, ResidualLoopBB);
ResidualLoopPhi->addIncoming(CopyLen, CopyBackwardsBB);
// How to get to the residual:
BranchInst::Create(IntermediateBB, ResidualLoopBB, SkipResidualCondition,
PredBB = IntermediateBB;
// main loop
IRBuilder<> MainLoopBuilder(MainLoopBB);
PHINode *MainLoopPhi = MainLoopBuilder.CreatePHI(ILengthType, 0);
Value *MainIndex =
MainLoopBuilder.CreateSub(MainLoopPhi, One, "bwd_main_index");
Value *LoadGEP =
MainLoopBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(LoopOpType, SrcAddr, MainIndex);
Value *Element = MainLoopBuilder.CreateAlignedLoad(
LoopOpType, LoadGEP, PartSrcAlign, SrcIsVolatile, "element");
Value *StoreGEP =
MainLoopBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(LoopOpType, DstAddr, MainIndex);
MainLoopBuilder.CreateAlignedStore(Element, StoreGEP, PartDstAlign,
MainLoopBuilder.CreateCondBr(MainLoopBuilder.CreateICmpEQ(MainIndex, Zero),
ExitBB, MainLoopBB);
MainLoopPhi->addIncoming(MainIndex, MainLoopBB);
MainLoopPhi->addIncoming(RuntimeLoopCount, PredBB);
// How to get to the main loop:
Instruction *PredBBTerm = PredBB->getTerminator();
BranchInst::Create(ExitBB, MainLoopBB, SkipMainCondition,
// Copying forward.
// main loop
BasicBlock *MainLoopBB =
BasicBlock::Create(F->getContext(), "memmove_fwd_main_loop", F, ExitBB);
IRBuilder<> MainLoopBuilder(MainLoopBB);
PHINode *MainLoopPhi =
MainLoopBuilder.CreatePHI(ILengthType, 0, "fwd_main_index");
Value *LoadGEP =
MainLoopBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(LoopOpType, SrcAddr, MainLoopPhi);
Value *Element = MainLoopBuilder.CreateAlignedLoad(
LoopOpType, LoadGEP, PartSrcAlign, SrcIsVolatile, "element");
Value *StoreGEP =
MainLoopBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(LoopOpType, DstAddr, MainLoopPhi);
MainLoopBuilder.CreateAlignedStore(Element, StoreGEP, PartDstAlign,
Value *MainIndex = MainLoopBuilder.CreateAdd(MainLoopPhi, One);
MainLoopPhi->addIncoming(MainIndex, MainLoopBB);
MainLoopPhi->addIncoming(Zero, CopyForwardBB);
Instruction *CopyFwdBBTerm = CopyForwardBB->getTerminator();
BasicBlock *SuccessorBB = ExitBB;
if (RequiresResidual)
SuccessorBB =
BasicBlock::Create(F->getContext(), "memmove_fwd_middle", F, ExitBB);
// leaving or staying in the main loop
MainLoopBuilder.CreateICmpEQ(MainIndex, RuntimeLoopCount), SuccessorBB,
// getting in or skipping the main loop
BranchInst::Create(SuccessorBB, MainLoopBB, SkipMainCondition,
if (RequiresResidual) {
BasicBlock *IntermediateBB = SuccessorBB;
IRBuilder<> IntermediateBuilder(IntermediateBB);
BasicBlock *ResidualLoopBB = BasicBlock::Create(
F->getContext(), "memmove_fwd_residual_loop", F, ExitBB);
IntermediateBuilder.CreateCondBr(SkipResidualCondition, ExitBB,
// Residual loop
IRBuilder<> ResidualLoopBuilder(ResidualLoopBB);
PHINode *ResidualLoopPhi =
ResidualLoopBuilder.CreatePHI(ILengthType, 0, "fwd_residual_index");
Value *LoadGEP = ResidualLoopBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(
ResidualLoopOpType, SrcAddr, ResidualLoopPhi);
Value *Element = ResidualLoopBuilder.CreateAlignedLoad(
ResidualLoopOpType, LoadGEP, ResidualSrcAlign, SrcIsVolatile,
Value *StoreGEP = ResidualLoopBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(
ResidualLoopOpType, DstAddr, ResidualLoopPhi);
ResidualLoopBuilder.CreateAlignedStore(Element, StoreGEP,
ResidualDstAlign, DstIsVolatile);
Value *ResidualIndex =
ResidualLoopBuilder.CreateAdd(ResidualLoopPhi, One);
ResidualLoopBuilder.CreateICmpEQ(ResidualIndex, CopyLen), ExitBB,
ResidualLoopPhi->addIncoming(ResidualIndex, ResidualLoopBB);
ResidualLoopPhi->addIncoming(RuntimeBytesCopiedMainLoop, IntermediateBB);
// Similar to createMemMoveLoopUnknownSize, only the trip counts are computed at
// compile time, obsolete loops and branches are omitted, and the residual code
// is straight-line code instead of a loop.
static void createMemMoveLoopKnownSize(Instruction *InsertBefore,
Value *SrcAddr, Value *DstAddr,
ConstantInt *CopyLen, Align SrcAlign,
Align DstAlign, bool SrcIsVolatile,
bool DstIsVolatile,
const TargetTransformInfo &TTI) {
// No need to expand zero length moves.
if (CopyLen->isZero())
Type *TypeOfCopyLen = CopyLen->getType();
BasicBlock *OrigBB = InsertBefore->getParent();
Function *F = OrigBB->getParent();
const DataLayout &DL = F->getDataLayout();
LLVMContext &Ctx = OrigBB->getContext();
unsigned SrcAS = cast<PointerType>(SrcAddr->getType())->getAddressSpace();
unsigned DstAS = cast<PointerType>(DstAddr->getType())->getAddressSpace();
Type *LoopOpType = TTI.getMemcpyLoopLoweringType(
Ctx, CopyLen, SrcAS, DstAS, SrcAlign.value(), DstAlign.value());
unsigned LoopOpSize = DL.getTypeStoreSize(LoopOpType);
// Calculate the loop trip count and remaining bytes to copy after the loop.
uint64_t LoopEndCount = CopyLen->getZExtValue() / LoopOpSize;
uint64_t BytesCopiedInLoop = LoopEndCount * LoopOpSize;
uint64_t RemainingBytes = CopyLen->getZExtValue() - BytesCopiedInLoop;
IntegerType *ILengthType = cast<IntegerType>(TypeOfCopyLen);
ConstantInt *Zero = ConstantInt::get(ILengthType, 0);
ConstantInt *One = ConstantInt::get(ILengthType, 1);
ConstantInt *TripCount = ConstantInt::get(ILengthType, LoopEndCount);
IRBuilder<> PLBuilder(InsertBefore);
auto [CmpSrcAddr, CmpDstAddr] =
tryInsertCastToCommonAddrSpace(PLBuilder, SrcAddr, DstAddr, TTI);
Value *PtrCompare =
PLBuilder.CreateICmpULT(CmpSrcAddr, CmpDstAddr, "compare_src_dst");
Instruction *ThenTerm, *ElseTerm;
SplitBlockAndInsertIfThenElse(PtrCompare, InsertBefore->getIterator(),
&ThenTerm, &ElseTerm);
BasicBlock *CopyBackwardsBB = ThenTerm->getParent();
BasicBlock *CopyForwardBB = ElseTerm->getParent();
BasicBlock *ExitBB = InsertBefore->getParent();
Align PartSrcAlign(commonAlignment(SrcAlign, LoopOpSize));
Align PartDstAlign(commonAlignment(DstAlign, LoopOpSize));
// Helper function to generate a load/store pair of a given type in the
// residual. Used in the forward and backward branches.
auto GenerateResidualLdStPair = [&](Type *OpTy, IRBuilderBase &Builder,
uint64_t &BytesCopied) {
Align ResSrcAlign(commonAlignment(SrcAlign, BytesCopied));
Align ResDstAlign(commonAlignment(DstAlign, BytesCopied));
// Calculate the new index
unsigned OperandSize = DL.getTypeStoreSize(OpTy);
uint64_t GepIndex = BytesCopied / OperandSize;
assert(GepIndex * OperandSize == BytesCopied &&
"Division should have no Remainder!");
Value *SrcGEP = Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(
OpTy, SrcAddr, ConstantInt::get(TypeOfCopyLen, GepIndex));
LoadInst *Load =
Builder.CreateAlignedLoad(OpTy, SrcGEP, ResSrcAlign, SrcIsVolatile);
Value *DstGEP = Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(
OpTy, DstAddr, ConstantInt::get(TypeOfCopyLen, GepIndex));
Builder.CreateAlignedStore(Load, DstGEP, ResDstAlign, DstIsVolatile);
BytesCopied += OperandSize;
// Copying backwards.
if (RemainingBytes != 0) {
uint64_t BytesCopied = BytesCopiedInLoop;
// Residual code is required to move the remaining bytes. We need the same
// instructions as in the forward case, only in reverse. So we generate code
// the same way, except that we change the IRBuilder insert point for each
// load/store pair so that each one is inserted before the previous one
// instead of after it.
IRBuilder<> BwdResBuilder(CopyBackwardsBB->getFirstNonPHI());
SmallVector<Type *, 5> RemainingOps;
TTI.getMemcpyLoopResidualLoweringType(RemainingOps, Ctx, RemainingBytes,
SrcAS, DstAS, PartSrcAlign.value(),
for (auto *OpTy : RemainingOps) {
// reverse the order of the emitted operations
GenerateResidualLdStPair(OpTy, BwdResBuilder, BytesCopied);
if (LoopEndCount != 0) {
BasicBlock *LoopBB = CopyBackwardsBB;
BasicBlock *PredBB = OrigBB;
if (RemainingBytes != 0) {
// if we introduce residual code, it needs its separate BB
LoopBB = CopyBackwardsBB->splitBasicBlock(
CopyBackwardsBB->getTerminator(), "memmove_bwd_loop");
PredBB = CopyBackwardsBB;
} else {
IRBuilder<> LoopBuilder(LoopBB->getTerminator());
PHINode *LoopPhi = LoopBuilder.CreatePHI(ILengthType, 0);
Value *Index = LoopBuilder.CreateSub(LoopPhi, One, "bwd_index");
Value *LoadGEP = LoopBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(LoopOpType, SrcAddr, Index);
Value *Element = LoopBuilder.CreateAlignedLoad(
LoopOpType, LoadGEP, PartSrcAlign, SrcIsVolatile, "element");
Value *StoreGEP = LoopBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(LoopOpType, DstAddr, Index);
LoopBuilder.CreateAlignedStore(Element, StoreGEP, PartDstAlign,
// Replace the unconditional branch introduced by
// SplitBlockAndInsertIfThenElse to turn LoopBB into a loop.
Instruction *UncondTerm = LoopBB->getTerminator();
LoopBuilder.CreateCondBr(LoopBuilder.CreateICmpEQ(Index, Zero), ExitBB,
LoopPhi->addIncoming(Index, LoopBB);
LoopPhi->addIncoming(TripCount, PredBB);
// Copying forward.
BasicBlock *FwdResidualBB = CopyForwardBB;
if (LoopEndCount != 0) {
BasicBlock *LoopBB = CopyForwardBB;
BasicBlock *SuccBB = ExitBB;
if (RemainingBytes != 0) {
// if we introduce residual code, it needs its separate BB
SuccBB = CopyForwardBB->splitBasicBlock(CopyForwardBB->getTerminator(),
FwdResidualBB = SuccBB;
IRBuilder<> LoopBuilder(LoopBB->getTerminator());
PHINode *LoopPhi = LoopBuilder.CreatePHI(ILengthType, 0, "fwd_index");
Value *LoadGEP =
LoopBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(LoopOpType, SrcAddr, LoopPhi);
Value *Element = LoopBuilder.CreateAlignedLoad(
LoopOpType, LoadGEP, PartSrcAlign, SrcIsVolatile, "element");
Value *StoreGEP =
LoopBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(LoopOpType, DstAddr, LoopPhi);
LoopBuilder.CreateAlignedStore(Element, StoreGEP, PartDstAlign,
Value *Index = LoopBuilder.CreateAdd(LoopPhi, One);
LoopPhi->addIncoming(Index, LoopBB);
LoopPhi->addIncoming(Zero, OrigBB);
// Replace the unconditional branch to turn LoopBB into a loop.
Instruction *UncondTerm = LoopBB->getTerminator();
LoopBuilder.CreateCondBr(LoopBuilder.CreateICmpEQ(Index, TripCount), SuccBB,
if (RemainingBytes != 0) {
uint64_t BytesCopied = BytesCopiedInLoop;
// Residual code is required to move the remaining bytes. In the forward
// case, we emit it in the normal order.
IRBuilder<> FwdResBuilder(FwdResidualBB->getTerminator());
SmallVector<Type *, 5> RemainingOps;
TTI.getMemcpyLoopResidualLoweringType(RemainingOps, Ctx, RemainingBytes,
SrcAS, DstAS, PartSrcAlign.value(),
for (auto *OpTy : RemainingOps)
GenerateResidualLdStPair(OpTy, FwdResBuilder, BytesCopied);
static void createMemSetLoop(Instruction *InsertBefore, Value *DstAddr,
Value *CopyLen, Value *SetValue, Align DstAlign,
bool IsVolatile) {
Type *TypeOfCopyLen = CopyLen->getType();
BasicBlock *OrigBB = InsertBefore->getParent();
Function *F = OrigBB->getParent();
const DataLayout &DL = F->getDataLayout();
BasicBlock *NewBB =
OrigBB->splitBasicBlock(InsertBefore, "split");
BasicBlock *LoopBB
= BasicBlock::Create(F->getContext(), "loadstoreloop", F, NewBB);
IRBuilder<> Builder(OrigBB->getTerminator());
Builder.CreateICmpEQ(ConstantInt::get(TypeOfCopyLen, 0), CopyLen), NewBB,
unsigned PartSize = DL.getTypeStoreSize(SetValue->getType());
Align PartAlign(commonAlignment(DstAlign, PartSize));
IRBuilder<> LoopBuilder(LoopBB);
PHINode *LoopIndex = LoopBuilder.CreatePHI(TypeOfCopyLen, 0);
LoopIndex->addIncoming(ConstantInt::get(TypeOfCopyLen, 0), OrigBB);
LoopBuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(SetValue->getType(), DstAddr, LoopIndex),
PartAlign, IsVolatile);
Value *NewIndex =
LoopBuilder.CreateAdd(LoopIndex, ConstantInt::get(TypeOfCopyLen, 1));
LoopIndex->addIncoming(NewIndex, LoopBB);
LoopBuilder.CreateCondBr(LoopBuilder.CreateICmpULT(NewIndex, CopyLen), LoopBB,
template <typename T>
static bool canOverlap(MemTransferBase<T> *Memcpy, ScalarEvolution *SE) {
if (SE) {
auto *SrcSCEV = SE->getSCEV(Memcpy->getRawSource());
auto *DestSCEV = SE->getSCEV(Memcpy->getRawDest());
if (SE->isKnownPredicateAt(CmpInst::ICMP_NE, SrcSCEV, DestSCEV, Memcpy))
return false;
return true;
void llvm::expandMemCpyAsLoop(MemCpyInst *Memcpy,
const TargetTransformInfo &TTI,
ScalarEvolution *SE) {
bool CanOverlap = canOverlap(Memcpy, SE);
if (ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Memcpy->getLength())) {
/* InsertBefore */ Memcpy,
/* SrcAddr */ Memcpy->getRawSource(),
/* DstAddr */ Memcpy->getRawDest(),
/* CopyLen */ CI,
/* SrcAlign */ Memcpy->getSourceAlign().valueOrOne(),
/* DestAlign */ Memcpy->getDestAlign().valueOrOne(),
/* SrcIsVolatile */ Memcpy->isVolatile(),
/* DstIsVolatile */ Memcpy->isVolatile(),
/* CanOverlap */ CanOverlap,
/* TargetTransformInfo */ TTI);
} else {
/* InsertBefore */ Memcpy,
/* SrcAddr */ Memcpy->getRawSource(),
/* DstAddr */ Memcpy->getRawDest(),
/* CopyLen */ Memcpy->getLength(),
/* SrcAlign */ Memcpy->getSourceAlign().valueOrOne(),
/* DestAlign */ Memcpy->getDestAlign().valueOrOne(),
/* SrcIsVolatile */ Memcpy->isVolatile(),
/* DstIsVolatile */ Memcpy->isVolatile(),
/* CanOverlap */ CanOverlap,
/* TargetTransformInfo */ TTI);
bool llvm::expandMemMoveAsLoop(MemMoveInst *Memmove,
const TargetTransformInfo &TTI) {
Value *CopyLen = Memmove->getLength();
Value *SrcAddr = Memmove->getRawSource();
Value *DstAddr = Memmove->getRawDest();
Align SrcAlign = Memmove->getSourceAlign().valueOrOne();
Align DstAlign = Memmove->getDestAlign().valueOrOne();
bool SrcIsVolatile = Memmove->isVolatile();
bool DstIsVolatile = SrcIsVolatile;
IRBuilder<> CastBuilder(Memmove);
unsigned SrcAS = SrcAddr->getType()->getPointerAddressSpace();
unsigned DstAS = DstAddr->getType()->getPointerAddressSpace();
if (SrcAS != DstAS) {
if (!TTI.addrspacesMayAlias(SrcAS, DstAS)) {
// We may not be able to emit a pointer comparison, but we don't have
// to. Expand as memcpy.
if (ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(CopyLen)) {
createMemCpyLoopKnownSize(/*InsertBefore=*/Memmove, SrcAddr, DstAddr,
CI, SrcAlign, DstAlign, SrcIsVolatile,
/*CanOverlap=*/false, TTI);
} else {
createMemCpyLoopUnknownSize(/*InsertBefore=*/Memmove, SrcAddr, DstAddr,
CopyLen, SrcAlign, DstAlign, SrcIsVolatile,
/*CanOverlap=*/false, TTI);
return true;
if (!(TTI.isValidAddrSpaceCast(DstAS, SrcAS) ||
TTI.isValidAddrSpaceCast(SrcAS, DstAS))) {
// We don't know generically if it's legal to introduce an
// addrspacecast. We need to know either if it's legal to insert an
// addrspacecast, or if the address spaces cannot alias.
dbgs() << "Do not know how to expand memmove between different "
"address spaces\n");
return false;
if (ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(CopyLen)) {
/*InsertBefore=*/Memmove, SrcAddr, DstAddr, CI, SrcAlign, DstAlign,
SrcIsVolatile, DstIsVolatile, TTI);
} else {
/*InsertBefore=*/Memmove, SrcAddr, DstAddr, CopyLen, SrcAlign, DstAlign,
SrcIsVolatile, DstIsVolatile, TTI);
return true;
void llvm::expandMemSetAsLoop(MemSetInst *Memset) {
createMemSetLoop(/* InsertBefore */ Memset,
/* DstAddr */ Memset->getRawDest(),
/* CopyLen */ Memset->getLength(),
/* SetValue */ Memset->getValue(),
/* Alignment */ Memset->getDestAlign().valueOrOne(),
void llvm::expandAtomicMemCpyAsLoop(AtomicMemCpyInst *AtomicMemcpy,
const TargetTransformInfo &TTI,
ScalarEvolution *SE) {
if (ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(AtomicMemcpy->getLength())) {
/* InsertBefore */ AtomicMemcpy,
/* SrcAddr */ AtomicMemcpy->getRawSource(),
/* DstAddr */ AtomicMemcpy->getRawDest(),
/* CopyLen */ CI,
/* SrcAlign */ AtomicMemcpy->getSourceAlign().valueOrOne(),
/* DestAlign */ AtomicMemcpy->getDestAlign().valueOrOne(),
/* SrcIsVolatile */ AtomicMemcpy->isVolatile(),
/* DstIsVolatile */ AtomicMemcpy->isVolatile(),
/* CanOverlap */ false, // SrcAddr & DstAddr may not overlap by spec.
/* TargetTransformInfo */ TTI,
/* AtomicCpySize */ AtomicMemcpy->getElementSizeInBytes());
} else {
/* InsertBefore */ AtomicMemcpy,
/* SrcAddr */ AtomicMemcpy->getRawSource(),
/* DstAddr */ AtomicMemcpy->getRawDest(),
/* CopyLen */ AtomicMemcpy->getLength(),
/* SrcAlign */ AtomicMemcpy->getSourceAlign().valueOrOne(),
/* DestAlign */ AtomicMemcpy->getDestAlign().valueOrOne(),
/* SrcIsVolatile */ AtomicMemcpy->isVolatile(),
/* DstIsVolatile */ AtomicMemcpy->isVolatile(),
/* CanOverlap */ false, // SrcAddr & DstAddr may not overlap by spec.
/* TargetTransformInfo */ TTI,
/* AtomicCpySize */ AtomicMemcpy->getElementSizeInBytes());