blob: 95edd27c675d24389e5223e31b30a3413519db82 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- CodeLayout.cpp - Implementation of code layout algorithms ----------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// The file implements "cache-aware" layout algorithms of basic blocks and
// functions in a binary.
// The algorithm tries to find a layout of nodes (basic blocks) of a given CFG
// optimizing jump locality and thus processor I-cache utilization. This is
// achieved via increasing the number of fall-through jumps and co-locating
// frequently executed nodes together. The name follows the underlying
// optimization problem, Extended-TSP, which is a generalization of classical
// (maximum) Traveling Salesmen Problem.
// The algorithm is a greedy heuristic that works with chains (ordered lists)
// of basic blocks. Initially all chains are isolated basic blocks. On every
// iteration, we pick a pair of chains whose merging yields the biggest increase
// in the ExtTSP score, which models how i-cache "friendly" a specific chain is.
// A pair of chains giving the maximum gain is merged into a new chain. The
// procedure stops when there is only one chain left, or when merging does not
// increase ExtTSP. In the latter case, the remaining chains are sorted by
// density in the decreasing order.
// An important aspect is the way two chains are merged. Unlike earlier
// algorithms (e.g., based on the approach of Pettis-Hansen), two
// chains, X and Y, are first split into three, X1, X2, and Y. Then we
// consider all possible ways of gluing the three chains (e.g., X1YX2, X1X2Y,
// X2X1Y, X2YX1, YX1X2, YX2X1) and choose the one producing the largest score.
// This improves the quality of the final result (the search space is larger)
// while keeping the implementation sufficiently fast.
// Reference:
// * A. Newell and S. Pupyrev, Improved Basic Block Reordering,
// IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2020
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/CodeLayout.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <set>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::codelayout;
#define DEBUG_TYPE "code-layout"
namespace llvm {
cl::opt<bool> EnableExtTspBlockPlacement(
"enable-ext-tsp-block-placement", cl::Hidden, cl::init(false),
cl::desc("Enable machine block placement based on the ext-tsp model, "
"optimizing I-cache utilization."));
cl::opt<bool> ApplyExtTspWithoutProfile(
cl::desc("Whether to apply ext-tsp placement for instances w/o profile"),
cl::init(true), cl::Hidden);
} // namespace llvm
// Algorithm-specific params for Ext-TSP. The values are tuned for the best
// performance of large-scale front-end bound binaries.
static cl::opt<double> ForwardWeightCond(
"ext-tsp-forward-weight-cond", cl::ReallyHidden, cl::init(0.1),
cl::desc("The weight of conditional forward jumps for ExtTSP value"));
static cl::opt<double> ForwardWeightUncond(
"ext-tsp-forward-weight-uncond", cl::ReallyHidden, cl::init(0.1),
cl::desc("The weight of unconditional forward jumps for ExtTSP value"));
static cl::opt<double> BackwardWeightCond(
"ext-tsp-backward-weight-cond", cl::ReallyHidden, cl::init(0.1),
cl::desc("The weight of conditional backward jumps for ExtTSP value"));
static cl::opt<double> BackwardWeightUncond(
"ext-tsp-backward-weight-uncond", cl::ReallyHidden, cl::init(0.1),
cl::desc("The weight of unconditional backward jumps for ExtTSP value"));
static cl::opt<double> FallthroughWeightCond(
"ext-tsp-fallthrough-weight-cond", cl::ReallyHidden, cl::init(1.0),
cl::desc("The weight of conditional fallthrough jumps for ExtTSP value"));
static cl::opt<double> FallthroughWeightUncond(
"ext-tsp-fallthrough-weight-uncond", cl::ReallyHidden, cl::init(1.05),
cl::desc("The weight of unconditional fallthrough jumps for ExtTSP value"));
static cl::opt<unsigned> ForwardDistance(
"ext-tsp-forward-distance", cl::ReallyHidden, cl::init(1024),
cl::desc("The maximum distance (in bytes) of a forward jump for ExtTSP"));
static cl::opt<unsigned> BackwardDistance(
"ext-tsp-backward-distance", cl::ReallyHidden, cl::init(640),
cl::desc("The maximum distance (in bytes) of a backward jump for ExtTSP"));
// The maximum size of a chain created by the algorithm. The size is bounded
// so that the algorithm can efficiently process extremely large instances.
static cl::opt<unsigned>
MaxChainSize("ext-tsp-max-chain-size", cl::ReallyHidden, cl::init(512),
cl::desc("The maximum size of a chain to create"));
// The maximum size of a chain for splitting. Larger values of the threshold
// may yield better quality at the cost of worsen run-time.
static cl::opt<unsigned> ChainSplitThreshold(
"ext-tsp-chain-split-threshold", cl::ReallyHidden, cl::init(128),
cl::desc("The maximum size of a chain to apply splitting"));
// The maximum ratio between densities of two chains for merging.
static cl::opt<double> MaxMergeDensityRatio(
"ext-tsp-max-merge-density-ratio", cl::ReallyHidden, cl::init(100),
cl::desc("The maximum ratio between densities of two chains for merging"));
// Algorithm-specific options for CDSort.
static cl::opt<unsigned> CacheEntries("cdsort-cache-entries", cl::ReallyHidden,
cl::desc("The size of the cache"));
static cl::opt<unsigned> CacheSize("cdsort-cache-size", cl::ReallyHidden,
cl::desc("The size of a line in the cache"));
static cl::opt<unsigned>
CDMaxChainSize("cdsort-max-chain-size", cl::ReallyHidden,
cl::desc("The maximum size of a chain to create"));
static cl::opt<double> DistancePower(
"cdsort-distance-power", cl::ReallyHidden,
cl::desc("The power exponent for the distance-based locality"));
static cl::opt<double> FrequencyScale(
"cdsort-frequency-scale", cl::ReallyHidden,
cl::desc("The scale factor for the frequency-based locality"));
namespace {
// Epsilon for comparison of doubles.
constexpr double EPS = 1e-8;
// Compute the Ext-TSP score for a given jump.
double jumpExtTSPScore(uint64_t JumpDist, uint64_t JumpMaxDist, uint64_t Count,
double Weight) {
if (JumpDist > JumpMaxDist)
return 0;
double Prob = 1.0 - static_cast<double>(JumpDist) / JumpMaxDist;
return Weight * Prob * Count;
// Compute the Ext-TSP score for a jump between a given pair of blocks,
// using their sizes, (estimated) addresses and the jump execution count.
double extTSPScore(uint64_t SrcAddr, uint64_t SrcSize, uint64_t DstAddr,
uint64_t Count, bool IsConditional) {
// Fallthrough
if (SrcAddr + SrcSize == DstAddr) {
return jumpExtTSPScore(0, 1, Count,
IsConditional ? FallthroughWeightCond
: FallthroughWeightUncond);
// Forward
if (SrcAddr + SrcSize < DstAddr) {
const uint64_t Dist = DstAddr - (SrcAddr + SrcSize);
return jumpExtTSPScore(Dist, ForwardDistance, Count,
IsConditional ? ForwardWeightCond
: ForwardWeightUncond);
// Backward
const uint64_t Dist = SrcAddr + SrcSize - DstAddr;
return jumpExtTSPScore(Dist, BackwardDistance, Count,
IsConditional ? BackwardWeightCond
: BackwardWeightUncond);
/// A type of merging two chains, X and Y. The former chain is split into
/// X1 and X2 and then concatenated with Y in the order specified by the type.
enum class MergeTypeT : int { X_Y, Y_X, X1_Y_X2, Y_X2_X1, X2_X1_Y };
/// The gain of merging two chains, that is, the Ext-TSP score of the merge
/// together with the corresponding merge 'type' and 'offset'.
struct MergeGainT {
explicit MergeGainT() = default;
explicit MergeGainT(double Score, size_t MergeOffset, MergeTypeT MergeType)
: Score(Score), MergeOffset(MergeOffset), MergeType(MergeType) {}
double score() const { return Score; }
size_t mergeOffset() const { return MergeOffset; }
MergeTypeT mergeType() const { return MergeType; }
void setMergeType(MergeTypeT Ty) { MergeType = Ty; }
// Returns 'true' iff Other is preferred over this.
bool operator<(const MergeGainT &Other) const {
return (Other.Score > EPS && Other.Score > Score + EPS);
// Update the current gain if Other is preferred over this.
void updateIfLessThan(const MergeGainT &Other) {
if (*this < Other)
*this = Other;
double Score{-1.0};
size_t MergeOffset{0};
MergeTypeT MergeType{MergeTypeT::X_Y};
struct JumpT;
struct ChainT;
struct ChainEdge;
/// A node in the graph, typically corresponding to a basic block in the CFG or
/// a function in the call graph.
struct NodeT {
NodeT(const NodeT &) = delete;
NodeT(NodeT &&) = default;
NodeT &operator=(const NodeT &) = delete;
NodeT &operator=(NodeT &&) = default;
explicit NodeT(size_t Index, uint64_t Size, uint64_t Count)
: Index(Index), Size(Size), ExecutionCount(Count) {}
bool isEntry() const { return Index == 0; }
// Check if Other is a successor of the node.
bool isSuccessor(const NodeT *Other) const;
// The total execution count of outgoing jumps.
uint64_t outCount() const;
// The total execution count of incoming jumps.
uint64_t inCount() const;
// The original index of the node in graph.
size_t Index{0};
// The index of the node in the current chain.
size_t CurIndex{0};
// The size of the node in the binary.
uint64_t Size{0};
// The execution count of the node in the profile data.
uint64_t ExecutionCount{0};
// The current chain of the node.
ChainT *CurChain{nullptr};
// The offset of the node in the current chain.
mutable uint64_t EstimatedAddr{0};
// Forced successor of the node in the graph.
NodeT *ForcedSucc{nullptr};
// Forced predecessor of the node in the graph.
NodeT *ForcedPred{nullptr};
// Outgoing jumps from the node.
std::vector<JumpT *> OutJumps;
// Incoming jumps to the node.
std::vector<JumpT *> InJumps;
/// An arc in the graph, typically corresponding to a jump between two nodes.
struct JumpT {
JumpT(const JumpT &) = delete;
JumpT(JumpT &&) = default;
JumpT &operator=(const JumpT &) = delete;
JumpT &operator=(JumpT &&) = default;
explicit JumpT(NodeT *Source, NodeT *Target, uint64_t ExecutionCount)
: Source(Source), Target(Target), ExecutionCount(ExecutionCount) {}
// Source node of the jump.
NodeT *Source;
// Target node of the jump.
NodeT *Target;
// Execution count of the arc in the profile data.
uint64_t ExecutionCount{0};
// Whether the jump corresponds to a conditional branch.
bool IsConditional{false};
// The offset of the jump from the source node.
uint64_t Offset{0};
/// A chain (ordered sequence) of nodes in the graph.
struct ChainT {
ChainT(const ChainT &) = delete;
ChainT(ChainT &&) = default;
ChainT &operator=(const ChainT &) = delete;
ChainT &operator=(ChainT &&) = default;
explicit ChainT(uint64_t Id, NodeT *Node)
: Id(Id), ExecutionCount(Node->ExecutionCount), Size(Node->Size),
Nodes(1, Node) {}
size_t numBlocks() const { return Nodes.size(); }
double density() const { return ExecutionCount / Size; }
bool isEntry() const { return Nodes[0]->Index == 0; }
bool isCold() const {
for (NodeT *Node : Nodes) {
if (Node->ExecutionCount > 0)
return false;
return true;
ChainEdge *getEdge(ChainT *Other) const {
for (const auto &[Chain, ChainEdge] : Edges) {
if (Chain == Other)
return ChainEdge;
return nullptr;
void removeEdge(ChainT *Other) {
auto It = Edges.begin();
while (It != Edges.end()) {
if (It->first == Other) {
void addEdge(ChainT *Other, ChainEdge *Edge) {
Edges.push_back(std::make_pair(Other, Edge));
void merge(ChainT *Other, std::vector<NodeT *> MergedBlocks) {
Nodes = std::move(MergedBlocks);
// Update the chain's data.
ExecutionCount += Other->ExecutionCount;
Size += Other->Size;
Id = Nodes[0]->Index;
// Update the node's data.
for (size_t Idx = 0; Idx < Nodes.size(); Idx++) {
Nodes[Idx]->CurChain = this;
Nodes[Idx]->CurIndex = Idx;
void mergeEdges(ChainT *Other);
void clear() {
// Unique chain identifier.
uint64_t Id;
// Cached ext-tsp score for the chain.
double Score{0};
// The total execution count of the chain. Since the execution count of
// a basic block is uint64_t, using doubles here to avoid overflow.
double ExecutionCount{0};
// The total size of the chain.
uint64_t Size{0};
// Nodes of the chain.
std::vector<NodeT *> Nodes;
// Adjacent chains and corresponding edges (lists of jumps).
std::vector<std::pair<ChainT *, ChainEdge *>> Edges;
/// An edge in the graph representing jumps between two chains.
/// When nodes are merged into chains, the edges are combined too so that
/// there is always at most one edge between a pair of chains.
struct ChainEdge {
ChainEdge(const ChainEdge &) = delete;
ChainEdge(ChainEdge &&) = default;
ChainEdge &operator=(const ChainEdge &) = delete;
ChainEdge &operator=(ChainEdge &&) = delete;
explicit ChainEdge(JumpT *Jump)
: SrcChain(Jump->Source->CurChain), DstChain(Jump->Target->CurChain),
Jumps(1, Jump) {}
ChainT *srcChain() const { return SrcChain; }
ChainT *dstChain() const { return DstChain; }
bool isSelfEdge() const { return SrcChain == DstChain; }
const std::vector<JumpT *> &jumps() const { return Jumps; }
void appendJump(JumpT *Jump) { Jumps.push_back(Jump); }
void moveJumps(ChainEdge *Other) {
Jumps.insert(Jumps.end(), Other->Jumps.begin(), Other->Jumps.end());
void changeEndpoint(ChainT *From, ChainT *To) {
if (From == SrcChain)
SrcChain = To;
if (From == DstChain)
DstChain = To;
bool hasCachedMergeGain(ChainT *Src, ChainT *Dst) const {
return Src == SrcChain ? CacheValidForward : CacheValidBackward;
MergeGainT getCachedMergeGain(ChainT *Src, ChainT *Dst) const {
return Src == SrcChain ? CachedGainForward : CachedGainBackward;
void setCachedMergeGain(ChainT *Src, ChainT *Dst, MergeGainT MergeGain) {
if (Src == SrcChain) {
CachedGainForward = MergeGain;
CacheValidForward = true;
} else {
CachedGainBackward = MergeGain;
CacheValidBackward = true;
void invalidateCache() {
CacheValidForward = false;
CacheValidBackward = false;
void setMergeGain(MergeGainT Gain) { CachedGain = Gain; }
MergeGainT getMergeGain() const { return CachedGain; }
double gain() const { return CachedGain.score(); }
// Source chain.
ChainT *SrcChain{nullptr};
// Destination chain.
ChainT *DstChain{nullptr};
// Original jumps in the binary with corresponding execution counts.
std::vector<JumpT *> Jumps;
// Cached gain value for merging the pair of chains.
MergeGainT CachedGain;
// Cached gain values for merging the pair of chains. Since the gain of
// merging (Src, Dst) and (Dst, Src) might be different, we store both values
// here and a flag indicating which of the options results in a higher gain.
// Cached gain values.
MergeGainT CachedGainForward;
MergeGainT CachedGainBackward;
// Whether the cached value must be recomputed.
bool CacheValidForward{false};
bool CacheValidBackward{false};
bool NodeT::isSuccessor(const NodeT *Other) const {
for (JumpT *Jump : OutJumps)
if (Jump->Target == Other)
return true;
return false;
uint64_t NodeT::outCount() const {
uint64_t Count = 0;
for (JumpT *Jump : OutJumps)
Count += Jump->ExecutionCount;
return Count;
uint64_t NodeT::inCount() const {
uint64_t Count = 0;
for (JumpT *Jump : InJumps)
Count += Jump->ExecutionCount;
return Count;
void ChainT::mergeEdges(ChainT *Other) {
// Update edges adjacent to chain Other.
for (const auto &[DstChain, DstEdge] : Other->Edges) {
ChainT *TargetChain = DstChain == Other ? this : DstChain;
ChainEdge *CurEdge = getEdge(TargetChain);
if (CurEdge == nullptr) {
DstEdge->changeEndpoint(Other, this);
this->addEdge(TargetChain, DstEdge);
if (DstChain != this && DstChain != Other)
DstChain->addEdge(this, DstEdge);
} else {
// Cleanup leftover edge.
if (DstChain != Other)
using NodeIter = std::vector<NodeT *>::const_iterator;
static std::vector<NodeT *> EmptyList;
/// A wrapper around three concatenated vectors (chains) of nodes; it is used
/// to avoid extra instantiation of the vectors.
struct MergedNodesT {
MergedNodesT(NodeIter Begin1, NodeIter End1,
NodeIter Begin2 = EmptyList.begin(),
NodeIter End2 = EmptyList.end(),
NodeIter Begin3 = EmptyList.begin(),
NodeIter End3 = EmptyList.end())
: Begin1(Begin1), End1(End1), Begin2(Begin2), End2(End2), Begin3(Begin3),
End3(End3) {}
template <typename F> void forEach(const F &Func) const {
for (auto It = Begin1; It != End1; It++)
for (auto It = Begin2; It != End2; It++)
for (auto It = Begin3; It != End3; It++)
std::vector<NodeT *> getNodes() const {
std::vector<NodeT *> Result;
Result.reserve(std::distance(Begin1, End1) + std::distance(Begin2, End2) +
std::distance(Begin3, End3));
Result.insert(Result.end(), Begin1, End1);
Result.insert(Result.end(), Begin2, End2);
Result.insert(Result.end(), Begin3, End3);
return Result;
const NodeT *getFirstNode() const { return *Begin1; }
NodeIter Begin1;
NodeIter End1;
NodeIter Begin2;
NodeIter End2;
NodeIter Begin3;
NodeIter End3;
/// A wrapper around two concatenated vectors (chains) of jumps.
struct MergedJumpsT {
MergedJumpsT(const std::vector<JumpT *> *Jumps1,
const std::vector<JumpT *> *Jumps2 = nullptr) {
assert(!Jumps1->empty() && "cannot merge empty jump list");
JumpArray[0] = Jumps1;
JumpArray[1] = Jumps2;
template <typename F> void forEach(const F &Func) const {
for (auto Jumps : JumpArray)
if (Jumps != nullptr)
for (JumpT *Jump : *Jumps)
std::array<const std::vector<JumpT *> *, 2> JumpArray{nullptr, nullptr};
/// Merge two chains of nodes respecting a given 'type' and 'offset'.
/// If MergeType == 0, then the result is a concatenation of two chains.
/// Otherwise, the first chain is cut into two sub-chains at the offset,
/// and merged using all possible ways of concatenating three chains.
MergedNodesT mergeNodes(const std::vector<NodeT *> &X,
const std::vector<NodeT *> &Y, size_t MergeOffset,
MergeTypeT MergeType) {
// Split the first chain, X, into X1 and X2.
NodeIter BeginX1 = X.begin();
NodeIter EndX1 = X.begin() + MergeOffset;
NodeIter BeginX2 = X.begin() + MergeOffset;
NodeIter EndX2 = X.end();
NodeIter BeginY = Y.begin();
NodeIter EndY = Y.end();
// Construct a new chain from the three existing ones.
switch (MergeType) {
case MergeTypeT::X_Y:
return MergedNodesT(BeginX1, EndX2, BeginY, EndY);
case MergeTypeT::Y_X:
return MergedNodesT(BeginY, EndY, BeginX1, EndX2);
case MergeTypeT::X1_Y_X2:
return MergedNodesT(BeginX1, EndX1, BeginY, EndY, BeginX2, EndX2);
case MergeTypeT::Y_X2_X1:
return MergedNodesT(BeginY, EndY, BeginX2, EndX2, BeginX1, EndX1);
case MergeTypeT::X2_X1_Y:
return MergedNodesT(BeginX2, EndX2, BeginX1, EndX1, BeginY, EndY);
llvm_unreachable("unexpected chain merge type");
/// The implementation of the ExtTSP algorithm.
class ExtTSPImpl {
ExtTSPImpl(ArrayRef<uint64_t> NodeSizes, ArrayRef<uint64_t> NodeCounts,
ArrayRef<EdgeCount> EdgeCounts)
: NumNodes(NodeSizes.size()) {
initialize(NodeSizes, NodeCounts, EdgeCounts);
/// Run the algorithm and return an optimized ordering of nodes.
std::vector<uint64_t> run() {
// Pass 1: Merge nodes with their mutually forced successors
// Pass 2: Merge pairs of chains while improving the ExtTSP objective
// Pass 3: Merge cold nodes to reduce code size
// Collect nodes from all chains
return concatChains();
/// Initialize the algorithm's data structures.
void initialize(const ArrayRef<uint64_t> &NodeSizes,
const ArrayRef<uint64_t> &NodeCounts,
const ArrayRef<EdgeCount> &EdgeCounts) {
// Initialize nodes.
for (uint64_t Idx = 0; Idx < NumNodes; Idx++) {
uint64_t Size = std::max<uint64_t>(NodeSizes[Idx], 1ULL);
uint64_t ExecutionCount = NodeCounts[Idx];
// The execution count of the entry node is set to at least one.
if (Idx == 0 && ExecutionCount == 0)
ExecutionCount = 1;
AllNodes.emplace_back(Idx, Size, ExecutionCount);
// Initialize jumps between the nodes.
std::vector<uint64_t> OutDegree(NumNodes, 0);
for (auto Edge : EdgeCounts) {
// Ignore self-edges.
if (Edge.src == Edge.dst)
if (Edge.count > 0) {
NodeT &PredNode = AllNodes[Edge.src];
NodeT &SuccNode = AllNodes[Edge.dst];
AllJumps.emplace_back(&PredNode, &SuccNode, Edge.count);
// Adjust execution counts.
PredNode.ExecutionCount = std::max(PredNode.ExecutionCount, Edge.count);
SuccNode.ExecutionCount = std::max(SuccNode.ExecutionCount, Edge.count);
for (JumpT &Jump : AllJumps) {
assert(OutDegree[Jump.Source->Index] > 0 &&
"incorrectly computed out-degree of the block");
Jump.IsConditional = OutDegree[Jump.Source->Index] > 1;
// Initialize chains.
for (NodeT &Node : AllNodes) {
// Create a chain.
AllChains.emplace_back(Node.Index, &Node);
Node.CurChain = &AllChains.back();
if (Node.ExecutionCount > 0)
// Initialize chain edges.
for (NodeT &PredNode : AllNodes) {
for (JumpT *Jump : PredNode.OutJumps) {
assert(Jump->ExecutionCount > 0 && "incorrectly initialized jump");
NodeT *SuccNode = Jump->Target;
ChainEdge *CurEdge = PredNode.CurChain->getEdge(SuccNode->CurChain);
// This edge is already present in the graph.
if (CurEdge != nullptr) {
assert(SuccNode->CurChain->getEdge(PredNode.CurChain) != nullptr);
// This is a new edge.
PredNode.CurChain->addEdge(SuccNode->CurChain, &AllEdges.back());
SuccNode->CurChain->addEdge(PredNode.CurChain, &AllEdges.back());
/// For a pair of nodes, A and B, node B is the forced successor of A,
/// if (i) all jumps (based on profile) from A goes to B and (ii) all jumps
/// to B are from A. Such nodes should be adjacent in the optimal ordering;
/// the method finds and merges such pairs of nodes.
void mergeForcedPairs() {
// Find forced pairs of blocks.
for (NodeT &Node : AllNodes) {
if (SuccNodes[Node.Index].size() == 1 &&
PredNodes[SuccNodes[Node.Index][0]].size() == 1 &&
SuccNodes[Node.Index][0] != 0) {
size_t SuccIndex = SuccNodes[Node.Index][0];
Node.ForcedSucc = &AllNodes[SuccIndex];
AllNodes[SuccIndex].ForcedPred = &Node;
// There might be 'cycles' in the forced dependencies, since profile
// data isn't 100% accurate. Typically this is observed in loops, when the
// loop edges are the hottest successors for the basic blocks of the loop.
// Break the cycles by choosing the node with the smallest index as the
// head. This helps to keep the original order of the loops, which likely
// have already been rotated in the optimized manner.
for (NodeT &Node : AllNodes) {
if (Node.ForcedSucc == nullptr || Node.ForcedPred == nullptr)
NodeT *SuccNode = Node.ForcedSucc;
while (SuccNode != nullptr && SuccNode != &Node) {
SuccNode = SuccNode->ForcedSucc;
if (SuccNode == nullptr)
// Break the cycle.
AllNodes[Node.ForcedPred->Index].ForcedSucc = nullptr;
Node.ForcedPred = nullptr;
// Merge nodes with their fallthrough successors.
for (NodeT &Node : AllNodes) {
if (Node.ForcedPred == nullptr && Node.ForcedSucc != nullptr) {
const NodeT *CurBlock = &Node;
while (CurBlock->ForcedSucc != nullptr) {
const NodeT *NextBlock = CurBlock->ForcedSucc;
mergeChains(Node.CurChain, NextBlock->CurChain, 0, MergeTypeT::X_Y);
CurBlock = NextBlock;
/// Merge pairs of chains while improving the ExtTSP objective.
void mergeChainPairs() {
/// Deterministically compare pairs of chains.
auto compareChainPairs = [](const ChainT *A1, const ChainT *B1,
const ChainT *A2, const ChainT *B2) {
return std::make_tuple(A1->Id, B1->Id) < std::make_tuple(A2->Id, B2->Id);
while (HotChains.size() > 1) {
ChainT *BestChainPred = nullptr;
ChainT *BestChainSucc = nullptr;
MergeGainT BestGain;
// Iterate over all pairs of chains.
for (ChainT *ChainPred : HotChains) {
// Get candidates for merging with the current chain.
for (const auto &[ChainSucc, Edge] : ChainPred->Edges) {
// Ignore loop edges.
if (Edge->isSelfEdge())
// Skip the merge if the combined chain violates the maximum specified
// size.
if (ChainPred->numBlocks() + ChainSucc->numBlocks() >= MaxChainSize)
// Don't merge the chains if they have vastly different densities.
// Skip the merge if the ratio between the densities exceeds
// MaxMergeDensityRatio. Smaller values of the option result in fewer
// merges, and hence, more chains.
const double ChainPredDensity = ChainPred->density();
const double ChainSuccDensity = ChainSucc->density();
assert(ChainPredDensity > 0.0 && ChainSuccDensity > 0.0 &&
"incorrectly computed chain densities");
auto [MinDensity, MaxDensity] =
std::minmax(ChainPredDensity, ChainSuccDensity);
const double Ratio = MaxDensity / MinDensity;
if (Ratio > MaxMergeDensityRatio)
// Compute the gain of merging the two chains.
MergeGainT CurGain = getBestMergeGain(ChainPred, ChainSucc, Edge);
if (CurGain.score() <= EPS)
if (BestGain < CurGain ||
(std::abs(CurGain.score() - BestGain.score()) < EPS &&
compareChainPairs(ChainPred, ChainSucc, BestChainPred,
BestChainSucc))) {
BestGain = CurGain;
BestChainPred = ChainPred;
BestChainSucc = ChainSucc;
// Stop merging when there is no improvement.
if (BestGain.score() <= EPS)
// Merge the best pair of chains.
mergeChains(BestChainPred, BestChainSucc, BestGain.mergeOffset(),
/// Merge remaining nodes into chains w/o taking jump counts into
/// consideration. This allows to maintain the original node order in the
/// absence of profile data.
void mergeColdChains() {
for (size_t SrcBB = 0; SrcBB < NumNodes; SrcBB++) {
// Iterating in reverse order to make sure original fallthrough jumps are
// merged first; this might be beneficial for code size.
size_t NumSuccs = SuccNodes[SrcBB].size();
for (size_t Idx = 0; Idx < NumSuccs; Idx++) {
size_t DstBB = SuccNodes[SrcBB][NumSuccs - Idx - 1];
ChainT *SrcChain = AllNodes[SrcBB].CurChain;
ChainT *DstChain = AllNodes[DstBB].CurChain;
if (SrcChain != DstChain && !DstChain->isEntry() &&
SrcChain->Nodes.back()->Index == SrcBB &&
DstChain->Nodes.front()->Index == DstBB &&
SrcChain->isCold() == DstChain->isCold()) {
mergeChains(SrcChain, DstChain, 0, MergeTypeT::X_Y);
/// Compute the Ext-TSP score for a given node order and a list of jumps.
double extTSPScore(const MergedNodesT &Nodes,
const MergedJumpsT &Jumps) const {
uint64_t CurAddr = 0;
Nodes.forEach([&](const NodeT *Node) {
Node->EstimatedAddr = CurAddr;
CurAddr += Node->Size;
double Score = 0;
Jumps.forEach([&](const JumpT *Jump) {
const NodeT *SrcBlock = Jump->Source;
const NodeT *DstBlock = Jump->Target;
Score += ::extTSPScore(SrcBlock->EstimatedAddr, SrcBlock->Size,
DstBlock->EstimatedAddr, Jump->ExecutionCount,
return Score;
/// Compute the gain of merging two chains.
/// The function considers all possible ways of merging two chains and
/// computes the one having the largest increase in ExtTSP objective. The
/// result is a pair with the first element being the gain and the second
/// element being the corresponding merging type.
MergeGainT getBestMergeGain(ChainT *ChainPred, ChainT *ChainSucc,
ChainEdge *Edge) const {
if (Edge->hasCachedMergeGain(ChainPred, ChainSucc))
return Edge->getCachedMergeGain(ChainPred, ChainSucc);
assert(!Edge->jumps().empty() && "trying to merge chains w/o jumps");
// Precompute jumps between ChainPred and ChainSucc.
ChainEdge *EdgePP = ChainPred->getEdge(ChainPred);
MergedJumpsT Jumps(&Edge->jumps(), EdgePP ? &EdgePP->jumps() : nullptr);
// This object holds the best chosen gain of merging two chains.
MergeGainT Gain = MergeGainT();
/// Given a merge offset and a list of merge types, try to merge two chains
/// and update Gain with a better alternative.
auto tryChainMerging = [&](size_t Offset,
const std::vector<MergeTypeT> &MergeTypes) {
// Skip merging corresponding to concatenation w/o splitting.
if (Offset == 0 || Offset == ChainPred->Nodes.size())
// Skip merging if it breaks Forced successors.
NodeT *Node = ChainPred->Nodes[Offset - 1];
if (Node->ForcedSucc != nullptr)
// Apply the merge, compute the corresponding gain, and update the best
// value, if the merge is beneficial.
for (const MergeTypeT &MergeType : MergeTypes) {
computeMergeGain(ChainPred, ChainSucc, Jumps, Offset, MergeType));
// Try to concatenate two chains w/o splitting.
computeMergeGain(ChainPred, ChainSucc, Jumps, 0, MergeTypeT::X_Y));
// Attach (a part of) ChainPred before the first node of ChainSucc.
for (JumpT *Jump : ChainSucc->Nodes.front()->InJumps) {
const NodeT *SrcBlock = Jump->Source;
if (SrcBlock->CurChain != ChainPred)
size_t Offset = SrcBlock->CurIndex + 1;
tryChainMerging(Offset, {MergeTypeT::X1_Y_X2, MergeTypeT::X2_X1_Y});
// Attach (a part of) ChainPred after the last node of ChainSucc.
for (JumpT *Jump : ChainSucc->Nodes.back()->OutJumps) {
const NodeT *DstBlock = Jump->Target;
if (DstBlock->CurChain != ChainPred)
size_t Offset = DstBlock->CurIndex;
tryChainMerging(Offset, {MergeTypeT::X1_Y_X2, MergeTypeT::Y_X2_X1});
// Try to break ChainPred in various ways and concatenate with ChainSucc.
if (ChainPred->Nodes.size() <= ChainSplitThreshold) {
for (size_t Offset = 1; Offset < ChainPred->Nodes.size(); Offset++) {
// Do not split the chain along a fall-through jump. One of the two
// loops above may still "break" such a jump whenever it results in a
// new fall-through.
const NodeT *BB = ChainPred->Nodes[Offset - 1];
const NodeT *BB2 = ChainPred->Nodes[Offset];
if (BB->isSuccessor(BB2))
// In practice, applying X2_Y_X1 merging almost never provides benefits;
// thus, we exclude it from consideration to reduce the search space.
tryChainMerging(Offset, {MergeTypeT::X1_Y_X2, MergeTypeT::Y_X2_X1,
Edge->setCachedMergeGain(ChainPred, ChainSucc, Gain);
return Gain;
/// Compute the score gain of merging two chains, respecting a given
/// merge 'type' and 'offset'.
/// The two chains are not modified in the method.
MergeGainT computeMergeGain(const ChainT *ChainPred, const ChainT *ChainSucc,
const MergedJumpsT &Jumps, size_t MergeOffset,
MergeTypeT MergeType) const {
MergedNodesT MergedNodes =
mergeNodes(ChainPred->Nodes, ChainSucc->Nodes, MergeOffset, MergeType);
// Do not allow a merge that does not preserve the original entry point.
if ((ChainPred->isEntry() || ChainSucc->isEntry()) &&
return MergeGainT();
// The gain for the new chain.
double NewScore = extTSPScore(MergedNodes, Jumps);
double CurScore = ChainPred->Score;
return MergeGainT(NewScore - CurScore, MergeOffset, MergeType);
/// Merge chain From into chain Into, update the list of active chains,
/// adjacency information, and the corresponding cached values.
void mergeChains(ChainT *Into, ChainT *From, size_t MergeOffset,
MergeTypeT MergeType) {
assert(Into != From && "a chain cannot be merged with itself");
// Merge the nodes.
MergedNodesT MergedNodes =
mergeNodes(Into->Nodes, From->Nodes, MergeOffset, MergeType);
Into->merge(From, MergedNodes.getNodes());
// Merge the edges.
// Update cached ext-tsp score for the new chain.
ChainEdge *SelfEdge = Into->getEdge(Into);
if (SelfEdge != nullptr) {
MergedNodes = MergedNodesT(Into->Nodes.begin(), Into->Nodes.end());
MergedJumpsT MergedJumps(&SelfEdge->jumps());
Into->Score = extTSPScore(MergedNodes, MergedJumps);
// Remove the chain from the list of active chains.
llvm::erase(HotChains, From);
// Invalidate caches.
for (auto EdgeIt : Into->Edges)
/// Concatenate all chains into the final order.
std::vector<uint64_t> concatChains() {
// Collect non-empty chains.
std::vector<const ChainT *> SortedChains;
for (ChainT &Chain : AllChains) {
if (!Chain.Nodes.empty())
// Sorting chains by density in the decreasing order.
std::sort(SortedChains.begin(), SortedChains.end(),
[&](const ChainT *L, const ChainT *R) {
// Place the entry point at the beginning of the order.
if (L->isEntry() != R->isEntry())
return L->isEntry();
// Compare by density and break ties by chain identifiers.
return std::make_tuple(-L->density(), L->Id) <
std::make_tuple(-R->density(), R->Id);
// Collect the nodes in the order specified by their chains.
std::vector<uint64_t> Order;
for (const ChainT *Chain : SortedChains)
for (NodeT *Node : Chain->Nodes)
return Order;
/// The number of nodes in the graph.
const size_t NumNodes;
/// Successors of each node.
std::vector<std::vector<uint64_t>> SuccNodes;
/// Predecessors of each node.
std::vector<std::vector<uint64_t>> PredNodes;
/// All nodes (basic blocks) in the graph.
std::vector<NodeT> AllNodes;
/// All jumps between the nodes.
std::vector<JumpT> AllJumps;
/// All chains of nodes.
std::vector<ChainT> AllChains;
/// All edges between the chains.
std::vector<ChainEdge> AllEdges;
/// Active chains. The vector gets updated at runtime when chains are merged.
std::vector<ChainT *> HotChains;
/// The implementation of the Cache-Directed Sort (CDSort) algorithm for
/// ordering functions represented by a call graph.
class CDSortImpl {
CDSortImpl(const CDSortConfig &Config, ArrayRef<uint64_t> NodeSizes,
ArrayRef<uint64_t> NodeCounts, ArrayRef<EdgeCount> EdgeCounts,
ArrayRef<uint64_t> EdgeOffsets)
: Config(Config), NumNodes(NodeSizes.size()) {
initialize(NodeSizes, NodeCounts, EdgeCounts, EdgeOffsets);
/// Run the algorithm and return an ordered set of function clusters.
std::vector<uint64_t> run() {
// Merge pairs of chains while improving the objective.
// Collect nodes from all the chains.
return concatChains();
/// Initialize the algorithm's data structures.
void initialize(const ArrayRef<uint64_t> &NodeSizes,
const ArrayRef<uint64_t> &NodeCounts,
const ArrayRef<EdgeCount> &EdgeCounts,
const ArrayRef<uint64_t> &EdgeOffsets) {
// Initialize nodes.
for (uint64_t Node = 0; Node < NumNodes; Node++) {
uint64_t Size = std::max<uint64_t>(NodeSizes[Node], 1ULL);
uint64_t ExecutionCount = NodeCounts[Node];
AllNodes.emplace_back(Node, Size, ExecutionCount);
TotalSamples += ExecutionCount;
if (ExecutionCount > 0)
TotalSize += Size;
// Initialize jumps between the nodes.
for (size_t I = 0; I < EdgeCounts.size(); I++) {
auto [Pred, Succ, Count] = EdgeCounts[I];
// Ignore recursive calls.
if (Pred == Succ)
if (Count > 0) {
NodeT &PredNode = AllNodes[Pred];
NodeT &SuccNode = AllNodes[Succ];
AllJumps.emplace_back(&PredNode, &SuccNode, Count);
AllJumps.back().Offset = EdgeOffsets[I];
// Adjust execution counts.
PredNode.ExecutionCount = std::max(PredNode.ExecutionCount, Count);
SuccNode.ExecutionCount = std::max(SuccNode.ExecutionCount, Count);
// Initialize chains.
for (NodeT &Node : AllNodes) {
// Adjust execution counts.
Node.ExecutionCount = std::max(Node.ExecutionCount, Node.inCount());
Node.ExecutionCount = std::max(Node.ExecutionCount, Node.outCount());
// Create chain.
AllChains.emplace_back(Node.Index, &Node);
Node.CurChain = &AllChains.back();
// Initialize chain edges.
for (NodeT &PredNode : AllNodes) {
for (JumpT *Jump : PredNode.OutJumps) {
NodeT *SuccNode = Jump->Target;
ChainEdge *CurEdge = PredNode.CurChain->getEdge(SuccNode->CurChain);
// This edge is already present in the graph.
if (CurEdge != nullptr) {
assert(SuccNode->CurChain->getEdge(PredNode.CurChain) != nullptr);
// This is a new edge.
PredNode.CurChain->addEdge(SuccNode->CurChain, &AllEdges.back());
SuccNode->CurChain->addEdge(PredNode.CurChain, &AllEdges.back());
/// Merge pairs of chains while there is an improvement in the objective.
void mergeChainPairs() {
// Create a priority queue containing all edges ordered by the merge gain.
auto GainComparator = [](ChainEdge *L, ChainEdge *R) {
return std::make_tuple(-L->gain(), L->srcChain()->Id, L->dstChain()->Id) <
std::make_tuple(-R->gain(), R->srcChain()->Id, R->dstChain()->Id);
std::set<ChainEdge *, decltype(GainComparator)> Queue(GainComparator);
// Insert the edges into the queue.
[[maybe_unused]] size_t NumActiveChains = 0;
for (NodeT &Node : AllNodes) {
if (Node.ExecutionCount == 0)
for (const auto &[_, Edge] : Node.CurChain->Edges) {
// Ignore self-edges.
if (Edge->isSelfEdge())
// Ignore already processed edges.
if (Edge->gain() != -1.0)
// Compute the gain of merging the two chains.
MergeGainT Gain = getBestMergeGain(Edge);
if (Edge->gain() > EPS)
// Merge the chains while the gain of merging is positive.
while (!Queue.empty()) {
// Extract the best (top) edge for merging.
ChainEdge *BestEdge = *Queue.begin();
ChainT *BestSrcChain = BestEdge->srcChain();
ChainT *BestDstChain = BestEdge->dstChain();
// Remove outdated edges from the queue.
for (const auto &[_, ChainEdge] : BestSrcChain->Edges)
for (const auto &[_, ChainEdge] : BestDstChain->Edges)
// Merge the best pair of chains.
MergeGainT BestGain = BestEdge->getMergeGain();
mergeChains(BestSrcChain, BestDstChain, BestGain.mergeOffset(),
// Insert newly created edges into the queue.
for (const auto &[_, Edge] : BestSrcChain->Edges) {
// Ignore loop edges.
if (Edge->isSelfEdge())
if (Edge->srcChain()->numBlocks() + Edge->dstChain()->numBlocks() >
// Compute the gain of merging the two chains.
MergeGainT Gain = getBestMergeGain(Edge);
if (Edge->gain() > EPS)
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Cache-directed function sorting reduced the number"
<< " of chains from " << NumNodes << " to "
<< NumActiveChains << "\n");
/// Compute the gain of merging two chains.
/// The function considers all possible ways of merging two chains and
/// computes the one having the largest increase in ExtTSP objective. The
/// result is a pair with the first element being the gain and the second
/// element being the corresponding merging type.
MergeGainT getBestMergeGain(ChainEdge *Edge) const {
assert(!Edge->jumps().empty() && "trying to merge chains w/o jumps");
// Precompute jumps between ChainPred and ChainSucc.
MergedJumpsT Jumps(&Edge->jumps());
ChainT *SrcChain = Edge->srcChain();
ChainT *DstChain = Edge->dstChain();
// This object holds the best currently chosen gain of merging two chains.
MergeGainT Gain = MergeGainT();
/// Given a list of merge types, try to merge two chains and update Gain
/// with a better alternative.
auto tryChainMerging = [&](const std::vector<MergeTypeT> &MergeTypes) {
// Apply the merge, compute the corresponding gain, and update the best
// value, if the merge is beneficial.
for (const MergeTypeT &MergeType : MergeTypes) {
MergeGainT NewGain =
computeMergeGain(SrcChain, DstChain, Jumps, MergeType);
// When forward and backward gains are the same, prioritize merging that
// preserves the original order of the functions in the binary.
if (std::abs(Gain.score() - NewGain.score()) < EPS) {
if ((MergeType == MergeTypeT::X_Y && SrcChain->Id < DstChain->Id) ||
(MergeType == MergeTypeT::Y_X && SrcChain->Id > DstChain->Id)) {
Gain = NewGain;
} else if (NewGain.score() > Gain.score() + EPS) {
Gain = NewGain;
// Try to concatenate two chains w/o splitting.
tryChainMerging({MergeTypeT::X_Y, MergeTypeT::Y_X});
return Gain;
/// Compute the score gain of merging two chains, respecting a given type.
/// The two chains are not modified in the method.
MergeGainT computeMergeGain(ChainT *ChainPred, ChainT *ChainSucc,
const MergedJumpsT &Jumps,
MergeTypeT MergeType) const {
// This doesn't depend on the ordering of the nodes
double FreqGain = freqBasedLocalityGain(ChainPred, ChainSucc);
// Merge offset is always 0, as the chains are not split.
size_t MergeOffset = 0;
auto MergedBlocks =
mergeNodes(ChainPred->Nodes, ChainSucc->Nodes, MergeOffset, MergeType);
double DistGain = distBasedLocalityGain(MergedBlocks, Jumps);
double GainScore = DistGain + Config.FrequencyScale * FreqGain;
// Scale the result to increase the importance of merging short chains.
if (GainScore >= 0.0)
GainScore /= std::min(ChainPred->Size, ChainSucc->Size);
return MergeGainT(GainScore, MergeOffset, MergeType);
/// Compute the change of the frequency locality after merging the chains.
double freqBasedLocalityGain(ChainT *ChainPred, ChainT *ChainSucc) const {
auto missProbability = [&](double ChainDensity) {
double PageSamples = ChainDensity * Config.CacheSize;
if (PageSamples >= TotalSamples)
return 0.0;
double P = PageSamples / TotalSamples;
return pow(1.0 - P, static_cast<double>(Config.CacheEntries));
// Cache misses on the chains before merging.
double CurScore =
ChainPred->ExecutionCount * missProbability(ChainPred->density()) +
ChainSucc->ExecutionCount * missProbability(ChainSucc->density());
// Cache misses on the merged chain
double MergedCounts = ChainPred->ExecutionCount + ChainSucc->ExecutionCount;
double MergedSize = ChainPred->Size + ChainSucc->Size;
double MergedDensity = static_cast<double>(MergedCounts) / MergedSize;
double NewScore = MergedCounts * missProbability(MergedDensity);
return CurScore - NewScore;
/// Compute the distance locality for a jump / call.
double distScore(uint64_t SrcAddr, uint64_t DstAddr, uint64_t Count) const {
uint64_t Dist = SrcAddr <= DstAddr ? DstAddr - SrcAddr : SrcAddr - DstAddr;
double D = Dist == 0 ? 0.1 : static_cast<double>(Dist);
return static_cast<double>(Count) * std::pow(D, -Config.DistancePower);
/// Compute the change of the distance locality after merging the chains.
double distBasedLocalityGain(const MergedNodesT &Nodes,
const MergedJumpsT &Jumps) const {
uint64_t CurAddr = 0;
Nodes.forEach([&](const NodeT *Node) {
Node->EstimatedAddr = CurAddr;
CurAddr += Node->Size;
double CurScore = 0;
double NewScore = 0;
Jumps.forEach([&](const JumpT *Jump) {
uint64_t SrcAddr = Jump->Source->EstimatedAddr + Jump->Offset;
uint64_t DstAddr = Jump->Target->EstimatedAddr;
NewScore += distScore(SrcAddr, DstAddr, Jump->ExecutionCount);
CurScore += distScore(0, TotalSize, Jump->ExecutionCount);
return NewScore - CurScore;
/// Merge chain From into chain Into, update the list of active chains,
/// adjacency information, and the corresponding cached values.
void mergeChains(ChainT *Into, ChainT *From, size_t MergeOffset,
MergeTypeT MergeType) {
assert(Into != From && "a chain cannot be merged with itself");
// Merge the nodes.
MergedNodesT MergedNodes =
mergeNodes(Into->Nodes, From->Nodes, MergeOffset, MergeType);
Into->merge(From, MergedNodes.getNodes());
// Merge the edges.
/// Concatenate all chains into the final order.
std::vector<uint64_t> concatChains() {
// Collect chains and calculate density stats for their sorting.
std::vector<const ChainT *> SortedChains;
DenseMap<const ChainT *, double> ChainDensity;
for (ChainT &Chain : AllChains) {
if (!Chain.Nodes.empty()) {
// Using doubles to avoid overflow of ExecutionCounts.
double Size = 0;
double ExecutionCount = 0;
for (NodeT *Node : Chain.Nodes) {
Size += static_cast<double>(Node->Size);
ExecutionCount += static_cast<double>(Node->ExecutionCount);
assert(Size > 0 && "a chain of zero size");
ChainDensity[&Chain] = ExecutionCount / Size;
// Sort chains by density in the decreasing order.
std::sort(SortedChains.begin(), SortedChains.end(),
[&](const ChainT *L, const ChainT *R) {
const double DL = ChainDensity[L];
const double DR = ChainDensity[R];
// Compare by density and break ties by chain identifiers.
return std::make_tuple(-DL, L->Id) <
std::make_tuple(-DR, R->Id);
// Collect the nodes in the order specified by their chains.
std::vector<uint64_t> Order;
for (const ChainT *Chain : SortedChains)
for (NodeT *Node : Chain->Nodes)
return Order;
/// Config for the algorithm.
const CDSortConfig Config;
/// The number of nodes in the graph.
const size_t NumNodes;
/// Successors of each node.
std::vector<std::vector<uint64_t>> SuccNodes;
/// Predecessors of each node.
std::vector<std::vector<uint64_t>> PredNodes;
/// All nodes (functions) in the graph.
std::vector<NodeT> AllNodes;
/// All jumps (function calls) between the nodes.
std::vector<JumpT> AllJumps;
/// All chains of nodes.
std::vector<ChainT> AllChains;
/// All edges between the chains.
std::vector<ChainEdge> AllEdges;
/// The total number of samples in the graph.
uint64_t TotalSamples{0};
/// The total size of the nodes in the graph.
uint64_t TotalSize{0};
} // end of anonymous namespace
codelayout::computeExtTspLayout(ArrayRef<uint64_t> NodeSizes,
ArrayRef<uint64_t> NodeCounts,
ArrayRef<EdgeCount> EdgeCounts) {
// Verify correctness of the input data.
assert(NodeCounts.size() == NodeSizes.size() && "Incorrect input");
assert(NodeSizes.size() > 2 && "Incorrect input");
// Apply the reordering algorithm.
ExtTSPImpl Alg(NodeSizes, NodeCounts, EdgeCounts);
std::vector<uint64_t> Result =;
// Verify correctness of the output.
assert(Result.front() == 0 && "Original entry point is not preserved");
assert(Result.size() == NodeSizes.size() && "Incorrect size of layout");
return Result;
double codelayout::calcExtTspScore(ArrayRef<uint64_t> Order,
ArrayRef<uint64_t> NodeSizes,
ArrayRef<uint64_t> NodeCounts,
ArrayRef<EdgeCount> EdgeCounts) {
// Estimate addresses of the blocks in memory.
std::vector<uint64_t> Addr(NodeSizes.size(), 0);
for (size_t Idx = 1; Idx < Order.size(); Idx++) {
Addr[Order[Idx]] = Addr[Order[Idx - 1]] + NodeSizes[Order[Idx - 1]];
std::vector<uint64_t> OutDegree(NodeSizes.size(), 0);
for (auto Edge : EdgeCounts)
// Increase the score for each jump.
double Score = 0;
for (auto Edge : EdgeCounts) {
bool IsConditional = OutDegree[Edge.src] > 1;
Score += ::extTSPScore(Addr[Edge.src], NodeSizes[Edge.src], Addr[Edge.dst],
Edge.count, IsConditional);
return Score;
double codelayout::calcExtTspScore(ArrayRef<uint64_t> NodeSizes,
ArrayRef<uint64_t> NodeCounts,
ArrayRef<EdgeCount> EdgeCounts) {
std::vector<uint64_t> Order(NodeSizes.size());
for (size_t Idx = 0; Idx < NodeSizes.size(); Idx++) {
Order[Idx] = Idx;
return calcExtTspScore(Order, NodeSizes, NodeCounts, EdgeCounts);
std::vector<uint64_t> codelayout::computeCacheDirectedLayout(
const CDSortConfig &Config, ArrayRef<uint64_t> FuncSizes,
ArrayRef<uint64_t> FuncCounts, ArrayRef<EdgeCount> CallCounts,
ArrayRef<uint64_t> CallOffsets) {
// Verify correctness of the input data.
assert(FuncCounts.size() == FuncSizes.size() && "Incorrect input");
// Apply the reordering algorithm.
CDSortImpl Alg(Config, FuncSizes, FuncCounts, CallCounts, CallOffsets);
std::vector<uint64_t> Result =;
assert(Result.size() == FuncSizes.size() && "Incorrect size of layout");
return Result;
std::vector<uint64_t> codelayout::computeCacheDirectedLayout(
ArrayRef<uint64_t> FuncSizes, ArrayRef<uint64_t> FuncCounts,
ArrayRef<EdgeCount> CallCounts, ArrayRef<uint64_t> CallOffsets) {
CDSortConfig Config;
// Populate the config from the command-line options.
if (CacheEntries.getNumOccurrences() > 0)
Config.CacheEntries = CacheEntries;
if (CacheSize.getNumOccurrences() > 0)
Config.CacheSize = CacheSize;
if (CDMaxChainSize.getNumOccurrences() > 0)
Config.MaxChainSize = CDMaxChainSize;
if (DistancePower.getNumOccurrences() > 0)
Config.DistancePower = DistancePower;
if (FrequencyScale.getNumOccurrences() > 0)
Config.FrequencyScale = FrequencyScale;
return computeCacheDirectedLayout(Config, FuncSizes, FuncCounts, CallCounts,