blob: 5e58310e1128b8d294319619a3e91c8287ddece4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- llvm/Support/SuffixTree.cpp - Implement Suffix Tree ------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements the Suffix Tree class.
#include "llvm/Support/SuffixTree.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SuffixTreeNode.h"
using namespace llvm;
/// \returns the number of elements in the substring associated with \p N.
static size_t numElementsInSubstring(const SuffixTreeNode *N) {
assert(N && "Got a null node?");
if (auto *Internal = dyn_cast<SuffixTreeInternalNode>(N))
if (Internal->isRoot())
return 0;
return N->getEndIdx() - N->getStartIdx() + 1;
SuffixTree::SuffixTree(const ArrayRef<unsigned> &Str,
bool OutlinerLeafDescendants)
: Str(Str), OutlinerLeafDescendants(OutlinerLeafDescendants) {
Root = insertRoot();
Active.Node = Root;
// Keep track of the number of suffixes we have to add of the current
// prefix.
unsigned SuffixesToAdd = 0;
// Construct the suffix tree iteratively on each prefix of the string.
// PfxEndIdx is the end index of the current prefix.
// End is one past the last element in the string.
for (unsigned PfxEndIdx = 0, End = Str.size(); PfxEndIdx < End; PfxEndIdx++) {
LeafEndIdx = PfxEndIdx; // Extend each of the leaves.
SuffixesToAdd = extend(PfxEndIdx, SuffixesToAdd);
// Set the suffix indices of each leaf.
assert(Root && "Root node can't be nullptr!");
// Collect all leaf nodes of the suffix tree. And for each internal node,
// record the range of leaf nodes that are descendants of it.
if (OutlinerLeafDescendants)
SuffixTreeNode *SuffixTree::insertLeaf(SuffixTreeInternalNode &Parent,
unsigned StartIdx, unsigned Edge) {
assert(StartIdx <= LeafEndIdx && "String can't start after it ends!");
auto *N = new (LeafNodeAllocator.Allocate())
SuffixTreeLeafNode(StartIdx, &LeafEndIdx);
Parent.Children[Edge] = N;
return N;
SuffixTreeInternalNode *
SuffixTree::insertInternalNode(SuffixTreeInternalNode *Parent,
unsigned StartIdx, unsigned EndIdx,
unsigned Edge) {
assert(StartIdx <= EndIdx && "String can't start after it ends!");
assert(!(!Parent && StartIdx != SuffixTreeNode::EmptyIdx) &&
"Non-root internal nodes must have parents!");
auto *N = new (InternalNodeAllocator.Allocate())
SuffixTreeInternalNode(StartIdx, EndIdx, Root);
if (Parent)
Parent->Children[Edge] = N;
return N;
SuffixTreeInternalNode *SuffixTree::insertRoot() {
return insertInternalNode(/*Parent = */ nullptr, SuffixTreeNode::EmptyIdx,
SuffixTreeNode::EmptyIdx, /*Edge = */ 0);
void SuffixTree::setSuffixIndices() {
// List of nodes we need to visit along with the current length of the
// string.
SmallVector<std::pair<SuffixTreeNode *, unsigned>> ToVisit;
// Current node being visited.
SuffixTreeNode *CurrNode = Root;
// Sum of the lengths of the nodes down the path to the current one.
unsigned CurrNodeLen = 0;
ToVisit.push_back({CurrNode, CurrNodeLen});
while (!ToVisit.empty()) {
std::tie(CurrNode, CurrNodeLen) = ToVisit.back();
// Length of the current node from the root down to here.
if (auto *InternalNode = dyn_cast<SuffixTreeInternalNode>(CurrNode))
for (auto &ChildPair : InternalNode->Children) {
assert(ChildPair.second && "Node had a null child!");
CurrNodeLen + numElementsInSubstring(ChildPair.second)});
// No children, so we are at the end of the string.
if (auto *LeafNode = dyn_cast<SuffixTreeLeafNode>(CurrNode))
LeafNode->setSuffixIdx(Str.size() - CurrNodeLen);
void SuffixTree::setLeafNodes() {
// A stack that keeps track of nodes to visit for post-order DFS traversal.
SmallVector<SuffixTreeNode *> ToVisit;
// This keeps track of the index of the next leaf node to be added to
// the LeafNodes vector of the suffix tree.
unsigned LeafCounter = 0;
// This keeps track of nodes whose children have been added to the stack.
// The value is a pair, representing a node's first and last children.
DenseMap<SuffixTreeInternalNode *,
std::pair<SuffixTreeNode *, SuffixTreeNode *>>
// Traverse the tree in post-order.
while (!ToVisit.empty()) {
SuffixTreeNode *CurrNode = ToVisit.pop_back_val();
if (auto *CurrInternalNode = dyn_cast<SuffixTreeInternalNode>(CurrNode)) {
// The current node is an internal node.
auto I = ChildrenMap.find(CurrInternalNode);
if (I == ChildrenMap.end()) {
// This is the first time we visit this node.
// Its children have not been added to the stack yet.
// We add current node back, and add its children to the stack.
// We keep track of the first and last children of the current node.
auto J = CurrInternalNode->Children.begin();
if (J != CurrInternalNode->Children.end()) {
SuffixTreeNode *FirstChild = J->second;
SuffixTreeNode *LastChild = nullptr;
for (; J != CurrInternalNode->Children.end(); ++J) {
LastChild = J->second;
ChildrenMap[CurrInternalNode] = {FirstChild, LastChild};
} else {
// This is the second time we visit this node.
// All of its children have already been processed.
// Now, we can set its LeftLeafIdx and RightLeafIdx;
auto [FirstChild, LastChild] = I->second;
// Get the first child to use its RightLeafIdx.
// The first child is the first one added to the stack, so it is
// the last one to be processed. Hence, the leaf descendants
// of the first child are assigned the largest index numbers.
// Get the last child to use its LeftLeafIdx.
assert(CurrNode->getLeftLeafIdx() <= CurrNode->getRightLeafIdx() &&
"LeftLeafIdx should not be larger than RightLeafIdx");
} else {
// The current node is a leaf node.
// We can simply set its LeftLeafIdx and RightLeafIdx.
auto *CurrLeafNode = cast<SuffixTreeLeafNode>(CurrNode);
unsigned SuffixTree::extend(unsigned EndIdx, unsigned SuffixesToAdd) {
SuffixTreeInternalNode *NeedsLink = nullptr;
while (SuffixesToAdd > 0) {
// Are we waiting to add anything other than just the last character?
if (Active.Len == 0) {
// If not, then say the active index is the end index.
Active.Idx = EndIdx;
assert(Active.Idx <= EndIdx && "Start index can't be after end index!");
// The first character in the current substring we're looking at.
unsigned FirstChar = Str[Active.Idx];
// Have we inserted anything starting with FirstChar at the current node?
if (Active.Node->Children.count(FirstChar) == 0) {
// If not, then we can just insert a leaf and move to the next step.
insertLeaf(*Active.Node, EndIdx, FirstChar);
// The active node is an internal node, and we visited it, so it must
// need a link if it doesn't have one.
if (NeedsLink) {
NeedsLink = nullptr;
} else {
// There's a match with FirstChar, so look for the point in the tree to
// insert a new node.
SuffixTreeNode *NextNode = Active.Node->Children[FirstChar];
unsigned SubstringLen = numElementsInSubstring(NextNode);
// Is the current suffix we're trying to insert longer than the size of
// the child we want to move to?
if (Active.Len >= SubstringLen) {
// If yes, then consume the characters we've seen and move to the next
// node.
assert(isa<SuffixTreeInternalNode>(NextNode) &&
"Expected an internal node?");
Active.Idx += SubstringLen;
Active.Len -= SubstringLen;
Active.Node = cast<SuffixTreeInternalNode>(NextNode);
// Otherwise, the suffix we're trying to insert must be contained in the
// next node we want to move to.
unsigned LastChar = Str[EndIdx];
// Is the string we're trying to insert a substring of the next node?
if (Str[NextNode->getStartIdx() + Active.Len] == LastChar) {
// If yes, then we're done for this step. Remember our insertion point
// and move to the next end index. At this point, we have an implicit
// suffix tree.
if (NeedsLink && !Active.Node->isRoot()) {
NeedsLink = nullptr;
// The string we're trying to insert isn't a substring of the next node,
// but matches up to a point. Split the node.
// For example, say we ended our search at a node n and we're trying to
// insert ABD. Then we'll create a new node s for AB, reduce n to just
// representing C, and insert a new leaf node l to represent d. This
// allows us to ensure that if n was a leaf, it remains a leaf.
// | ABC ---split---> | AB
// n s
// C / \ D
// n l
// The node s from the diagram
SuffixTreeInternalNode *SplitNode = insertInternalNode(
Active.Node, NextNode->getStartIdx(),
NextNode->getStartIdx() + Active.Len - 1, FirstChar);
// Insert the new node representing the new substring into the tree as
// a child of the split node. This is the node l from the diagram.
insertLeaf(*SplitNode, EndIdx, LastChar);
// Make the old node a child of the split node and update its start
// index. This is the node n from the diagram.
SplitNode->Children[Str[NextNode->getStartIdx()]] = NextNode;
// SplitNode is an internal node, update the suffix link.
if (NeedsLink)
NeedsLink = SplitNode;
// We've added something new to the tree, so there's one less suffix to
// add.
if (Active.Node->isRoot()) {
if (Active.Len > 0) {
Active.Idx = EndIdx - SuffixesToAdd + 1;
} else {
// Start the next phase at the next smallest suffix.
Active.Node = Active.Node->getLink();
return SuffixesToAdd;
void SuffixTree::RepeatedSubstringIterator::advance() {
// Clear the current state. If we're at the end of the range, then this
// is the state we want to be in.
RS = RepeatedSubstring();
N = nullptr;
// Each leaf node represents a repeat of a string.
SmallVector<unsigned> RepeatedSubstringStarts;
// Continue visiting nodes until we find one which repeats more than once.
while (!InternalNodesToVisit.empty()) {
auto *Curr = InternalNodesToVisit.back();
// Keep track of the length of the string associated with the node. If
// it's too short, we'll quit.
unsigned Length = Curr->getConcatLen();
// Iterate over each child, saving internal nodes for visiting.
// Internal nodes represent individual strings, which may repeat.
for (auto &ChildPair : Curr->Children)
// Save all of this node's children for processing.
if (auto *InternalChild =
// If length of repeated substring is below threshold, then skip it.
if (Length < MinLength)
// The root never represents a repeated substring. If we're looking at
// that, then skip it.
if (Curr->isRoot())
// Collect leaf children or leaf descendants by OutlinerLeafDescendants.
if (OutlinerLeafDescendants) {
for (unsigned I = Curr->getLeftLeafIdx(); I <= Curr->getRightLeafIdx();
} else {
for (auto &ChildPair : Curr->Children)
if (auto *Leaf = dyn_cast<SuffixTreeLeafNode>(ChildPair.second))
// Do we have any repeated substrings?
if (RepeatedSubstringStarts.size() < 2)
// Yes. Update the state to reflect this, and then bail out.
N = Curr;
RS.Length = Length;
for (unsigned StartIdx : RepeatedSubstringStarts)
// At this point, either NewRS is an empty RepeatedSubstring, or it was
// set in the above loop. Similarly, N is either nullptr, or the node
// associated with NewRS.