blob: 8e31e0ced2d731086430765800ea13d7f129eb55 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- KnownBits.cpp - Stores known zeros/ones ---------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains a class for representing known zeros and ones used by
// computeKnownBits.
#include "llvm/Support/KnownBits.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cassert>
using namespace llvm;
static KnownBits computeForAddCarry(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS,
bool CarryZero, bool CarryOne) {
APInt PossibleSumZero = LHS.getMaxValue() + RHS.getMaxValue() + !CarryZero;
APInt PossibleSumOne = LHS.getMinValue() + RHS.getMinValue() + CarryOne;
// Compute known bits of the carry.
APInt CarryKnownZero = ~(PossibleSumZero ^ LHS.Zero ^ RHS.Zero);
APInt CarryKnownOne = PossibleSumOne ^ LHS.One ^ RHS.One;
// Compute set of known bits (where all three relevant bits are known).
APInt LHSKnownUnion = LHS.Zero | LHS.One;
APInt RHSKnownUnion = RHS.Zero | RHS.One;
APInt CarryKnownUnion = std::move(CarryKnownZero) | CarryKnownOne;
APInt Known = std::move(LHSKnownUnion) & RHSKnownUnion & CarryKnownUnion;
// Compute known bits of the result.
KnownBits KnownOut;
KnownOut.Zero = ~std::move(PossibleSumZero) & Known;
KnownOut.One = std::move(PossibleSumOne) & Known;
return KnownOut;
KnownBits KnownBits::computeForAddCarry(
const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS, const KnownBits &Carry) {
assert(Carry.getBitWidth() == 1 && "Carry must be 1-bit");
return ::computeForAddCarry(
LHS, RHS, Carry.Zero.getBoolValue(), Carry.One.getBoolValue());
KnownBits KnownBits::computeForAddSub(bool Add, bool NSW, bool NUW,
const KnownBits &LHS,
const KnownBits &RHS) {
unsigned BitWidth = LHS.getBitWidth();
KnownBits KnownOut(BitWidth);
// This can be a relatively expensive helper, so optimistically save some
// work.
if (LHS.isUnknown() && RHS.isUnknown())
return KnownOut;
if (!LHS.isUnknown() && !RHS.isUnknown()) {
if (Add) {
// Sum = LHS + RHS + 0
KnownOut = ::computeForAddCarry(LHS, RHS, /*CarryZero=*/true,
} else {
// Sum = LHS + ~RHS + 1
KnownBits NotRHS = RHS;
std::swap(NotRHS.Zero, NotRHS.One);
KnownOut = ::computeForAddCarry(LHS, NotRHS, /*CarryZero=*/false,
// Handle add/sub given nsw and/or nuw.
if (NUW) {
if (Add) {
// (add nuw X, Y)
APInt MinVal = LHS.getMinValue().uadd_sat(RHS.getMinValue());
// None of the adds can end up overflowing, so min consecutive highbits
// in minimum possible of X + Y must all remain set.
if (NSW) {
unsigned NumBits = MinVal.trunc(BitWidth - 1).countl_one();
// If we have NSW as well, we also know we can't overflow the signbit so
// can start counting from 1 bit back.
KnownOut.One.setBits(BitWidth - 1 - NumBits, BitWidth - 1);
} else {
// (sub nuw X, Y)
APInt MaxVal = LHS.getMaxValue().usub_sat(RHS.getMinValue());
// None of the subs can overflow at any point, so any common high bits
// will subtract away and result in zeros.
if (NSW) {
// If we have NSW as well, we also know we can't overflow the signbit so
// can start counting from 1 bit back.
unsigned NumBits = MaxVal.trunc(BitWidth - 1).countl_zero();
KnownOut.Zero.setBits(BitWidth - 1 - NumBits, BitWidth - 1);
if (NSW) {
APInt MinVal;
APInt MaxVal;
if (Add) {
// (add nsw X, Y)
MinVal = LHS.getSignedMinValue().sadd_sat(RHS.getSignedMinValue());
MaxVal = LHS.getSignedMaxValue().sadd_sat(RHS.getSignedMaxValue());
} else {
// (sub nsw X, Y)
MinVal = LHS.getSignedMinValue().ssub_sat(RHS.getSignedMaxValue());
MaxVal = LHS.getSignedMaxValue().ssub_sat(RHS.getSignedMinValue());
if (MinVal.isNonNegative()) {
// If min is non-negative, result will always be non-neg (can't overflow
// around).
unsigned NumBits = MinVal.trunc(BitWidth - 1).countl_one();
KnownOut.One.setBits(BitWidth - 1 - NumBits, BitWidth - 1);
if (MaxVal.isNegative()) {
// If max is negative, result will always be neg (can't overflow around).
unsigned NumBits = MaxVal.trunc(BitWidth - 1).countl_zero();
KnownOut.Zero.setBits(BitWidth - 1 - NumBits, BitWidth - 1);
// Just return 0 if the nsw/nuw is violated and we have poison.
if (KnownOut.hasConflict())
return KnownOut;
KnownBits KnownBits::computeForSubBorrow(const KnownBits &LHS, KnownBits RHS,
const KnownBits &Borrow) {
assert(Borrow.getBitWidth() == 1 && "Borrow must be 1-bit");
// LHS - RHS = LHS + ~RHS + 1
// Carry 1 - Borrow in ::computeForAddCarry
std::swap(RHS.Zero, RHS.One);
return ::computeForAddCarry(LHS, RHS,
KnownBits KnownBits::sextInReg(unsigned SrcBitWidth) const {
unsigned BitWidth = getBitWidth();
assert(0 < SrcBitWidth && SrcBitWidth <= BitWidth &&
"Illegal sext-in-register");
if (SrcBitWidth == BitWidth)
return *this;
unsigned ExtBits = BitWidth - SrcBitWidth;
KnownBits Result;
Result.One = One << ExtBits;
Result.Zero = Zero << ExtBits;
return Result;
KnownBits KnownBits::makeGE(const APInt &Val) const {
// Count the number of leading bit positions where our underlying value is
// known to be less than or equal to Val.
unsigned N = (Zero | Val).countl_one();
// For each of those bit positions, if Val has a 1 in that bit then our
// underlying value must also have a 1.
APInt MaskedVal(Val);
MaskedVal.clearLowBits(getBitWidth() - N);
return KnownBits(Zero, One | MaskedVal);
KnownBits KnownBits::umax(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
// If we can prove that LHS >= RHS then use LHS as the result. Likewise for
// RHS. Ideally our caller would already have spotted these cases and
// optimized away the umax operation, but we handle them here for
// completeness.
if (LHS.getMinValue().uge(RHS.getMaxValue()))
return LHS;
if (RHS.getMinValue().uge(LHS.getMaxValue()))
return RHS;
// If the result of the umax is LHS then it must be greater than or equal to
// the minimum possible value of RHS. Likewise for RHS. Any known bits that
// are common to these two values are also known in the result.
KnownBits L = LHS.makeGE(RHS.getMinValue());
KnownBits R = RHS.makeGE(LHS.getMinValue());
return L.intersectWith(R);
KnownBits KnownBits::umin(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
// Flip the range of values: [0, 0xFFFFFFFF] <-> [0xFFFFFFFF, 0]
auto Flip = [](const KnownBits &Val) { return KnownBits(Val.One, Val.Zero); };
return Flip(umax(Flip(LHS), Flip(RHS)));
KnownBits KnownBits::smax(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
// Flip the range of values: [-0x80000000, 0x7FFFFFFF] <-> [0, 0xFFFFFFFF]
auto Flip = [](const KnownBits &Val) {
unsigned SignBitPosition = Val.getBitWidth() - 1;
APInt Zero = Val.Zero;
APInt One = Val.One;
Zero.setBitVal(SignBitPosition, Val.One[SignBitPosition]);
One.setBitVal(SignBitPosition, Val.Zero[SignBitPosition]);
return KnownBits(Zero, One);
return Flip(umax(Flip(LHS), Flip(RHS)));
KnownBits KnownBits::smin(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
// Flip the range of values: [-0x80000000, 0x7FFFFFFF] <-> [0xFFFFFFFF, 0]
auto Flip = [](const KnownBits &Val) {
unsigned SignBitPosition = Val.getBitWidth() - 1;
APInt Zero = Val.One;
APInt One = Val.Zero;
Zero.setBitVal(SignBitPosition, Val.Zero[SignBitPosition]);
One.setBitVal(SignBitPosition, Val.One[SignBitPosition]);
return KnownBits(Zero, One);
return Flip(umax(Flip(LHS), Flip(RHS)));
KnownBits KnownBits::abdu(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
// If we know which argument is larger, return (sub LHS, RHS) or
// (sub RHS, LHS) directly.
if (LHS.getMinValue().uge(RHS.getMaxValue()))
return computeForAddSub(/*Add=*/false, /*NSW=*/false, /*NUW=*/false, LHS,
if (RHS.getMinValue().uge(LHS.getMaxValue()))
return computeForAddSub(/*Add=*/false, /*NSW=*/false, /*NUW=*/false, RHS,
// By construction, the subtraction in abdu never has unsigned overflow.
// Find the common bits between (sub nuw LHS, RHS) and (sub nuw RHS, LHS).
KnownBits Diff0 =
computeForAddSub(/*Add=*/false, /*NSW=*/false, /*NUW=*/true, LHS, RHS);
KnownBits Diff1 =
computeForAddSub(/*Add=*/false, /*NSW=*/false, /*NUW=*/true, RHS, LHS);
return Diff0.intersectWith(Diff1);
KnownBits KnownBits::abds(KnownBits LHS, KnownBits RHS) {
// If we know which argument is larger, return (sub LHS, RHS) or
// (sub RHS, LHS) directly.
if (LHS.getSignedMinValue().sge(RHS.getSignedMaxValue()))
return computeForAddSub(/*Add=*/false, /*NSW=*/false, /*NUW=*/false, LHS,
if (RHS.getSignedMinValue().sge(LHS.getSignedMaxValue()))
return computeForAddSub(/*Add=*/false, /*NSW=*/false, /*NUW=*/false, RHS,
// Shift both arguments from the signed range to the unsigned range, e.g. from
// [-0x80, 0x7F] to [0, 0xFF]. This allows us to use "sub nuw" below just like
// abdu does.
// Note that we can't just use "sub nsw" instead because abds has signed
// inputs but an unsigned result, which makes the overflow conditions
// different.
unsigned SignBitPosition = LHS.getBitWidth() - 1;
for (auto Arg : {&LHS, &RHS}) {
bool Tmp = Arg->Zero[SignBitPosition];
Arg->Zero.setBitVal(SignBitPosition, Arg->One[SignBitPosition]);
Arg->One.setBitVal(SignBitPosition, Tmp);
// Find the common bits between (sub nuw LHS, RHS) and (sub nuw RHS, LHS).
KnownBits Diff0 =
computeForAddSub(/*Add=*/false, /*NSW=*/false, /*NUW=*/true, LHS, RHS);
KnownBits Diff1 =
computeForAddSub(/*Add=*/false, /*NSW=*/false, /*NUW=*/true, RHS, LHS);
return Diff0.intersectWith(Diff1);
static unsigned getMaxShiftAmount(const APInt &MaxValue, unsigned BitWidth) {
if (isPowerOf2_32(BitWidth))
return MaxValue.extractBitsAsZExtValue(Log2_32(BitWidth), 0);
// This is only an approximate upper bound.
return MaxValue.getLimitedValue(BitWidth - 1);
KnownBits KnownBits::shl(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS, bool NUW,
bool NSW, bool ShAmtNonZero) {
unsigned BitWidth = LHS.getBitWidth();
auto ShiftByConst = [&](const KnownBits &LHS, unsigned ShiftAmt) {
KnownBits Known;
bool ShiftedOutZero, ShiftedOutOne;
Known.Zero = LHS.Zero.ushl_ov(ShiftAmt, ShiftedOutZero);
Known.One = LHS.One.ushl_ov(ShiftAmt, ShiftedOutOne);
// All cases returning poison have been handled by MaxShiftAmount already.
if (NSW) {
if (NUW && ShiftAmt != 0)
// NUW means we can assume anything shifted out was a zero.
ShiftedOutZero = true;
if (ShiftedOutZero)
else if (ShiftedOutOne)
return Known;
// Fast path for a common case when LHS is completely unknown.
KnownBits Known(BitWidth);
unsigned MinShiftAmount = RHS.getMinValue().getLimitedValue(BitWidth);
if (MinShiftAmount == 0 && ShAmtNonZero)
MinShiftAmount = 1;
if (LHS.isUnknown()) {
if (NUW && NSW && MinShiftAmount != 0)
return Known;
// Determine maximum shift amount, taking NUW/NSW flags into account.
APInt MaxValue = RHS.getMaxValue();
unsigned MaxShiftAmount = getMaxShiftAmount(MaxValue, BitWidth);
if (NUW && NSW)
MaxShiftAmount = std::min(MaxShiftAmount, LHS.countMaxLeadingZeros() - 1);
if (NUW)
MaxShiftAmount = std::min(MaxShiftAmount, LHS.countMaxLeadingZeros());
if (NSW)
MaxShiftAmount = std::min(
std::max(LHS.countMaxLeadingZeros(), LHS.countMaxLeadingOnes()) - 1);
// Fast path for common case where the shift amount is unknown.
if (MinShiftAmount == 0 && MaxShiftAmount == BitWidth - 1 &&
isPowerOf2_32(BitWidth)) {
if (LHS.isAllOnes())
if (NSW) {
if (LHS.isNonNegative())
if (LHS.isNegative())
return Known;
// Find the common bits from all possible shifts.
unsigned ShiftAmtZeroMask = RHS.Zero.zextOrTrunc(32).getZExtValue();
unsigned ShiftAmtOneMask = RHS.One.zextOrTrunc(32).getZExtValue();
for (unsigned ShiftAmt = MinShiftAmount; ShiftAmt <= MaxShiftAmount;
++ShiftAmt) {
// Skip if the shift amount is impossible.
if ((ShiftAmtZeroMask & ShiftAmt) != 0 ||
(ShiftAmtOneMask | ShiftAmt) != ShiftAmt)
Known = Known.intersectWith(ShiftByConst(LHS, ShiftAmt));
if (Known.isUnknown())
// All shift amounts may result in poison.
if (Known.hasConflict())
return Known;
KnownBits KnownBits::lshr(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS,
bool ShAmtNonZero, bool Exact) {
unsigned BitWidth = LHS.getBitWidth();
auto ShiftByConst = [&](const KnownBits &LHS, unsigned ShiftAmt) {
KnownBits Known = LHS;
// High bits are known zero.
return Known;
// Fast path for a common case when LHS is completely unknown.
KnownBits Known(BitWidth);
unsigned MinShiftAmount = RHS.getMinValue().getLimitedValue(BitWidth);
if (MinShiftAmount == 0 && ShAmtNonZero)
MinShiftAmount = 1;
if (LHS.isUnknown()) {
return Known;
// Find the common bits from all possible shifts.
APInt MaxValue = RHS.getMaxValue();
unsigned MaxShiftAmount = getMaxShiftAmount(MaxValue, BitWidth);
// If exact, bound MaxShiftAmount to first known 1 in LHS.
if (Exact) {
unsigned FirstOne = LHS.countMaxTrailingZeros();
if (FirstOne < MinShiftAmount) {
// Always poison. Return zero because we don't like returning conflict.
return Known;
MaxShiftAmount = std::min(MaxShiftAmount, FirstOne);
unsigned ShiftAmtZeroMask = RHS.Zero.zextOrTrunc(32).getZExtValue();
unsigned ShiftAmtOneMask = RHS.One.zextOrTrunc(32).getZExtValue();
for (unsigned ShiftAmt = MinShiftAmount; ShiftAmt <= MaxShiftAmount;
++ShiftAmt) {
// Skip if the shift amount is impossible.
if ((ShiftAmtZeroMask & ShiftAmt) != 0 ||
(ShiftAmtOneMask | ShiftAmt) != ShiftAmt)
Known = Known.intersectWith(ShiftByConst(LHS, ShiftAmt));
if (Known.isUnknown())
// All shift amounts may result in poison.
if (Known.hasConflict())
return Known;
KnownBits KnownBits::ashr(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS,
bool ShAmtNonZero, bool Exact) {
unsigned BitWidth = LHS.getBitWidth();
auto ShiftByConst = [&](const KnownBits &LHS, unsigned ShiftAmt) {
KnownBits Known = LHS;
return Known;
// Fast path for a common case when LHS is completely unknown.
KnownBits Known(BitWidth);
unsigned MinShiftAmount = RHS.getMinValue().getLimitedValue(BitWidth);
if (MinShiftAmount == 0 && ShAmtNonZero)
MinShiftAmount = 1;
if (LHS.isUnknown()) {
if (MinShiftAmount == BitWidth) {
// Always poison. Return zero because we don't like returning conflict.
return Known;
return Known;
// Find the common bits from all possible shifts.
APInt MaxValue = RHS.getMaxValue();
unsigned MaxShiftAmount = getMaxShiftAmount(MaxValue, BitWidth);
// If exact, bound MaxShiftAmount to first known 1 in LHS.
if (Exact) {
unsigned FirstOne = LHS.countMaxTrailingZeros();
if (FirstOne < MinShiftAmount) {
// Always poison. Return zero because we don't like returning conflict.
return Known;
MaxShiftAmount = std::min(MaxShiftAmount, FirstOne);
unsigned ShiftAmtZeroMask = RHS.Zero.zextOrTrunc(32).getZExtValue();
unsigned ShiftAmtOneMask = RHS.One.zextOrTrunc(32).getZExtValue();
for (unsigned ShiftAmt = MinShiftAmount; ShiftAmt <= MaxShiftAmount;
++ShiftAmt) {
// Skip if the shift amount is impossible.
if ((ShiftAmtZeroMask & ShiftAmt) != 0 ||
(ShiftAmtOneMask | ShiftAmt) != ShiftAmt)
Known = Known.intersectWith(ShiftByConst(LHS, ShiftAmt));
if (Known.isUnknown())
// All shift amounts may result in poison.
if (Known.hasConflict())
return Known;
std::optional<bool> KnownBits::eq(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
if (LHS.isConstant() && RHS.isConstant())
return std::optional<bool>(LHS.getConstant() == RHS.getConstant());
if (LHS.One.intersects(RHS.Zero) || RHS.One.intersects(LHS.Zero))
return std::optional<bool>(false);
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<bool> KnownBits::ne(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
if (std::optional<bool> KnownEQ = eq(LHS, RHS))
return std::optional<bool>(!*KnownEQ);
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<bool> KnownBits::ugt(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
// LHS >u RHS -> false if umax(LHS) <= umax(RHS)
if (LHS.getMaxValue().ule(RHS.getMinValue()))
return std::optional<bool>(false);
// LHS >u RHS -> true if umin(LHS) > umax(RHS)
if (LHS.getMinValue().ugt(RHS.getMaxValue()))
return std::optional<bool>(true);
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<bool> KnownBits::uge(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
if (std::optional<bool> IsUGT = ugt(RHS, LHS))
return std::optional<bool>(!*IsUGT);
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<bool> KnownBits::ult(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
return ugt(RHS, LHS);
std::optional<bool> KnownBits::ule(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
return uge(RHS, LHS);
std::optional<bool> KnownBits::sgt(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
// LHS >s RHS -> false if smax(LHS) <= smax(RHS)
if (LHS.getSignedMaxValue().sle(RHS.getSignedMinValue()))
return std::optional<bool>(false);
// LHS >s RHS -> true if smin(LHS) > smax(RHS)
if (LHS.getSignedMinValue().sgt(RHS.getSignedMaxValue()))
return std::optional<bool>(true);
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<bool> KnownBits::sge(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
if (std::optional<bool> KnownSGT = sgt(RHS, LHS))
return std::optional<bool>(!*KnownSGT);
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<bool> KnownBits::slt(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
return sgt(RHS, LHS);
std::optional<bool> KnownBits::sle(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
return sge(RHS, LHS);
KnownBits KnownBits::abs(bool IntMinIsPoison) const {
// If the source's MSB is zero then we know the rest of the bits already.
if (isNonNegative())
return *this;
// Absolute value preserves trailing zero count.
KnownBits KnownAbs(getBitWidth());
// If the input is negative, then abs(x) == -x.
if (isNegative()) {
KnownBits Tmp = *this;
// Special case for IntMinIsPoison. We know the sign bit is set and we know
// all the rest of the bits except one to be zero. Since we have
// IntMinIsPoison, that final bit MUST be a one, as otherwise the input is
if (IntMinIsPoison && (Zero.popcount() + 2) == getBitWidth())
KnownAbs = computeForAddSub(
/*Add*/ false, IntMinIsPoison, /*NUW=*/false,
KnownBits::makeConstant(APInt(getBitWidth(), 0)), Tmp);
// One more special case for IntMinIsPoison. If we don't know any ones other
// than the signbit, we know for certain that all the unknowns can't be
// zero. So if we know high zero bits, but have unknown low bits, we know
// for certain those high-zero bits will end up as one. This is because,
// the low bits can't be all zeros, so the +1 in (~x + 1) cannot carry up
// to the high bits. If we know a known INT_MIN input skip this. The result
// is poison anyways.
if (IntMinIsPoison && Tmp.countMinPopulation() == 1 &&
Tmp.countMaxPopulation() != 1) {
KnownAbs.One.setBits(getBitWidth() - Tmp.countMinLeadingZeros(),
getBitWidth() - 1);
} else {
unsigned MaxTZ = countMaxTrailingZeros();
unsigned MinTZ = countMinTrailingZeros();
// If we know the lowest set 1, then preserve it.
if (MaxTZ == MinTZ && MaxTZ < getBitWidth())
// We only know that the absolute values's MSB will be zero if INT_MIN is
// poison, or there is a set bit that isn't the sign bit (otherwise it could
// be INT_MIN).
if (IntMinIsPoison || (!One.isZero() && !One.isMinSignedValue())) {
return KnownAbs;
static KnownBits computeForSatAddSub(bool Add, bool Signed,
const KnownBits &LHS,
const KnownBits &RHS) {
// We don't see NSW even for sadd/ssub as we want to check if the result has
// signed overflow.
KnownBits Res =
KnownBits::computeForAddSub(Add, /*NSW=*/false, /*NUW=*/false, LHS, RHS);
unsigned BitWidth = Res.getBitWidth();
auto SignBitKnown = [&](const KnownBits &K) {
return K.Zero[BitWidth - 1] || K.One[BitWidth - 1];
std::optional<bool> Overflow;
if (Signed) {
// If we can actually detect overflow do so. Otherwise leave Overflow as
// nullopt (we assume it may have happened).
if (SignBitKnown(LHS) && SignBitKnown(RHS) && SignBitKnown(Res)) {
if (Add) {
// sadd.sat
Overflow = (LHS.isNonNegative() == RHS.isNonNegative() &&
Res.isNonNegative() != LHS.isNonNegative());
} else {
// ssub.sat
Overflow = (LHS.isNonNegative() != RHS.isNonNegative() &&
Res.isNonNegative() != LHS.isNonNegative());
} else if (Add) {
// uadd.sat
bool Of;
(void)LHS.getMaxValue().uadd_ov(RHS.getMaxValue(), Of);
if (!Of) {
Overflow = false;
} else {
(void)LHS.getMinValue().uadd_ov(RHS.getMinValue(), Of);
if (Of)
Overflow = true;
} else {
// usub.sat
bool Of;
(void)LHS.getMinValue().usub_ov(RHS.getMaxValue(), Of);
if (!Of) {
Overflow = false;
} else {
(void)LHS.getMaxValue().usub_ov(RHS.getMinValue(), Of);
if (Of)
Overflow = true;
if (Signed) {
if (Add) {
if (LHS.isNonNegative() && RHS.isNonNegative()) {
// Pos + Pos -> Pos
if (LHS.isNegative() && RHS.isNegative()) {
// Neg + Neg -> Neg
} else {
if (LHS.isNegative() && RHS.isNonNegative()) {
// Neg - Pos -> Neg
} else if (LHS.isNonNegative() && RHS.isNegative()) {
// Pos - Neg -> Pos
} else {
// Add: Leading ones of either operand are preserved.
// Sub: Leading zeros of LHS and leading ones of RHS are preserved
// as leading zeros in the result.
unsigned LeadingKnown;
if (Add)
LeadingKnown =
std::max(LHS.countMinLeadingOnes(), RHS.countMinLeadingOnes());
LeadingKnown =
std::max(LHS.countMinLeadingZeros(), RHS.countMinLeadingOnes());
// We select between the operation result and all-ones/zero
// respectively, so we can preserve known ones/zeros.
APInt Mask = APInt::getHighBitsSet(BitWidth, LeadingKnown);
if (Add) {
Res.One |= Mask;
Res.Zero &= ~Mask;
} else {
Res.Zero |= Mask;
Res.One &= ~Mask;
if (Overflow) {
// We know whether or not we overflowed.
if (!(*Overflow)) {
// No overflow.
return Res;
// We overflowed
APInt C;
if (Signed) {
// sadd.sat / ssub.sat
assert(SignBitKnown(LHS) &&
"We somehow know overflow without knowing input sign");
C = LHS.isNegative() ? APInt::getSignedMinValue(BitWidth)
: APInt::getSignedMaxValue(BitWidth);
} else if (Add) {
// uadd.sat
C = APInt::getMaxValue(BitWidth);
} else {
// uadd.sat
C = APInt::getMinValue(BitWidth);
Res.One = C;
Res.Zero = ~C;
return Res;
// We don't know if we overflowed.
if (Signed) {
// sadd.sat/ssub.sat
// We can keep our information about the sign bits.
Res.Zero.clearLowBits(BitWidth - 1);
Res.One.clearLowBits(BitWidth - 1);
} else if (Add) {
// uadd.sat
// We need to clear all the known zeros as we can only use the leading ones.
} else {
// usub.sat
// We need to clear all the known ones as we can only use the leading zero.
return Res;
KnownBits KnownBits::sadd_sat(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
return computeForSatAddSub(/*Add*/ true, /*Signed*/ true, LHS, RHS);
KnownBits KnownBits::ssub_sat(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
return computeForSatAddSub(/*Add*/ false, /*Signed*/ true, LHS, RHS);
KnownBits KnownBits::uadd_sat(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
return computeForSatAddSub(/*Add*/ true, /*Signed*/ false, LHS, RHS);
KnownBits KnownBits::usub_sat(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
return computeForSatAddSub(/*Add*/ false, /*Signed*/ false, LHS, RHS);
static KnownBits avgCompute(KnownBits LHS, KnownBits RHS, bool IsCeil,
bool IsSigned) {
unsigned BitWidth = LHS.getBitWidth();
LHS = IsSigned ? LHS.sext(BitWidth + 1) : LHS.zext(BitWidth + 1);
RHS = IsSigned ? RHS.sext(BitWidth + 1) : RHS.zext(BitWidth + 1);
computeForAddCarry(LHS, RHS, /*CarryZero*/ !IsCeil, /*CarryOne*/ IsCeil);
LHS = LHS.extractBits(BitWidth, 1);
return LHS;
KnownBits KnownBits::avgFloorS(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
return avgCompute(LHS, RHS, /* IsCeil */ false,
/* IsSigned */ true);
KnownBits KnownBits::avgFloorU(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
return avgCompute(LHS, RHS, /* IsCeil */ false,
/* IsSigned */ false);
KnownBits KnownBits::avgCeilS(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
return avgCompute(LHS, RHS, /* IsCeil */ true,
/* IsSigned */ true);
KnownBits KnownBits::avgCeilU(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
return avgCompute(LHS, RHS, /* IsCeil */ true,
/* IsSigned */ false);
KnownBits KnownBits::mul(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS,
bool NoUndefSelfMultiply) {
unsigned BitWidth = LHS.getBitWidth();
assert(BitWidth == RHS.getBitWidth() && "Operand mismatch");
assert((!NoUndefSelfMultiply || LHS == RHS) &&
"Self multiplication knownbits mismatch");
// Compute the high known-0 bits by multiplying the unsigned max of each side.
// Conservatively, M active bits * N active bits results in M + N bits in the
// result. But if we know a value is a power-of-2 for example, then this
// computes one more leading zero.
// TODO: This could be generalized to number of sign bits (negative numbers).
APInt UMaxLHS = LHS.getMaxValue();
APInt UMaxRHS = RHS.getMaxValue();
// For leading zeros in the result to be valid, the unsigned max product must
// fit in the bitwidth (it must not overflow).
bool HasOverflow;
APInt UMaxResult = UMaxLHS.umul_ov(UMaxRHS, HasOverflow);
unsigned LeadZ = HasOverflow ? 0 : UMaxResult.countl_zero();
// The result of the bottom bits of an integer multiply can be
// inferred by looking at the bottom bits of both operands and
// multiplying them together.
// We can infer at least the minimum number of known trailing bits
// of both operands. Depending on number of trailing zeros, we can
// infer more bits, because (a*b) <=> ((a/m) * (b/n)) * (m*n) assuming
// a and b are divisible by m and n respectively.
// We then calculate how many of those bits are inferrable and set
// the output. For example, the i8 mul:
// a = XXXX1100 (12)
// b = XXXX1110 (14)
// We know the bottom 3 bits are zero since the first can be divided by
// 4 and the second by 2, thus having ((12/4) * (14/2)) * (2*4).
// Applying the multiplication to the trimmed arguments gets:
// XX11 (3)
// X111 (7)
// -------
// XX11
// XX11
// XX11
// XX11
// -------
// XXXXX01
// Which allows us to infer the 2 LSBs. Since we're multiplying the result
// by 8, the bottom 3 bits will be 0, so we can infer a total of 5 bits.
// The proof for this can be described as:
// Pre: (C1 >= 0) && (C1 < (1 << C5)) && (C2 >= 0) && (C2 < (1 << C6)) &&
// (C7 == (1 << (umin(countTrailingZeros(C1), C5) +
// umin(countTrailingZeros(C2), C6) +
// umin(C5 - umin(countTrailingZeros(C1), C5),
// C6 - umin(countTrailingZeros(C2), C6)))) - 1)
// %aa = shl i8 %a, C5
// %bb = shl i8 %b, C6
// %aaa = or i8 %aa, C1
// %bbb = or i8 %bb, C2
// %mul = mul i8 %aaa, %bbb
// %mask = and i8 %mul, C7
// =>
// %mask = i8 ((C1*C2)&C7)
// Where C5, C6 describe the known bits of %a, %b
// C1, C2 describe the known bottom bits of %a, %b.
// C7 describes the mask of the known bits of the result.
const APInt &Bottom0 = LHS.One;
const APInt &Bottom1 = RHS.One;
// How many times we'd be able to divide each argument by 2 (shr by 1).
// This gives us the number of trailing zeros on the multiplication result.
unsigned TrailBitsKnown0 = (LHS.Zero | LHS.One).countr_one();
unsigned TrailBitsKnown1 = (RHS.Zero | RHS.One).countr_one();
unsigned TrailZero0 = LHS.countMinTrailingZeros();
unsigned TrailZero1 = RHS.countMinTrailingZeros();
unsigned TrailZ = TrailZero0 + TrailZero1;
// Figure out the fewest known-bits operand.
unsigned SmallestOperand =
std::min(TrailBitsKnown0 - TrailZero0, TrailBitsKnown1 - TrailZero1);
unsigned ResultBitsKnown = std::min(SmallestOperand + TrailZ, BitWidth);
APInt BottomKnown =
Bottom0.getLoBits(TrailBitsKnown0) * Bottom1.getLoBits(TrailBitsKnown1);
KnownBits Res(BitWidth);
Res.Zero |= (~BottomKnown).getLoBits(ResultBitsKnown);
Res.One = BottomKnown.getLoBits(ResultBitsKnown);
// If we're self-multiplying then bit[1] is guaranteed to be zero.
if (NoUndefSelfMultiply && BitWidth > 1) {
assert(Res.One[1] == 0 &&
"Self-multiplication failed Quadratic Reciprocity!");
return Res;
KnownBits KnownBits::mulhs(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
unsigned BitWidth = LHS.getBitWidth();
assert(BitWidth == RHS.getBitWidth() && "Operand mismatch");
KnownBits WideLHS = LHS.sext(2 * BitWidth);
KnownBits WideRHS = RHS.sext(2 * BitWidth);
return mul(WideLHS, WideRHS).extractBits(BitWidth, BitWidth);
KnownBits KnownBits::mulhu(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
unsigned BitWidth = LHS.getBitWidth();
assert(BitWidth == RHS.getBitWidth() && "Operand mismatch");
KnownBits WideLHS = LHS.zext(2 * BitWidth);
KnownBits WideRHS = RHS.zext(2 * BitWidth);
return mul(WideLHS, WideRHS).extractBits(BitWidth, BitWidth);
static KnownBits divComputeLowBit(KnownBits Known, const KnownBits &LHS,
const KnownBits &RHS, bool Exact) {
if (!Exact)
return Known;
// If LHS is Odd, the result is Odd no matter what.
// Odd / Odd -> Odd
// Odd / Even -> Impossible (because its exact division)
if (LHS.One[0])
int MinTZ =
(int)LHS.countMinTrailingZeros() - (int)RHS.countMaxTrailingZeros();
int MaxTZ =
(int)LHS.countMaxTrailingZeros() - (int)RHS.countMinTrailingZeros();
if (MinTZ >= 0) {
// Result has at least MinTZ trailing zeros.
if (MinTZ == MaxTZ) {
// Result has exactly MinTZ trailing zeros.
} else if (MaxTZ < 0) {
// Poison Result
// In the KnownBits exhaustive tests, we have poison inputs for exact values
// a LOT. If we have a conflict, just return all zeros.
if (Known.hasConflict())
return Known;
KnownBits KnownBits::sdiv(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS,
bool Exact) {
// Equivalent of `udiv`. We must have caught this before it was folded.
if (LHS.isNonNegative() && RHS.isNonNegative())
return udiv(LHS, RHS, Exact);
unsigned BitWidth = LHS.getBitWidth();
KnownBits Known(BitWidth);
if (LHS.isZero() || RHS.isZero()) {
// Result is either known Zero or UB. Return Zero either way.
// Checking this earlier saves us a lot of special cases later on.
return Known;
std::optional<APInt> Res;
if (LHS.isNegative() && RHS.isNegative()) {
// Result non-negative.
APInt Denom = RHS.getSignedMaxValue();
APInt Num = LHS.getSignedMinValue();
// INT_MIN/-1 would be a poison result (impossible). Estimate the division
// as signed max (we will only set sign bit in the result).
Res = (Num.isMinSignedValue() && Denom.isAllOnes())
? APInt::getSignedMaxValue(BitWidth)
: Num.sdiv(Denom);
} else if (LHS.isNegative() && RHS.isNonNegative()) {
// Result is negative if Exact OR -LHS u>= RHS.
if (Exact || (-LHS.getSignedMaxValue()).uge(RHS.getSignedMaxValue())) {
APInt Denom = RHS.getSignedMinValue();
APInt Num = LHS.getSignedMinValue();
Res = Denom.isZero() ? Num : Num.sdiv(Denom);
} else if (LHS.isStrictlyPositive() && RHS.isNegative()) {
// Result is negative if Exact OR LHS u>= -RHS.
if (Exact || LHS.getSignedMinValue().uge(-RHS.getSignedMinValue())) {
APInt Denom = RHS.getSignedMaxValue();
APInt Num = LHS.getSignedMaxValue();
Res = Num.sdiv(Denom);
if (Res) {
if (Res->isNonNegative()) {
unsigned LeadZ = Res->countLeadingZeros();
} else {
unsigned LeadO = Res->countLeadingOnes();
Known = divComputeLowBit(Known, LHS, RHS, Exact);
return Known;
KnownBits KnownBits::udiv(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS,
bool Exact) {
unsigned BitWidth = LHS.getBitWidth();
KnownBits Known(BitWidth);
if (LHS.isZero() || RHS.isZero()) {
// Result is either known Zero or UB. Return Zero either way.
// Checking this earlier saves us a lot of special cases later on.
return Known;
// We can figure out the minimum number of upper zero bits by doing
// MaxNumerator / MinDenominator. If the Numerator gets smaller or Denominator
// gets larger, the number of upper zero bits increases.
APInt MinDenom = RHS.getMinValue();
APInt MaxNum = LHS.getMaxValue();
APInt MaxRes = MinDenom.isZero() ? MaxNum : MaxNum.udiv(MinDenom);
unsigned LeadZ = MaxRes.countLeadingZeros();
Known = divComputeLowBit(Known, LHS, RHS, Exact);
return Known;
KnownBits KnownBits::remGetLowBits(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
unsigned BitWidth = LHS.getBitWidth();
if (!RHS.isZero() && RHS.Zero[0]) {
// rem X, Y where Y[0:N] is zero will preserve X[0:N] in the result.
unsigned RHSZeros = RHS.countMinTrailingZeros();
APInt Mask = APInt::getLowBitsSet(BitWidth, RHSZeros);
APInt OnesMask = LHS.One & Mask;
APInt ZerosMask = LHS.Zero & Mask;
return KnownBits(ZerosMask, OnesMask);
return KnownBits(BitWidth);
KnownBits KnownBits::urem(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
KnownBits Known = remGetLowBits(LHS, RHS);
if (RHS.isConstant() && RHS.getConstant().isPowerOf2()) {
// NB: Low bits set in `remGetLowBits`.
APInt HighBits = ~(RHS.getConstant() - 1);
Known.Zero |= HighBits;
return Known;
// Since the result is less than or equal to either operand, any leading
// zero bits in either operand must also exist in the result.
uint32_t Leaders =
std::max(LHS.countMinLeadingZeros(), RHS.countMinLeadingZeros());
return Known;
KnownBits KnownBits::srem(const KnownBits &LHS, const KnownBits &RHS) {
KnownBits Known = remGetLowBits(LHS, RHS);
if (RHS.isConstant() && RHS.getConstant().isPowerOf2()) {
// NB: Low bits are set in `remGetLowBits`.
APInt LowBits = RHS.getConstant() - 1;
// If the first operand is non-negative or has all low bits zero, then
// the upper bits are all zero.
if (LHS.isNonNegative() || LowBits.isSubsetOf(LHS.Zero))
Known.Zero |= ~LowBits;
// If the first operand is negative and not all low bits are zero, then
// the upper bits are all one.
if (LHS.isNegative() && LowBits.intersects(LHS.One))
Known.One |= ~LowBits;
return Known;
// The sign bit is the LHS's sign bit, except when the result of the
// remainder is zero. The magnitude of the result should be less than or
// equal to the magnitude of the LHS. Therefore any leading zeros that exist
// in the left hand side must also exist in the result.
return Known;
KnownBits &KnownBits::operator&=(const KnownBits &RHS) {
// Result bit is 0 if either operand bit is 0.
Zero |= RHS.Zero;
// Result bit is 1 if both operand bits are 1.
One &= RHS.One;
return *this;
KnownBits &KnownBits::operator|=(const KnownBits &RHS) {
// Result bit is 0 if both operand bits are 0.
Zero &= RHS.Zero;
// Result bit is 1 if either operand bit is 1.
One |= RHS.One;
return *this;
KnownBits &KnownBits::operator^=(const KnownBits &RHS) {
// Result bit is 0 if both operand bits are 0 or both are 1.
APInt Z = (Zero & RHS.Zero) | (One & RHS.One);
// Result bit is 1 if one operand bit is 0 and the other is 1.
One = (Zero & RHS.One) | (One & RHS.Zero);
Zero = std::move(Z);
return *this;
KnownBits KnownBits::blsi() const {
unsigned BitWidth = getBitWidth();
KnownBits Known(Zero, APInt(BitWidth, 0));
unsigned Max = countMaxTrailingZeros();
Known.Zero.setBitsFrom(std::min(Max + 1, BitWidth));
unsigned Min = countMinTrailingZeros();
if (Max == Min && Max < BitWidth)
return Known;
KnownBits KnownBits::blsmsk() const {
unsigned BitWidth = getBitWidth();
KnownBits Known(BitWidth);
unsigned Max = countMaxTrailingZeros();
Known.Zero.setBitsFrom(std::min(Max + 1, BitWidth));
unsigned Min = countMinTrailingZeros();
Known.One.setLowBits(std::min(Min + 1, BitWidth));
return Known;
void KnownBits::print(raw_ostream &OS) const {
unsigned BitWidth = getBitWidth();
for (unsigned I = 0; I < BitWidth; ++I) {
unsigned N = BitWidth - I - 1;
if (Zero[N] && One[N])
OS << "!";
else if (Zero[N])
OS << "0";
else if (One[N])
OS << "1";
OS << "?";
void KnownBits::dump() const {
dbgs() << "\n";