blob: 6d078c58ac805df733e36247b0c9713d8d608817 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- InstrProfReader.cpp - Instrumented profiling reader ----------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains support for reading profiling data for clang's
// instrumentation based PGO and coverage.
#include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProfReader.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/IR/ProfileSummary.h"
#include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProf.h"
#include "llvm/ProfileData/MemProf.h"
#include "llvm/ProfileData/ProfileCommon.h"
#include "llvm/ProfileData/SymbolRemappingReader.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SwapByteOrder.h"
#include "llvm/Support/VirtualFileSystem.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <system_error>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
using namespace llvm;
// Extracts the variant information from the top 32 bits in the version and
// returns an enum specifying the variants present.
static InstrProfKind getProfileKindFromVersion(uint64_t Version) {
InstrProfKind ProfileKind = InstrProfKind::Unknown;
if (Version & VARIANT_MASK_IR_PROF) {
ProfileKind |= InstrProfKind::IRInstrumentation;
ProfileKind |= InstrProfKind::ContextSensitive;
ProfileKind |= InstrProfKind::FunctionEntryInstrumentation;
ProfileKind |= InstrProfKind::SingleByteCoverage;
ProfileKind |= InstrProfKind::FunctionEntryOnly;
ProfileKind |= InstrProfKind::MemProf;
ProfileKind |= InstrProfKind::TemporalProfile;
return ProfileKind;
static Expected<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>>
setupMemoryBuffer(const Twine &Filename, vfs::FileSystem &FS) {
auto BufferOrErr = Filename.str() == "-" ? MemoryBuffer::getSTDIN()
: FS.getBufferForFile(Filename);
if (std::error_code EC = BufferOrErr.getError())
return errorCodeToError(EC);
return std::move(BufferOrErr.get());
static Error initializeReader(InstrProfReader &Reader) {
return Reader.readHeader();
/// Read a list of binary ids from a profile that consist of
/// a. uint64_t binary id length
/// b. uint8_t binary id data
/// c. uint8_t padding (if necessary)
/// This function is shared between raw and indexed profiles.
/// Raw profiles are in host-endian format, and indexed profiles are in
/// little-endian format. So, this function takes an argument indicating the
/// associated endian format to read the binary ids correctly.
static Error
readBinaryIdsInternal(const MemoryBuffer &DataBuffer,
ArrayRef<uint8_t> BinaryIdsBuffer,
std::vector<llvm::object::BuildID> &BinaryIds,
const llvm::endianness Endian) {
using namespace support;
const uint64_t BinaryIdsSize = BinaryIdsBuffer.size();
const uint8_t *BinaryIdsStart =;
if (BinaryIdsSize == 0)
return Error::success();
const uint8_t *BI = BinaryIdsStart;
const uint8_t *BIEnd = BinaryIdsStart + BinaryIdsSize;
const uint8_t *End =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(DataBuffer.getBufferEnd());
while (BI < BIEnd) {
size_t Remaining = BIEnd - BI;
// There should be enough left to read the binary id length.
if (Remaining < sizeof(uint64_t))
return make_error<InstrProfError>(
"not enough data to read binary id length");
uint64_t BILen = endian::readNext<uint64_t>(BI, Endian);
if (BILen == 0)
return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::malformed,
"binary id length is 0");
Remaining = BIEnd - BI;
// There should be enough left to read the binary id data.
if (Remaining < alignToPowerOf2(BILen, sizeof(uint64_t)))
return make_error<InstrProfError>(
instrprof_error::malformed, "not enough data to read binary id data");
// Add binary id to the binary ids list.
BinaryIds.push_back(object::BuildID(BI, BI + BILen));
// Increment by binary id data length, which aligned to the size of uint64.
BI += alignToPowerOf2(BILen, sizeof(uint64_t));
if (BI > End)
return make_error<InstrProfError>(
"binary id section is greater than buffer size");
return Error::success();
static void printBinaryIdsInternal(raw_ostream &OS,
ArrayRef<llvm::object::BuildID> BinaryIds) {
OS << "Binary IDs: \n";
for (const auto &BI : BinaryIds) {
for (auto I : BI)
OS << format("%02x", I);
OS << "\n";
InstrProfReader::create(const Twine &Path, vfs::FileSystem &FS,
const InstrProfCorrelator *Correlator,
std::function<void(Error)> Warn) {
// Set up the buffer to read.
auto BufferOrError = setupMemoryBuffer(Path, FS);
if (Error E = BufferOrError.takeError())
return std::move(E);
return InstrProfReader::create(std::move(BufferOrError.get()), Correlator,
InstrProfReader::create(std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Buffer,
const InstrProfCorrelator *Correlator,
std::function<void(Error)> Warn) {
if (Buffer->getBufferSize() == 0)
return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::empty_raw_profile);
std::unique_ptr<InstrProfReader> Result;
// Create the reader.
if (IndexedInstrProfReader::hasFormat(*Buffer))
Result.reset(new IndexedInstrProfReader(std::move(Buffer)));
else if (RawInstrProfReader64::hasFormat(*Buffer))
Result.reset(new RawInstrProfReader64(std::move(Buffer), Correlator, Warn));
else if (RawInstrProfReader32::hasFormat(*Buffer))
Result.reset(new RawInstrProfReader32(std::move(Buffer), Correlator, Warn));
else if (TextInstrProfReader::hasFormat(*Buffer))
Result.reset(new TextInstrProfReader(std::move(Buffer)));
return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::unrecognized_format);
// Initialize the reader and return the result.
if (Error E = initializeReader(*Result))
return std::move(E);
return std::move(Result);
IndexedInstrProfReader::create(const Twine &Path, vfs::FileSystem &FS,
const Twine &RemappingPath) {
// Set up the buffer to read.
auto BufferOrError = setupMemoryBuffer(Path, FS);
if (Error E = BufferOrError.takeError())
return std::move(E);
// Set up the remapping buffer if requested.
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> RemappingBuffer;
std::string RemappingPathStr = RemappingPath.str();
if (!RemappingPathStr.empty()) {
auto RemappingBufferOrError = setupMemoryBuffer(RemappingPathStr, FS);
if (Error E = RemappingBufferOrError.takeError())
return std::move(E);
RemappingBuffer = std::move(RemappingBufferOrError.get());
return IndexedInstrProfReader::create(std::move(BufferOrError.get()),
IndexedInstrProfReader::create(std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Buffer,
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> RemappingBuffer) {
// Create the reader.
if (!IndexedInstrProfReader::hasFormat(*Buffer))
return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::bad_magic);
auto Result = std::make_unique<IndexedInstrProfReader>(
std::move(Buffer), std::move(RemappingBuffer));
// Initialize the reader and return the result.
if (Error E = initializeReader(*Result))
return std::move(E);
return std::move(Result);
bool TextInstrProfReader::hasFormat(const MemoryBuffer &Buffer) {
// Verify that this really looks like plain ASCII text by checking a
// 'reasonable' number of characters (up to profile magic size).
size_t count = std::min(Buffer.getBufferSize(), sizeof(uint64_t));
StringRef buffer = Buffer.getBufferStart();
return count == 0 ||
std::all_of(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + count,
[](char c) { return isPrint(c) || isSpace(c); });
// Read the profile variant flag from the header: ":FE" means this is a FE
// generated profile. ":IR" means this is an IR level profile. Other strings
// with a leading ':' will be reported an error format.
Error TextInstrProfReader::readHeader() {
Symtab.reset(new InstrProfSymtab());
while (Line->starts_with(":")) {
StringRef Str = Line->substr(1);
if (Str.equals_insensitive("ir"))
ProfileKind |= InstrProfKind::IRInstrumentation;
else if (Str.equals_insensitive("fe"))
ProfileKind |= InstrProfKind::FrontendInstrumentation;
else if (Str.equals_insensitive("csir")) {
ProfileKind |= InstrProfKind::IRInstrumentation;
ProfileKind |= InstrProfKind::ContextSensitive;
} else if (Str.equals_insensitive("entry_first"))
ProfileKind |= InstrProfKind::FunctionEntryInstrumentation;
else if (Str.equals_insensitive("not_entry_first"))
ProfileKind &= ~InstrProfKind::FunctionEntryInstrumentation;
else if (Str.equals_insensitive("single_byte_coverage"))
ProfileKind |= InstrProfKind::SingleByteCoverage;
else if (Str.equals_insensitive("temporal_prof_traces")) {
ProfileKind |= InstrProfKind::TemporalProfile;
if (auto Err = readTemporalProfTraceData())
return error(std::move(Err));
} else
return error(instrprof_error::bad_header);
return success();
/// Temporal profile trace data is stored in the header immediately after
/// ":temporal_prof_traces". The first integer is the number of traces, the
/// second integer is the stream size, then the following lines are the actual
/// traces which consist of a weight and a comma separated list of function
/// names.
Error TextInstrProfReader::readTemporalProfTraceData() {
if ((++Line).is_at_end())
return error(instrprof_error::eof);
uint32_t NumTraces;
if (Line->getAsInteger(0, NumTraces))
return error(instrprof_error::malformed);
if ((++Line).is_at_end())
return error(instrprof_error::eof);
if (Line->getAsInteger(0, TemporalProfTraceStreamSize))
return error(instrprof_error::malformed);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NumTraces; i++) {
if ((++Line).is_at_end())
return error(instrprof_error::eof);
TemporalProfTraceTy Trace;
if (Line->getAsInteger(0, Trace.Weight))
return error(instrprof_error::malformed);
if ((++Line).is_at_end())
return error(instrprof_error::eof);
SmallVector<StringRef> FuncNames;
Line->split(FuncNames, ",", /*MaxSplit=*/-1, /*KeepEmpty=*/false);
for (auto &FuncName : FuncNames)
return success();
TextInstrProfReader::readValueProfileData(InstrProfRecord &Record) {
#define CHECK_LINE_END(Line) \
if (Line.is_at_end()) \
return error(instrprof_error::truncated);
#define READ_NUM(Str, Dst) \
if ((Str).getAsInteger(10, (Dst))) \
return error(instrprof_error::malformed);
#define VP_READ_ADVANCE(Val) \
uint32_t Val; \
READ_NUM((*Line), (Val)); \
if (Line.is_at_end())
return success();
uint32_t NumValueKinds;
if (Line->getAsInteger(10, NumValueKinds)) {
// No value profile data
return success();
if (NumValueKinds == 0 || NumValueKinds > IPVK_Last + 1)
return error(instrprof_error::malformed,
"number of value kinds is invalid");
for (uint32_t VK = 0; VK < NumValueKinds; VK++) {
if (ValueKind > IPVK_Last)
return error(instrprof_error::malformed, "value kind is invalid");
if (!NumValueSites)
Record.reserveSites(VK, NumValueSites);
for (uint32_t S = 0; S < NumValueSites; S++) {
std::vector<InstrProfValueData> CurrentValues;
for (uint32_t V = 0; V < NumValueData; V++) {
std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> VD = Line->rsplit(':');
uint64_t TakenCount, Value;
if (ValueKind == IPVK_IndirectCallTarget) {
if (InstrProfSymtab::isExternalSymbol(VD.first)) {
Value = 0;
} else {
if (Error E = Symtab->addFuncName(VD.first))
return E;
Value = IndexedInstrProf::ComputeHash(VD.first);
} else if (ValueKind == IPVK_VTableTarget) {
if (InstrProfSymtab::isExternalSymbol(VD.first))
Value = 0;
else {
if (Error E = Symtab->addVTableName(VD.first))
return E;
Value = IndexedInstrProf::ComputeHash(VD.first);
} else {
READ_NUM(VD.first, Value);
READ_NUM(VD.second, TakenCount);
CurrentValues.push_back({Value, TakenCount});
assert(CurrentValues.size() == NumValueData);
Record.addValueData(ValueKind, S, CurrentValues, nullptr);
return success();
#undef READ_NUM
Error TextInstrProfReader::readNextRecord(NamedInstrProfRecord &Record) {
// Skip empty lines and comments.
while (!Line.is_at_end() && (Line->empty() || Line->starts_with("#")))
// If we hit EOF while looking for a name, we're done.
if (Line.is_at_end()) {
return error(instrprof_error::eof);
// Read the function name.
Record.Name = *Line++;
if (Error E = Symtab->addFuncName(Record.Name))
return error(std::move(E));
// Read the function hash.
if (Line.is_at_end())
return error(instrprof_error::truncated);
if ((Line++)->getAsInteger(0, Record.Hash))
return error(instrprof_error::malformed,
"function hash is not a valid integer");
// Read the number of counters.
uint64_t NumCounters;
if (Line.is_at_end())
return error(instrprof_error::truncated);
if ((Line++)->getAsInteger(10, NumCounters))
return error(instrprof_error::malformed,
"number of counters is not a valid integer");
if (NumCounters == 0)
return error(instrprof_error::malformed, "number of counters is zero");
// Read each counter and fill our internal storage with the values.
for (uint64_t I = 0; I < NumCounters; ++I) {
if (Line.is_at_end())
return error(instrprof_error::truncated);
uint64_t Count;
if ((Line++)->getAsInteger(10, Count))
return error(instrprof_error::malformed, "count is invalid");
// Bitmap byte information is indicated with special character.
if (Line->starts_with("$")) {
// Read the number of bitmap bytes.
uint64_t NumBitmapBytes;
if ((Line++)->drop_front(1).trim().getAsInteger(0, NumBitmapBytes))
return error(instrprof_error::malformed,
"number of bitmap bytes is not a valid integer");
if (NumBitmapBytes != 0) {
// Read each bitmap and fill our internal storage with the values.
for (uint8_t I = 0; I < NumBitmapBytes; ++I) {
if (Line.is_at_end())
return error(instrprof_error::truncated);
uint8_t BitmapByte;
if ((Line++)->getAsInteger(0, BitmapByte))
return error(instrprof_error::malformed,
"bitmap byte is not a valid integer");
// Check if value profile data exists and read it if so.
if (Error E = readValueProfileData(Record))
return error(std::move(E));
return success();
template <class IntPtrT>
InstrProfKind RawInstrProfReader<IntPtrT>::getProfileKind() const {
return getProfileKindFromVersion(Version);
template <class IntPtrT>
SmallVector<TemporalProfTraceTy> &
std::optional<uint64_t> Weight) {
if (TemporalProfTimestamps.empty()) {
return TemporalProfTraces;
// Sort functions by their timestamps to build the trace.
std::sort(TemporalProfTimestamps.begin(), TemporalProfTimestamps.end());
TemporalProfTraceTy Trace;
if (Weight)
Trace.Weight = *Weight;
for (auto &[TimestampValue, NameRef] : TemporalProfTimestamps)
TemporalProfTraces = {std::move(Trace)};
return TemporalProfTraces;
template <class IntPtrT>
bool RawInstrProfReader<IntPtrT>::hasFormat(const MemoryBuffer &DataBuffer) {
if (DataBuffer.getBufferSize() < sizeof(uint64_t))
return false;
uint64_t Magic =
*reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t *>(DataBuffer.getBufferStart());
return RawInstrProf::getMagic<IntPtrT>() == Magic ||
llvm::byteswap(RawInstrProf::getMagic<IntPtrT>()) == Magic;
template <class IntPtrT>
Error RawInstrProfReader<IntPtrT>::readHeader() {
if (!hasFormat(*DataBuffer))
return error(instrprof_error::bad_magic);
if (DataBuffer->getBufferSize() < sizeof(RawInstrProf::Header))
return error(instrprof_error::bad_header);
auto *Header = reinterpret_cast<const RawInstrProf::Header *>(
ShouldSwapBytes = Header->Magic != RawInstrProf::getMagic<IntPtrT>();
return readHeader(*Header);
template <class IntPtrT>
Error RawInstrProfReader<IntPtrT>::readNextHeader(const char *CurrentPos) {
const char *End = DataBuffer->getBufferEnd();
// Skip zero padding between profiles.
while (CurrentPos != End && *CurrentPos == 0)
// If there's nothing left, we're done.
if (CurrentPos == End)
return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::eof);
// If there isn't enough space for another header, this is probably just
// garbage at the end of the file.
if (CurrentPos + sizeof(RawInstrProf::Header) > End)
return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::malformed,
"not enough space for another header");
// The writer ensures each profile is padded to start at an aligned address.
if (reinterpret_cast<size_t>(CurrentPos) % alignof(uint64_t))
return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::malformed,
"insufficient padding");
// The magic should have the same byte order as in the previous header.
uint64_t Magic = *reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t *>(CurrentPos);
if (Magic != swap(RawInstrProf::getMagic<IntPtrT>()))
return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::bad_magic);
// There's another profile to read, so we need to process the header.
auto *Header = reinterpret_cast<const RawInstrProf::Header *>(CurrentPos);
return readHeader(*Header);
template <class IntPtrT>
Error RawInstrProfReader<IntPtrT>::createSymtab(InstrProfSymtab &Symtab) {
if (Error E = Symtab.create(StringRef(NamesStart, NamesEnd - NamesStart),
StringRef(VNamesStart, VNamesEnd - VNamesStart)))
return error(std::move(E));
for (const RawInstrProf::ProfileData<IntPtrT> *I = Data; I != DataEnd; ++I) {
const IntPtrT FPtr = swap(I->FunctionPointer);
if (!FPtr)
Symtab.mapAddress(FPtr, swap(I->NameRef));
if (VTableBegin != nullptr && VTableEnd != nullptr) {
for (const RawInstrProf::VTableProfileData<IntPtrT> *I = VTableBegin;
I != VTableEnd; ++I) {
const IntPtrT VPtr = swap(I->VTablePointer);
if (!VPtr)
// Map both begin and end address to the name hash, since the instrumented
// address could be somewhere in the middle.
// VPtr is of type uint32_t or uint64_t so 'VPtr + I->VTableSize' marks
// the end of vtable address.
Symtab.mapVTableAddress(VPtr, VPtr + swap(I->VTableSize),
return success();
template <class IntPtrT>
Error RawInstrProfReader<IntPtrT>::readHeader(
const RawInstrProf::Header &Header) {
Version = swap(Header.Version);
if (GET_VERSION(Version) != RawInstrProf::Version)
return error(instrprof_error::raw_profile_version_mismatch,
("Profile uses raw profile format version = " +
Twine(GET_VERSION(Version)) +
"; expected version = " + Twine(RawInstrProf::Version) +
"\nPLEASE update this tool to version in the raw profile, or "
"regenerate raw profile with expected version.")
uint64_t BinaryIdSize = swap(Header.BinaryIdsSize);
// Binary id start just after the header if exists.
const uint8_t *BinaryIdStart =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&Header) + sizeof(RawInstrProf::Header);
const uint8_t *BinaryIdEnd = BinaryIdStart + BinaryIdSize;
const uint8_t *BufferEnd = (const uint8_t *)DataBuffer->getBufferEnd();
if (BinaryIdSize % sizeof(uint64_t) || BinaryIdEnd > BufferEnd)
return error(instrprof_error::bad_header);
ArrayRef<uint8_t> BinaryIdsBuffer(BinaryIdStart, BinaryIdSize);
if (!BinaryIdsBuffer.empty()) {
if (Error Err = readBinaryIdsInternal(*DataBuffer, BinaryIdsBuffer,
BinaryIds, getDataEndianness()))
return Err;
CountersDelta = swap(Header.CountersDelta);
BitmapDelta = swap(Header.BitmapDelta);
NamesDelta = swap(Header.NamesDelta);
auto NumData = swap(Header.NumData);
auto PaddingBytesBeforeCounters = swap(Header.PaddingBytesBeforeCounters);
auto CountersSize = swap(Header.NumCounters) * getCounterTypeSize();
auto PaddingBytesAfterCounters = swap(Header.PaddingBytesAfterCounters);
auto NumBitmapBytes = swap(Header.NumBitmapBytes);
auto PaddingBytesAfterBitmapBytes = swap(Header.PaddingBytesAfterBitmapBytes);
auto NamesSize = swap(Header.NamesSize);
auto VTableNameSize = swap(Header.VNamesSize);
auto NumVTables = swap(Header.NumVTables);
ValueKindLast = swap(Header.ValueKindLast);
auto DataSize = NumData * sizeof(RawInstrProf::ProfileData<IntPtrT>);
auto PaddingBytesAfterNames = getNumPaddingBytes(NamesSize);
auto PaddingBytesAfterVTableNames = getNumPaddingBytes(VTableNameSize);
auto VTableSectionSize =
NumVTables * sizeof(RawInstrProf::VTableProfileData<IntPtrT>);
auto PaddingBytesAfterVTableProfData = getNumPaddingBytes(VTableSectionSize);
// Profile data starts after profile header and binary ids if exist.
ptrdiff_t DataOffset = sizeof(RawInstrProf::Header) + BinaryIdSize;
ptrdiff_t CountersOffset = DataOffset + DataSize + PaddingBytesBeforeCounters;
ptrdiff_t BitmapOffset =
CountersOffset + CountersSize + PaddingBytesAfterCounters;
ptrdiff_t NamesOffset =
BitmapOffset + NumBitmapBytes + PaddingBytesAfterBitmapBytes;
ptrdiff_t VTableProfDataOffset =
NamesOffset + NamesSize + PaddingBytesAfterNames;
ptrdiff_t VTableNameOffset = VTableProfDataOffset + VTableSectionSize +
ptrdiff_t ValueDataOffset =
VTableNameOffset + VTableNameSize + PaddingBytesAfterVTableNames;
auto *Start = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&Header);
if (Start + ValueDataOffset > DataBuffer->getBufferEnd())
return error(instrprof_error::bad_header);
if (Correlator) {
// These sizes in the raw file are zero because we constructed them in the
// Correlator.
if (!(DataSize == 0 && NamesSize == 0 && CountersDelta == 0 &&
NamesDelta == 0))
return error(instrprof_error::unexpected_correlation_info);
Data = Correlator->getDataPointer();
DataEnd = Data + Correlator->getDataSize();
NamesStart = Correlator->getNamesPointer();
NamesEnd = NamesStart + Correlator->getNamesSize();
} else {
Data = reinterpret_cast<const RawInstrProf::ProfileData<IntPtrT> *>(
Start + DataOffset);
DataEnd = Data + NumData;
VTableBegin =
reinterpret_cast<const RawInstrProf::VTableProfileData<IntPtrT> *>(
Start + VTableProfDataOffset);
VTableEnd = VTableBegin + NumVTables;
NamesStart = Start + NamesOffset;
NamesEnd = NamesStart + NamesSize;
VNamesStart = Start + VTableNameOffset;
VNamesEnd = VNamesStart + VTableNameSize;
CountersStart = Start + CountersOffset;
CountersEnd = CountersStart + CountersSize;
BitmapStart = Start + BitmapOffset;
BitmapEnd = BitmapStart + NumBitmapBytes;
ValueDataStart = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(Start + ValueDataOffset);
std::unique_ptr<InstrProfSymtab> NewSymtab = std::make_unique<InstrProfSymtab>();
if (Error E = createSymtab(*NewSymtab))
return E;
Symtab = std::move(NewSymtab);
return success();
template <class IntPtrT>
Error RawInstrProfReader<IntPtrT>::readName(NamedInstrProfRecord &Record) {
Record.Name = getName(Data->NameRef);
return success();
template <class IntPtrT>
Error RawInstrProfReader<IntPtrT>::readFuncHash(NamedInstrProfRecord &Record) {
Record.Hash = swap(Data->FuncHash);
return success();
template <class IntPtrT>
Error RawInstrProfReader<IntPtrT>::readRawCounts(
InstrProfRecord &Record) {
uint32_t NumCounters = swap(Data->NumCounters);
if (NumCounters == 0)
return error(instrprof_error::malformed, "number of counters is zero");
ptrdiff_t CounterBaseOffset = swap(Data->CounterPtr) - CountersDelta;
if (CounterBaseOffset < 0)
return error(
("counter offset " + Twine(CounterBaseOffset) + " is negative").str());
if (CounterBaseOffset >= CountersEnd - CountersStart)
return error(instrprof_error::malformed,
("counter offset " + Twine(CounterBaseOffset) +
" is greater than the maximum counter offset " +
Twine(CountersEnd - CountersStart - 1))
uint64_t MaxNumCounters =
(CountersEnd - (CountersStart + CounterBaseOffset)) /
if (NumCounters > MaxNumCounters)
return error(instrprof_error::malformed,
("number of counters " + Twine(NumCounters) +
" is greater than the maximum number of counters " +
for (uint32_t I = 0; I < NumCounters; I++) {
const char *Ptr =
CountersStart + CounterBaseOffset + I * getCounterTypeSize();
if (I == 0 && hasTemporalProfile()) {
uint64_t TimestampValue = swap(*reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t *>(Ptr));
if (TimestampValue != 0 &&
TimestampValue != std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()) {
TemporalProfTraceStreamSize = 1;
if (hasSingleByteCoverage()) {
// In coverage mode, getCounterTypeSize() returns 1 byte but our
// timestamp field has size uint64_t. Increment I so that the next
// iteration of this for loop points to the byte after the timestamp
// field, i.e., I += 8.
I += 7;
if (hasSingleByteCoverage()) {
// A value of zero signifies the block is covered.
Record.Counts.push_back(*Ptr == 0 ? 1 : 0);
} else {
uint64_t CounterValue = swap(*reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t *>(Ptr));
if (CounterValue > MaxCounterValue && Warn)
instrprof_error::counter_value_too_large, Twine(CounterValue)));
return success();
template <class IntPtrT>
Error RawInstrProfReader<IntPtrT>::readRawBitmapBytes(InstrProfRecord &Record) {
uint32_t NumBitmapBytes = swap(Data->NumBitmapBytes);
// It's possible MCDC is either not enabled or only used for some functions
// and not others. So if we record 0 bytes, just move on.
if (NumBitmapBytes == 0)
return success();
// BitmapDelta decreases as we advance to the next data record.
ptrdiff_t BitmapOffset = swap(Data->BitmapPtr) - BitmapDelta;
if (BitmapOffset < 0)
return error(
("bitmap offset " + Twine(BitmapOffset) + " is negative").str());
if (BitmapOffset >= BitmapEnd - BitmapStart)
return error(instrprof_error::malformed,
("bitmap offset " + Twine(BitmapOffset) +
" is greater than the maximum bitmap offset " +
Twine(BitmapEnd - BitmapStart - 1))
uint64_t MaxNumBitmapBytes =
(BitmapEnd - (BitmapStart + BitmapOffset)) / sizeof(uint8_t);
if (NumBitmapBytes > MaxNumBitmapBytes)
return error(instrprof_error::malformed,
("number of bitmap bytes " + Twine(NumBitmapBytes) +
" is greater than the maximum number of bitmap bytes " +
for (uint32_t I = 0; I < NumBitmapBytes; I++) {
const char *Ptr = BitmapStart + BitmapOffset + I;
return success();
template <class IntPtrT>
Error RawInstrProfReader<IntPtrT>::readValueProfilingData(
InstrProfRecord &Record) {
CurValueDataSize = 0;
// Need to match the logic in value profile dumper code in compiler-rt:
uint32_t NumValueKinds = 0;
for (uint32_t I = 0; I < IPVK_Last + 1; I++)
NumValueKinds += (Data->NumValueSites[I] != 0);
if (!NumValueKinds)
return success();
Expected<std::unique_ptr<ValueProfData>> VDataPtrOrErr =
ValueDataStart, (const unsigned char *)DataBuffer->getBufferEnd(),
if (Error E = VDataPtrOrErr.takeError())
return E;
// Note that besides deserialization, this also performs the conversion for
// indirect call targets. The function pointers from the raw profile are
// remapped into function name hashes.
VDataPtrOrErr.get()->deserializeTo(Record, Symtab.get());
CurValueDataSize = VDataPtrOrErr.get()->getSize();
return success();
template <class IntPtrT>
Error RawInstrProfReader<IntPtrT>::readNextRecord(NamedInstrProfRecord &Record) {
// Keep reading profiles that consist of only headers and no profile data and
// counters.
while (atEnd())
// At this point, ValueDataStart field points to the next header.
if (Error E = readNextHeader(getNextHeaderPos()))
return error(std::move(E));
// Read name and set it in Record.
if (Error E = readName(Record))
return error(std::move(E));
// Read FuncHash and set it in Record.
if (Error E = readFuncHash(Record))
return error(std::move(E));
// Read raw counts and set Record.
if (Error E = readRawCounts(Record))
return error(std::move(E));
// Read raw bitmap bytes and set Record.
if (Error E = readRawBitmapBytes(Record))
return error(std::move(E));
// Read value data and set Record.
if (Error E = readValueProfilingData(Record))
return error(std::move(E));
// Iterate.
return success();
template <class IntPtrT>
Error RawInstrProfReader<IntPtrT>::readBinaryIds(
std::vector<llvm::object::BuildID> &BinaryIds) {
BinaryIds.insert(BinaryIds.begin(), this->BinaryIds.begin(),
return Error::success();
template <class IntPtrT>
Error RawInstrProfReader<IntPtrT>::printBinaryIds(raw_ostream &OS) {
if (!BinaryIds.empty())
printBinaryIdsInternal(OS, BinaryIds);
return Error::success();
namespace llvm {
template class RawInstrProfReader<uint32_t>;
template class RawInstrProfReader<uint64_t>;
} // end namespace llvm
InstrProfLookupTrait::ComputeHash(StringRef K) {
return IndexedInstrProf::ComputeHash(HashType, K);
using data_type = InstrProfLookupTrait::data_type;
using offset_type = InstrProfLookupTrait::offset_type;
bool InstrProfLookupTrait::readValueProfilingData(
const unsigned char *&D, const unsigned char *const End) {
Expected<std::unique_ptr<ValueProfData>> VDataPtrOrErr =
ValueProfData::getValueProfData(D, End, ValueProfDataEndianness);
if (VDataPtrOrErr.takeError())
return false;
VDataPtrOrErr.get()->deserializeTo(DataBuffer.back(), nullptr);
D += VDataPtrOrErr.get()->TotalSize;
return true;
data_type InstrProfLookupTrait::ReadData(StringRef K, const unsigned char *D,
offset_type N) {
using namespace support;
// Check if the data is corrupt. If so, don't try to read it.
if (N % sizeof(uint64_t))
return data_type();
std::vector<uint64_t> CounterBuffer;
std::vector<uint8_t> BitmapByteBuffer;
const unsigned char *End = D + N;
while (D < End) {
// Read hash.
if (D + sizeof(uint64_t) >= End)
return data_type();
uint64_t Hash = endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(D);
// Initialize number of counters for GET_VERSION(FormatVersion) == 1.
uint64_t CountsSize = N / sizeof(uint64_t) - 1;
// If format version is different then read the number of counters.
if (GET_VERSION(FormatVersion) != IndexedInstrProf::ProfVersion::Version1) {
if (D + sizeof(uint64_t) > End)
return data_type();
CountsSize = endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(D);
// Read counter values.
if (D + CountsSize * sizeof(uint64_t) > End)
return data_type();
for (uint64_t J = 0; J < CountsSize; ++J)
endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(D));
// Read bitmap bytes for GET_VERSION(FormatVersion) > 10.
if (GET_VERSION(FormatVersion) > IndexedInstrProf::ProfVersion::Version10) {
uint64_t BitmapBytes = 0;
if (D + sizeof(uint64_t) > End)
return data_type();
BitmapBytes = endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(D);
// Read bitmap byte values.
if (D + BitmapBytes * sizeof(uint8_t) > End)
return data_type();
for (uint64_t J = 0; J < BitmapBytes; ++J)
endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(D)));
DataBuffer.emplace_back(K, Hash, std::move(CounterBuffer),
// Read value profiling data.
if (GET_VERSION(FormatVersion) > IndexedInstrProf::ProfVersion::Version2 &&
!readValueProfilingData(D, End)) {
return data_type();
return DataBuffer;
template <typename HashTableImpl>
Error InstrProfReaderIndex<HashTableImpl>::getRecords(
StringRef FuncName, ArrayRef<NamedInstrProfRecord> &Data) {
auto Iter = HashTable->find(FuncName);
if (Iter == HashTable->end())
return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::unknown_function);
Data = (*Iter);
if (Data.empty())
return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::malformed,
"profile data is empty");
return Error::success();
template <typename HashTableImpl>
Error InstrProfReaderIndex<HashTableImpl>::getRecords(
ArrayRef<NamedInstrProfRecord> &Data) {
if (atEnd())
return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::eof);
Data = *RecordIterator;
if (Data.empty())
return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::malformed,
"profile data is empty");
return Error::success();
template <typename HashTableImpl>
const unsigned char *Buckets, const unsigned char *const Payload,
const unsigned char *const Base, IndexedInstrProf::HashT HashType,
uint64_t Version) {
FormatVersion = Version;
Buckets, Payload, Base,
typename HashTableImpl::InfoType(HashType, Version)));
RecordIterator = HashTable->data_begin();
template <typename HashTableImpl>
InstrProfKind InstrProfReaderIndex<HashTableImpl>::getProfileKind() const {
return getProfileKindFromVersion(FormatVersion);
namespace {
/// A remapper that does not apply any remappings.
class InstrProfReaderNullRemapper : public InstrProfReaderRemapper {
InstrProfReaderIndexBase &Underlying;
InstrProfReaderNullRemapper(InstrProfReaderIndexBase &Underlying)
: Underlying(Underlying) {}
Error getRecords(StringRef FuncName,
ArrayRef<NamedInstrProfRecord> &Data) override {
return Underlying.getRecords(FuncName, Data);
} // namespace
/// A remapper that applies remappings based on a symbol remapping file.
template <typename HashTableImpl>
class llvm::InstrProfReaderItaniumRemapper
: public InstrProfReaderRemapper {
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> RemapBuffer,
InstrProfReaderIndex<HashTableImpl> &Underlying)
: RemapBuffer(std::move(RemapBuffer)), Underlying(Underlying) {
/// Extract the original function name from a PGO function name.
static StringRef extractName(StringRef Name) {
// We can have multiple pieces separated by kGlobalIdentifierDelimiter (
// semicolon now and colon in older profiles); there can be pieces both
// before and after the mangled name. Find the first part that starts with
// '_Z'; we'll assume that's the mangled name we want.
std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> Parts = {StringRef(), Name};
while (true) {
Parts = Parts.second.split(GlobalIdentifierDelimiter);
if (Parts.first.starts_with("_Z"))
return Parts.first;
if (Parts.second.empty())
return Name;
/// Given a mangled name extracted from a PGO function name, and a new
/// form for that mangled name, reconstitute the name.
static void reconstituteName(StringRef OrigName, StringRef ExtractedName,
StringRef Replacement,
SmallVectorImpl<char> &Out) {
Out.reserve(OrigName.size() + Replacement.size() - ExtractedName.size());
Out.insert(Out.end(), OrigName.begin(), ExtractedName.begin());
Out.insert(Out.end(), Replacement.begin(), Replacement.end());
Out.insert(Out.end(), ExtractedName.end(), OrigName.end());
Error populateRemappings() override {
if (Error E =*RemapBuffer))
return E;
for (StringRef Name : Underlying.HashTable->keys()) {
StringRef RealName = extractName(Name);
if (auto Key = Remappings.insert(RealName)) {
// FIXME: We could theoretically map the same equivalence class to
// multiple names in the profile data. If that happens, we should
// return NamedInstrProfRecords from all of them.
MappedNames.insert({Key, RealName});
return Error::success();
Error getRecords(StringRef FuncName,
ArrayRef<NamedInstrProfRecord> &Data) override {
StringRef RealName = extractName(FuncName);
if (auto Key = Remappings.lookup(RealName)) {
StringRef Remapped = MappedNames.lookup(Key);
if (!Remapped.empty()) {
if (RealName.begin() == FuncName.begin() &&
RealName.end() == FuncName.end())
FuncName = Remapped;
else {
// Try rebuilding the name from the given remapping.
SmallString<256> Reconstituted;
reconstituteName(FuncName, RealName, Remapped, Reconstituted);
Error E = Underlying.getRecords(Reconstituted, Data);
if (!E)
return E;
// If we failed because the name doesn't exist, fall back to asking
// about the original name.
if (Error Unhandled = handleErrors(
std::move(E), [](std::unique_ptr<InstrProfError> Err) {
return Err->get() == instrprof_error::unknown_function
? Error::success()
: Error(std::move(Err));
return Unhandled;
return Underlying.getRecords(FuncName, Data);
/// The memory buffer containing the remapping configuration. Remappings
/// holds pointers into this buffer.
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> RemapBuffer;
/// The mangling remapper.
SymbolRemappingReader Remappings;
/// Mapping from mangled name keys to the name used for the key in the
/// profile data.
/// FIXME: Can we store a location within the on-disk hash table instead of
/// redoing lookup?
DenseMap<SymbolRemappingReader::Key, StringRef> MappedNames;
/// The real profile data reader.
InstrProfReaderIndex<HashTableImpl> &Underlying;
bool IndexedInstrProfReader::hasFormat(const MemoryBuffer &DataBuffer) {
using namespace support;
if (DataBuffer.getBufferSize() < 8)
return false;
uint64_t Magic = endian::read<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little, aligned>(
// Verify that it's magical.
return Magic == IndexedInstrProf::Magic;
const unsigned char *
IndexedInstrProfReader::readSummary(IndexedInstrProf::ProfVersion Version,
const unsigned char *Cur, bool UseCS) {
using namespace IndexedInstrProf;
using namespace support;
if (Version >= IndexedInstrProf::Version4) {
const IndexedInstrProf::Summary *SummaryInLE =
reinterpret_cast<const IndexedInstrProf::Summary *>(Cur);
uint64_t NFields = endian::byte_swap<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(
uint64_t NEntries = endian::byte_swap<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(
uint32_t SummarySize =
IndexedInstrProf::Summary::getSize(NFields, NEntries);
std::unique_ptr<IndexedInstrProf::Summary> SummaryData =
const uint64_t *Src = reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t *>(SummaryInLE);
uint64_t *Dst = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t *>(SummaryData.get());
for (unsigned I = 0; I < SummarySize / sizeof(uint64_t); I++)
Dst[I] = endian::byte_swap<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Src[I]);
SummaryEntryVector DetailedSummary;
for (unsigned I = 0; I < SummaryData->NumCutoffEntries; I++) {
const IndexedInstrProf::Summary::Entry &Ent = SummaryData->getEntry(I);
DetailedSummary.emplace_back((uint32_t)Ent.Cutoff, Ent.MinBlockCount,
std::unique_ptr<llvm::ProfileSummary> &Summary =
UseCS ? this->CS_Summary : this->Summary;
// initialize InstrProfSummary using the SummaryData from disk.
Summary = std::make_unique<ProfileSummary>(
UseCS ? ProfileSummary::PSK_CSInstr : ProfileSummary::PSK_Instr,
DetailedSummary, SummaryData->get(Summary::TotalBlockCount),
return Cur + SummarySize;
} else {
// The older versions do not support a profile summary. This just computes
// an empty summary, which will not result in accurate hot/cold detection.
// We would need to call addRecord for all NamedInstrProfRecords to get the
// correct summary. However, this version is old (prior to early 2016) and
// has not been supporting an accurate summary for several years.
InstrProfSummaryBuilder Builder(ProfileSummaryBuilder::DefaultCutoffs);
Summary = Builder.getSummary();
return Cur;
Error IndexedMemProfReader::deserializeV012(const unsigned char *Start,
const unsigned char *Ptr,
uint64_t FirstWord) {
// The value returned from RecordTableGenerator.Emit.
const uint64_t RecordTableOffset =
Version == memprof::Version0
? FirstWord
: support::endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
// The offset in the stream right before invoking
// FrameTableGenerator.Emit.
const uint64_t FramePayloadOffset =
support::endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
// The value returned from FrameTableGenerator.Emit.
const uint64_t FrameTableOffset =
support::endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
// The offset in the stream right before invoking
// CallStackTableGenerator.Emit.
uint64_t CallStackPayloadOffset = 0;
// The value returned from CallStackTableGenerator.Emit.
uint64_t CallStackTableOffset = 0;
if (Version >= memprof::Version2) {
CallStackPayloadOffset =
support::endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
CallStackTableOffset =
support::endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
// Read the schema.
auto SchemaOr = memprof::readMemProfSchema(Ptr);
if (!SchemaOr)
return SchemaOr.takeError();
Schema = SchemaOr.get();
// Now initialize the table reader with a pointer into data buffer.
/*Buckets=*/Start + RecordTableOffset,
/*Base=*/Start, memprof::RecordLookupTrait(Version, Schema)));
// Initialize the frame table reader with the payload and bucket offsets.
/*Buckets=*/Start + FrameTableOffset,
/*Payload=*/Start + FramePayloadOffset,
if (Version >= memprof::Version2)
/*Buckets=*/Start + CallStackTableOffset,
/*Payload=*/Start + CallStackPayloadOffset,
return Error::success();
Error IndexedMemProfReader::deserializeV3(const unsigned char *Start,
const unsigned char *Ptr) {
// The offset in the stream right before invoking
// CallStackTableGenerator.Emit.
const uint64_t CallStackPayloadOffset =
support::endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
// The offset in the stream right before invoking RecordTableGenerator.Emit.
const uint64_t RecordPayloadOffset =
support::endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
// The value returned from RecordTableGenerator.Emit.
const uint64_t RecordTableOffset =
support::endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
// Read the schema.
auto SchemaOr = memprof::readMemProfSchema(Ptr);
if (!SchemaOr)
return SchemaOr.takeError();
Schema = SchemaOr.get();
FrameBase = Ptr;
CallStackBase = Start + CallStackPayloadOffset;
// Now initialize the table reader with a pointer into data buffer.
/*Buckets=*/Start + RecordTableOffset,
/*Payload=*/Start + RecordPayloadOffset,
/*Base=*/Start, memprof::RecordLookupTrait(memprof::Version3, Schema)));
return Error::success();
Error IndexedMemProfReader::deserialize(const unsigned char *Start,
uint64_t MemProfOffset) {
const unsigned char *Ptr = Start + MemProfOffset;
// Read the first 64-bit word, which may be RecordTableOffset in
// memprof::MemProfVersion0 or the MemProf version number in
// memprof::MemProfVersion1 and above.
const uint64_t FirstWord =
support::endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
if (FirstWord == memprof::Version1 || FirstWord == memprof::Version2 ||
FirstWord == memprof::Version3) {
// Everything is good. We can proceed to deserialize the rest.
Version = static_cast<memprof::IndexedVersion>(FirstWord);
} else if (FirstWord >= 24) {
// This is a heuristic/hack to detect memprof::MemProfVersion0,
// which does not have a version field in the header.
// In memprof::MemProfVersion0, FirstWord will be RecordTableOffset,
// which should be at least 24 because of the MemProf header size.
Version = memprof::Version0;
} else {
return make_error<InstrProfError>(
formatv("MemProf version {} not supported; "
"requires version between {} and {}, inclusive",
FirstWord, memprof::MinimumSupportedVersion,
switch (Version) {
case memprof::Version0:
case memprof::Version1:
case memprof::Version2:
if (Error E = deserializeV012(Start, Ptr, FirstWord))
return E;
case memprof::Version3:
if (Error E = deserializeV3(Start, Ptr))
return E;
// Go through all the records and verify that CSId has been correctly
// populated. Do this only under EXPENSIVE_CHECKS. Otherwise, we
// would defeat the purpose of OnDiskIterableChainedHashTable.
// Note that we can compare CSId against actual call stacks only for
// Version0 and Version1 because IndexedAllocationInfo::CallStack and
// IndexedMemProfRecord::CallSites are not populated in Version2.
if (Version <= memprof::Version1)
for (const auto &Record : MemProfRecordTable->data())
return Error::success();
Error IndexedInstrProfReader::readHeader() {
using namespace support;
const unsigned char *Start =
(const unsigned char *)DataBuffer->getBufferStart();
const unsigned char *Cur = Start;
if ((const unsigned char *)DataBuffer->getBufferEnd() - Cur < 24)
return error(instrprof_error::truncated);
auto HeaderOr = IndexedInstrProf::Header::readFromBuffer(Start);
if (!HeaderOr)
return HeaderOr.takeError();
const IndexedInstrProf::Header *Header = &HeaderOr.get();
Cur += Header->size();
Cur = readSummary((IndexedInstrProf::ProfVersion)Header->Version, Cur,
/* UseCS */ false);
if (Header->Version & VARIANT_MASK_CSIR_PROF)
Cur = readSummary((IndexedInstrProf::ProfVersion)Header->Version, Cur,
/* UseCS */ true);
// Read the hash type and start offset.
IndexedInstrProf::HashT HashType =
if (HashType > IndexedInstrProf::HashT::Last)
return error(instrprof_error::unsupported_hash_type);
// The hash table with profile counts comes next.
auto IndexPtr = std::make_unique<InstrProfReaderIndex<OnDiskHashTableImplV3>>(
Start + Header->HashOffset, Cur, Start, HashType, Header->Version);
// The MemProfOffset field in the header is only valid when the format
// version is higher than 8 (when it was introduced).
if (Header->getIndexedProfileVersion() >= 8 &&
Header->Version & VARIANT_MASK_MEMPROF) {
if (Error E = MemProfReader.deserialize(Start, Header->MemProfOffset))
return E;
// BinaryIdOffset field in the header is only valid when the format version
// is higher than 9 (when it was introduced).
if (Header->getIndexedProfileVersion() >= 9) {
const unsigned char *Ptr = Start + Header->BinaryIdOffset;
// Read binary ids size.
uint64_t BinaryIdsSize =
support::endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
if (BinaryIdsSize % sizeof(uint64_t))
return error(instrprof_error::bad_header);
// Set the binary ids start.
BinaryIdsBuffer = ArrayRef<uint8_t>(Ptr, BinaryIdsSize);
if (Ptr > (const unsigned char *)DataBuffer->getBufferEnd())
return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::malformed,
"corrupted binary ids");
if (Header->getIndexedProfileVersion() >= 12) {
const unsigned char *Ptr = Start + Header->VTableNamesOffset;
uint64_t CompressedVTableNamesLen =
support::endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
// Writer first writes the length of compressed string, and then the actual
// content.
const char *VTableNamePtr = (const char *)Ptr;
if (VTableNamePtr > (const char *)DataBuffer->getBufferEnd())
return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::truncated);
VTableName = StringRef(VTableNamePtr, CompressedVTableNamesLen);
if (Header->getIndexedProfileVersion() >= 10 &&
const unsigned char *Ptr = Start + Header->TemporalProfTracesOffset;
const auto *PtrEnd = (const unsigned char *)DataBuffer->getBufferEnd();
// Expect at least two 64 bit fields: NumTraces, and TraceStreamSize
if (Ptr + 2 * sizeof(uint64_t) > PtrEnd)
return error(instrprof_error::truncated);
const uint64_t NumTraces =
support::endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
TemporalProfTraceStreamSize =
support::endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumTraces; i++) {
// Expect at least two 64 bit fields: Weight and NumFunctions
if (Ptr + 2 * sizeof(uint64_t) > PtrEnd)
return error(instrprof_error::truncated);
TemporalProfTraceTy Trace;
Trace.Weight =
support::endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
const uint64_t NumFunctions =
support::endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
// Expect at least NumFunctions 64 bit fields
if (Ptr + NumFunctions * sizeof(uint64_t) > PtrEnd)
return error(instrprof_error::truncated);
for (unsigned j = 0; j < NumFunctions; j++) {
const uint64_t NameRef =
support::endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
// Load the remapping table now if requested.
if (RemappingBuffer) {
Remapper =
std::move(RemappingBuffer), *IndexPtr);
if (Error E = Remapper->populateRemappings())
return E;
} else {
Remapper = std::make_unique<InstrProfReaderNullRemapper>(*IndexPtr);
Index = std::move(IndexPtr);
return success();
InstrProfSymtab &IndexedInstrProfReader::getSymtab() {
if (Symtab)
return *Symtab;
auto NewSymtab = std::make_unique<InstrProfSymtab>();
if (Error E = NewSymtab->initVTableNamesFromCompressedStrings(VTableName)) {
auto [ErrCode, Msg] = InstrProfError::take(std::move(E));
consumeError(error(ErrCode, Msg));
// finalizeSymtab is called inside populateSymtab.
if (Error E = Index->populateSymtab(*NewSymtab)) {
auto [ErrCode, Msg] = InstrProfError::take(std::move(E));
consumeError(error(ErrCode, Msg));
Symtab = std::move(NewSymtab);
return *Symtab;
Expected<InstrProfRecord> IndexedInstrProfReader::getInstrProfRecord(
StringRef FuncName, uint64_t FuncHash, StringRef DeprecatedFuncName,
uint64_t *MismatchedFuncSum) {
ArrayRef<NamedInstrProfRecord> Data;
uint64_t FuncSum = 0;
auto Err = Remapper->getRecords(FuncName, Data);
if (Err) {
// If we don't find FuncName, try DeprecatedFuncName to handle profiles
// built by older compilers.
auto Err2 =
handleErrors(std::move(Err), [&](const InstrProfError &IE) -> Error {
if (IE.get() != instrprof_error::unknown_function)
return make_error<InstrProfError>(IE);
if (auto Err = Remapper->getRecords(DeprecatedFuncName, Data))
return Err;
return Error::success();
if (Err2)
return std::move(Err2);
// Found it. Look for counters with the right hash.
// A flag to indicate if the records are from the same type
// of profile (i.e cs vs nocs).
bool CSBitMatch = false;
auto getFuncSum = [](ArrayRef<uint64_t> Counts) {
uint64_t ValueSum = 0;
for (uint64_t CountValue : Counts) {
if (CountValue == (uint64_t)-1)
// Handle overflow -- if that happens, return max.
if (std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() - CountValue <= ValueSum)
return std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
ValueSum += CountValue;
return ValueSum;
for (const NamedInstrProfRecord &I : Data) {
// Check for a match and fill the vector if there is one.
if (I.Hash == FuncHash)
return std::move(I);
if (NamedInstrProfRecord::hasCSFlagInHash(I.Hash) ==
NamedInstrProfRecord::hasCSFlagInHash(FuncHash)) {
CSBitMatch = true;
if (MismatchedFuncSum == nullptr)
FuncSum = std::max(FuncSum, getFuncSum(I.Counts));
if (CSBitMatch) {
if (MismatchedFuncSum != nullptr)
*MismatchedFuncSum = FuncSum;
return error(instrprof_error::hash_mismatch);
return error(instrprof_error::unknown_function);
static Expected<memprof::MemProfRecord>
getMemProfRecordV0(const memprof::IndexedMemProfRecord &IndexedRecord,
MemProfFrameHashTable &MemProfFrameTable) {
memprof::FrameIdConverter<MemProfFrameHashTable> FrameIdConv(
memprof::MemProfRecord Record =
memprof::MemProfRecord(IndexedRecord, FrameIdConv);
// Check that all frame ids were successfully converted to frames.
if (FrameIdConv.LastUnmappedId) {
return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::hash_mismatch,
"memprof frame not found for frame id " +
return Record;
static Expected<memprof::MemProfRecord>
getMemProfRecordV2(const memprof::IndexedMemProfRecord &IndexedRecord,
MemProfFrameHashTable &MemProfFrameTable,
MemProfCallStackHashTable &MemProfCallStackTable) {
memprof::FrameIdConverter<MemProfFrameHashTable> FrameIdConv(
memprof::CallStackIdConverter<MemProfCallStackHashTable> CSIdConv(
MemProfCallStackTable, FrameIdConv);
memprof::MemProfRecord Record = IndexedRecord.toMemProfRecord(CSIdConv);
// Check that all call stack ids were successfully converted to call stacks.
if (CSIdConv.LastUnmappedId) {
return make_error<InstrProfError>(
"memprof call stack not found for call stack id " +
// Check that all frame ids were successfully converted to frames.
if (FrameIdConv.LastUnmappedId) {
return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::hash_mismatch,
"memprof frame not found for frame id " +
return Record;
static Expected<memprof::MemProfRecord>
getMemProfRecordV3(const memprof::IndexedMemProfRecord &IndexedRecord,
const unsigned char *FrameBase,
const unsigned char *CallStackBase) {
memprof::LinearFrameIdConverter FrameIdConv(FrameBase);
memprof::LinearCallStackIdConverter CSIdConv(CallStackBase, FrameIdConv);
memprof::MemProfRecord Record = IndexedRecord.toMemProfRecord(CSIdConv);
return Record;
IndexedMemProfReader::getMemProfRecord(const uint64_t FuncNameHash) const {
// TODO: Add memprof specific errors.
if (MemProfRecordTable == nullptr)
return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::invalid_prof,
"no memprof data available in profile");
auto Iter = MemProfRecordTable->find(FuncNameHash);
if (Iter == MemProfRecordTable->end())
return make_error<InstrProfError>(
"memprof record not found for function hash " + Twine(FuncNameHash));
const memprof::IndexedMemProfRecord &IndexedRecord = *Iter;
switch (Version) {
case memprof::Version0:
case memprof::Version1:
assert(MemProfFrameTable && "MemProfFrameTable must be available");
assert(!MemProfCallStackTable &&
"MemProfCallStackTable must not be available");
return getMemProfRecordV0(IndexedRecord, *MemProfFrameTable);
case memprof::Version2:
assert(MemProfFrameTable && "MemProfFrameTable must be available");
assert(MemProfCallStackTable && "MemProfCallStackTable must be available");
return getMemProfRecordV2(IndexedRecord, *MemProfFrameTable,
case memprof::Version3:
assert(!MemProfFrameTable && "MemProfFrameTable must not be available");
assert(!MemProfCallStackTable &&
"MemProfCallStackTable must not be available");
assert(FrameBase && "FrameBase must be available");
assert(CallStackBase && "CallStackBase must be available");
return getMemProfRecordV3(IndexedRecord, FrameBase, CallStackBase);
return make_error<InstrProfError>(
formatv("MemProf version {} not supported; "
"requires version between {} and {}, inclusive",
Version, memprof::MinimumSupportedVersion,
Error IndexedInstrProfReader::getFunctionCounts(StringRef FuncName,
uint64_t FuncHash,
std::vector<uint64_t> &Counts) {
Expected<InstrProfRecord> Record = getInstrProfRecord(FuncName, FuncHash);
if (Error E = Record.takeError())
return error(std::move(E));
Counts = Record.get().Counts;
return success();
Error IndexedInstrProfReader::getFunctionBitmap(StringRef FuncName,
uint64_t FuncHash,
BitVector &Bitmap) {
Expected<InstrProfRecord> Record = getInstrProfRecord(FuncName, FuncHash);
if (Error E = Record.takeError())
return error(std::move(E));
const auto &BitmapBytes = Record.get().BitmapBytes;
size_t I = 0, E = BitmapBytes.size();
Bitmap.resize(E * CHAR_BIT);
[&](auto X) {
using XTy = decltype(X);
alignas(XTy) uint8_t W[sizeof(X)];
size_t N = std::min(E - I, sizeof(W));
std::memset(W, 0, sizeof(W));
std::memcpy(W, &BitmapBytes[I], N);
I += N;
return support::endian::read<XTy, llvm::endianness::little,
Bitmap, Bitmap);
assert(I == E);
return success();
Error IndexedInstrProfReader::readNextRecord(NamedInstrProfRecord &Record) {
ArrayRef<NamedInstrProfRecord> Data;
Error E = Index->getRecords(Data);
if (E)
return error(std::move(E));
Record = Data[RecordIndex++];
if (RecordIndex >= Data.size()) {
RecordIndex = 0;
return success();
Error IndexedInstrProfReader::readBinaryIds(
std::vector<llvm::object::BuildID> &BinaryIds) {
return readBinaryIdsInternal(*DataBuffer, BinaryIdsBuffer, BinaryIds,
Error IndexedInstrProfReader::printBinaryIds(raw_ostream &OS) {
std::vector<llvm::object::BuildID> BinaryIds;
if (Error E = readBinaryIds(BinaryIds))
return E;
printBinaryIdsInternal(OS, BinaryIds);
return Error::success();
void InstrProfReader::accumulateCounts(CountSumOrPercent &Sum, bool IsCS) {
uint64_t NumFuncs = 0;
for (const auto &Func : *this) {
if (isIRLevelProfile()) {
bool FuncIsCS = NamedInstrProfRecord::hasCSFlagInHash(Func.Hash);
if (FuncIsCS != IsCS)
Sum.NumEntries = NumFuncs;