blob: 0809f88fde56b1c122f838e8724909ac011e5f8f [file] [log] [blame]
//===- MILexer.cpp - Machine instructions lexer implementation ------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements the lexing of machine instructions.
#include "MILexer.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
using namespace llvm;
namespace {
using ErrorCallbackType =
function_ref<void(StringRef::iterator Loc, const Twine &)>;
/// This class provides a way to iterate and get characters from the source
/// string.
class Cursor {
const char *Ptr = nullptr;
const char *End = nullptr;
Cursor(std::nullopt_t) {}
explicit Cursor(StringRef Str) {
Ptr =;
End = Ptr + Str.size();
bool isEOF() const { return Ptr == End; }
char peek(int I = 0) const { return End - Ptr <= I ? 0 : Ptr[I]; }
void advance(unsigned I = 1) { Ptr += I; }
StringRef remaining() const { return StringRef(Ptr, End - Ptr); }
StringRef upto(Cursor C) const {
assert(C.Ptr >= Ptr && C.Ptr <= End);
return StringRef(Ptr, C.Ptr - Ptr);
StringRef::iterator location() const { return Ptr; }
operator bool() const { return Ptr != nullptr; }
} // end anonymous namespace
MIToken &MIToken::reset(TokenKind Kind, StringRef Range) {
this->Kind = Kind;
this->Range = Range;
return *this;
MIToken &MIToken::setStringValue(StringRef StrVal) {
StringValue = StrVal;
return *this;
MIToken &MIToken::setOwnedStringValue(std::string StrVal) {
StringValueStorage = std::move(StrVal);
StringValue = StringValueStorage;
return *this;
MIToken &MIToken::setIntegerValue(APSInt IntVal) {
this->IntVal = std::move(IntVal);
return *this;
/// Skip the leading whitespace characters and return the updated cursor.
static Cursor skipWhitespace(Cursor C) {
while (isblank(C.peek()))
return C;
static bool isNewlineChar(char C) { return C == '\n' || C == '\r'; }
/// Skip a line comment and return the updated cursor.
static Cursor skipComment(Cursor C) {
if (C.peek() != ';')
return C;
while (!isNewlineChar(C.peek()) && !C.isEOF())
return C;
/// Machine operands can have comments, enclosed between /* and */.
/// This eats up all tokens, including /* and */.
static Cursor skipMachineOperandComment(Cursor C) {
if (C.peek() != '/' || C.peek(1) != '*')
return C;
while (C.peek() != '*' || C.peek(1) != '/')
return C;
/// Return true if the given character satisfies the following regular
/// expression: [-a-zA-Z$._0-9]
static bool isIdentifierChar(char C) {
return isalpha(C) || isdigit(C) || C == '_' || C == '-' || C == '.' ||
C == '$';
/// Unescapes the given string value.
/// Expects the string value to be quoted.
static std::string unescapeQuotedString(StringRef Value) {
assert(Value.front() == '"' && Value.back() == '"');
Cursor C = Cursor(Value.substr(1, Value.size() - 2));
std::string Str;
while (!C.isEOF()) {
char Char = C.peek();
if (Char == '\\') {
if (C.peek(1) == '\\') {
// Two '\' become one
Str += '\\';
if (isxdigit(C.peek(1)) && isxdigit(C.peek(2))) {
Str += hexDigitValue(C.peek(1)) * 16 + hexDigitValue(C.peek(2));
Str += Char;
return Str;
/// Lex a string constant using the following regular expression: \"[^\"]*\"
static Cursor lexStringConstant(Cursor C, ErrorCallbackType ErrorCallback) {
assert(C.peek() == '"');
for (C.advance(); C.peek() != '"'; C.advance()) {
if (C.isEOF() || isNewlineChar(C.peek())) {
"end of machine instruction reached before the closing '\"'");
return std::nullopt;
return C;
static Cursor lexName(Cursor C, MIToken &Token, MIToken::TokenKind Type,
unsigned PrefixLength, ErrorCallbackType ErrorCallback) {
auto Range = C;
if (C.peek() == '"') {
if (Cursor R = lexStringConstant(C, ErrorCallback)) {
StringRef String = Range.upto(R);
Token.reset(Type, String)
return R;
Token.reset(MIToken::Error, Range.remaining());
return Range;
while (isIdentifierChar(C.peek()))
Token.reset(Type, Range.upto(C))
return C;
static MIToken::TokenKind getIdentifierKind(StringRef Identifier) {
return StringSwitch<MIToken::TokenKind>(Identifier)
.Case("_", MIToken::underscore)
.Case("implicit", MIToken::kw_implicit)
.Case("implicit-def", MIToken::kw_implicit_define)
.Case("def", MIToken::kw_def)
.Case("dead", MIToken::kw_dead)
.Case("killed", MIToken::kw_killed)
.Case("undef", MIToken::kw_undef)
.Case("internal", MIToken::kw_internal)
.Case("early-clobber", MIToken::kw_early_clobber)
.Case("debug-use", MIToken::kw_debug_use)
.Case("renamable", MIToken::kw_renamable)
.Case("tied-def", MIToken::kw_tied_def)
.Case("frame-setup", MIToken::kw_frame_setup)
.Case("frame-destroy", MIToken::kw_frame_destroy)
.Case("nnan", MIToken::kw_nnan)
.Case("ninf", MIToken::kw_ninf)
.Case("nsz", MIToken::kw_nsz)
.Case("arcp", MIToken::kw_arcp)
.Case("contract", MIToken::kw_contract)
.Case("afn", MIToken::kw_afn)
.Case("reassoc", MIToken::kw_reassoc)
.Case("nuw", MIToken::kw_nuw)
.Case("nsw", MIToken::kw_nsw)
.Case("nusw", MIToken::kw_nusw)
.Case("exact", MIToken::kw_exact)
.Case("nneg", MIToken::kw_nneg)
.Case("disjoint", MIToken::kw_disjoint)
.Case("nofpexcept", MIToken::kw_nofpexcept)
.Case("unpredictable", MIToken::kw_unpredictable)
.Case("debug-location", MIToken::kw_debug_location)
.Case("debug-instr-number", MIToken::kw_debug_instr_number)
.Case("dbg-instr-ref", MIToken::kw_dbg_instr_ref)
.Case("same_value", MIToken::kw_cfi_same_value)
.Case("offset", MIToken::kw_cfi_offset)
.Case("rel_offset", MIToken::kw_cfi_rel_offset)
.Case("def_cfa_register", MIToken::kw_cfi_def_cfa_register)
.Case("def_cfa_offset", MIToken::kw_cfi_def_cfa_offset)
.Case("adjust_cfa_offset", MIToken::kw_cfi_adjust_cfa_offset)
.Case("escape", MIToken::kw_cfi_escape)
.Case("def_cfa", MIToken::kw_cfi_def_cfa)
.Case("llvm_def_aspace_cfa", MIToken::kw_cfi_llvm_def_aspace_cfa)
.Case("remember_state", MIToken::kw_cfi_remember_state)
.Case("restore", MIToken::kw_cfi_restore)
.Case("restore_state", MIToken::kw_cfi_restore_state)
.Case("undefined", MIToken::kw_cfi_undefined)
.Case("register", MIToken::kw_cfi_register)
.Case("window_save", MIToken::kw_cfi_window_save)
.Case("blockaddress", MIToken::kw_blockaddress)
.Case("intrinsic", MIToken::kw_intrinsic)
.Case("target-index", MIToken::kw_target_index)
.Case("half", MIToken::kw_half)
.Case("bfloat", MIToken::kw_bfloat)
.Case("float", MIToken::kw_float)
.Case("double", MIToken::kw_double)
.Case("x86_fp80", MIToken::kw_x86_fp80)
.Case("fp128", MIToken::kw_fp128)
.Case("ppc_fp128", MIToken::kw_ppc_fp128)
.Case("target-flags", MIToken::kw_target_flags)
.Case("volatile", MIToken::kw_volatile)
.Case("non-temporal", MIToken::kw_non_temporal)
.Case("dereferenceable", MIToken::kw_dereferenceable)
.Case("invariant", MIToken::kw_invariant)
.Case("align", MIToken::kw_align)
.Case("basealign", MIToken::kw_basealign)
.Case("addrspace", MIToken::kw_addrspace)
.Case("stack", MIToken::kw_stack)
.Case("got", MIToken::kw_got)
.Case("jump-table", MIToken::kw_jump_table)
.Case("constant-pool", MIToken::kw_constant_pool)
.Case("call-entry", MIToken::kw_call_entry)
.Case("custom", MIToken::kw_custom)
.Case("liveout", MIToken::kw_liveout)
.Case("landing-pad", MIToken::kw_landing_pad)
.Case("ehfunclet-entry", MIToken::kw_ehfunclet_entry)
.Case("liveins", MIToken::kw_liveins)
.Case("successors", MIToken::kw_successors)
.Case("floatpred", MIToken::kw_floatpred)
.Case("intpred", MIToken::kw_intpred)
.Case("shufflemask", MIToken::kw_shufflemask)
.Case("pre-instr-symbol", MIToken::kw_pre_instr_symbol)
.Case("post-instr-symbol", MIToken::kw_post_instr_symbol)
.Case("heap-alloc-marker", MIToken::kw_heap_alloc_marker)
.Case("pcsections", MIToken::kw_pcsections)
.Case("cfi-type", MIToken::kw_cfi_type)
.Case("bbsections", MIToken::kw_bbsections)
.Case("bb_id", MIToken::kw_bb_id)
.Case("unknown-size", MIToken::kw_unknown_size)
.Case("unknown-address", MIToken::kw_unknown_address)
.Case("distinct", MIToken::kw_distinct)
.Case("ir-block-address-taken", MIToken::kw_ir_block_address_taken)
.Case("call-frame-size", MIToken::kw_call_frame_size)
.Case("noconvergent", MIToken::kw_noconvergent)
static Cursor maybeLexIdentifier(Cursor C, MIToken &Token) {
if (!isalpha(C.peek()) && C.peek() != '_')
return std::nullopt;
auto Range = C;
while (isIdentifierChar(C.peek()))
auto Identifier = Range.upto(C);
Token.reset(getIdentifierKind(Identifier), Identifier)
return C;
static Cursor maybeLexMachineBasicBlock(Cursor C, MIToken &Token,
ErrorCallbackType ErrorCallback) {
bool IsReference = C.remaining().starts_with("%bb.");
if (!IsReference && !C.remaining().starts_with("bb."))
return std::nullopt;
auto Range = C;
unsigned PrefixLength = IsReference ? 4 : 3;
C.advance(PrefixLength); // Skip '%bb.' or 'bb.'
if (!isdigit(C.peek())) {
Token.reset(MIToken::Error, C.remaining());
ErrorCallback(C.location(), "expected a number after '%bb.'");
return C;
auto NumberRange = C;
while (isdigit(C.peek()))
StringRef Number = NumberRange.upto(C);
unsigned StringOffset = PrefixLength + Number.size(); // Drop '%bb.<id>'
// TODO: The format bb.<id>.<irname> is supported only when it's not a
// reference. Once we deprecate the format where the irname shows up, we
// should only lex forward if it is a reference.
if (C.peek() == '.') {
C.advance(); // Skip '.'
while (isIdentifierChar(C.peek()))
Token.reset(IsReference ? MIToken::MachineBasicBlock
: MIToken::MachineBasicBlockLabel,
return C;
static Cursor maybeLexIndex(Cursor C, MIToken &Token, StringRef Rule,
MIToken::TokenKind Kind) {
if (!C.remaining().starts_with(Rule) || !isdigit(C.peek(Rule.size())))
return std::nullopt;
auto Range = C;
auto NumberRange = C;
while (isdigit(C.peek()))
Token.reset(Kind, Range.upto(C)).setIntegerValue(APSInt(NumberRange.upto(C)));
return C;
static Cursor maybeLexIndexAndName(Cursor C, MIToken &Token, StringRef Rule,
MIToken::TokenKind Kind) {
if (!C.remaining().starts_with(Rule) || !isdigit(C.peek(Rule.size())))
return std::nullopt;
auto Range = C;
auto NumberRange = C;
while (isdigit(C.peek()))
StringRef Number = NumberRange.upto(C);
unsigned StringOffset = Rule.size() + Number.size();
if (C.peek() == '.') {
while (isIdentifierChar(C.peek()))
Token.reset(Kind, Range.upto(C))
return C;
static Cursor maybeLexJumpTableIndex(Cursor C, MIToken &Token) {
return maybeLexIndex(C, Token, "%jump-table.", MIToken::JumpTableIndex);
static Cursor maybeLexStackObject(Cursor C, MIToken &Token) {
return maybeLexIndexAndName(C, Token, "%stack.", MIToken::StackObject);
static Cursor maybeLexFixedStackObject(Cursor C, MIToken &Token) {
return maybeLexIndex(C, Token, "%fixed-stack.", MIToken::FixedStackObject);
static Cursor maybeLexConstantPoolItem(Cursor C, MIToken &Token) {
return maybeLexIndex(C, Token, "%const.", MIToken::ConstantPoolItem);
static Cursor maybeLexSubRegisterIndex(Cursor C, MIToken &Token,
ErrorCallbackType ErrorCallback) {
const StringRef Rule = "%subreg.";
if (!C.remaining().starts_with(Rule))
return std::nullopt;
return lexName(C, Token, MIToken::SubRegisterIndex, Rule.size(),
static Cursor maybeLexIRBlock(Cursor C, MIToken &Token,
ErrorCallbackType ErrorCallback) {
const StringRef Rule = "%ir-block.";
if (!C.remaining().starts_with(Rule))
return std::nullopt;
if (isdigit(C.peek(Rule.size())))
return maybeLexIndex(C, Token, Rule, MIToken::IRBlock);
return lexName(C, Token, MIToken::NamedIRBlock, Rule.size(), ErrorCallback);
static Cursor maybeLexIRValue(Cursor C, MIToken &Token,
ErrorCallbackType ErrorCallback) {
const StringRef Rule = "%ir.";
if (!C.remaining().starts_with(Rule))
return std::nullopt;
if (isdigit(C.peek(Rule.size())))
return maybeLexIndex(C, Token, Rule, MIToken::IRValue);
return lexName(C, Token, MIToken::NamedIRValue, Rule.size(), ErrorCallback);
static Cursor maybeLexStringConstant(Cursor C, MIToken &Token,
ErrorCallbackType ErrorCallback) {
if (C.peek() != '"')
return std::nullopt;
return lexName(C, Token, MIToken::StringConstant, /*PrefixLength=*/0,
static Cursor lexVirtualRegister(Cursor C, MIToken &Token) {
auto Range = C;
C.advance(); // Skip '%'
auto NumberRange = C;
while (isdigit(C.peek()))
Token.reset(MIToken::VirtualRegister, Range.upto(C))
return C;
/// Returns true for a character allowed in a register name.
static bool isRegisterChar(char C) {
return isIdentifierChar(C) && C != '.';
static Cursor lexNamedVirtualRegister(Cursor C, MIToken &Token) {
Cursor Range = C;
C.advance(); // Skip '%'
while (isRegisterChar(C.peek()))
Token.reset(MIToken::NamedVirtualRegister, Range.upto(C))
.setStringValue(Range.upto(C).drop_front(1)); // Drop the '%'
return C;
static Cursor maybeLexRegister(Cursor C, MIToken &Token,
ErrorCallbackType ErrorCallback) {
if (C.peek() != '%' && C.peek() != '$')
return std::nullopt;
if (C.peek() == '%') {
if (isdigit(C.peek(1)))
return lexVirtualRegister(C, Token);
if (isRegisterChar(C.peek(1)))
return lexNamedVirtualRegister(C, Token);
return std::nullopt;
assert(C.peek() == '$');
auto Range = C;
C.advance(); // Skip '$'
while (isRegisterChar(C.peek()))
Token.reset(MIToken::NamedRegister, Range.upto(C))
.setStringValue(Range.upto(C).drop_front(1)); // Drop the '$'
return C;
static Cursor maybeLexGlobalValue(Cursor C, MIToken &Token,
ErrorCallbackType ErrorCallback) {
if (C.peek() != '@')
return std::nullopt;
if (!isdigit(C.peek(1)))
return lexName(C, Token, MIToken::NamedGlobalValue, /*PrefixLength=*/1,
auto Range = C;
C.advance(1); // Skip the '@'
auto NumberRange = C;
while (isdigit(C.peek()))
Token.reset(MIToken::GlobalValue, Range.upto(C))
return C;
static Cursor maybeLexExternalSymbol(Cursor C, MIToken &Token,
ErrorCallbackType ErrorCallback) {
if (C.peek() != '&')
return std::nullopt;
return lexName(C, Token, MIToken::ExternalSymbol, /*PrefixLength=*/1,
static Cursor maybeLexMCSymbol(Cursor C, MIToken &Token,
ErrorCallbackType ErrorCallback) {
const StringRef Rule = "<mcsymbol ";
if (!C.remaining().starts_with(Rule))
return std::nullopt;
auto Start = C;
// Try a simple unquoted name.
if (C.peek() != '"') {
while (isIdentifierChar(C.peek()))
StringRef String = Start.upto(C).drop_front(Rule.size());
if (C.peek() != '>') {
"expected the '<mcsymbol ...' to be closed by a '>'");
Token.reset(MIToken::Error, Start.remaining());
return Start;
Token.reset(MIToken::MCSymbol, Start.upto(C)).setStringValue(String);
return C;
// Otherwise lex out a quoted name.
Cursor R = lexStringConstant(C, ErrorCallback);
if (!R) {
"unable to parse quoted string from opening quote");
Token.reset(MIToken::Error, Start.remaining());
return Start;
StringRef String = Start.upto(R).drop_front(Rule.size());
if (R.peek() != '>') {
"expected the '<mcsymbol ...' to be closed by a '>'");
Token.reset(MIToken::Error, Start.remaining());
return Start;
Token.reset(MIToken::MCSymbol, Start.upto(R))
return R;
static bool isValidHexFloatingPointPrefix(char C) {
return C == 'H' || C == 'K' || C == 'L' || C == 'M' || C == 'R';
static Cursor lexFloatingPointLiteral(Cursor Range, Cursor C, MIToken &Token) {
// Skip over [0-9]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?
while (isdigit(C.peek()))
if ((C.peek() == 'e' || C.peek() == 'E') &&
(isdigit(C.peek(1)) ||
((C.peek(1) == '-' || C.peek(1) == '+') && isdigit(C.peek(2))))) {
while (isdigit(C.peek()))
Token.reset(MIToken::FloatingPointLiteral, Range.upto(C));
return C;
static Cursor maybeLexHexadecimalLiteral(Cursor C, MIToken &Token) {
if (C.peek() != '0' || (C.peek(1) != 'x' && C.peek(1) != 'X'))
return std::nullopt;
Cursor Range = C;
unsigned PrefLen = 2;
if (isValidHexFloatingPointPrefix(C.peek())) {
while (isxdigit(C.peek()))
StringRef StrVal = Range.upto(C);
if (StrVal.size() <= PrefLen)
return std::nullopt;
if (PrefLen == 2)
Token.reset(MIToken::HexLiteral, Range.upto(C));
else // It must be 3, which means that there was a floating-point prefix.
Token.reset(MIToken::FloatingPointLiteral, Range.upto(C));
return C;
static Cursor maybeLexNumericalLiteral(Cursor C, MIToken &Token) {
if (!isdigit(C.peek()) && (C.peek() != '-' || !isdigit(C.peek(1))))
return std::nullopt;
auto Range = C;
while (isdigit(C.peek()))
if (C.peek() == '.')
return lexFloatingPointLiteral(Range, C, Token);
StringRef StrVal = Range.upto(C);
Token.reset(MIToken::IntegerLiteral, StrVal).setIntegerValue(APSInt(StrVal));
return C;
static MIToken::TokenKind getMetadataKeywordKind(StringRef Identifier) {
return StringSwitch<MIToken::TokenKind>(Identifier)
.Case("!tbaa", MIToken::md_tbaa)
.Case("!alias.scope", MIToken::md_alias_scope)
.Case("!noalias", MIToken::md_noalias)
.Case("!range", MIToken::md_range)
.Case("!DIExpression", MIToken::md_diexpr)
.Case("!DILocation", MIToken::md_dilocation)
static Cursor maybeLexExclaim(Cursor C, MIToken &Token,
ErrorCallbackType ErrorCallback) {
if (C.peek() != '!')
return std::nullopt;
auto Range = C;
if (isdigit(C.peek()) || !isIdentifierChar(C.peek())) {
Token.reset(MIToken::exclaim, Range.upto(C));
return C;
while (isIdentifierChar(C.peek()))
StringRef StrVal = Range.upto(C);
Token.reset(getMetadataKeywordKind(StrVal), StrVal);
if (Token.isError())
"use of unknown metadata keyword '" + StrVal + "'");
return C;
static MIToken::TokenKind symbolToken(char C) {
switch (C) {
case ',':
return MIToken::comma;
case '.':
return MIToken::dot;
case '=':
return MIToken::equal;
case ':':
return MIToken::colon;
case '(':
return MIToken::lparen;
case ')':
return MIToken::rparen;
case '{':
return MIToken::lbrace;
case '}':
return MIToken::rbrace;
case '+':
return MIToken::plus;
case '-':
return MIToken::minus;
case '<':
return MIToken::less;
case '>':
return MIToken::greater;
return MIToken::Error;
static Cursor maybeLexSymbol(Cursor C, MIToken &Token) {
MIToken::TokenKind Kind;
unsigned Length = 1;
if (C.peek() == ':' && C.peek(1) == ':') {
Kind = MIToken::coloncolon;
Length = 2;
} else
Kind = symbolToken(C.peek());
if (Kind == MIToken::Error)
return std::nullopt;
auto Range = C;
Token.reset(Kind, Range.upto(C));
return C;
static Cursor maybeLexNewline(Cursor C, MIToken &Token) {
if (!isNewlineChar(C.peek()))
return std::nullopt;
auto Range = C;
Token.reset(MIToken::Newline, Range.upto(C));
return C;
static Cursor maybeLexEscapedIRValue(Cursor C, MIToken &Token,
ErrorCallbackType ErrorCallback) {
if (C.peek() != '`')
return std::nullopt;
auto Range = C;
auto StrRange = C;
while (C.peek() != '`') {
if (C.isEOF() || isNewlineChar(C.peek())) {
"end of machine instruction reached before the closing '`'");
Token.reset(MIToken::Error, Range.remaining());
return C;
StringRef Value = StrRange.upto(C);
Token.reset(MIToken::QuotedIRValue, Range.upto(C)).setStringValue(Value);
return C;
StringRef llvm::lexMIToken(StringRef Source, MIToken &Token,
ErrorCallbackType ErrorCallback) {
auto C = skipComment(skipWhitespace(Cursor(Source)));
if (C.isEOF()) {
Token.reset(MIToken::Eof, C.remaining());
return C.remaining();
C = skipMachineOperandComment(C);
if (Cursor R = maybeLexMachineBasicBlock(C, Token, ErrorCallback))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexIdentifier(C, Token))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexJumpTableIndex(C, Token))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexStackObject(C, Token))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexFixedStackObject(C, Token))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexConstantPoolItem(C, Token))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexSubRegisterIndex(C, Token, ErrorCallback))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexIRBlock(C, Token, ErrorCallback))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexIRValue(C, Token, ErrorCallback))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexRegister(C, Token, ErrorCallback))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexGlobalValue(C, Token, ErrorCallback))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexExternalSymbol(C, Token, ErrorCallback))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexMCSymbol(C, Token, ErrorCallback))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexHexadecimalLiteral(C, Token))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexNumericalLiteral(C, Token))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexExclaim(C, Token, ErrorCallback))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexSymbol(C, Token))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexNewline(C, Token))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexEscapedIRValue(C, Token, ErrorCallback))
return R.remaining();
if (Cursor R = maybeLexStringConstant(C, Token, ErrorCallback))
return R.remaining();
Token.reset(MIToken::Error, C.remaining());
Twine("unexpected character '") + Twine(C.peek()) + "'");
return C.remaining();