blob: fa54640265162837715a225686a8b398933e14c7 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- BasicBlockSectionsProfileReader.cpp -------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Implementation of the basic block sections profile reader pass. It parses
// and stores the basic block sections profile file (which is specified via the
// `-basic-block-sections` flag).
#include "llvm/CodeGen/BasicBlockSectionsProfileReader.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DebugInfoMetadata.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/LineIterator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include <llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h>
using namespace llvm;
char BasicBlockSectionsProfileReaderWrapperPass::ID = 0;
"Reads and parses a basic block sections profile.", false,
BasicBlockSectionsProfileReader::parseUniqueBBID(StringRef S) const {
SmallVector<StringRef, 2> Parts;
S.split(Parts, '.');
if (Parts.size() > 2)
return createProfileParseError(Twine("unable to parse basic block id: '") +
S + "'");
unsigned long long BaseBBID;
if (getAsUnsignedInteger(Parts[0], 10, BaseBBID))
return createProfileParseError(
Twine("unable to parse BB id: '" + Parts[0]) +
"': unsigned integer expected");
unsigned long long CloneID = 0;
if (Parts.size() > 1 && getAsUnsignedInteger(Parts[1], 10, CloneID))
return createProfileParseError(Twine("unable to parse clone id: '") +
Parts[1] + "': unsigned integer expected");
return UniqueBBID{static_cast<unsigned>(BaseBBID),
bool BasicBlockSectionsProfileReader::isFunctionHot(StringRef FuncName) const {
return getClusterInfoForFunction(FuncName).first;
std::pair<bool, SmallVector<BBClusterInfo>>
StringRef FuncName) const {
auto R = ProgramPathAndClusterInfo.find(getAliasName(FuncName));
return R != ProgramPathAndClusterInfo.end()
? std::pair(true, R->second.ClusterInfo)
: std::pair(false, SmallVector<BBClusterInfo>());
StringRef FuncName) const {
return ProgramPathAndClusterInfo.lookup(getAliasName(FuncName)).ClonePaths;
// Reads the version 1 basic block sections profile. Profile for each function
// is encoded as follows:
// m <module_name>
// f <function_name_1> <function_name_2> ...
// c <bb_id_1> <bb_id_2> <bb_id_3>
// c <bb_id_4> <bb_id_5>
// ...
// Module name specifier (starting with 'm') is optional and allows
// distinguishing profile for internal-linkage functions with the same name. If
// not specified, it will apply to any function with the same name. Function
// name specifier (starting with 'f') can specify multiple function name
// aliases. Basic block clusters are specified by 'c' and specify the cluster of
// basic blocks, and the internal order in which they must be placed in the same
// section.
// This profile can also specify cloning paths which instruct the compiler to
// clone basic blocks along a path. The cloned blocks are then specified in the
// cluster information.
// The following profile lists two cloning paths (starting with 'p') for
// function bar and places the total 9 blocks within two clusters. The first two
// blocks of a cloning path specify the edge along which the path is cloned. For
// instance, path 1 (1 -> 3 -> 4) instructs that 3 and 4 must be cloned along
// the edge 1->3. Within the given clusters, each cloned block is identified by
// "<original block id>.<clone id>". For instance, 3.1 represents the first
// clone of block 3. Original blocks are specified just with their block ids. A
// block cloned multiple times appears with distinct clone ids. The CFG for bar
// is shown below before and after cloning with its final clusters labeled.
// f main
// f bar
// p 1 3 4 # cloning path 1
// p 4 2 # cloning path 2
// c 1 3.1 4.1 6 # basic block cluster 1
// c 0 2 3 4 2.1 5 # basic block cluster 2
// ****************************************************************************
// function bar before and after cloning with basic block clusters shown.
// ****************************************************************************
// .... ..............
// 0 -------+ : 0 :---->: 1 ---> 3.1 :
// | | : | : :........ | :
// v v : v : : v :
// +--> 2 --> 5 1 ~~~~~~> +---: 2 : : 4.1: clsuter 1
// | | | | : | : : | :
// | v | | : v ....... : v :
// | 3 <------+ | : 3 <--+ : : 6 :
// | | | : | | : :....:
// | v | : v | :
// +--- 4 ---> 6 | : 4 | :
// | : | | :
// | : v | :
// | :2.1---+ : cluster 2
// | : | ......:
// | : v :
// +-->: 5 :
// ....
// ****************************************************************************
Error BasicBlockSectionsProfileReader::ReadV1Profile() {
auto FI = ProgramPathAndClusterInfo.end();
// Current cluster ID corresponding to this function.
unsigned CurrentCluster = 0;
// Current position in the current cluster.
unsigned CurrentPosition = 0;
// Temporary set to ensure every basic block ID appears once in the clusters
// of a function.
DenseSet<UniqueBBID> FuncBBIDs;
// Debug-info-based module filename for the current function. Empty string
// means no filename.
StringRef DIFilename;
for (; !LineIt.is_at_eof(); ++LineIt) {
StringRef S(*LineIt);
char Specifier = S[0];
S = S.drop_front().trim();
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> Values;
S.split(Values, ' ');
switch (Specifier) {
case '@':
case 'm': // Module name speicifer.
if (Values.size() != 1) {
return createProfileParseError(Twine("invalid module name value: '") +
S + "'");
DIFilename = sys::path::remove_leading_dotslash(Values[0]);
case 'f': { // Function names specifier.
bool FunctionFound = any_of(Values, [&](StringRef Alias) {
auto It = FunctionNameToDIFilename.find(Alias);
// No match if this function name is not found in this module.
if (It == FunctionNameToDIFilename.end())
return false;
// Return a match if debug-info-filename is not specified. Otherwise,
// check for equality.
return DIFilename.empty() || It->second == DIFilename;
if (!FunctionFound) {
// Skip the following profile by setting the profile iterator (FI) to
// the past-the-end element.
FI = ProgramPathAndClusterInfo.end();
DIFilename = "";
for (size_t i = 1; i < Values.size(); ++i)
FuncAliasMap.try_emplace(Values[i], Values.front());
// Prepare for parsing clusters of this function name.
// Start a new cluster map for this function name.
auto R = ProgramPathAndClusterInfo.try_emplace(Values.front());
// Report error when multiple profiles have been specified for the same
// function.
if (!R.second)
return createProfileParseError("duplicate profile for function '" +
Values.front() + "'");
FI = R.first;
CurrentCluster = 0;
// We won't need DIFilename anymore. Clean it up to avoid its application
// on the next function.
DIFilename = "";
case 'c': // Basic block cluster specifier.
// Skip the profile when we the profile iterator (FI) refers to the
// past-the-end element.
if (FI == ProgramPathAndClusterInfo.end())
// Reset current cluster position.
CurrentPosition = 0;
for (auto BasicBlockIDStr : Values) {
auto BasicBlockID = parseUniqueBBID(BasicBlockIDStr);
if (!BasicBlockID)
return BasicBlockID.takeError();
if (!FuncBBIDs.insert(*BasicBlockID).second)
return createProfileParseError(
Twine("duplicate basic block id found '") + BasicBlockIDStr +
*std::move(BasicBlockID), CurrentCluster, CurrentPosition++});
case 'p': { // Basic block cloning path specifier.
// Skip the profile when we the profile iterator (FI) refers to the
// past-the-end element.
if (FI == ProgramPathAndClusterInfo.end())
SmallSet<unsigned, 5> BBsInPath;
for (size_t I = 0; I < Values.size(); ++I) {
auto BaseBBIDStr = Values[I];
unsigned long long BaseBBID = 0;
if (getAsUnsignedInteger(BaseBBIDStr, 10, BaseBBID))
return createProfileParseError(Twine("unsigned integer expected: '") +
BaseBBIDStr + "'");
if (I != 0 && !BBsInPath.insert(BaseBBID).second)
return createProfileParseError(
Twine("duplicate cloned block in path: '") + BaseBBIDStr + "'");
return createProfileParseError(Twine("invalid specifier: '") +
Twine(Specifier) + "'");
llvm_unreachable("should not break from this switch statement");
return Error::success();
Error BasicBlockSectionsProfileReader::ReadV0Profile() {
auto FI = ProgramPathAndClusterInfo.end();
// Current cluster ID corresponding to this function.
unsigned CurrentCluster = 0;
// Current position in the current cluster.
unsigned CurrentPosition = 0;
// Temporary set to ensure every basic block ID appears once in the clusters
// of a function.
SmallSet<unsigned, 4> FuncBBIDs;
for (; !LineIt.is_at_eof(); ++LineIt) {
StringRef S(*LineIt);
if (S[0] == '@')
// Check for the leading "!"
if (!S.consume_front("!") || S.empty())
// Check for second "!" which indicates a cluster of basic blocks.
if (S.consume_front("!")) {
// Skip the profile when we the profile iterator (FI) refers to the
// past-the-end element.
if (FI == ProgramPathAndClusterInfo.end())
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> BBIDs;
S.split(BBIDs, ' ');
// Reset current cluster position.
CurrentPosition = 0;
for (auto BBIDStr : BBIDs) {
unsigned long long BBID;
if (getAsUnsignedInteger(BBIDStr, 10, BBID))
return createProfileParseError(Twine("unsigned integer expected: '") +
BBIDStr + "'");
if (!FuncBBIDs.insert(BBID).second)
return createProfileParseError(
Twine("duplicate basic block id found '") + BBIDStr + "'");
BBClusterInfo({{static_cast<unsigned>(BBID), 0},
} else {
// This is a function name specifier. It may include a debug info filename
// specifier starting with `M=`.
auto [AliasesStr, DIFilenameStr] = S.split(' ');
SmallString<128> DIFilename;
if (DIFilenameStr.starts_with("M=")) {
DIFilename =
if (DIFilename.empty())
return createProfileParseError("empty module name specifier");
} else if (!DIFilenameStr.empty()) {
return createProfileParseError("unknown string found: '" +
DIFilenameStr + "'");
// Function aliases are separated using '/'. We use the first function
// name for the cluster info mapping and delegate all other aliases to
// this one.
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> Aliases;
AliasesStr.split(Aliases, '/');
bool FunctionFound = any_of(Aliases, [&](StringRef Alias) {
auto It = FunctionNameToDIFilename.find(Alias);
// No match if this function name is not found in this module.
if (It == FunctionNameToDIFilename.end())
return false;
// Return a match if debug-info-filename is not specified. Otherwise,
// check for equality.
return DIFilename.empty() || It->second == DIFilename;
if (!FunctionFound) {
// Skip the following profile by setting the profile iterator (FI) to
// the past-the-end element.
FI = ProgramPathAndClusterInfo.end();
for (size_t i = 1; i < Aliases.size(); ++i)
FuncAliasMap.try_emplace(Aliases[i], Aliases.front());
// Prepare for parsing clusters of this function name.
// Start a new cluster map for this function name.
auto R = ProgramPathAndClusterInfo.try_emplace(Aliases.front());
// Report error when multiple profiles have been specified for the same
// function.
if (!R.second)
return createProfileParseError("duplicate profile for function '" +
Aliases.front() + "'");
FI = R.first;
CurrentCluster = 0;
return Error::success();
// Basic Block Sections can be enabled for a subset of machine basic blocks.
// This is done by passing a file containing names of functions for which basic
// block sections are desired. Additionally, machine basic block ids of the
// functions can also be specified for a finer granularity. Moreover, a cluster
// of basic blocks could be assigned to the same section.
// Optionally, a debug-info filename can be specified for each function to allow
// distinguishing internal-linkage functions of the same name.
// A file with basic block sections for all of function main and three blocks
// for function foo (of which 1 and 2 are placed in a cluster) looks like this:
// (Profile for function foo is only loaded when its debug-info filename
// matches 'path/to/').
// ----------------------------
// list.txt:
// !main
// !foo M=path/to/
// !!1 2
// !!4
Error BasicBlockSectionsProfileReader::ReadProfile() {
unsigned long long Version = 0;
StringRef FirstLine(*LineIt);
if (FirstLine.consume_front("v")) {
if (getAsUnsignedInteger(FirstLine, 10, Version)) {
return createProfileParseError(Twine("version number expected: '") +
FirstLine + "'");
if (Version > 1) {
return createProfileParseError(Twine("invalid profile version: ") +
switch (Version) {
case 0:
// TODO: Deprecate V0 once V1 is fully integrated downstream.
return ReadV0Profile();
case 1:
return ReadV1Profile();
llvm_unreachable("Invalid profile version.");
bool BasicBlockSectionsProfileReaderWrapperPass::doInitialization(Module &M) {
if (!BBSPR.MBuf)
return false;
// Get the function name to debug info filename mapping.
for (const Function &F : M) {
SmallString<128> DIFilename;
if (F.isDeclaration())
DISubprogram *Subprogram = F.getSubprogram();
if (Subprogram) {
llvm::DICompileUnit *CU = Subprogram->getUnit();
if (CU)
DIFilename = sys::path::remove_leading_dotslash(CU->getFilename());
[[maybe_unused]] bool inserted =
BBSPR.FunctionNameToDIFilename.try_emplace(F.getName(), DIFilename)
if (auto Err = BBSPR.ReadProfile())
return false;
AnalysisKey BasicBlockSectionsProfileReaderAnalysis::Key;
BasicBlockSectionsProfileReaderAnalysis::run(Function &F,
FunctionAnalysisManager &AM) {
return BasicBlockSectionsProfileReader(TM->getBBSectionsFuncListBuf());
bool BasicBlockSectionsProfileReaderWrapperPass::isFunctionHot(
StringRef FuncName) const {
return BBSPR.isFunctionHot(FuncName);
std::pair<bool, SmallVector<BBClusterInfo>>
StringRef FuncName) const {
return BBSPR.getClusterInfoForFunction(FuncName);
StringRef FuncName) const {
return BBSPR.getClonePathsForFunction(FuncName);
BasicBlockSectionsProfileReader &
BasicBlockSectionsProfileReaderWrapperPass::getBBSPR() {
return BBSPR;
ImmutablePass *llvm::createBasicBlockSectionsProfileReaderWrapperPass(
const MemoryBuffer *Buf) {
return new BasicBlockSectionsProfileReaderWrapperPass(Buf);