blob: 7d721988ec3dab0d40aa7396ba92842c4d7a47c4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- llvm/TextAPI/Record.h - TAPI Record ----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// \brief Implements the TAPI Record Types.
#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/TextAPI/Symbol.h"
#include <string>
namespace llvm {
namespace MachO {
class RecordsSlice;
// Defines lightweight source location for records.
struct RecordLoc {
RecordLoc() = default;
RecordLoc(std::string File, unsigned Line)
: File(std::move(File)), Line(Line) {}
/// Whether there is source location tied to the RecordLoc object.
bool isValid() const { return !File.empty(); }
bool operator==(const RecordLoc &O) const {
return std::tie(File, Line) == std::tie(O.File, O.Line);
const std::string File;
const unsigned Line = 0;
// Defines a list of linkage types.
enum class RecordLinkage : uint8_t {
// Unknown linkage.
Unknown = 0,
// Local, hidden or private extern linkage.
Internal = 1,
// Undefined linkage, it represents usage of external interface.
Undefined = 2,
// Re-exported linkage, record is defined in external interface.
Rexported = 3,
// Exported linkage.
Exported = 4,
/// Define Record. They represent API's in binaries that could be linkable
/// symbols.
class Record {
Record() = default;
Record(StringRef Name, RecordLinkage Linkage, SymbolFlags Flags)
: Name(Name), Linkage(Linkage), Flags(mergeFlags(Flags, Linkage)),
Verified(false) {}
bool isWeakDefined() const {
return (Flags & SymbolFlags::WeakDefined) == SymbolFlags::WeakDefined;
bool isWeakReferenced() const {
return (Flags & SymbolFlags::WeakReferenced) == SymbolFlags::WeakReferenced;
bool isThreadLocalValue() const {
return (Flags & SymbolFlags::ThreadLocalValue) ==
bool isData() const {
return (Flags & SymbolFlags::Data) == SymbolFlags::Data;
bool isText() const {
return (Flags & SymbolFlags::Text) == SymbolFlags::Text;
bool isInternal() const { return Linkage == RecordLinkage::Internal; }
bool isUndefined() const { return Linkage == RecordLinkage::Undefined; }
bool isExported() const { return Linkage >= RecordLinkage::Rexported; }
bool isRexported() const { return Linkage == RecordLinkage::Rexported; }
bool isVerified() const { return Verified; }
void setVerify(bool V = true) { Verified = V; }
StringRef getName() const { return Name; }
SymbolFlags getFlags() const { return Flags; }
SymbolFlags mergeFlags(SymbolFlags Flags, RecordLinkage Linkage);
StringRef Name;
RecordLinkage Linkage;
SymbolFlags Flags;
bool Verified;
friend class RecordsSlice;
// Defines broadly non-objc records, categorized as variables or functions.
class GlobalRecord : public Record {
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
Unknown = 0,
Variable = 1,
Function = 2,
GlobalRecord(StringRef Name, RecordLinkage Linkage, SymbolFlags Flags,
Kind GV, bool Inlined)
: Record({Name, Linkage, Flags}), GV(GV), Inlined(Inlined) {}
bool isFunction() const { return GV == Kind::Function; }
bool isVariable() const { return GV == Kind::Variable; }
void setKind(const Kind &V) {
if (GV == Kind::Unknown)
GV = V;
bool isInlined() const { return Inlined; }
Kind GV;
bool Inlined = false;
// Define Objective-C instance variable records.
class ObjCIVarRecord : public Record {
ObjCIVarRecord(StringRef Name, RecordLinkage Linkage)
: Record({Name, Linkage, SymbolFlags::Data}) {}
static std::string createScopedName(StringRef SuperClass, StringRef IVar) {
return (SuperClass + "." + IVar).str();
template <typename V, typename K = StringRef,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Record, V>::value>::type * =
using RecordMap = llvm::MapVector<K, std::unique_ptr<V>>;
// Defines Objective-C record types that have assigned methods, properties,
// instance variable (ivars) and protocols.
class ObjCContainerRecord : public Record {
ObjCContainerRecord(StringRef Name, RecordLinkage Linkage)
: Record({Name, Linkage, SymbolFlags::Data}) {}
ObjCIVarRecord *addObjCIVar(StringRef IVar, RecordLinkage Linkage);
ObjCIVarRecord *findObjCIVar(StringRef IVar) const;
std::vector<ObjCIVarRecord *> getObjCIVars() const;
RecordLinkage getLinkage() const { return Linkage; }
RecordMap<ObjCIVarRecord> IVars;
// Define Objective-C category types. They don't generate linkable symbols, but
// they have assigned ivars that do.
class ObjCCategoryRecord : public ObjCContainerRecord {
ObjCCategoryRecord(StringRef ClassToExtend, StringRef Name)
: ObjCContainerRecord(Name, RecordLinkage::Unknown),
ClassToExtend(ClassToExtend) {}
StringRef getSuperClassName() const { return ClassToExtend; }
StringRef ClassToExtend;
// Define Objective-C Interfaces or class types.
class ObjCInterfaceRecord : public ObjCContainerRecord {
ObjCInterfaceRecord(StringRef Name, RecordLinkage Linkage,
ObjCIFSymbolKind SymType)
: ObjCContainerRecord(Name, Linkage) {
updateLinkageForSymbols(SymType, Linkage);
bool hasExceptionAttribute() const {
return Linkages.EHType != RecordLinkage::Unknown;
bool isCompleteInterface() const {
return Linkages.Class >= RecordLinkage::Rexported &&
Linkages.MetaClass >= RecordLinkage::Rexported;
bool isExportedSymbol(ObjCIFSymbolKind CurrType) const {
return getLinkageForSymbol(CurrType) >= RecordLinkage::Rexported;
RecordLinkage getLinkageForSymbol(ObjCIFSymbolKind CurrType) const;
void updateLinkageForSymbols(ObjCIFSymbolKind SymType, RecordLinkage Link);
bool addObjCCategory(ObjCCategoryRecord *Record);
std::vector<ObjCCategoryRecord *> getObjCCategories() const;
/// Linkage level for each symbol represented in ObjCInterfaceRecord.
struct Linkages {
RecordLinkage Class = RecordLinkage::Unknown;
RecordLinkage MetaClass = RecordLinkage::Unknown;
RecordLinkage EHType = RecordLinkage::Unknown;
bool operator==(const Linkages &other) const {
return std::tie(Class, MetaClass, EHType) ==
std::tie(other.Class, other.MetaClass, other.EHType);
bool operator!=(const Linkages &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
Linkages Linkages;
// Non-owning containers of categories that extend the class.
llvm::MapVector<StringRef, ObjCCategoryRecord *> Categories;
} // end namespace MachO.
} // end namespace llvm.