blob: 53ddfd192341086f5aef587dc6bd1d98856e875c [file] [log] [blame]
#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLForwardCompat.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLFunctionalExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h"
#include "llvm/ProfileData/"
#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
#include "llvm/Support/EndianStream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <bitset>
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
namespace llvm {
namespace memprof {
struct MemProfRecord;
// The versions of the indexed MemProf format
enum IndexedVersion : uint64_t {
// Version 0: This version didn't have a version field.
Version0 = 0,
// Version 1: Added a version field to the header.
Version1 = 1,
// Version 2: Added a call stack table.
Version2 = 2,
// Version 3: Added a radix tree for call stacks. Switched to linear IDs for
// frames and call stacks.
Version3 = 3,
constexpr uint64_t MinimumSupportedVersion = Version0;
constexpr uint64_t MaximumSupportedVersion = Version3;
// Verify that the minimum and maximum satisfy the obvious constraint.
static_assert(MinimumSupportedVersion <= MaximumSupportedVersion);
enum class Meta : uint64_t {
Start = 0,
#define MIBEntryDef(NameTag, Name, Type) NameTag,
#include "llvm/ProfileData/"
#undef MIBEntryDef
using MemProfSchema = llvm::SmallVector<Meta, static_cast<int>(Meta::Size)>;
// Returns the full schema currently in use.
MemProfSchema getFullSchema();
// Returns the schema consisting of the fields used for hot cold memory hinting.
MemProfSchema getHotColdSchema();
// Holds the actual MemInfoBlock data with all fields. Contents may be read or
// written partially by providing an appropriate schema to the serialize and
// deserialize methods.
struct PortableMemInfoBlock {
PortableMemInfoBlock() = default;
explicit PortableMemInfoBlock(const MemInfoBlock &Block,
const MemProfSchema &IncomingSchema) {
for (const Meta Id : IncomingSchema)
#define MIBEntryDef(NameTag, Name, Type) Name = Block.Name;
#include "llvm/ProfileData/"
#undef MIBEntryDef
PortableMemInfoBlock(const MemProfSchema &Schema, const unsigned char *Ptr) {
deserialize(Schema, Ptr);
// Read the contents of \p Ptr based on the \p Schema to populate the
// MemInfoBlock member.
void deserialize(const MemProfSchema &IncomingSchema,
const unsigned char *Ptr) {
using namespace support;
for (const Meta Id : IncomingSchema) {
switch (Id) {
#define MIBEntryDef(NameTag, Name, Type) \
case Meta::Name: { \
Name = endian::readNext<Type, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr); \
} break;
#include "llvm/ProfileData/"
#undef MIBEntryDef
llvm_unreachable("Unknown meta type id, is the profile collected from "
"a newer version of the runtime?");
// Write the contents of the MemInfoBlock based on the \p Schema provided to
// the raw_ostream \p OS.
void serialize(const MemProfSchema &Schema, raw_ostream &OS) const {
using namespace support;
endian::Writer LE(OS, llvm::endianness::little);
for (const Meta Id : Schema) {
switch (Id) {
#define MIBEntryDef(NameTag, Name, Type) \
case Meta::Name: { \
LE.write<Type>(Name); \
} break;
#include "llvm/ProfileData/"
#undef MIBEntryDef
llvm_unreachable("Unknown meta type id, invalid input?");
// Print out the contents of the MemInfoBlock in YAML format.
void printYAML(raw_ostream &OS) const {
OS << " MemInfoBlock:\n";
#define MIBEntryDef(NameTag, Name, Type) \
OS << " " << #Name << ": " << Name << "\n";
#include "llvm/ProfileData/"
#undef MIBEntryDef
// Return the schema, only for unit tests.
std::bitset<llvm::to_underlying(Meta::Size)> getSchema() const {
return Schema;
// Define getters for each type which can be called by analyses.
#define MIBEntryDef(NameTag, Name, Type) \
Type get##Name() const { \
assert(Schema[llvm::to_underlying(Meta::Name)]); \
return Name; \
#include "llvm/ProfileData/"
#undef MIBEntryDef
void clear() { *this = PortableMemInfoBlock(); }
bool operator==(const PortableMemInfoBlock &Other) const {
if (Other.Schema != Schema)
return false;
#define MIBEntryDef(NameTag, Name, Type) \
if (Schema[llvm::to_underlying(Meta::Name)] && \
Other.get##Name() != get##Name()) \
return false;
#include "llvm/ProfileData/"
#undef MIBEntryDef
return true;
bool operator!=(const PortableMemInfoBlock &Other) const {
return !operator==(Other);
static size_t serializedSize(const MemProfSchema &Schema) {
size_t Result = 0;
for (const Meta Id : Schema) {
switch (Id) {
#define MIBEntryDef(NameTag, Name, Type) \
case Meta::Name: { \
Result += sizeof(Type); \
} break;
#include "llvm/ProfileData/"
#undef MIBEntryDef
llvm_unreachable("Unknown meta type id, invalid input?");
return Result;
// The set of available fields, indexed by Meta::Name.
std::bitset<llvm::to_underlying(Meta::Size)> Schema;
#define MIBEntryDef(NameTag, Name, Type) Type Name = Type();
#include "llvm/ProfileData/"
#undef MIBEntryDef
// A type representing the id generated by hashing the contents of the Frame.
using FrameId = uint64_t;
// A type representing the id to index into the frame array.
using LinearFrameId = uint32_t;
// Describes a call frame for a dynamic allocation context. The contents of
// the frame are populated by symbolizing the stack depot call frame from the
// compiler runtime.
struct Frame {
// A uuid (uint64_t) identifying the function. It is obtained by
// llvm::md5(FunctionName) which returns the lower 64 bits.
GlobalValue::GUID Function;
// The symbol name for the function. Only populated in the Frame by the reader
// if requested during initialization. This field should not be serialized.
std::unique_ptr<std::string> SymbolName;
// The source line offset of the call from the beginning of parent function.
uint32_t LineOffset;
// The source column number of the call to help distinguish multiple calls
// on the same line.
uint32_t Column;
// Whether the current frame is inlined.
bool IsInlineFrame;
Frame(const Frame &Other) {
Function = Other.Function;
SymbolName = Other.SymbolName
? std::make_unique<std::string>(*Other.SymbolName)
: nullptr;
LineOffset = Other.LineOffset;
Column = Other.Column;
IsInlineFrame = Other.IsInlineFrame;
Frame(GlobalValue::GUID Hash, uint32_t Off, uint32_t Col, bool Inline)
: Function(Hash), LineOffset(Off), Column(Col), IsInlineFrame(Inline) {}
bool operator==(const Frame &Other) const {
// Ignore the SymbolName field to avoid a string compare. Comparing the
// function hash serves the same purpose.
return Other.Function == Function && Other.LineOffset == LineOffset &&
Other.Column == Column && Other.IsInlineFrame == IsInlineFrame;
Frame &operator=(const Frame &Other) {
Function = Other.Function;
SymbolName = Other.SymbolName
? std::make_unique<std::string>(*Other.SymbolName)
: nullptr;
LineOffset = Other.LineOffset;
Column = Other.Column;
IsInlineFrame = Other.IsInlineFrame;
return *this;
bool operator!=(const Frame &Other) const { return !operator==(Other); }
bool hasSymbolName() const { return !!SymbolName; }
StringRef getSymbolName() const {
return *SymbolName;
std::string getSymbolNameOr(StringRef Alt) const {
return std::string(hasSymbolName() ? getSymbolName() : Alt);
// Write the contents of the frame to the ostream \p OS.
void serialize(raw_ostream &OS) const {
using namespace support;
endian::Writer LE(OS, llvm::endianness::little);
// If the type of the GlobalValue::GUID changes, then we need to update
// the reader and the writer.
static_assert(std::is_same<GlobalValue::GUID, uint64_t>::value,
"Expect GUID to be uint64_t.");
// Read a frame from char data which has been serialized as little endian.
static Frame deserialize(const unsigned char *Ptr) {
using namespace support;
const uint64_t F =
endian::readNext<uint64_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
const uint32_t L =
endian::readNext<uint32_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
const uint32_t C =
endian::readNext<uint32_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
const bool I = endian::readNext<bool, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
return Frame(/*Function=*/F, /*LineOffset=*/L, /*Column=*/C,
// Returns the size of the frame information.
static constexpr size_t serializedSize() {
return sizeof(Frame::Function) + sizeof(Frame::LineOffset) +
sizeof(Frame::Column) + sizeof(Frame::IsInlineFrame);
// Print the frame information in YAML format.
void printYAML(raw_ostream &OS) const {
OS << " -\n"
<< " Function: " << Function << "\n"
<< " SymbolName: " << getSymbolNameOr("<None>") << "\n"
<< " LineOffset: " << LineOffset << "\n"
<< " Column: " << Column << "\n"
<< " Inline: " << IsInlineFrame << "\n";
// Return a hash value based on the contents of the frame. Here we don't use
// hashing from llvm ADT since we are going to persist the hash id, the hash
// combine algorithm in ADT uses a new randomized seed each time.
inline FrameId hash() const {
auto HashCombine = [](auto Value, size_t Seed) {
std::hash<decltype(Value)> Hasher;
// The constant used below is the 64 bit representation of the fractional
// part of the golden ratio. Used here for the randomness in their bit
// pattern.
return Hasher(Value) + 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15 + (Seed << 6) + (Seed >> 2);
size_t Result = 0;
Result ^= HashCombine(Function, Result);
Result ^= HashCombine(LineOffset, Result);
Result ^= HashCombine(Column, Result);
Result ^= HashCombine(IsInlineFrame, Result);
return static_cast<FrameId>(Result);
// A type representing the index into the table of call stacks.
using CallStackId = uint64_t;
// A type representing the index into the call stack array.
using LinearCallStackId = uint32_t;
// Holds allocation information in a space efficient format where frames are
// represented using unique identifiers.
struct IndexedAllocationInfo {
// The dynamic calling context for the allocation in bottom-up (leaf-to-root)
// order. Frame contents are stored out-of-line.
// TODO: Remove once we fully transition to CSId.
llvm::SmallVector<FrameId> CallStack;
// Conceptually the same as above. We are going to keep both CallStack and
// CallStackId while we are transitioning from CallStack to CallStackId.
CallStackId CSId = 0;
// The statistics obtained from the runtime for the allocation.
PortableMemInfoBlock Info;
IndexedAllocationInfo() = default;
IndexedAllocationInfo(ArrayRef<FrameId> CS, CallStackId CSId,
const MemInfoBlock &MB,
const MemProfSchema &Schema = getFullSchema())
: CallStack(CS.begin(), CS.end()), CSId(CSId), Info(MB, Schema) {}
// Returns the size in bytes when this allocation info struct is serialized.
size_t serializedSize(const MemProfSchema &Schema,
IndexedVersion Version) const;
bool operator==(const IndexedAllocationInfo &Other) const {
if (Other.Info != Info)
return false;
if (Other.CSId != CSId)
return false;
return true;
bool operator!=(const IndexedAllocationInfo &Other) const {
return !operator==(Other);
// Holds allocation information with frame contents inline. The type should
// be used for temporary in-memory instances.
struct AllocationInfo {
// Same as IndexedAllocationInfo::CallStack with the frame contents inline.
std::vector<Frame> CallStack;
// Same as IndexedAllocationInfo::Info;
PortableMemInfoBlock Info;
AllocationInfo() = default;
const IndexedAllocationInfo &IndexedAI,
llvm::function_ref<const Frame(const FrameId)> IdToFrameCallback) {
for (const FrameId &Id : IndexedAI.CallStack) {
Info = IndexedAI.Info;
void printYAML(raw_ostream &OS) const {
OS << " -\n";
OS << " Callstack:\n";
// TODO: Print out the frame on one line with to make it easier for deep
// callstacks once we have a test to check valid YAML is generated.
for (const Frame &F : CallStack) {
// Holds the memprof profile information for a function. The internal
// representation stores frame ids for efficiency. This representation should
// be used in the profile conversion and manipulation tools.
struct IndexedMemProfRecord {
// Memory allocation sites in this function for which we have memory
// profiling data.
llvm::SmallVector<IndexedAllocationInfo> AllocSites;
// Holds call sites in this function which are part of some memory
// allocation context. We store this as a list of locations, each with its
// list of inline locations in bottom-up order i.e. from leaf to root. The
// inline location list may include additional entries, users should pick
// the last entry in the list with the same function GUID.
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::SmallVector<FrameId>> CallSites;
// Conceptually the same as above. We are going to keep both CallSites and
// CallSiteIds while we are transitioning from CallSites to CallSiteIds.
llvm::SmallVector<CallStackId> CallSiteIds;
void clear() {
void merge(const IndexedMemProfRecord &Other) {
// TODO: Filter out duplicates which may occur if multiple memprof
// profiles are merged together using llvm-profdata.
size_t serializedSize(const MemProfSchema &Schema,
IndexedVersion Version) const;
bool operator==(const IndexedMemProfRecord &Other) const {
if (Other.AllocSites != AllocSites)
return false;
if (Other.CallSiteIds != CallSiteIds)
return false;
return true;
// Serializes the memprof records in \p Records to the ostream \p OS based
// on the schema provided in \p Schema.
void serialize(const MemProfSchema &Schema, raw_ostream &OS,
IndexedVersion Version,
llvm::DenseMap<CallStackId, LinearCallStackId>
*MemProfCallStackIndexes = nullptr) const;
// Deserializes memprof records from the Buffer.
static IndexedMemProfRecord deserialize(const MemProfSchema &Schema,
const unsigned char *Buffer,
IndexedVersion Version);
// Convert IndexedMemProfRecord to MemProfRecord. Callback is used to
// translate CallStackId to call stacks with frames inline.
MemProfRecord toMemProfRecord(
llvm::function_ref<std::vector<Frame>(const CallStackId)> Callback) const;
// Returns the GUID for the function name after canonicalization. For
// memprof, we remove any .llvm suffix added by LTO. MemProfRecords are
// mapped to functions using this GUID.
static GlobalValue::GUID getGUID(const StringRef FunctionName);
// Holds the memprof profile information for a function. The internal
// representation stores frame contents inline. This representation should
// be used for small amount of temporary, in memory instances.
struct MemProfRecord {
// Same as IndexedMemProfRecord::AllocSites with frame contents inline.
llvm::SmallVector<AllocationInfo> AllocSites;
// Same as IndexedMemProfRecord::CallSites with frame contents inline.
llvm::SmallVector<std::vector<Frame>> CallSites;
MemProfRecord() = default;
const IndexedMemProfRecord &Record,
llvm::function_ref<const Frame(const FrameId Id)> IdToFrameCallback) {
for (const IndexedAllocationInfo &IndexedAI : Record.AllocSites) {
AllocSites.emplace_back(IndexedAI, IdToFrameCallback);
for (const ArrayRef<FrameId> Site : Record.CallSites) {
std::vector<Frame> Frames;
for (const FrameId Id : Site) {
// Prints out the contents of the memprof record in YAML.
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const {
if (!AllocSites.empty()) {
OS << " AllocSites:\n";
for (const AllocationInfo &N : AllocSites)
if (!CallSites.empty()) {
OS << " CallSites:\n";
for (const std::vector<Frame> &Frames : CallSites) {
for (const Frame &F : Frames) {
OS << " -\n";
// Reads a memprof schema from a buffer. All entries in the buffer are
// interpreted as uint64_t. The first entry in the buffer denotes the number of
// ids in the schema. Subsequent entries are integers which map to memprof::Meta
// enum class entries. After successfully reading the schema, the pointer is one
// byte past the schema contents.
Expected<MemProfSchema> readMemProfSchema(const unsigned char *&Buffer);
// Trait for reading IndexedMemProfRecord data from the on-disk hash table.
class RecordLookupTrait {
using data_type = const IndexedMemProfRecord &;
using internal_key_type = uint64_t;
using external_key_type = uint64_t;
using hash_value_type = uint64_t;
using offset_type = uint64_t;
RecordLookupTrait() = delete;
RecordLookupTrait(IndexedVersion V, const MemProfSchema &S)
: Version(V), Schema(S) {}
static bool EqualKey(uint64_t A, uint64_t B) { return A == B; }
static uint64_t GetInternalKey(uint64_t K) { return K; }
static uint64_t GetExternalKey(uint64_t K) { return K; }
hash_value_type ComputeHash(uint64_t K) { return K; }
static std::pair<offset_type, offset_type>
ReadKeyDataLength(const unsigned char *&D) {
using namespace support;
offset_type KeyLen =
endian::readNext<offset_type, llvm::endianness::little>(D);
offset_type DataLen =
endian::readNext<offset_type, llvm::endianness::little>(D);
return std::make_pair(KeyLen, DataLen);
uint64_t ReadKey(const unsigned char *D, offset_type /*Unused*/) {
using namespace support;
return endian::readNext<external_key_type, llvm::endianness::little>(D);
data_type ReadData(uint64_t K, const unsigned char *D,
offset_type /*Unused*/) {
Record = IndexedMemProfRecord::deserialize(Schema, D, Version);
return Record;
// Holds the MemProf version.
IndexedVersion Version;
// Holds the memprof schema used to deserialize records.
MemProfSchema Schema;
// Holds the records from one function deserialized from the indexed format.
IndexedMemProfRecord Record;
// Trait for writing IndexedMemProfRecord data to the on-disk hash table.
class RecordWriterTrait {
using key_type = uint64_t;
using key_type_ref = uint64_t;
using data_type = IndexedMemProfRecord;
using data_type_ref = IndexedMemProfRecord &;
using hash_value_type = uint64_t;
using offset_type = uint64_t;
// Pointer to the memprof schema to use for the generator.
const MemProfSchema *Schema;
// The MemProf version to use for the serialization.
IndexedVersion Version;
// Mappings from CallStackId to the indexes into the call stack array.
llvm::DenseMap<CallStackId, LinearCallStackId> *MemProfCallStackIndexes;
// We do not support the default constructor, which does not set Version.
RecordWriterTrait() = delete;
const MemProfSchema *Schema, IndexedVersion V,
llvm::DenseMap<CallStackId, LinearCallStackId> *MemProfCallStackIndexes)
: Schema(Schema), Version(V),
MemProfCallStackIndexes(MemProfCallStackIndexes) {}
static hash_value_type ComputeHash(key_type_ref K) { return K; }
std::pair<offset_type, offset_type>
EmitKeyDataLength(raw_ostream &Out, key_type_ref K, data_type_ref V) {
using namespace support;
endian::Writer LE(Out, llvm::endianness::little);
offset_type N = sizeof(K);
offset_type M = V.serializedSize(*Schema, Version);
return std::make_pair(N, M);
void EmitKey(raw_ostream &Out, key_type_ref K, offset_type /*Unused*/) {
using namespace support;
endian::Writer LE(Out, llvm::endianness::little);
void EmitData(raw_ostream &Out, key_type_ref /*Unused*/, data_type_ref V,
offset_type /*Unused*/) {
assert(Schema != nullptr && "MemProf schema is not initialized!");
V.serialize(*Schema, Out, Version, MemProfCallStackIndexes);
// Clear the IndexedMemProfRecord which results in clearing/freeing its
// vectors of allocs and callsites. This is owned by the associated on-disk
// hash table, but unused after this point. See also the comment added to
// the client which constructs the on-disk hash table for this trait.
// Trait for writing frame mappings to the on-disk hash table.
class FrameWriterTrait {
using key_type = FrameId;
using key_type_ref = FrameId;
using data_type = Frame;
using data_type_ref = Frame &;
using hash_value_type = FrameId;
using offset_type = uint64_t;
static hash_value_type ComputeHash(key_type_ref K) { return K; }
static std::pair<offset_type, offset_type>
EmitKeyDataLength(raw_ostream &Out, key_type_ref K, data_type_ref V) {
using namespace support;
endian::Writer LE(Out, llvm::endianness::little);
offset_type N = sizeof(K);
offset_type M = V.serializedSize();
return std::make_pair(N, M);
void EmitKey(raw_ostream &Out, key_type_ref K, offset_type /*Unused*/) {
using namespace support;
endian::Writer LE(Out, llvm::endianness::little);
void EmitData(raw_ostream &Out, key_type_ref /*Unused*/, data_type_ref V,
offset_type /*Unused*/) {
// Trait for reading frame mappings from the on-disk hash table.
class FrameLookupTrait {
using data_type = const Frame;
using internal_key_type = FrameId;
using external_key_type = FrameId;
using hash_value_type = FrameId;
using offset_type = uint64_t;
static bool EqualKey(internal_key_type A, internal_key_type B) {
return A == B;
static uint64_t GetInternalKey(internal_key_type K) { return K; }
static uint64_t GetExternalKey(external_key_type K) { return K; }
hash_value_type ComputeHash(internal_key_type K) { return K; }
static std::pair<offset_type, offset_type>
ReadKeyDataLength(const unsigned char *&D) {
using namespace support;
offset_type KeyLen =
endian::readNext<offset_type, llvm::endianness::little>(D);
offset_type DataLen =
endian::readNext<offset_type, llvm::endianness::little>(D);
return std::make_pair(KeyLen, DataLen);
uint64_t ReadKey(const unsigned char *D, offset_type /*Unused*/) {
using namespace support;
return endian::readNext<external_key_type, llvm::endianness::little>(D);
data_type ReadData(uint64_t K, const unsigned char *D,
offset_type /*Unused*/) {
return Frame::deserialize(D);
// Trait for writing call stacks to the on-disk hash table.
class CallStackWriterTrait {
using key_type = CallStackId;
using key_type_ref = CallStackId;
using data_type = llvm::SmallVector<FrameId>;
using data_type_ref = llvm::SmallVector<FrameId> &;
using hash_value_type = CallStackId;
using offset_type = uint64_t;
static hash_value_type ComputeHash(key_type_ref K) { return K; }
static std::pair<offset_type, offset_type>
EmitKeyDataLength(raw_ostream &Out, key_type_ref K, data_type_ref V) {
using namespace support;
endian::Writer LE(Out, llvm::endianness::little);
// We do not explicitly emit the key length because it is a constant.
offset_type N = sizeof(K);
offset_type M = sizeof(FrameId) * V.size();
return std::make_pair(N, M);
void EmitKey(raw_ostream &Out, key_type_ref K, offset_type /*Unused*/) {
using namespace support;
endian::Writer LE(Out, llvm::endianness::little);
void EmitData(raw_ostream &Out, key_type_ref /*Unused*/, data_type_ref V,
offset_type /*Unused*/) {
using namespace support;
endian::Writer LE(Out, llvm::endianness::little);
// Emit the frames. We do not explicitly emit the length of the vector
// because it can be inferred from the data length.
for (FrameId F : V)
// Trait for reading call stack mappings from the on-disk hash table.
class CallStackLookupTrait {
using data_type = const llvm::SmallVector<FrameId>;
using internal_key_type = CallStackId;
using external_key_type = CallStackId;
using hash_value_type = CallStackId;
using offset_type = uint64_t;
static bool EqualKey(internal_key_type A, internal_key_type B) {
return A == B;
static uint64_t GetInternalKey(internal_key_type K) { return K; }
static uint64_t GetExternalKey(external_key_type K) { return K; }
hash_value_type ComputeHash(internal_key_type K) { return K; }
static std::pair<offset_type, offset_type>
ReadKeyDataLength(const unsigned char *&D) {
using namespace support;
// We do not explicitly read the key length because it is a constant.
offset_type KeyLen = sizeof(external_key_type);
offset_type DataLen =
endian::readNext<offset_type, llvm::endianness::little>(D);
return std::make_pair(KeyLen, DataLen);
uint64_t ReadKey(const unsigned char *D, offset_type /*Unused*/) {
using namespace support;
return endian::readNext<external_key_type, llvm::endianness::little>(D);
data_type ReadData(uint64_t K, const unsigned char *D, offset_type Length) {
using namespace support;
llvm::SmallVector<FrameId> CS;
// Derive the number of frames from the data length.
uint64_t NumFrames = Length / sizeof(FrameId);
assert(Length % sizeof(FrameId) == 0);
for (size_t I = 0; I != NumFrames; ++I) {
FrameId F = endian::readNext<FrameId, llvm::endianness::little>(D);
return CS;
// Compute a CallStackId for a given call stack.
CallStackId hashCallStack(ArrayRef<FrameId> CS);
namespace detail {
// "Dereference" the iterator from DenseMap or OnDiskChainedHashTable. We have
// to do so in one of two different ways depending on the type of the hash
// table.
template <typename value_type, typename IterTy>
value_type DerefIterator(IterTy Iter) {
using deref_type = llvm::remove_cvref_t<decltype(*Iter)>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<deref_type, value_type>)
return *Iter;
return Iter->second;
} // namespace detail
// A function object that returns a frame for a given FrameId.
template <typename MapTy> struct FrameIdConverter {
std::optional<FrameId> LastUnmappedId;
MapTy &Map;
FrameIdConverter() = delete;
FrameIdConverter(MapTy &Map) : Map(Map) {}
// Delete the copy constructor and copy assignment operator to avoid a
// situation where a copy of FrameIdConverter gets an error in LastUnmappedId
// while the original instance doesn't.
FrameIdConverter(const FrameIdConverter &) = delete;
FrameIdConverter &operator=(const FrameIdConverter &) = delete;
Frame operator()(FrameId Id) {
auto Iter = Map.find(Id);
if (Iter == Map.end()) {
LastUnmappedId = Id;
return Frame(0, 0, 0, false);
return detail::DerefIterator<Frame>(Iter);
// A function object that returns a call stack for a given CallStackId.
template <typename MapTy> struct CallStackIdConverter {
std::optional<CallStackId> LastUnmappedId;
MapTy &Map;
llvm::function_ref<Frame(FrameId)> FrameIdToFrame;
CallStackIdConverter() = delete;
CallStackIdConverter(MapTy &Map,
llvm::function_ref<Frame(FrameId)> FrameIdToFrame)
: Map(Map), FrameIdToFrame(FrameIdToFrame) {}
// Delete the copy constructor and copy assignment operator to avoid a
// situation where a copy of CallStackIdConverter gets an error in
// LastUnmappedId while the original instance doesn't.
CallStackIdConverter(const CallStackIdConverter &) = delete;
CallStackIdConverter &operator=(const CallStackIdConverter &) = delete;
std::vector<Frame> operator()(CallStackId CSId) {
std::vector<Frame> Frames;
auto CSIter = Map.find(CSId);
if (CSIter == Map.end()) {
LastUnmappedId = CSId;
} else {
llvm::SmallVector<FrameId> CS =
for (FrameId Id : CS)
return Frames;
// A function object that returns a Frame stored at a given index into the Frame
// array in the profile.
struct LinearFrameIdConverter {
const unsigned char *FrameBase;
LinearFrameIdConverter() = delete;
LinearFrameIdConverter(const unsigned char *FrameBase)
: FrameBase(FrameBase) {}
Frame operator()(LinearFrameId LinearId) {
uint64_t Offset = static_cast<uint64_t>(LinearId) * Frame::serializedSize();
return Frame::deserialize(FrameBase + Offset);
// A function object that returns a call stack stored at a given index into the
// call stack array in the profile.
struct LinearCallStackIdConverter {
const unsigned char *CallStackBase;
std::function<Frame(LinearFrameId)> FrameIdToFrame;
LinearCallStackIdConverter() = delete;
LinearCallStackIdConverter(const unsigned char *CallStackBase,
std::function<Frame(LinearFrameId)> FrameIdToFrame)
: CallStackBase(CallStackBase), FrameIdToFrame(FrameIdToFrame) {}
std::vector<Frame> operator()(LinearCallStackId LinearCSId) {
std::vector<Frame> Frames;
const unsigned char *Ptr =
CallStackBase +
static_cast<uint64_t>(LinearCSId) * sizeof(LinearFrameId);
uint32_t NumFrames =
support::endian::readNext<uint32_t, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
for (; NumFrames; --NumFrames) {
LinearFrameId Elem =
support::endian::read<LinearFrameId, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
// Follow a pointer to the parent, if any. See comments below on
// CallStackRadixTreeBuilder for the description of the radix tree format.
if (static_cast<std::make_signed_t<LinearFrameId>>(Elem) < 0) {
Ptr += (-Elem) * sizeof(LinearFrameId);
Elem =
support::endian::read<LinearFrameId, llvm::endianness::little>(Ptr);
// We shouldn't encounter another pointer.
assert(static_cast<std::make_signed_t<LinearFrameId>>(Elem) >= 0);
Ptr += sizeof(LinearFrameId);
return Frames;
struct IndexedMemProfData {
// A map to hold memprof data per function. The lower 64 bits obtained from
// the md5 hash of the function name is used to index into the map.
llvm::MapVector<GlobalValue::GUID, IndexedMemProfRecord> RecordData;
// A map to hold frame id to frame mappings. The mappings are used to
// convert IndexedMemProfRecord to MemProfRecords with frame information
// inline.
llvm::MapVector<FrameId, Frame> FrameData;
// A map to hold call stack id to call stacks.
llvm::MapVector<CallStackId, llvm::SmallVector<FrameId>> CallStackData;
struct FrameStat {
// The number of occurrences of a given FrameId.
uint64_t Count = 0;
// The sum of indexes where a given FrameId shows up.
uint64_t PositionSum = 0;
// Compute a histogram of Frames in call stacks.
llvm::DenseMap<FrameId, FrameStat>
computeFrameHistogram(llvm::MapVector<CallStackId, llvm::SmallVector<FrameId>>
// Construct a radix tree of call stacks.
// A set of call stacks might look like:
// CallStackId 1: f1 -> f2 -> f3
// CallStackId 2: f1 -> f2 -> f4 -> f5
// CallStackId 3: f1 -> f2 -> f4 -> f6
// CallStackId 4: f7 -> f8 -> f9
// where each fn refers to a stack frame.
// Since we expect a lot of common prefixes, we can compress the call stacks
// into a radix tree like:
// CallStackId 1: f1 -> f2 -> f3
// |
// CallStackId 2: +---> f4 -> f5
// |
// CallStackId 3: +---> f6
// CallStackId 4: f7 -> f8 -> f9
// Now, we are interested in retrieving call stacks for a given CallStackId, so
// we just need a pointer from a given call stack to its parent. For example,
// CallStackId 2 would point to CallStackId 1 as a parent.
// We serialize the radix tree above into a single array along with the length
// of each call stack and pointers to the parent call stacks.
// Index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
// Array: L3 f9 f8 f7 L4 f6 J3 L4 f5 f4 J3 L3 f3 f2 f1
// ^ ^ ^ ^
// | | | |
// CallStackId 4: 0 --+ | | |
// CallStackId 3: 4 --------------+ | |
// CallStackId 2: 7 -----------------------+ |
// CallStackId 1: 11 -----------------------------------+
// - LN indicates the length of a call stack, encoded as ordinary integer N.
// - JN indicates a pointer to the parent, encoded as -N.
// The radix tree allows us to reconstruct call stacks in the leaf-to-root
// order as we scan the array from left ro right while following pointers to
// parents along the way
// For example, if we are decoding CallStackId 2, we start a forward traversal
// at Index 7, noting the call stack length of 4 and obtaining f5 and f4. When
// we see J3 at Index 10, we resume a forward traversal at Index 13 = 10 + 3,
// picking up f2 and f1. We are done after collecting 4 frames as indicated at
// the beginning of the traversal.
// On-disk IndexedMemProfRecord will refer to call stacks by their indexes into
// the radix tree array, so we do not explicitly encode mappings like:
// "CallStackId 1 -> 11".
class CallStackRadixTreeBuilder {
// The radix tree array.
std::vector<LinearFrameId> RadixArray;
// Mapping from CallStackIds to indexes into RadixArray.
llvm::DenseMap<CallStackId, LinearCallStackId> CallStackPos;
// In build, we partition a given call stack into two parts -- the prefix
// that's common with the previously encoded call stack and the frames beyond
// the common prefix -- the unique portion. Then we want to find out where
// the common prefix is stored in RadixArray so that we can link the unique
// portion to the common prefix. Indexes, declared below, helps with our
// needs. Intuitively, Indexes tells us where each of the previously encoded
// call stack is stored in RadixArray. More formally, Indexes satisfies:
// RadixArray[Indexes[I]] == Prev[I]
// for every I, where Prev is the the call stack in the root-to-leaf order
// previously encoded by build. (Note that Prev, as passed to
// encodeCallStack, is in the leaf-to-root order.)
// For example, if the call stack being encoded shares 5 frames at the root of
// the call stack with the previously encoded call stack,
// RadixArray[Indexes[0]] is the root frame of the common prefix.
// RadixArray[Indexes[5 - 1]] is the last frame of the common prefix.
std::vector<LinearCallStackId> Indexes;
using CSIdPair = std::pair<CallStackId, llvm::SmallVector<FrameId>>;
// Encode a call stack into RadixArray. Return the starting index within
// RadixArray.
LinearCallStackId encodeCallStack(
const llvm::SmallVector<FrameId> *CallStack,
const llvm::SmallVector<FrameId> *Prev,
const llvm::DenseMap<FrameId, LinearFrameId> &MemProfFrameIndexes);
CallStackRadixTreeBuilder() = default;
// Build a radix tree array.
void build(llvm::MapVector<CallStackId, llvm::SmallVector<FrameId>>
const llvm::DenseMap<FrameId, LinearFrameId> &MemProfFrameIndexes,
llvm::DenseMap<FrameId, FrameStat> &FrameHistogram);
const std::vector<LinearFrameId> &getRadixArray() const { return RadixArray; }
llvm::DenseMap<CallStackId, LinearCallStackId> takeCallStackPos() {
return std::move(CallStackPos);
// Verify that each CallStackId is computed with hashCallStack. This function
// is intended to help transition from CallStack to CSId in
// IndexedAllocationInfo.
void verifyIndexedMemProfRecord(const IndexedMemProfRecord &Record);
// Verify that each CallStackId is computed with hashCallStack. This function
// is intended to help transition from CallStack to CSId in
// IndexedAllocationInfo.
void verifyFunctionProfileData(
const llvm::MapVector<GlobalValue::GUID, IndexedMemProfRecord>
} // namespace memprof
} // namespace llvm