blob: 0076cdc090459f46a9d3eb5078f90461e6b4d9c2 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- FunctionId.h - Sample profile function object ----------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// Defines FunctionId class.
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfo.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MD5.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cstdint>
namespace llvm {
namespace sampleprof {
/// This class represents a function that is read from a sample profile. It
/// comes with two forms: a string or a hash code. The latter form is the 64-bit
/// MD5 of the function name for efficient storage supported by ExtBinary
/// profile format, and when reading the profile, this class can represent it
/// without converting it to a string first.
/// When representing a hash code, we utilize the LengthOrHashCode field to
/// store it, and Name is set to null. When representing a string, it is same as
/// StringRef.
class FunctionId {
const char *Data = nullptr;
// Use uint64_t instead of size_t so that it can also hold a MD5 value on
// 32-bit system.
uint64_t LengthOrHashCode = 0;
/// Extension to memcmp to handle hash code representation. If both are hash
/// values, Lhs and Rhs are both null, function returns 0 (and needs an extra
/// comparison using getIntValue). If only one is hash code, it is considered
/// less than the StringRef one. Otherwise perform normal string comparison.
static int compareMemory(const char *Lhs, const char *Rhs, uint64_t Length) {
if (Lhs == Rhs)
return 0;
if (!Lhs)
return -1;
if (!Rhs)
return 1;
return ::memcmp(Lhs, Rhs, (size_t)Length);
FunctionId() = default;
/// Constructor from a StringRef.
explicit FunctionId(StringRef Str)
: Data(, LengthOrHashCode(Str.size()) {
/// Constructor from a hash code.
explicit FunctionId(uint64_t HashCode)
: LengthOrHashCode(HashCode) {
assert(HashCode != 0);
/// Check for equality. Similar to StringRef::equals, but will also cover for
/// the case where one or both are hash codes. Comparing their int values are
/// sufficient. A hash code FunctionId is considered not equal to a StringRef
/// FunctionId regardless of actual contents.
bool equals(const FunctionId &Other) const {
return LengthOrHashCode == Other.LengthOrHashCode &&
compareMemory(Data, Other.Data, LengthOrHashCode) == 0;
/// Total order comparison. If both FunctionId are StringRef, this is the same
/// as StringRef::compare. If one of them is StringRef, it is considered
/// greater than the hash code FunctionId. Otherwise this is the the same
/// as comparing their int values.
int compare(const FunctionId &Other) const {
auto Res = compareMemory(
Data, Other.Data, std::min(LengthOrHashCode, Other.LengthOrHashCode));
if (Res != 0)
return Res;
if (LengthOrHashCode == Other.LengthOrHashCode)
return 0;
return LengthOrHashCode < Other.LengthOrHashCode ? -1 : 1;
/// Convert to a string, usually for output purpose. Use caution on return
/// value's lifetime when converting to StringRef.
std::string str() const {
if (Data)
return std::string(Data, LengthOrHashCode);
if (LengthOrHashCode != 0)
return std::to_string(LengthOrHashCode);
return std::string();
/// Convert to StringRef. This is only allowed when it is known this object is
/// representing a StringRef, not a hash code. Calling this function on a hash
/// code is considered an error.
StringRef stringRef() const {
if (Data)
return StringRef(Data, LengthOrHashCode);
assert(LengthOrHashCode == 0 &&
"Cannot convert MD5 FunctionId to StringRef");
return StringRef();
friend raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const FunctionId &Obj);
/// Get hash code of this object. Returns this object's hash code if it is
/// already representing one, otherwise returns the MD5 of its string content.
/// Note that it is not the same as std::hash because we want to keep the
/// consistency that the same sample profile function in string form or MD5
/// form has the same hash code.
uint64_t getHashCode() const {
if (Data)
return MD5Hash(StringRef(Data, LengthOrHashCode));
return LengthOrHashCode;
bool empty() const { return LengthOrHashCode == 0; }
/// Check if this object represents a StringRef, or a hash code.
bool isStringRef() const { return Data != nullptr; }
inline bool operator==(const FunctionId &LHS, const FunctionId &RHS) {
return LHS.equals(RHS);
inline bool operator!=(const FunctionId &LHS, const FunctionId &RHS) {
return !LHS.equals(RHS);
inline bool operator<(const FunctionId &LHS, const FunctionId &RHS) {
return < 0;
inline bool operator<=(const FunctionId &LHS, const FunctionId &RHS) {
return <= 0;
inline bool operator>(const FunctionId &LHS, const FunctionId &RHS) {
return > 0;
inline bool operator>=(const FunctionId &LHS, const FunctionId &RHS) {
return >= 0;
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const FunctionId &Obj) {
if (Obj.Data)
return OS << StringRef(Obj.Data, Obj.LengthOrHashCode);
if (Obj.LengthOrHashCode != 0)
return OS << Obj.LengthOrHashCode;
return OS;
inline uint64_t MD5Hash(const FunctionId &Obj) {
return Obj.getHashCode();
inline uint64_t hash_value(const FunctionId &Obj) {
return Obj.getHashCode();
} // end namespace sampleprof
/// Template specialization for FunctionId so that it can be used in LLVM map
/// containers.
template <> struct DenseMapInfo<sampleprof::FunctionId, void> {
static inline sampleprof::FunctionId getEmptyKey() {
return sampleprof::FunctionId(~0ULL);
static inline sampleprof::FunctionId getTombstoneKey() {
return sampleprof::FunctionId(~1ULL);
static unsigned getHashValue(const sampleprof::FunctionId &Val) {
return Val.getHashCode();
static bool isEqual(const sampleprof::FunctionId &LHS,
const sampleprof::FunctionId &RHS) {
return LHS == RHS;
} // end namespace llvm
namespace std {
/// Template specialization for FunctionId so that it can be used in STL
/// containers.
template <> struct hash<llvm::sampleprof::FunctionId> {
size_t operator()(const llvm::sampleprof::FunctionId &Val) const {
return Val.getHashCode();
} // end namespace std