blob: 3c4723a0513ceea525f8f459fc5d4a449238118f [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Construction of codegen pass pipelines ------------------*- C++ -*--===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// Interfaces for producing common pass manager configurations.
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/BasicAliasAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ProfileSummaryInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ScopedNoAliasAA.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/TypeBasedAliasAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/AssignmentTrackingAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/CallBrPrepare.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/CodeGenPrepare.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/DeadMachineInstructionElim.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/DwarfEHPrepare.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/ExpandMemCmp.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/ExpandReductions.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/FinalizeISel.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/GCMetadata.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/GlobalMerge.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/IndirectBrExpand.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/InterleavedAccess.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/InterleavedLoadCombine.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/JMCInstrumenter.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/LowerEmuTLS.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MIRPrinter.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineModuleInfo.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachinePassManager.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/PreISelIntrinsicLowering.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/ReplaceWithVeclib.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/SafeStack.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/SelectOptimize.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/ShadowStackGCLowering.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/SjLjEHPrepare.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/StackProtector.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetPassConfig.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/UnreachableBlockElim.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/WasmEHPrepare.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/WinEHPrepare.h"
#include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Verifier.h"
#include "llvm/IRPrinter/IRPrintingPasses.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCAsmInfo.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCTargetOptions.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CodeGen.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Target/CGPassBuilderOption.h"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/CFGuard.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/ConstantHoisting.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/LoopPassManager.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/LoopStrengthReduce.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/LowerConstantIntrinsics.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/MergeICmps.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/PartiallyInlineLibCalls.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/ScalarizeMaskedMemIntrin.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/EntryExitInstrumenter.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/LowerInvoke.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace llvm {
// FIXME: Dummy target independent passes definitions that have not yet been
// ported to new pass manager. Once they do, remove these.
struct PASS_NAME : public PassInfoMixin<PASS_NAME> { \
template <typename... Ts> PASS_NAME(Ts &&...) {} \
PreservedAnalyses run(Function &, FunctionAnalysisManager &) { \
return PreservedAnalyses::all(); \
} \
struct PASS_NAME : public PassInfoMixin<PASS_NAME> { \
template <typename... Ts> PASS_NAME(Ts &&...) {} \
PreservedAnalyses run(Module &, ModuleAnalysisManager &) { \
return PreservedAnalyses::all(); \
} \
struct PASS_NAME : public PassInfoMixin<PASS_NAME> { \
template <typename... Ts> PASS_NAME(Ts &&...) {} \
PreservedAnalyses run(MachineFunction &, \
MachineFunctionAnalysisManager &) { \
return PreservedAnalyses::all(); \
} \
#include "llvm/Passes/MachinePassRegistry.def"
/// This class provides access to building LLVM's passes.
/// Its members provide the baseline state available to passes during their
/// construction. The \c MachinePassRegistry.def file specifies how to construct
/// all of the built-in passes, and those may reference these members during
/// construction.
template <typename DerivedT, typename TargetMachineT> class CodeGenPassBuilder {
explicit CodeGenPassBuilder(TargetMachineT &TM,
const CGPassBuilderOption &Opts,
PassInstrumentationCallbacks *PIC)
: TM(TM), Opt(Opts), PIC(PIC) {
// Target could set CGPassBuilderOption::MISchedPostRA to true to achieve
// substitutePass(&PostRASchedulerID, &PostMachineSchedulerID)
// Target should override TM.Options.EnableIPRA in their target-specific
// LLVMTM ctor. See TargetMachine::setGlobalISel for example.
if (Opt.EnableIPRA)
TM.Options.EnableIPRA = *Opt.EnableIPRA;
if (Opt.EnableGlobalISelAbort)
TM.Options.GlobalISelAbort = *Opt.EnableGlobalISelAbort;
if (!Opt.OptimizeRegAlloc)
Opt.OptimizeRegAlloc = getOptLevel() != CodeGenOptLevel::None;
Error buildPipeline(ModulePassManager &MPM, raw_pwrite_stream &Out,
raw_pwrite_stream *DwoOut,
CodeGenFileType FileType) const;
PassInstrumentationCallbacks *getPassInstrumentationCallbacks() const {
return PIC;
template <typename PassT>
using has_required_t = decltype(std::declval<PassT &>().isRequired());
template <typename PassT>
using is_module_pass_t = decltype(std::declval<PassT &>().run(
std::declval<Module &>(), std::declval<ModuleAnalysisManager &>()));
template <typename PassT>
using is_function_pass_t = decltype(std::declval<PassT &>().run(
std::declval<Function &>(), std::declval<FunctionAnalysisManager &>()));
template <typename PassT>
using is_machine_function_pass_t = decltype(std::declval<PassT &>().run(
std::declval<MachineFunction &>(),
std::declval<MachineFunctionAnalysisManager &>()));
// Function object to maintain state while adding codegen IR passes.
// TODO: add a Function -> MachineFunction adaptor and merge
// AddIRPass/AddMachinePass so we can have a function pipeline that runs both
// function passes and machine function passes.
class AddIRPass {
AddIRPass(ModulePassManager &MPM, const DerivedT &PB) : MPM(MPM), PB(PB) {}
~AddIRPass() {
if (!FPM.isEmpty())
template <typename PassT>
void operator()(PassT &&Pass, StringRef Name = PassT::name()) {
static_assert((is_detected<is_function_pass_t, PassT>::value ||
is_detected<is_module_pass_t, PassT>::value) &&
"Only module pass and function pass are supported.");
bool Required = false;
if constexpr (is_detected<has_required_t, PassT>::value)
Required = PassT::isRequired();
if (!PB.runBeforeAdding(Name) && !Required)
// Add Function Pass
if constexpr (is_detected<is_function_pass_t, PassT>::value) {
} else {
// Add Module Pass
if (!FPM.isEmpty()) {
FPM = FunctionPassManager();
ModulePassManager &MPM;
FunctionPassManager FPM;
const DerivedT &PB;
// Function object to maintain state while adding codegen machine passes.
class AddMachinePass {
AddMachinePass(ModulePassManager &MPM, const DerivedT &PB)
: MPM(MPM), PB(PB) {}
~AddMachinePass() {
if (!MFPM.isEmpty()) {
FunctionPassManager FPM;
template <typename PassT>
void operator()(PassT &&Pass, bool Force = false,
StringRef Name = PassT::name()) {
static_assert((is_detected<is_machine_function_pass_t, PassT>::value ||
is_detected<is_module_pass_t, PassT>::value) &&
"Only module pass and function pass are supported.");
if (!Force && !PB.runBeforeAdding(Name))
// Add Function Pass
if constexpr (is_detected<is_machine_function_pass_t, PassT>::value) {
} else {
// Add Module Pass
if (!MFPM.isEmpty()) {
MFPM = MachineFunctionPassManager();
for (auto &C : PB.AfterCallbacks)
C(Name, MFPM);
ModulePassManager &MPM;
MachineFunctionPassManager MFPM;
const DerivedT &PB;
TargetMachineT &TM;
CGPassBuilderOption Opt;
PassInstrumentationCallbacks *PIC;
template <typename TMC> TMC &getTM() const { return static_cast<TMC &>(TM); }
CodeGenOptLevel getOptLevel() const { return TM.getOptLevel(); }
/// Check whether or not GlobalISel should abort on error.
/// When this is disabled, GlobalISel will fall back on SDISel instead of
/// erroring out.
bool isGlobalISelAbortEnabled() const {
return TM.Options.GlobalISelAbort == GlobalISelAbortMode::Enable;
/// Check whether or not a diagnostic should be emitted when GlobalISel
/// uses the fallback path. In other words, it will emit a diagnostic
/// when GlobalISel failed and isGlobalISelAbortEnabled is false.
bool reportDiagnosticWhenGlobalISelFallback() const {
return TM.Options.GlobalISelAbort == GlobalISelAbortMode::DisableWithDiag;
/// addInstSelector - This method should install an instruction selector pass,
/// which converts from LLVM code to machine instructions.
Error addInstSelector(AddMachinePass &) const {
return make_error<StringError>("addInstSelector is not overridden",
/// Target can override this to add GlobalMergePass before all IR passes.
void addGlobalMergePass(AddIRPass &) const {}
/// Add passes that optimize instruction level parallelism for out-of-order
/// targets. These passes are run while the machine code is still in SSA
/// form, so they can use MachineTraceMetrics to control their heuristics.
/// All passes added here should preserve the MachineDominatorTree,
/// MachineLoopInfo, and MachineTraceMetrics analyses.
void addILPOpts(AddMachinePass &) const {}
/// This method may be implemented by targets that want to run passes
/// immediately before register allocation.
void addPreRegAlloc(AddMachinePass &) const {}
/// addPreRewrite - Add passes to the optimized register allocation pipeline
/// after register allocation is complete, but before virtual registers are
/// rewritten to physical registers.
/// These passes must preserve VirtRegMap and LiveIntervals, and when running
/// after RABasic or RAGreedy, they should take advantage of LiveRegMatrix.
/// When these passes run, VirtRegMap contains legal physreg assignments for
/// all virtual registers.
/// Note if the target overloads addRegAssignAndRewriteOptimized, this may not
/// be honored. This is also not generally used for the fast variant,
/// where the allocation and rewriting are done in one pass.
void addPreRewrite(AddMachinePass &) const {}
/// Add passes to be run immediately after virtual registers are rewritten
/// to physical registers.
void addPostRewrite(AddMachinePass &) const {}
/// This method may be implemented by targets that want to run passes after
/// register allocation pass pipeline but before prolog-epilog insertion.
void addPostRegAlloc(AddMachinePass &) const {}
/// This method may be implemented by targets that want to run passes after
/// prolog-epilog insertion and before the second instruction scheduling pass.
void addPreSched2(AddMachinePass &) const {}
/// This pass may be implemented by targets that want to run passes
/// immediately before machine code is emitted.
void addPreEmitPass(AddMachinePass &) const {}
/// Targets may add passes immediately before machine code is emitted in this
/// callback. This is called even later than `addPreEmitPass`.
// FIXME: Rename `addPreEmitPass` to something more sensible given its actual
// position and remove the `2` suffix here as this callback is what
// `addPreEmitPass` *should* be but in reality isn't.
void addPreEmitPass2(AddMachinePass &) const {}
/// {{@ For GlobalISel
/// addPreISel - This method should add any "last minute" LLVM->LLVM
/// passes (which are run just before instruction selector).
void addPreISel(AddIRPass &) const {
llvm_unreachable("addPreISel is not overridden");
/// This method should install an IR translator pass, which converts from
/// LLVM code to machine instructions with possibly generic opcodes.
Error addIRTranslator(AddMachinePass &) const {
return make_error<StringError>("addIRTranslator is not overridden",
/// This method may be implemented by targets that want to run passes
/// immediately before legalization.
void addPreLegalizeMachineIR(AddMachinePass &) const {}
/// This method should install a legalize pass, which converts the instruction
/// sequence into one that can be selected by the target.
Error addLegalizeMachineIR(AddMachinePass &) const {
return make_error<StringError>("addLegalizeMachineIR is not overridden",
/// This method may be implemented by targets that want to run passes
/// immediately before the register bank selection.
void addPreRegBankSelect(AddMachinePass &) const {}
/// This method should install a register bank selector pass, which
/// assigns register banks to virtual registers without a register
/// class or register banks.
Error addRegBankSelect(AddMachinePass &) const {
return make_error<StringError>("addRegBankSelect is not overridden",
/// This method may be implemented by targets that want to run passes
/// immediately before the (global) instruction selection.
void addPreGlobalInstructionSelect(AddMachinePass &) const {}
/// This method should install a (global) instruction selector pass, which
/// converts possibly generic instructions to fully target-specific
/// instructions, thereby constraining all generic virtual registers to
/// register classes.
Error addGlobalInstructionSelect(AddMachinePass &) const {
return make_error<StringError>(
"addGlobalInstructionSelect is not overridden",
/// @}}
/// High level function that adds all passes necessary to go from llvm IR
/// representation to the MI representation.
/// Adds IR based lowering and target specific optimization passes and finally
/// the core instruction selection passes.
void addISelPasses(AddIRPass &) const;
/// Add the actual instruction selection passes. This does not include
/// preparation passes on IR.
Error addCoreISelPasses(AddMachinePass &) const;
/// Add the complete, standard set of LLVM CodeGen passes.
/// Fully developed targets will not generally override this.
Error addMachinePasses(AddMachinePass &) const;
/// Add passes to lower exception handling for the code generator.
void addPassesToHandleExceptions(AddIRPass &) const;
/// Add common target configurable passes that perform LLVM IR to IR
/// transforms following machine independent optimization.
void addIRPasses(AddIRPass &) const;
/// Add pass to prepare the LLVM IR for code generation. This should be done
/// before exception handling preparation passes.
void addCodeGenPrepare(AddIRPass &) const;
/// Add common passes that perform LLVM IR to IR transforms in preparation for
/// instruction selection.
void addISelPrepare(AddIRPass &) const;
/// Methods with trivial inline returns are convenient points in the common
/// codegen pass pipeline where targets may insert passes. Methods with
/// out-of-line standard implementations are major CodeGen stages called by
/// addMachinePasses. Some targets may override major stages when inserting
/// passes is insufficient, but maintaining overriden stages is more work.
/// addMachineSSAOptimization - Add standard passes that optimize machine
/// instructions in SSA form.
void addMachineSSAOptimization(AddMachinePass &) const;
/// addFastRegAlloc - Add the minimum set of target-independent passes that
/// are required for fast register allocation.
Error addFastRegAlloc(AddMachinePass &) const;
/// addOptimizedRegAlloc - Add passes related to register allocation.
/// LLVMTargetMachine provides standard regalloc passes for most targets.
void addOptimizedRegAlloc(AddMachinePass &) const;
/// Add passes that optimize machine instructions after register allocation.
void addMachineLateOptimization(AddMachinePass &) const;
/// addGCPasses - Add late codegen passes that analyze code for garbage
/// collection. This should return true if GC info should be printed after
/// these passes.
void addGCPasses(AddMachinePass &) const {}
/// Add standard basic block placement passes.
void addBlockPlacement(AddMachinePass &) const;
using CreateMCStreamer =
std::function<Expected<std::unique_ptr<MCStreamer>>(MCContext &)>;
void addAsmPrinter(AddMachinePass &, CreateMCStreamer) const {
llvm_unreachable("addAsmPrinter is not overridden");
/// Utilities for targets to add passes to the pass manager.
/// createTargetRegisterAllocator - Create the register allocator pass for
/// this target at the current optimization level.
void addTargetRegisterAllocator(AddMachinePass &, bool Optimized) const;
/// addMachinePasses helper to create the target-selected or overriden
/// regalloc pass.
void addRegAllocPass(AddMachinePass &, bool Optimized) const;
/// Add core register alloator passes which do the actual register assignment
/// and rewriting. \returns true if any passes were added.
Error addRegAssignmentFast(AddMachinePass &) const;
Error addRegAssignmentOptimized(AddMachinePass &) const;
/// Allow the target to disable a specific pass by default.
/// Backend can declare unwanted passes in constructor.
template <typename... PassTs> void disablePass() {
[](StringRef Name) { return ((Name != PassTs::name()) && ...); });
/// Insert InsertedPass pass after TargetPass pass.
/// Only machine function passes are supported.
template <typename TargetPassT, typename InsertedPassT>
void insertPass(InsertedPassT &&Pass) {
[&](StringRef Name, MachineFunctionPassManager &MFPM) mutable {
if (Name == TargetPassT::name())
DerivedT &derived() { return static_cast<DerivedT &>(*this); }
const DerivedT &derived() const {
return static_cast<const DerivedT &>(*this);
bool runBeforeAdding(StringRef Name) const {
bool ShouldAdd = true;
for (auto &C : BeforeCallbacks)
ShouldAdd &= C(Name);
return ShouldAdd;
void setStartStopPasses(const TargetPassConfig::StartStopInfo &Info) const;
Error verifyStartStop(const TargetPassConfig::StartStopInfo &Info) const;
mutable SmallVector<llvm::unique_function<bool(StringRef)>, 4>
mutable SmallVector<
llvm::unique_function<void(StringRef, MachineFunctionPassManager &)>, 4>
/// Helper variable for `-start-before/-start-after/-stop-before/-stop-after`
mutable bool Started = true;
mutable bool Stopped = true;
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
Error CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::buildPipeline(
ModulePassManager &MPM, raw_pwrite_stream &Out, raw_pwrite_stream *DwoOut,
CodeGenFileType FileType) const {
auto StartStopInfo = TargetPassConfig::getStartStopInfo(*PIC);
if (!StartStopInfo)
return StartStopInfo.takeError();
bool PrintAsm = TargetPassConfig::willCompleteCodeGenPipeline();
bool PrintMIR = !PrintAsm && FileType != CodeGenFileType::Null;
AddIRPass addIRPass(MPM, derived());
addIRPass(RequireAnalysisPass<MachineModuleAnalysis, Module>());
addIRPass(RequireAnalysisPass<ProfileSummaryAnalysis, Module>());
addIRPass(RequireAnalysisPass<CollectorMetadataAnalysis, Module>());
AddMachinePass addPass(MPM, derived());
if (PrintMIR)
addPass(PrintMIRPreparePass(Out), /*Force=*/true);
if (auto Err = addCoreISelPasses(addPass))
return std::move(Err);
if (auto Err = derived().addMachinePasses(addPass))
return std::move(Err);
if (PrintAsm) {
addPass, [this, &Out, DwoOut, FileType](MCContext &Ctx) {
return this->TM.createMCStreamer(Out, DwoOut, FileType, Ctx);
if (PrintMIR)
addPass(PrintMIRPass(Out), /*Force=*/true);
return verifyStartStop(*StartStopInfo);
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::setStartStopPasses(
const TargetPassConfig::StartStopInfo &Info) const {
if (!Info.StartPass.empty()) {
Started = false;
BeforeCallbacks.emplace_back([this, &Info, AfterFlag = Info.StartAfter,
Count = 0u](StringRef ClassName) mutable {
if (Count == Info.StartInstanceNum) {
if (AfterFlag) {
AfterFlag = false;
Started = true;
return Started;
auto PassName = PIC->getPassNameForClassName(ClassName);
if (Info.StartPass == PassName && ++Count == Info.StartInstanceNum)
Started = !Info.StartAfter;
return Started;
if (!Info.StopPass.empty()) {
Stopped = false;
BeforeCallbacks.emplace_back([this, &Info, AfterFlag = Info.StopAfter,
Count = 0u](StringRef ClassName) mutable {
if (Count == Info.StopInstanceNum) {
if (AfterFlag) {
AfterFlag = false;
Stopped = true;
return !Stopped;
auto PassName = PIC->getPassNameForClassName(ClassName);
if (Info.StopPass == PassName && ++Count == Info.StopInstanceNum)
Stopped = !Info.StopAfter;
return !Stopped;
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
Error CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::verifyStartStop(
const TargetPassConfig::StartStopInfo &Info) const {
if (Started && Stopped)
return Error::success();
if (!Started)
return make_error<StringError>(
"Can't find start pass \"" +
PIC->getPassNameForClassName(Info.StartPass) + "\".",
if (!Stopped)
return make_error<StringError>(
"Can't find stop pass \"" +
PIC->getPassNameForClassName(Info.StopPass) + "\".",
return Error::success();
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::addISelPasses(
AddIRPass &addPass) const {
if (TM.useEmulatedTLS())
/// Add common target configurable passes that perform LLVM IR to IR transforms
/// following machine independent optimization.
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::addIRPasses(
AddIRPass &addPass) const {
// Before running any passes, run the verifier to determine if the input
// coming from the front-end and/or optimizer is valid.
if (!Opt.DisableVerify)
// Run loop strength reduction before anything else.
if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOptLevel::None && !Opt.DisableLSR) {
// FIXME: use -stop-after so we could remove PrintLSR
if (Opt.PrintLSR)
addPass(PrintFunctionPass(dbgs(), "\n\n*** Code after LSR ***\n"));
if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOptLevel::None) {
// The MergeICmpsPass tries to create memcmp calls by grouping sequences of
// loads and compares. ExpandMemCmpPass then tries to expand those calls
// into optimally-sized loads and compares. The transforms are enabled by a
// target lowering hook.
if (!Opt.DisableMergeICmps)
// Run GC lowering passes for builtin collectors
// TODO: add a pass insertion point here
// Make sure that no unreachable blocks are instruction selected.
// Prepare expensive constants for SelectionDAG.
if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOptLevel::None && !Opt.DisableConstantHoisting)
// Replace calls to LLVM intrinsics (e.g., exp, log) operating on vector
// operands with calls to the corresponding functions in a vector library.
if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOptLevel::None)
if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOptLevel::None &&
// Instrument function entry and exit, e.g. with calls to mcount().
// Add scalarization of target's unsupported masked memory intrinsics pass.
// the unsupported intrinsic will be replaced with a chain of basic blocks,
// that stores/loads element one-by-one if the appropriate mask bit is set.
// Expand reduction intrinsics into shuffle sequences if the target wants to.
// Convert conditional moves to conditional jumps when profitable.
if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOptLevel::None && !Opt.DisableSelectOptimize)
/// Turn exception handling constructs into something the code generators can
/// handle.
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::addPassesToHandleExceptions(
AddIRPass &addPass) const {
const MCAsmInfo *MCAI = TM.getMCAsmInfo();
assert(MCAI && "No MCAsmInfo");
switch (MCAI->getExceptionHandlingType()) {
case ExceptionHandling::SjLj:
// SjLj piggy-backs on dwarf for this bit. The cleanups done apply to both
// Dwarf EH prepare needs to be run after SjLj prepare. Otherwise,
// catch info can get misplaced when a selector ends up more than one block
// removed from the parent invoke(s). This could happen when a landing
// pad is shared by multiple invokes and is also a target of a normal
// edge from elsewhere.
case ExceptionHandling::DwarfCFI:
case ExceptionHandling::ARM:
case ExceptionHandling::AIX:
case ExceptionHandling::ZOS:
case ExceptionHandling::WinEH:
// We support using both GCC-style and MSVC-style exceptions on Windows, so
// add both preparation passes. Each pass will only actually run if it
// recognizes the personality function.
case ExceptionHandling::Wasm:
// Wasm EH uses Windows EH instructions, but it does not need to demote PHIs
// on catchpads and cleanuppads because it does not outline them into
// funclets. Catchswitch blocks are not lowered in SelectionDAG, so we
// should remove PHIs there.
case ExceptionHandling::None:
// The lower invoke pass may create unreachable code. Remove it.
/// Add pass to prepare the LLVM IR for code generation. This should be done
/// before exception handling preparation passes.
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::addCodeGenPrepare(
AddIRPass &addPass) const {
if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOptLevel::None && !Opt.DisableCGP)
// TODO: Default ctor'd RewriteSymbolPass is no-op.
// addPass(RewriteSymbolPass());
/// Add common passes that perform LLVM IR to IR transforms in preparation for
/// instruction selection.
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::addISelPrepare(
AddIRPass &addPass) const {
// Add both the safe stack and the stack protection passes: each of them will
// only protect functions that have corresponding attributes.
if (Opt.PrintISelInput)
"\n\n*** Final LLVM Code input to ISel ***\n"));
// All passes which modify the LLVM IR are now complete; run the verifier
// to ensure that the IR is valid.
if (!Opt.DisableVerify)
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
Error CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::addCoreISelPasses(
AddMachinePass &addPass) const {
// Enable FastISel with -fast-isel, but allow that to be overridden.
// Determine an instruction selector.
enum class SelectorType { SelectionDAG, FastISel, GlobalISel };
SelectorType Selector;
if (Opt.EnableFastISelOption && *Opt.EnableFastISelOption == true)
Selector = SelectorType::FastISel;
else if ((Opt.EnableGlobalISelOption &&
*Opt.EnableGlobalISelOption == true) ||
(TM.Options.EnableGlobalISel &&
(!Opt.EnableGlobalISelOption ||
*Opt.EnableGlobalISelOption == false)))
Selector = SelectorType::GlobalISel;
else if (TM.getOptLevel() == CodeGenOptLevel::None && TM.getO0WantsFastISel())
Selector = SelectorType::FastISel;
Selector = SelectorType::SelectionDAG;
// Set consistently TM.Options.EnableFastISel and EnableGlobalISel.
if (Selector == SelectorType::FastISel) {
} else if (Selector == SelectorType::GlobalISel) {
// Add instruction selector passes.
if (Selector == SelectorType::GlobalISel) {
if (auto Err = derived().addIRTranslator(addPass))
return std::move(Err);
if (auto Err = derived().addLegalizeMachineIR(addPass))
return std::move(Err);
// Before running the register bank selector, ask the target if it
// wants to run some passes.
if (auto Err = derived().addRegBankSelect(addPass))
return std::move(Err);
if (auto Err = derived().addGlobalInstructionSelect(addPass))
return std::move(Err);
// Pass to reset the MachineFunction if the ISel failed.
// Provide a fallback path when we do not want to abort on
// not-yet-supported input.
if (!isGlobalISelAbortEnabled())
if (auto Err = derived().addInstSelector(addPass))
return std::move(Err);
} else if (auto Err = derived().addInstSelector(addPass))
return std::move(Err);
// Expand pseudo-instructions emitted by ISel. Don't run the verifier before
// FinalizeISel.
// // Print the instruction selected machine code...
// printAndVerify("After Instruction Selection");
return Error::success();
/// Add the complete set of target-independent postISel code generator passes.
/// This can be read as the standard order of major LLVM CodeGen stages. Stages
/// with nontrivial configuration or multiple passes are broken out below in
/// add%Stage routines.
/// Any CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachine>::addXX routine may be
/// overriden by the Target. The addPre/Post methods with empty header
/// implementations allow injecting target-specific fixups just before or after
/// major stages. Additionally, targets have the flexibility to change pass
/// order within a stage by overriding default implementation of add%Stage
/// routines below. Each technique has maintainability tradeoffs because
/// alternate pass orders are not well supported. addPre/Post works better if
/// the target pass is easily tied to a common pass. But if it has subtle
/// dependencies on multiple passes, the target should override the stage
/// instead.
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
Error CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::addMachinePasses(
AddMachinePass &addPass) const {
// Add passes that optimize machine instructions in SSA form.
if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOptLevel::None) {
} else {
// If the target requests it, assign local variables to stack slots relative
// to one another and simplify frame index references where possible.
if (TM.Options.EnableIPRA)
// Run pre-ra passes.
// Run register allocation and passes that are tightly coupled with it,
// including phi elimination and scheduling.
if (*Opt.OptimizeRegAlloc) {
} else {
if (auto Err = derived().addFastRegAlloc(addPass))
return Err;
// Run post-ra passes.
// Insert prolog/epilog code. Eliminate abstract frame index references...
if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOptLevel::None) {
/// Add passes that optimize machine instructions after register allocation.
if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOptLevel::None)
// Expand pseudo instructions before second scheduling pass.
// Run pre-sched2 passes.
if (Opt.EnableImplicitNullChecks)
// Second pass scheduler.
// Let Target optionally insert this pass by itself at some other
// point.
if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOptLevel::None &&
!TM.targetSchedulesPostRAScheduling()) {
if (Opt.MISchedPostRA)
// GC
// Basic block placement.
if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOptLevel::None)
// Insert before XRay Instrumentation.
if (TM.Options.EnableIPRA)
// Collect register usage information and produce a register mask of
// clobbered registers, to be used to optimize call sites.
if (TM.Options.EnableMachineOutliner &&
getOptLevel() != CodeGenOptLevel::None &&
Opt.EnableMachineOutliner != RunOutliner::NeverOutline) {
bool RunOnAllFunctions =
(Opt.EnableMachineOutliner == RunOutliner::AlwaysOutline);
bool AddOutliner = RunOnAllFunctions || TM.Options.SupportsDefaultOutlining;
if (AddOutliner)
// Add passes that directly emit MI after all other MI passes.
return Error::success();
/// Add passes that optimize machine instructions in SSA form.
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::addMachineSSAOptimization(
AddMachinePass &addPass) const {
// Pre-ra tail duplication.
// Optimize PHIs before DCE: removing dead PHI cycles may make more
// instructions dead.
// This pass merges large allocas. StackSlotColoring is a different pass
// which merges spill slots.
// If the target requests it, assign local variables to stack slots relative
// to one another and simplify frame index references where possible.
// With optimization, dead code should already be eliminated. However
// there is one known exception: lowered code for arguments that are only
// used by tail calls, where the tail calls reuse the incoming stack
// arguments directly (see t11 in test/CodeGen/X86/sibcall.ll).
// Allow targets to insert passes that improve instruction level parallelism,
// like if-conversion. Such passes will typically need dominator trees and
// loop info, just like LICM and CSE below.
// Clean-up the dead code that may have been generated by peephole
// rewriting.
/// Register Allocation Pass Configuration
/// Instantiate the default register allocator pass for this target for either
/// the optimized or unoptimized allocation path. This will be added to the pass
/// manager by addFastRegAlloc in the unoptimized case or addOptimizedRegAlloc
/// in the optimized case.
/// A target that uses the standard regalloc pass order for fast or optimized
/// allocation may still override this for per-target regalloc
/// selection. But -regalloc=... always takes precedence.
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::addTargetRegisterAllocator(
AddMachinePass &addPass, bool Optimized) const {
if (Optimized)
/// Find and instantiate the register allocation pass requested by this target
/// at the current optimization level. Different register allocators are
/// defined as separate passes because they may require different analysis.
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::addRegAllocPass(
AddMachinePass &addPass, bool Optimized) const {
// TODO: Parse Opt.RegAlloc to add register allocator.
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
Error CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::addRegAssignmentFast(
AddMachinePass &addPass) const {
// TODO: Ensure allocator is default or fast.
addRegAllocPass(addPass, false);
return Error::success();
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
Error CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::addRegAssignmentOptimized(
AddMachinePass &addPass) const {
// Add the selected register allocation pass.
addRegAllocPass(addPass, true);
// Allow targets to change the register assignments before rewriting.
// Finally rewrite virtual registers.
// Perform stack slot coloring and post-ra machine LICM.
// FIXME: Re-enable coloring with register when it's capable of adding
// kill markers.
return Error::success();
/// Add the minimum set of target-independent passes that are required for
/// register allocation. No coalescing or scheduling.
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
Error CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::addFastRegAlloc(
AddMachinePass &addPass) const {
return derived().addRegAssignmentFast(addPass);
/// Add standard target-independent passes that are tightly coupled with
/// optimized register allocation, including coalescing, machine instruction
/// scheduling, and register allocation itself.
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::addOptimizedRegAlloc(
AddMachinePass &addPass) const {
// Edge splitting is smarter with machine loop info.
// Eventually, we want to run LiveIntervals before PHI elimination.
if (Opt.EarlyLiveIntervals)
// The machine scheduler may accidentally create disconnected components
// when moving subregister definitions around, avoid this by splitting them to
// separate vregs before. Splitting can also improve reg. allocation quality.
// PreRA instruction scheduling.
if (derived().addRegAssignmentOptimized(addPass)) {
// Allow targets to expand pseudo instructions depending on the choice of
// registers before MachineCopyPropagation.
// Copy propagate to forward register uses and try to eliminate COPYs that
// were not coalesced.
// Run post-ra machine LICM to hoist reloads / remats.
// FIXME: can this move into MachineLateOptimization?
/// Post RegAlloc Pass Configuration
/// Add passes that optimize machine instructions after register allocation.
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::addMachineLateOptimization(
AddMachinePass &addPass) const {
// Branch folding must be run after regalloc and prolog/epilog insertion.
// Tail duplication.
// Note that duplicating tail just increases code size and degrades
// performance for targets that require Structured Control Flow.
// In addition it can also make CFG irreducible. Thus we disable it.
if (!TM.requiresStructuredCFG())
// Cleanup of redundant (identical) address/immediate loads.
// Copy propagation.
/// Add standard basic block placement passes.
template <typename Derived, typename TargetMachineT>
void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived, TargetMachineT>::addBlockPlacement(
AddMachinePass &addPass) const {
// Run a separate pass to collect block placement statistics.
if (Opt.EnableBlockPlacementStats)
} // namespace llvm