blob: 0cbc3ed1573d1a67990d212466dd8217b65a3b64 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- ProgressMeter.h -----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <optional>
#include <type_traits>
namespace llvm {
namespace exegesis {
/// Represents `\sum_{i=1..accumulated}{step_i} / accumulated`,
/// where `step_i` is the value passed to the `i`-th call to `step()`,
/// and `accumulated` is the total number of calls to `step()`.
template <typename NumTy, typename DenTy = int> class SimpleMovingAverage {
NumTy Accumulated = NumTy(0);
DenTy Steps = 0;
SimpleMovingAverage() = default;
SimpleMovingAverage(const SimpleMovingAverage &) = delete;
SimpleMovingAverage(SimpleMovingAverage &&) = delete;
SimpleMovingAverage &operator=(const SimpleMovingAverage &) = delete;
SimpleMovingAverage &operator=(SimpleMovingAverage &&) = delete;
inline void step(NumTy Quantity) {
Accumulated += Quantity;
inline NumTy getAccumulated() const { return Accumulated; }
inline DenTy getNumSteps() const { return Steps; }
template <typename AvgTy = NumTy>
inline std::optional<AvgTy> getAverage() const {
if (Steps == 0)
return std::nullopt;
return AvgTy(Accumulated) / Steps;
template <typename ClockTypeTy = std::chrono::steady_clock,
typename = std::enable_if_t<ClockTypeTy::is_steady>>
class ProgressMeter {
using ClockType = ClockTypeTy;
using TimePointType = std::chrono::time_point<ClockType>;
using DurationType = std::chrono::duration<typename ClockType::rep,
typename ClockType::period>;
using CompetionPercentage = int;
using Sec = std::chrono::duration<double, std::chrono::seconds::period>;
raw_ostream &Out;
const int NumStepsTotal;
SimpleMovingAverage<DurationType> ElapsedTotal;
friend class ProgressMeterStep;
class ProgressMeterStep {
ProgressMeter *P;
const TimePointType Begin;
inline ProgressMeterStep(ProgressMeter *P_)
: P(P_), Begin(P ? ProgressMeter<ClockType>::ClockType::now()
: TimePointType()) {}
inline ~ProgressMeterStep() {
if (!P)
const TimePointType End = ProgressMeter<ClockType>::ClockType::now();
P->step(End - Begin);
ProgressMeterStep(const ProgressMeterStep &) = delete;
ProgressMeterStep(ProgressMeterStep &&) = delete;
ProgressMeterStep &operator=(const ProgressMeterStep &) = delete;
ProgressMeterStep &operator=(ProgressMeterStep &&) = delete;
ProgressMeter(int NumStepsTotal_, raw_ostream &out_ = llvm::errs())
: Out(out_), NumStepsTotal(NumStepsTotal_) {
assert(NumStepsTotal > 0 && "No steps are planned?");
ProgressMeter(const ProgressMeter &) = delete;
ProgressMeter(ProgressMeter &&) = delete;
ProgressMeter &operator=(const ProgressMeter &) = delete;
ProgressMeter &operator=(ProgressMeter &&) = delete;
void step(DurationType Elapsed) {
assert((ElapsedTotal.getNumSteps() < NumStepsTotal) && "Step overflow!");
assert(Elapsed.count() >= 0 && "Negative time drift detected.");
auto [OldProgress, OldEta] = eta();
auto [NewProgress, NewEta] = eta();
if (NewProgress < OldProgress + 1)
Out << format("Processing... %*d%%", 3, NewProgress);
if (NewEta) {
int SecondsTotal = std::ceil(NewEta->count());
int Seconds = SecondsTotal % 60;
int MinutesTotal = SecondsTotal / 60;
Out << format(", ETA %02d:%02d", MinutesTotal, Seconds);
Out << "\n";
inline std::pair<CompetionPercentage, std::optional<Sec>> eta() const {
CompetionPercentage Progress =
(100 * ElapsedTotal.getNumSteps()) / NumStepsTotal;
std::optional<Sec> ETA;
if (std::optional<Sec> AverageStepDuration =
ElapsedTotal.template getAverage<Sec>())
ETA = (NumStepsTotal - ElapsedTotal.getNumSteps()) * *AverageStepDuration;
return {Progress, ETA};
} // namespace exegesis
} // namespace llvm