blob: 35b7dc9bd8fb42121d4d99ffd5615e4639158303 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: llvm-tblgen -gen-intrinsic-impl -I %p/../../include %s | FileCheck %s
// Get the minimum blurb necessary to process ...
include "llvm/CodeGen/"
include "llvm/CodeGen/"
class LLVMType<ValueType vt> {
ValueType VT = vt;
int isAny = 0;
def llvm_i32_ty : LLVMType<i32>;
class IntrinsicProperty<bit is_default = 0> {
bit IsDefault = is_default;
def IntrNoMem : IntrinsicProperty;
def IntrHasSideEffects : IntrinsicProperty;
class Intrinsic<list<LLVMType> ret_types,
list<LLVMType> param_types = [],
list<IntrinsicProperty> intr_properties = [],
string name = "",
list<SDNodeProperty> sd_properties = [],
bit disable_default_attributes = 0> : SDPatternOperator {
string LLVMName = name;
string TargetPrefix = "";
list<LLVMType> RetTypes = ret_types;
list<LLVMType> ParamTypes = param_types;
list<IntrinsicProperty> IntrProperties = intr_properties;
let Properties = sd_properties;
bit DisableDefaultAttributes = 1;
bit isTarget = 0;
bit DisableDefaultAttributes = disable_default_attributes;
// ... this intrinsic.
def int_random_gen : Intrinsic<[llvm_i32_ty], [], [IntrNoMem, IntrHasSideEffects]>;
// CHECK: static AttributeSet getIntrinsicFnAttributeSet(
// CHECK: case 0:
// CHECK-NEXT: return AttributeSet::get(C, {
// CHECK-NEXT: Attribute::get(C, Attribute::NoUnwind),
// CHECK-NEXT: });
// CHECK: 1, // llvm.random.gen
// CHECK: case 1:
// CHECK-NEXT: AS[0] = {AttributeList::FunctionIndex, getIntrinsicFnAttributeSet(C, 0)};