blob: f424e77182a913e81e44bac3a9f319bdcc1803e7 [file] [log] [blame]
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv64 -verify-machineinstrs < %s \
; RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=RV64I %s
; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv64 -mattr=+f -target-abi lp64f \
; RUN: -verify-machineinstrs < %s \
; RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=RV64I %s
; This file contains tests that should have identical output for the lp64 and
; lp64f ABIs. It doesn't check codegen when frame pointer elimination is
; disabled, as there is sufficient coverage for this case in other files.
define i64 @callee_double_in_regs(i64 %a, double %b) nounwind {
; RV64I-LABEL: callee_double_in_regs:
; RV64I: # %bb.0:
; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -16
; RV64I-NEXT: sd ra, 8(sp) # 8-byte Folded Spill
; RV64I-NEXT: sd s0, 0(sp) # 8-byte Folded Spill
; RV64I-NEXT: mv s0, a0
; RV64I-NEXT: mv a0, a1
; RV64I-NEXT: call __fixdfdi@plt
; RV64I-NEXT: add a0, s0, a0
; RV64I-NEXT: ld ra, 8(sp) # 8-byte Folded Reload
; RV64I-NEXT: ld s0, 0(sp) # 8-byte Folded Reload
; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 16
; RV64I-NEXT: ret
%b_fptosi = fptosi double %b to i64
%1 = add i64 %a, %b_fptosi
ret i64 %1
define i64 @caller_double_in_regs() nounwind {
; RV64I-LABEL: caller_double_in_regs:
; RV64I: # %bb.0:
; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -16
; RV64I-NEXT: sd ra, 8(sp) # 8-byte Folded Spill
; RV64I-NEXT: li a1, 1
; RV64I-NEXT: slli a1, a1, 62
; RV64I-NEXT: li a0, 1
; RV64I-NEXT: call callee_double_in_regs@plt
; RV64I-NEXT: ld ra, 8(sp) # 8-byte Folded Reload
; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 16
; RV64I-NEXT: ret
%1 = call i64 @callee_double_in_regs(i64 1, double 2.0)
ret i64 %1
define double @callee_double_ret() nounwind {
; RV64I-LABEL: callee_double_ret:
; RV64I: # %bb.0:
; RV64I-NEXT: li a0, 1023
; RV64I-NEXT: slli a0, a0, 52
; RV64I-NEXT: ret
ret double 1.0
define i64 @caller_double_ret() nounwind {
; RV64I-LABEL: caller_double_ret:
; RV64I: # %bb.0:
; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -16
; RV64I-NEXT: sd ra, 8(sp) # 8-byte Folded Spill
; RV64I-NEXT: call callee_double_ret@plt
; RV64I-NEXT: ld ra, 8(sp) # 8-byte Folded Reload
; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 16
; RV64I-NEXT: ret
%1 = call double @callee_double_ret()
%2 = bitcast double %1 to i64
ret i64 %2