blob: 1f0e09371d6d5d995558eab2cc13e2da8b46af8c [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -mcpu=fiji -enable-ipra=0 -verify-machineinstrs < %s | FileCheck -enable-var-scope --check-prefix=GCN %s
; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -mcpu=hawaii -enable-ipra=0 -verify-machineinstrs < %s | FileCheck -enable-var-scope --check-prefix=GCN %s
%struct.ByValStruct = type { [4 x i32] }
; Make sure the offset is folded and function's frame register is used
; rather than the global scratch wave offset.
; GCN-LABEL: {{^}}void_func_byval_struct_use_outside_entry_block:
; GCN-NOT: v_lshrrev_b32
; GCN-NOT: s_sub_u32
; GCN: s_and_saveexec_b64
; GCN: s_cbranch_execz [[BB1:.LBB[0-9]+_[0-9]+]]
; GCN: buffer_load_dword [[LOAD0:v[0-9]+]], off, s[0:3], s32 glc{{$}}
; GCN-NOT: s32
; GCN: buffer_store_dword [[LOAD0]], off, s[0:3], s32{{$}}
; GCN-NOT: s32
; GCN: buffer_load_dword [[LOAD1:v[0-9]+]], off, s[0:3], s32 offset:16 glc{{$}}
; GCN-NOT: s32
; GCN: buffer_store_dword [[LOAD1]], off, s[0:3], s32 offset:16{{$}}
; GCN-NOT: s32
; GCN: [[BB1]]
; GCN: s_or_b64 exec, exec
define hidden void @void_func_byval_struct_use_outside_entry_block(ptr addrspace(5) byval(%struct.ByValStruct) noalias nocapture align 4 %arg0, ptr addrspace(5) byval(%struct.ByValStruct) noalias nocapture align 4 %arg1, i1 %cond) #1 {
br i1 %cond, label %bb0, label %bb1
%tmp = load volatile i32, ptr addrspace(5) %arg0, align 4
%add = add nsw i32 %tmp, 1
store volatile i32 %add, ptr addrspace(5) %arg0, align 4
%tmp1 = load volatile i32, ptr addrspace(5) %arg1, align 4
%add3 = add nsw i32 %tmp1, 2
store volatile i32 %add3, ptr addrspace(5) %arg1, align 4
store volatile i32 9, ptr addrspace(1) null, align 4
br label %bb1
ret void
declare hidden void @external_void_func_void() #0
declare void @llvm.lifetime.start.p5(i64, ptr addrspace(5) nocapture) #3
declare void @llvm.lifetime.end.p5(i64, ptr addrspace(5) nocapture) #3
attributes #0 = { nounwind }
attributes #1 = { noinline norecurse nounwind }
attributes #2 = { nounwind norecurse "frame-pointer"="all" }