blob: 05ea7a83d3e1084097cbc6d7673c10efa563ae63 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- NVPTXLowerArgs.cpp - Lower arguments ------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Arguments to kernel and device functions are passed via param space,
// which imposes certain restrictions:
// Kernel parameters are read-only and accessible only via ld.param
// instruction, directly or via a pointer. Pointers to kernel
// arguments can't be converted to generic address space.
// Device function parameters are directly accessible via
// ld.param/st.param, but taking the address of one returns a pointer
// to a copy created in local space which *can't* be used with
// ld.param/st.param.
// Copying a byval struct into local memory in IR allows us to enforce
// the param space restrictions, gives the rest of IR a pointer w/o
// param space restrictions, and gives us an opportunity to eliminate
// the copy.
// Pointer arguments to kernel functions need more work to be lowered:
// 1. Convert non-byval pointer arguments of CUDA kernels to pointers in the
// global address space. This allows later optimizations to emit
//*/* for accessing these pointer arguments. For
// example,
// define void @foo(float* %input) {
// %v = load float, float* %input, align 4
// ...
// }
// becomes
// define void @foo(float* %input) {
// %input2 = addrspacecast float* %input to float addrspace(1)*
// %input3 = addrspacecast float addrspace(1)* %input2 to float*
// %v = load float, float* %input3, align 4
// ...
// }
// Later, NVPTXInferAddressSpaces will optimize it to
// define void @foo(float* %input) {
// %input2 = addrspacecast float* %input to float addrspace(1)*
// %v = load float, float addrspace(1)* %input2, align 4
// ...
// }
// 2. Convert pointers in a byval kernel parameter to pointers in the global
// address space. As #2, it allows NVPTX to emit more ld/ E.g.,
// struct S {
// int *x;
// int *y;
// };
// __global__ void foo(S s) {
// int *b = s.y;
// // use b
// }
// "b" points to the global address space. In the IR level,
// define void @foo({i32*, i32*}* byval %input) {
// %b_ptr = getelementptr {i32*, i32*}, {i32*, i32*}* %input, i64 0, i32 1
// %b = load i32*, i32** %b_ptr
// ; use %b
// }
// becomes
// define void @foo({i32*, i32*}* byval %input) {
// %b_ptr = getelementptr {i32*, i32*}, {i32*, i32*}* %input, i64 0, i32 1
// %b = load i32*, i32** %b_ptr
// %b_global = addrspacecast i32* %b to i32 addrspace(1)*
// %b_generic = addrspacecast i32 addrspace(1)* %b_global to i32*
// ; use %b_generic
// }
// TODO: merge this pass with NVPTXInferAddressSpaces so that other passes don't
// cancel the addrspacecast pair this pass emits.
#include "MCTargetDesc/NVPTXBaseInfo.h"
#include "NVPTX.h"
#include "NVPTXTargetMachine.h"
#include "NVPTXUtilities.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ValueTracking.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetPassConfig.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
#include "llvm/InitializePasses.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include <numeric>
#include <queue>
#define DEBUG_TYPE "nvptx-lower-args"
using namespace llvm;
namespace llvm {
void initializeNVPTXLowerArgsPass(PassRegistry &);
namespace {
class NVPTXLowerArgs : public FunctionPass {
bool runOnFunction(Function &F) override;
bool runOnKernelFunction(const NVPTXTargetMachine &TM, Function &F);
bool runOnDeviceFunction(const NVPTXTargetMachine &TM, Function &F);
// handle byval parameters
void handleByValParam(const NVPTXTargetMachine &TM, Argument *Arg);
// Knowing Ptr must point to the global address space, this function
// addrspacecasts Ptr to global and then back to generic. This allows
// NVPTXInferAddressSpaces to fold the global-to-generic cast into
// loads/stores that appear later.
void markPointerAsGlobal(Value *Ptr);
static char ID; // Pass identification, replacement for typeid
NVPTXLowerArgs() : FunctionPass(ID) {}
StringRef getPassName() const override {
return "Lower pointer arguments of CUDA kernels";
void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
} // namespace
char NVPTXLowerArgs::ID = 1;
INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(NVPTXLowerArgs, "nvptx-lower-args",
"Lower arguments (NVPTX)", false, false)
INITIALIZE_PASS_END(NVPTXLowerArgs, "nvptx-lower-args",
"Lower arguments (NVPTX)", false, false)
// =============================================================================
// If the function had a byval struct ptr arg, say foo(%struct.x* byval %d),
// and we can't guarantee that the only accesses are loads,
// then add the following instructions to the first basic block:
// %temp = alloca %struct.x, align 8
// %tempd = addrspacecast %struct.x* %d to %struct.x addrspace(101)*
// %tv = load %struct.x addrspace(101)* %tempd
// store %struct.x %tv, %struct.x* %temp, align 8
// The above code allocates some space in the stack and copies the incoming
// struct from param space to local space.
// Then replace all occurrences of %d by %temp.
// In case we know that all users are GEPs or Loads, replace them with the same
// ones in parameter AS, so we can access them using ld.param.
// =============================================================================
// Replaces the \p OldUser instruction with the same in parameter AS.
// Only Load and GEP are supported.
static void convertToParamAS(Value *OldUser, Value *Param) {
Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(OldUser);
assert(I && "OldUser must be an instruction");
struct IP {
Instruction *OldInstruction;
Value *NewParam;
SmallVector<IP> ItemsToConvert = {{I, Param}};
SmallVector<Instruction *> InstructionsToDelete;
auto CloneInstInParamAS = [](const IP &I) -> Value * {
if (auto *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I.OldInstruction)) {
LI->setOperand(0, I.NewParam);
return LI;
if (auto *GEP = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(I.OldInstruction)) {
SmallVector<Value *, 4> Indices(GEP->indices());
auto *NewGEP = GetElementPtrInst::Create(GEP->getSourceElementType(),
I.NewParam, Indices,
GEP->getName(), GEP);
return NewGEP;
if (auto *BC = dyn_cast<BitCastInst>(I.OldInstruction)) {
auto *NewBCType = PointerType::getWithSamePointeeType(
cast<PointerType>(BC->getType()), ADDRESS_SPACE_PARAM);
return BitCastInst::Create(BC->getOpcode(), I.NewParam, NewBCType,
BC->getName(), BC);
if (auto *ASC = dyn_cast<AddrSpaceCastInst>(I.OldInstruction)) {
assert(ASC->getDestAddressSpace() == ADDRESS_SPACE_PARAM);
// Just pass through the argument, the old ASC is no longer needed.
return I.NewParam;
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported instruction");
while (!ItemsToConvert.empty()) {
IP I = ItemsToConvert.pop_back_val();
Value *NewInst = CloneInstInParamAS(I);
if (NewInst && NewInst != I.OldInstruction) {
// We've created a new instruction. Queue users of the old instruction to
// be converted and the instruction itself to be deleted. We can't delete
// the old instruction yet, because it's still in use by a load somewhere.
for (Value *V : I.OldInstruction->users())
ItemsToConvert.push_back({cast<Instruction>(V), NewInst});
// Now we know that all argument loads are using addresses in parameter space
// and we can finally remove the old instructions in generic AS. Instructions
// scheduled for removal should be processed in reverse order so the ones
// closest to the load are deleted first. Otherwise they may still be in use.
// E.g if we have Value = Load(BitCast(GEP(arg))), InstructionsToDelete will
// have {GEP,BitCast}. GEP can't be deleted first, because it's still used by
// the BitCast.
for (Instruction *I : llvm::reverse(InstructionsToDelete))
// Adjust alignment of arguments passed byval in .param address space. We can
// increase alignment of such arguments in a way that ensures that we can
// effectively vectorize their loads. We should also traverse all loads from
// byval pointer and adjust their alignment, if those were using known offset.
// Such alignment changes must be conformed with parameter store and load in
// NVPTXTargetLowering::LowerCall.
static void adjustByValArgAlignment(Argument *Arg, Value *ArgInParamAS,
const NVPTXTargetLowering *TLI) {
Function *Func = Arg->getParent();
Type *StructType = Arg->getParamByValType();
const DataLayout DL(Func->getParent());
uint64_t NewArgAlign =
TLI->getFunctionParamOptimizedAlign(Func, StructType, DL).value();
uint64_t CurArgAlign =
if (CurArgAlign >= NewArgAlign)
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Try to use alignment " << NewArgAlign << " instead of "
<< CurArgAlign << " for " << *Arg << '\n');
auto NewAlignAttr =
Attribute::get(Func->getContext(), Attribute::Alignment, NewArgAlign);
struct Load {
LoadInst *Inst;
uint64_t Offset;
struct LoadContext {
Value *InitialVal;
uint64_t Offset;
SmallVector<Load> Loads;
std::queue<LoadContext> Worklist;
Worklist.push({ArgInParamAS, 0});
while (!Worklist.empty()) {
LoadContext Ctx = Worklist.front();
for (User *CurUser : Ctx.InitialVal->users()) {
if (auto *I = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(CurUser)) {
Loads.push_back({I, Ctx.Offset});
if (auto *I = dyn_cast<BitCastInst>(CurUser)) {
Worklist.push({I, Ctx.Offset});
if (auto *I = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(CurUser)) {
APInt OffsetAccumulated =
if (!I->accumulateConstantOffset(DL, OffsetAccumulated))
uint64_t OffsetLimit = -1;
uint64_t Offset = OffsetAccumulated.getLimitedValue(OffsetLimit);
assert(Offset != OffsetLimit && "Expect Offset less than UINT64_MAX");
Worklist.push({I, Ctx.Offset + Offset});
llvm_unreachable("All users must be one of: load, "
"bitcast, getelementptr.");
for (Load &CurLoad : Loads) {
Align NewLoadAlign(std::gcd(NewArgAlign, CurLoad.Offset));
Align CurLoadAlign(CurLoad.Inst->getAlign());
CurLoad.Inst->setAlignment(std::max(NewLoadAlign, CurLoadAlign));
void NVPTXLowerArgs::handleByValParam(const NVPTXTargetMachine &TM,
Argument *Arg) {
Function *Func = Arg->getParent();
Instruction *FirstInst = &(Func->getEntryBlock().front());
Type *StructType = Arg->getParamByValType();
assert(StructType && "Missing byval type");
auto IsALoadChain = [&](Value *Start) {
SmallVector<Value *, 16> ValuesToCheck = {Start};
auto IsALoadChainInstr = [](Value *V) -> bool {
if (isa<GetElementPtrInst>(V) || isa<BitCastInst>(V) || isa<LoadInst>(V))
return true;
// ASC to param space are OK, too -- we'll just strip them.
if (auto *ASC = dyn_cast<AddrSpaceCastInst>(V)) {
if (ASC->getDestAddressSpace() == ADDRESS_SPACE_PARAM)
return true;
return false;
while (!ValuesToCheck.empty()) {
Value *V = ValuesToCheck.pop_back_val();
if (!IsALoadChainInstr(V)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Need a copy of " << *Arg << " because of " << *V
<< "\n");
return false;
if (!isa<LoadInst>(V))
llvm::append_range(ValuesToCheck, V->users());
return true;
if (llvm::all_of(Arg->users(), IsALoadChain)) {
// Convert all loads and intermediate operations to use parameter AS and
// skip creation of a local copy of the argument.
SmallVector<User *, 16> UsersToUpdate(Arg->users());
Value *ArgInParamAS = new AddrSpaceCastInst(
Arg, PointerType::get(StructType, ADDRESS_SPACE_PARAM), Arg->getName(),
for (Value *V : UsersToUpdate)
convertToParamAS(V, ArgInParamAS);
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "No need to copy " << *Arg << "\n");
const auto *TLI =
adjustByValArgAlignment(Arg, ArgInParamAS, TLI);
// Otherwise we have to create a temporary copy.
const DataLayout &DL = Func->getParent()->getDataLayout();
unsigned AS = DL.getAllocaAddrSpace();
AllocaInst *AllocA = new AllocaInst(StructType, AS, Arg->getName(), FirstInst);
// Set the alignment to alignment of the byval parameter. This is because,
// later load/stores assume that alignment, and we are going to replace
// the use of the byval parameter with this alloca instruction.
Value *ArgInParam = new AddrSpaceCastInst(
Arg, PointerType::get(StructType, ADDRESS_SPACE_PARAM), Arg->getName(),
// Be sure to propagate alignment to this load; LLVM doesn't know that NVPTX
// addrspacecast preserves alignment. Since params are constant, this load is
// definitely not volatile.
LoadInst *LI =
new LoadInst(StructType, ArgInParam, Arg->getName(),
/*isVolatile=*/false, AllocA->getAlign(), FirstInst);
new StoreInst(LI, AllocA, FirstInst);
void NVPTXLowerArgs::markPointerAsGlobal(Value *Ptr) {
if (Ptr->getType()->getPointerAddressSpace() != ADDRESS_SPACE_GENERIC)
// Deciding where to emit the addrspacecast pair.
BasicBlock::iterator InsertPt;
if (Argument *Arg = dyn_cast<Argument>(Ptr)) {
// Insert at the functon entry if Ptr is an argument.
InsertPt = Arg->getParent()->getEntryBlock().begin();
} else {
// Insert right after Ptr if Ptr is an instruction.
InsertPt = ++cast<Instruction>(Ptr)->getIterator();
assert(InsertPt != InsertPt->getParent()->end() &&
"We don't call this function with Ptr being a terminator.");
Instruction *PtrInGlobal = new AddrSpaceCastInst(
Ptr->getName(), &*InsertPt);
Value *PtrInGeneric = new AddrSpaceCastInst(PtrInGlobal, Ptr->getType(),
Ptr->getName(), &*InsertPt);
// Replace with PtrInGeneric all uses of Ptr except PtrInGlobal.
PtrInGlobal->setOperand(0, Ptr);
// =============================================================================
// Main function for this pass.
// =============================================================================
bool NVPTXLowerArgs::runOnKernelFunction(const NVPTXTargetMachine &TM,
Function &F) {
// Copying of byval aggregates + SROA may result in pointers being loaded as
// integers, followed by intotoptr. We may want to mark those as global, too,
// but only if the loaded integer is used exclusively for conversion to a
// pointer with inttoptr.
auto HandleIntToPtr = [this](Value &V) {
if (llvm::all_of(V.users(), [](User *U) { return isa<IntToPtrInst>(U); })) {
SmallVector<User *, 16> UsersToUpdate(V.users());
llvm::for_each(UsersToUpdate, [&](User *U) { markPointerAsGlobal(U); });
if (TM.getDrvInterface() == NVPTX::CUDA) {
// Mark pointers in byval structs as global.
for (auto &B : F) {
for (auto &I : B) {
if (LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(&I)) {
if (LI->getType()->isPointerTy() || LI->getType()->isIntegerTy()) {
Value *UO = getUnderlyingObject(LI->getPointerOperand());
if (Argument *Arg = dyn_cast<Argument>(UO)) {
if (Arg->hasByValAttr()) {
// LI is a load from a pointer within a byval kernel parameter.
if (LI->getType()->isPointerTy())
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Lowering kernel args of " << F.getName() << "\n");
for (Argument &Arg : F.args()) {
if (Arg.getType()->isPointerTy()) {
if (Arg.hasByValAttr())
handleByValParam(TM, &Arg);
else if (TM.getDrvInterface() == NVPTX::CUDA)
} else if (Arg.getType()->isIntegerTy() &&
TM.getDrvInterface() == NVPTX::CUDA) {
return true;
// Device functions only need to copy byval args into local memory.
bool NVPTXLowerArgs::runOnDeviceFunction(const NVPTXTargetMachine &TM,
Function &F) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Lowering function args of " << F.getName() << "\n");
for (Argument &Arg : F.args())
if (Arg.getType()->isPointerTy() && Arg.hasByValAttr())
handleByValParam(TM, &Arg);
return true;
bool NVPTXLowerArgs::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
auto &TM = getAnalysis<TargetPassConfig>().getTM<NVPTXTargetMachine>();
return isKernelFunction(F) ? runOnKernelFunction(TM, F)
: runOnDeviceFunction(TM, F);
FunctionPass *llvm::createNVPTXLowerArgsPass() { return new NVPTXLowerArgs(); }