blob: 78b273bf8f889a97125fc6a1e2c4bc96bda4b215 [file] [log] [blame]
; Diff file with itself, assert no difference by return code
; RUN: llvm-diff %s %s
; Replace %newvar1 with %newvar2 in the phi node. This can only
; be detected to be different once BB1 has been processed.
; RUN: rm -f %t.ll
; RUN: cat %s | sed -e 's/ %newvar1, %BB1 / %newvar2, %BB1 /' > %t.ll
; RUN: not llvm-diff %s %t.ll 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix DIFFERENT-VAR %s
; DIFFERENT-VAR: in function func:
; DIFFERENT-VAR-NEXT: in block %BB0:
; DIFFERENT-VAR-NEXT: > %var = phi i32 [ 0, %ENTRY ], [ %newvar2, %BB1 ]
; DIFFERENT-VAR-NEXT: < %var = phi i32 [ 0, %ENTRY ], [ %newvar1, %BB1 ]
define i32 @func() {
br label %BB0
; When diffing this phi node, we need to detect whether
; %newvar1 is equivalent, which is not known until BB1 has been processed.
%var = phi i32 [ 0, %ENTRY ], [ %newvar1, %BB1 ]
%cnd = icmp eq i32 %var, 0
br i1 %cnd, label %BB1, label %END
%newvar1 = add i32 %var, 1
%newvar2 = add i32 %var, 2
br label %BB0
; Equivalence of the ret depends on equivalence of %var.
; Even if %var differs, we do not report a diff here, because
; this is an indirect diff caused by another diff.
ret i32 %var