blob: 69bcde38c7ef282097e0441192cd738ee59292dc [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: llvm-tblgen -gen-instr-info -I %p/../../include %s | FileCheck %s
// Check that getOperandType has the expected info in it
include "llvm/Target/"
def archInstrInfo : InstrInfo { }
def arch : Target {
let InstructionSet = archInstrInfo;
def Reg : Register<"reg">;
def RegClass : RegisterClass<"foo", [i32], 0, (add Reg)>;
def OpA : Operand<i32>;
def OpB : Operand<i32>;
def InstA : Instruction {
let Size = 1;
let OutOperandList = (outs OpA:$a);
let InOperandList = (ins OpB:$b, i32imm:$c);
field bits<8> Inst;
field bits<8> SoftFail = 0;
let Namespace = "MyNamespace";
def InstB : Instruction {
let Size = 1;
let OutOperandList = (outs i32imm:$d);
let InOperandList = (ins unknown:$x);
field bits<8> Inst;
field bits<8> SoftFail = 0;
let Namespace = "MyNamespace";
// CHECK: OpTypes::OpA, OpTypes::OpB, OpTypes::i32imm,
// CHECK-NEXT: OpTypes::i32imm, -1,