blob: 003c13b4a20d05bdc7eef1119adfcec9c345eac3 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- TypeSerialzier.cpp -------------------------------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/TypeSerializer.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/CodeView.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/RecordSerialization.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/TypeIndex.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/BinaryByteStream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamWriter.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::codeview;
namespace {
struct HashedType {
uint64_t Hash;
const uint8_t *Data;
unsigned Size; // FIXME: Go to uint16_t?
TypeIndex Index;
/// Wrapper around a poitner to a HashedType. Hash and equality operations are
/// based on data in the pointee.
struct HashedTypePtr {
HashedTypePtr() = default;
HashedTypePtr(HashedType *Ptr) : Ptr(Ptr) {}
HashedType *Ptr = nullptr;
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace llvm {
template <> struct DenseMapInfo<HashedTypePtr> {
static inline HashedTypePtr getEmptyKey() { return HashedTypePtr(nullptr); }
static inline HashedTypePtr getTombstoneKey() {
return HashedTypePtr(reinterpret_cast<HashedType *>(1));
static unsigned getHashValue(HashedTypePtr Val) {
assert(Val.Ptr != getEmptyKey().Ptr && Val.Ptr != getTombstoneKey().Ptr);
return Val.Ptr->Hash;
static bool isEqual(HashedTypePtr LHSP, HashedTypePtr RHSP) {
HashedType *LHS = LHSP.Ptr;
HashedType *RHS = RHSP.Ptr;
if (RHS == getEmptyKey().Ptr || RHS == getTombstoneKey().Ptr)
return LHS == RHS;
if (LHS->Hash != RHS->Hash || LHS->Size != RHS->Size)
return false;
return ::memcmp(LHS->Data, RHS->Data, LHS->Size) == 0;
} // end namespace llvm
/// Private implementation so that we don't leak our DenseMap instantiations to
/// users.
class llvm::codeview::TypeHasher {
/// Storage for type record provided by the caller. Records will outlive the
/// hasher object, so they should be allocated here.
BumpPtrAllocator &RecordStorage;
/// Storage for hash keys. These only need to live as long as the hashing
/// operation.
BumpPtrAllocator KeyStorage;
/// Hash table. We really want a DenseMap<ArrayRef<uint8_t>, TypeIndex> here,
/// but DenseMap is inefficient when the keys are long (like type records)
/// because it recomputes the hash value of every key when it grows. This
/// value type stores the hash out of line in KeyStorage, so that table
/// entries are small and easy to rehash.
DenseSet<HashedTypePtr> HashedRecords;
TypeHasher(BumpPtrAllocator &RecordStorage) : RecordStorage(RecordStorage) {}
void reset() { HashedRecords.clear(); }
/// Takes the bytes of type record, inserts them into the hash table, saves
/// them, and returns a pointer to an identical stable type record along with
/// its type index in the destination stream.
TypeIndex getOrCreateRecord(ArrayRef<uint8_t> &Record, TypeIndex TI);
TypeIndex TypeHasher::getOrCreateRecord(ArrayRef<uint8_t> &Record,
TypeIndex TI) {
assert(Record.size() < UINT32_MAX && "Record too big");
assert(Record.size() % 4 == 0 && "Record is not aligned to 4 bytes!");
// Compute the hash up front so we can store it in the key.
HashedType TempHashedType = {hash_value(Record),,
unsigned(Record.size()), TI};
auto Result = HashedRecords.insert(HashedTypePtr(&TempHashedType));
HashedType *&Hashed = Result.first->Ptr;
if (Result.second) {
// This was a new type record. We need stable storage for both the key and
// the record. The record should outlive the hashing operation.
Hashed = KeyStorage.Allocate<HashedType>();
*Hashed = TempHashedType;
uint8_t *Stable = RecordStorage.Allocate<uint8_t>(Record.size());
memcpy(Stable,, Record.size());
Hashed->Data = Stable;
assert(Hashed->Size == Record.size());
// Update the caller's copy of Record to point a stable copy.
Record = ArrayRef<uint8_t>(Hashed->Data, Hashed->Size);
return Hashed->Index;
TypeIndex TypeSerializer::nextTypeIndex() const {
return TypeIndex::fromArrayIndex(SeenRecords.size());
bool TypeSerializer::isInFieldList() const {
return TypeKind.hasValue() && *TypeKind == TypeLeafKind::LF_FIELDLIST;
MutableArrayRef<uint8_t> TypeSerializer::getCurrentSubRecordData() {
return getCurrentRecordData().drop_front(CurrentSegment.length());
MutableArrayRef<uint8_t> TypeSerializer::getCurrentRecordData() {
return MutableArrayRef<uint8_t>(RecordBuffer).take_front(Writer.getOffset());
Error TypeSerializer::writeRecordPrefix(TypeLeafKind Kind) {
RecordPrefix Prefix;
Prefix.RecordKind = Kind;
Prefix.RecordLen = 0;
if (auto EC = Writer.writeObject(Prefix))
return EC;
return Error::success();
TypeSerializer::addPadding(MutableArrayRef<uint8_t> Record) {
uint32_t Align = Record.size() % 4;
if (Align == 0)
return Record;
int PaddingBytes = 4 - Align;
int N = PaddingBytes;
while (PaddingBytes > 0) {
uint8_t Pad = static_cast<uint8_t>(LF_PAD0 + PaddingBytes);
if (auto EC = Writer.writeInteger(Pad))
return std::move(EC);
return MutableArrayRef<uint8_t>(, Record.size() + N);
TypeSerializer::TypeSerializer(BumpPtrAllocator &Storage, bool Hash)
: RecordStorage(Storage), RecordBuffer(MaxRecordLength * 2),
Stream(RecordBuffer, support::little), Writer(Stream),
Mapping(Writer) {
// RecordBuffer needs to be able to hold enough data so that if we are 1
// byte short of MaxRecordLen, and then we try to write MaxRecordLen bytes,
// we won't overflow.
if (Hash)
Hasher = llvm::make_unique<TypeHasher>(Storage);
TypeSerializer::~TypeSerializer() = default;
ArrayRef<ArrayRef<uint8_t>> TypeSerializer::records() const {
return SeenRecords;
void TypeSerializer::reset() {
if (Hasher)
CurrentSegment = RecordSegment();
TypeIndex TypeSerializer::insertRecordBytes(ArrayRef<uint8_t> &Record) {
assert(!TypeKind.hasValue() && "Already in a type mapping!");
assert(Writer.getOffset() == 0 && "Stream has data already!");
if (Hasher) {
TypeIndex ActualTI = Hasher->getOrCreateRecord(Record, nextTypeIndex());
if (nextTypeIndex() == ActualTI)
return ActualTI;
TypeIndex NewTI = nextTypeIndex();
uint8_t *Stable = RecordStorage.Allocate<uint8_t>(Record.size());
memcpy(Stable,, Record.size());
Record = ArrayRef<uint8_t>(Stable, Record.size());
return NewTI;
TypeIndex TypeSerializer::insertRecord(const RemappedType &Record) {
assert(!TypeKind.hasValue() && "Already in a type mapping!");
assert(Writer.getOffset() == 0 && "Stream has data already!");
TypeIndex TI;
ArrayRef<uint8_t> OriginalData = Record.OriginalRecord.RecordData;
if (Record.Mappings.empty()) {
// This record did not remap any type indices. Just write it.
return insertRecordBytes(OriginalData);
// At least one type index was remapped. Before we can hash it we have to
// copy the full record bytes, re-write each type index, then hash the copy.
// We do this in temporary storage since only the DenseMap can decide whether
// this record already exists, and if it does we don't want the memory to
// stick around.
::memcpy(&RemapStorage[0],, OriginalData.size());
uint8_t *ContentBegin = + sizeof(RecordPrefix);
for (const auto &M : Record.Mappings) {
// First 4 bytes of every record are the record prefix, but the mapping
// offset is relative to the content which starts after.
*(TypeIndex *)(ContentBegin + M.first) = M.second;
auto RemapRef = makeArrayRef(RemapStorage);
return insertRecordBytes(RemapRef);
Error TypeSerializer::visitTypeBegin(CVType &Record) {
assert(!TypeKind.hasValue() && "Already in a type mapping!");
assert(Writer.getOffset() == 0 && "Stream has data already!");
if (auto EC = writeRecordPrefix(Record.kind()))
return EC;
TypeKind = Record.kind();
if (auto EC = Mapping.visitTypeBegin(Record))
return EC;
return Error::success();
Expected<TypeIndex> TypeSerializer::visitTypeEndGetIndex(CVType &Record) {
assert(TypeKind.hasValue() && "Not in a type mapping!");
if (auto EC = Mapping.visitTypeEnd(Record))
return std::move(EC);
// Update the record's length and fill out the CVType members to point to
// the stable memory holding the record's data.
auto ThisRecordData = getCurrentRecordData();
auto ExpectedData = addPadding(ThisRecordData);
if (!ExpectedData)
return ExpectedData.takeError();
ThisRecordData = *ExpectedData;
RecordPrefix *Prefix =
reinterpret_cast<RecordPrefix *>(;
Prefix->RecordLen = ThisRecordData.size() - sizeof(uint16_t);
Record.Type = *TypeKind;
Record.RecordData = ThisRecordData;
// insertRecordBytes assumes we're not in a mapping, so do this first.
TypeIndex InsertedTypeIndex = insertRecordBytes(Record.RecordData);
// Write out each additional segment in reverse order, and update each
// record's continuation index to point to the previous one.
for (auto X : reverse(FieldListSegments)) {
auto CIBytes = X.take_back(sizeof(uint32_t));
support::ulittle32_t *CI =
reinterpret_cast<support::ulittle32_t *>(;
assert(*CI == 0xB0C0B0C0 && "Invalid TypeIndex placeholder");
*CI = InsertedTypeIndex.getIndex();
InsertedTypeIndex = insertRecordBytes(X);
return InsertedTypeIndex;
Error TypeSerializer::visitTypeEnd(CVType &Record) {
auto ExpectedIndex = visitTypeEndGetIndex(Record);
if (!ExpectedIndex)
return ExpectedIndex.takeError();
return Error::success();
Error TypeSerializer::visitMemberBegin(CVMemberRecord &Record) {
assert(isInFieldList() && "Not in a field list!");
assert(!MemberKind.hasValue() && "Already in a member record!");
MemberKind = Record.Kind;
if (auto EC = Mapping.visitMemberBegin(Record))
return EC;
return Error::success();
Error TypeSerializer::visitMemberEnd(CVMemberRecord &Record) {
if (auto EC = Mapping.visitMemberEnd(Record))
return EC;
// Check if this subrecord makes the current segment not fit in 64K minus
// the space for a continuation record (8 bytes). If the segment does not
// fit, insert a continuation record.
if (Writer.getOffset() > MaxRecordLength - ContinuationLength) {
MutableArrayRef<uint8_t> Data = getCurrentRecordData();
SubRecord LastSubRecord = CurrentSegment.SubRecords.back();
uint32_t CopySize = CurrentSegment.length() - LastSubRecord.Size;
auto CopyData = Data.take_front(CopySize);
auto LeftOverData = Data.drop_front(CopySize);
assert(LastSubRecord.Size == LeftOverData.size());
// Allocate stable storage for the record and copy the old record plus
// continuation over.
uint16_t LengthWithSize = CopySize + ContinuationLength;
assert(LengthWithSize <= MaxRecordLength);
RecordPrefix *Prefix = reinterpret_cast<RecordPrefix *>(;
Prefix->RecordLen = LengthWithSize - sizeof(uint16_t);
uint8_t *SegmentBytes = RecordStorage.Allocate<uint8_t>(LengthWithSize);
auto SavedSegment = MutableArrayRef<uint8_t>(SegmentBytes, LengthWithSize);
MutableBinaryByteStream CS(SavedSegment, support::little);
BinaryStreamWriter CW(CS);
if (auto EC = CW.writeBytes(CopyData))
return EC;
if (auto EC = CW.writeEnum(TypeLeafKind::LF_INDEX))
return EC;
if (auto EC = CW.writeInteger<uint16_t>(0))
return EC;
if (auto EC = CW.writeInteger<uint32_t>(0xB0C0B0C0))
return EC;
// Write a new placeholder record prefix to mark the start of this new
// top-level record.
if (auto EC = writeRecordPrefix(TypeLeafKind::LF_FIELDLIST))
return EC;
// Then move over the subrecord that overflowed the old segment to the
// beginning of this segment. Note that we have to use memmove here
// instead of Writer.writeBytes(), because the new and old locations
// could overlap.
::memmove( + sizeof(RecordPrefix),,
// And point the segment writer at the end of that subrecord.
Writer.setOffset(LeftOverData.size() + sizeof(RecordPrefix));
// Update the CVMemberRecord since we may have shifted around or gotten
// padded.
Record.Data = getCurrentSubRecordData();
return Error::success();