| ; Test to check both the callgraph and refgraph in summary |
| ; RUN: opt -module-summary %s -o %t.o |
| ; RUN: llvm-bcanalyzer -dump %t.o | FileCheck %s |
| |
| ; See if the calls and other references are recorded properly using the |
| ; expected value id and other information as appropriate (callsite cout |
| ; for calls). Use different linkage types for the various test cases to |
| ; distinguish the test cases here (op1 contains the linkage type). |
| ; Note that op3 contains the # non-call references. |
| ; This also ensures that we didn't include a call or reference to intrinsic |
| ; llvm.ctpop.i8. |
| ; Function main contains call to func, as well as address reference to func: |
| ; CHECK-DAG: <PERMODULE {{.*}} op0=[[MAINID:[0-9]+]] op1=0 {{.*}} op3=1 op4=[[FUNCID:[0-9]+]] op5=[[FUNCID]]/> |
| ; Function W contains a call to func3 as well as a reference to globalvar: |
| ; CHECK-DAG: <PERMODULE {{.*}} op0=[[WID:[0-9]+]] op1=5 {{.*}} op3=1 op4=[[GLOBALVARID:[0-9]+]] op5=[[FUNC3ID:[0-9]+]]/> |
| ; Function X contains call to foo, as well as address reference to foo |
| ; which is in the same instruction as the call: |
| ; CHECK-DAG: <PERMODULE {{.*}} op0=[[XID:[0-9]+]] op1=1 {{.*}} op3=1 op4=[[FOOID:[0-9]+]] op5=[[FOOID]]/> |
| ; Function Y contains call to func2, and ensures we don't incorrectly add |
| ; a reference to it when reached while earlier analyzing the phi using its |
| ; return value: |
| ; CHECK-DAG: <PERMODULE {{.*}} op0=[[YID:[0-9]+]] op1=8 {{.*}} op3=0 op4=[[FUNC2ID:[0-9]+]]/> |
| ; Function Z contains call to func2, and ensures we don't incorrectly add |
| ; a reference to it when reached while analyzing subsequent use of its return |
| ; value: |
| ; CHECK-DAG: <PERMODULE {{.*}} op0=[[ZID:[0-9]+]] op1=3 {{.*}} op3=0 op4=[[FUNC2ID:[0-9]+]]/> |
| ; Variable bar initialization contains address reference to func: |
| ; CHECK-DAG: <PERMODULE_GLOBALVAR_INIT_REFS {{.*}} op0=[[BARID:[0-9]+]] op1=0 op2=[[FUNCID]]/> |
| |
| ; CHECK-DAG: <ENTRY {{.*}} op0=[[BARID]] {{.*}} record string = 'bar' |
| ; CHECK-DAG: <ENTRY {{.*}} op0=[[FUNCID]] {{.*}} record string = 'func' |
| ; CHECK-DAG: <ENTRY {{.*}} op0=[[FOOID]] {{.*}} record string = 'foo' |
| ; CHECK-DAG: <FNENTRY {{.*}} op0=[[MAINID]] {{.*}} record string = 'main' |
| ; CHECK-DAG: <FNENTRY {{.*}} op0=[[WID]] {{.*}} record string = 'W' |
| ; CHECK-DAG: <FNENTRY {{.*}} op0=[[XID]] {{.*}} record string = 'X' |
| ; CHECK-DAG: <FNENTRY {{.*}} op0=[[YID]] {{.*}} record string = 'Y' |
| ; CHECK-DAG: <FNENTRY {{.*}} op0=[[ZID]] {{.*}} record string = 'Z' |
| ; CHECK-DAG: <ENTRY {{.*}} op0=[[FUNC2ID]] {{.*}} record string = 'func2' |
| ; CHECK-DAG: <ENTRY {{.*}} op0=[[FUNC3ID]] {{.*}} record string = 'func3' |
| ; CHECK-DAG: <ENTRY {{.*}} op0=[[GLOBALVARID]] {{.*}} record string = 'globalvar' |
| |
| ; ModuleID = 'thinlto-function-summary-refgraph.ll' |
| target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128" |
| target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" |
| |
| @bar = global void (...)* bitcast (void ()* @func to void (...)*), align 8 |
| |
| @globalvar = global i32 0, align 4 |
| |
| declare void @func() #0 |
| declare i32 @func2(...) #1 |
| declare void @foo(i8* %F) #0 |
| declare i32 @func3(i32* dereferenceable(4)) #2 |
| |
| ; Function Attrs: nounwind uwtable |
| define weak_odr void @W() #0 { |
| entry: |
| %call = tail call i32 @func3(i32* nonnull dereferenceable(4) @globalvar) |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| ; Function Attrs: nounwind uwtable |
| define available_externally void @X() #0 { |
| entry: |
| call void @foo(i8* bitcast (void (i8*)* @foo to i8*)) |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| ; Function Attrs: nounwind uwtable |
| define private i32 @Y(i32 %i) #0 { |
| entry: |
| %cmp3 = icmp slt i32 %i, 10 |
| br i1 %cmp3, label %while.body.preheader, label %while.end |
| |
| while.body.preheader: ; preds = %entry |
| br label %while.body |
| |
| while.body: ; preds = %while.body.preheader, %while.body |
| %j.05 = phi i32 [ %add, %while.body ], [ 0, %while.body.preheader ] |
| %i.addr.04 = phi i32 [ %inc, %while.body ], [ %i, %while.body.preheader ] |
| %inc = add nsw i32 %i.addr.04, 1 |
| %call = tail call i32 (...) @func2() #2 |
| %add = add nsw i32 %call, %j.05 |
| %exitcond = icmp eq i32 %inc, 10 |
| br i1 %exitcond, label %while.end.loopexit, label %while.body |
| |
| while.end.loopexit: ; preds = %while.body |
| %add.lcssa = phi i32 [ %add, %while.body ] |
| br label %while.end |
| |
| while.end: ; preds = %while.end.loopexit, %entry |
| %j.0.lcssa = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [ %add.lcssa, %while.end.loopexit ] |
| ret i32 %j.0.lcssa |
| } |
| |
| ; Function Attrs: nounwind uwtable |
| define linkonce_odr i32 @Z() #0 { |
| entry: |
| %call = tail call i32 (...) @func2() #2 |
| ret i32 %call |
| } |
| |
| declare i8 @llvm.ctpop.i8(i8) |
| |
| ; Function Attrs: nounwind uwtable |
| define i32 @main() #0 { |
| entry: |
| %retval = alloca i32, align 4 |
| %foo = alloca void (...)*, align 8 |
| store i32 0, i32* %retval, align 4 |
| store void (...)* bitcast (void ()* @func to void (...)*), void (...)** %foo, align 8 |
| %0 = load void (...)*, void (...)** %foo, align 8 |
| call void (...) %0() |
| call void @func() |
| call i8 @llvm.ctpop.i8( i8 10 ) |
| ret i32 0 |
| } |