blob: 51701d10c03bf2b8d6d78d094f3e9cd3ac2f1c92 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llvm-as <%s | llvm-bcanalyzer -dump | FileCheck %s
; Check that distinct nodes break uniquing cycles, so that uniqued subgraphs
; are always in post-order.
; It may not be immediately obvious why this is an interesting graph. There
; are three nodes in a cycle, and one of them (!1) is distinct. Because the
; entry point is !2, a naive post-order traversal would give !3, !1, !2; but
; this means when !3 is parsed the reader will need a forward reference for !2.
; Forward references for uniqued node operands are expensive, whereas they're
; cheap for distinct node operands. If the distinct node is emitted first, the
; uniqued nodes don't need any forward references at all.
; Nodes in this testcase are numbered to match how they are referenced in
; bitcode. !3 is referenced as opN=3.
!1 = distinct !{!3}
; CHECK-NEXT: <NODE op0=1/>
!2 = !{!1}
; CHECK-NEXT: <NODE op0=2/>
!3 = !{!2}
; Note: named metadata nodes are not cannot reference null so their operands
; are numbered off-by-one.
!named = !{!2}