blob: 7b2ea2aa06c78e587fd5577bd3d04a3d02458f69 [file] [log] [blame]
# RUN: llvm-mc --disassemble %s -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin9 2>&1 | grep "invalid instruction encoding"
# This instruction would decode as cmpordps if the immediate byte was less than 8.
0x0f 0xc2 0xc7 0x08
# This instruction would decode as cmpordpd if the immediate byte was less than 8.
0x66 0x0f 0xc2 0xc7 0x08
# This instruction would decode as cmpordss if the immediate byte was less than 8.
0xf3 0x0f 0xc2 0xc7 0x08
# This instruction would decode as cmpordsd if the immediate byte was less than 8.
0xf2 0x0f 0xc2 0xc7 0x08