blob: 4f52f6b72e9e6388279c0a82311cb4819742c9aa [file] [log] [blame]
; This testcase checks to see if the simplifycfg pass is converting invoke
; instructions to call instructions if the handler just rethrows the exception.
; If this test is successful, the function should be reduced to 'call; ret'
; RUN: llvm-as < %s | opt -simplifycfg | llvm-dis | \
; RUN: not egrep {\\(invoke\\)|\\(br\\)}
declare void @bar()
define i32 @test() {
invoke void @bar( )
to label %Ok unwind label %Rethrow
Ok: ; preds = %0
ret i32 0
Rethrow: ; preds = %0