blob: ead3f6ab9a669c27e67c480e5cd59f9adb50cdc7 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llvm-as < %s | opt -sccp | llvm-dis | grep {ret i101 12}
@Y = constant [6 x i101] [ i101 12, i101 123456789000000, i101 -12,i101
-123456789000000, i101 0,i101 9123456789000000]
define i101 @array()
%A = getelementptr [6 x i101]* @Y, i32 0, i32 1
%B = load i101* %A
%C = icmp sge i101 %B, 1
br i1 %C, label %True, label %False
%D = and i101 %B, 1
%E = trunc i101 %D to i32
%F = getelementptr [6 x i101]* @Y, i32 0, i32 %E
%G = load i101* %F
br label %False
%H = phi i101 [%G, %True], [-1, %Head]
ret i101 %H