blob: 59cc0d66207140e1d50b24d936f6fac51b353e55 [file] [log] [blame]
; This testcase tests to make sure a trapping instruction is hoisted when
; it is guaranteed to execute.
; RUN: llvm-as < %s | opt -licm | llvm-dis | %prcontext "test" 2 | grep div
@X = global i32 0 ; <i32*> [#uses=1]
declare void @foo(i32)
define i32 @test(i1 %c) {
%A = load i32* @X ; <i32> [#uses=2]
br label %Loop
Loop: ; preds = %Loop, %0
;; Should have hoisted this div!
%B = sdiv i32 4, %A ; <i32> [#uses=2]
call void @foo( i32 %B )
br i1 %c, label %Loop, label %Out
Out: ; preds = %Loop
%C = sub i32 %A, %B ; <i32> [#uses=1]
ret i32 %C