blob: 8f16210c7ab7218f1514dcd22613edc57fc7f276 [file] [log] [blame]
; Check that the index of 'P[outer]' is pulled out of the loop.
; RUN: llvm-as < %s | opt -loop-reduce | llvm-dis | not grep 'getelementptr.*%outer.*%INDVAR'
declare bool %pred()
declare int %foo()
void %test([10000 x int]* %P) {
%outer = call int %foo()
br label %Loop
%INDVAR = phi int [0, %0], [%INDVAR2, %Loop]
%STRRED = getelementptr [10000 x int]* %P, int %outer, int %INDVAR
store int 0, int* %STRRED
%INDVAR2 = add int %INDVAR, 1
%cond = call bool %pred()
br bool %cond, label %Loop, label %Out
ret void