blob: c740f4b8899fad6d5a757accbb2c598d7f1d5214 [file] [log] [blame]
; This testcase found a bug in ConvertableToGEP that could cause an infinite loop
; Note that this code is actually miscompiled from the input source, but despite
; that, level raise should not hang!
; RUN: llvm-as < %s | opt -raise
%Disjunct = type { \2 *, short, sbyte, sbyte *, { short, short, sbyte, sbyte, \2, sbyte * } *, { short, short, sbyte, sbyte, \2, sbyte * } * }
%chosen_disjuncts = uninitialized global %Disjunct * * ; <%Disjunct * * *> [#uses=1]
void "build_image_array"()
bb0: ;[#uses=0]
%reg109 = getelementptr %Disjunct * * * %chosen_disjuncts, long 7 ; <%Disjunct * * *> [#uses=1]
%reg108 = load %Disjunct * * * %reg109 ; <%Disjunct * *> [#uses=1]
%reg1000 = getelementptr %Disjunct * * %reg108, long 3 ; <%Disjunct * *> [#uses=1]
%cast1007 = cast %Disjunct * * %reg1000 to sbyte * * ; <sbyte * *> [#uses=1]
%reg110 = load sbyte * * %cast1007 ; <sbyte *> [#uses=1]
%cast1008 = cast ulong 4 to sbyte * ; <sbyte *> [#uses=1]
%A = cast sbyte * %reg110 to ulong
%B = cast sbyte * %cast1008 to ulong
%reg1001 = add ulong %A, %B ; <sbyte *> [#uses=0]
ret void