blob: 7ca3f6ad2975a0af1b3e0e14fd2fa8872088b7b0 [file] [log] [blame]
; Test that any rethrown exceptions in an inlined function are automatically
; turned into branches to the invoke destination.
; RUN: llvm-as < %s | opt -inline | llvm-dis | not grep 'call void %llvm.unwind'
declare void %might_throw()
declare void %llvm.unwind()
internal int %callee() {
invoke void %might_throw() to label %cont except label %exc
ret int 0
exc: ; This just rethrows the exception!
call void %llvm.unwind()
ret int 123 ; DEAD!
; caller returns true if might_throw throws an exception... which gets
; propagated by callee.
int %caller() {
%X = invoke int %callee() to label %cont
except label %Handler
ret int %X
; This consumes an exception thrown by might_throw
ret int 1