blob: 3b98ef8b98b1f9722f226ba9052e8a558b5a87f9 [file] [log] [blame]
LEVEL = ..
DIRS = Programs
# Make QMTest the default for testing features and regressions
# Do this first to force QMTest to run first
all:: qmtest
# Include other test rules
include Makefile.tests
# New QMTest functionality:
# The test suite is being transitioned over to QMTest. Eventually, it
# will use QMTest by default.
# QMTest option specifying the location of the QMTest database.
# This is configuration information used by the test suite. In QM Test, it's
# called a 'context.'
CONTEXT= -c "srcroot=$(LLVM_SRC_ROOT)" \
-c "buildroot=$(LLVM_OBJ_ROOT)" \
-c "buildtype=$(CONFIGURATION)" \
-c "tmpdir=$(LLVM_OBJ_ROOT)/test/tmp" \
-c "coresize=0" \
-c "cc=$(CC)" \
-c "cxx=$(CXX)" \
-c "llvmgcc=$(LLVMGCC)" \
-c "llvmgxx=$(LLVMGXX)" \
-c "make=$(MAKE)"
# Location of the QMTest program.
# Execute the tests
qmtest:: $(LLVM_OBJ_ROOT)/test/tmp register
-$(QMTEST) run -O $(LLVM_SRC_ROOT)/test/QMTest/expectations.qmr $(CONTEXT)
%.t:: $(LLVM_OBJ_ROOT)/test/tmp register
-$(QMTEST) run -O $(LLVM_SRC_ROOT)/test/QMTest/expectations.qmr $(CONTEXT) $*
# Create the temporary directory used by the test suite.
${MKDIR} $(LLVM_OBJ_ROOT)/test/tmp
# Right now, QMTest compiles the python test classes and put them into the
# source tree. Since Python bytecode is *not* cross-platform compatible (I
# think), we'll regenerate every time.
# Simultaneous builds won't work, but shared source trees will.
$(QMTEST) register test llvm.TestAsmDisasm
$(QMTEST) register test llvm.AssembleTest
$(QMTEST) register test llvm.ConvertToCTest
$(QMTEST) register test llvm.LLToCTest
$(QMTEST) register test llvm.MachineCodeTest
$(QMTEST) register test llvm.TestOptimizer
$(QMTEST) register test llvm.LLITest
$(QMTEST) register test llvm.TestRunner
$(QMTEST) register test llvm.VerifierTest
$(QMTEST) register test llvm.CTest
$(QMTEST) register test llvm.CXXTest
$(QMTEST) register database llvmdb.llvmdb
# Start up the QMTest GUI
$(QMTEST) gui --no-browser --daemon
$(RM) -rf $(LLVM_OBJ_ROOT)/test/tmp