[yaml2obj] revert bad change

git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@348579 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
diff --git a/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2elf.cpp b/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2elf.cpp
index 5c3eb13..bd4c1c3 100644
--- a/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2elf.cpp
+++ b/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2elf.cpp
@@ -158,9 +158,6 @@
   bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader, const ELFYAML::Group &Group,
                            ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
   bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
-                           const ELFYAML::VersionNeedSection &Section,
-                           ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
-  bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
                            const ELFYAML::MipsABIFlags &Section,
                            ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
   bool hasDynamicSymbols() const;
@@ -295,13 +292,6 @@
       // SHT_NOBITS section does not have content
       // so just to setup the section offset.
       CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::VersionNeedSection>(Sec.get())) {
-      if (S->Link.empty())
-        // For VersionNeed section set link to .dynstr by default.
-        SHeader.sh_link = getDotDynStrSecNo();
-      if (!writeSectionContent(SHeader, *S, CBA))
-        return false;
     } else
       llvm_unreachable("Unknown section type");
@@ -558,55 +548,6 @@
 template <class ELFT>
-bool ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(
-    Elf_Shdr &SHeader, const ELFYAML::VersionNeedSection &Section,
-    ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
-  assert(Section.Type == llvm::ELF::SHT_GNU_verneed &&
-         "Section type is not SHT_GNU_verneed");
-  typedef typename ELFT::Verneed Elf_Verneed;
-  typedef typename ELFT::Vernaux Elf_Vernaux;
-  uint64_t BlobSize = 0;
-  SHeader.sh_info = Section.VersionNeeds.size();
-  auto &OS = CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
-  for (auto VNeedIt = Section.VersionNeeds.begin();
-       VNeedIt != Section.VersionNeeds.end(); ++VNeedIt) {
-    Elf_Verneed VNeed;
-    VNeed.vn_version = VNeedIt->Version;
-    VNeed.vn_cnt = VNeedIt->Auxiliaries.size();
-    // VNeed.vn_file = DotDynstr.add(VNeedIt->File);
-    // errs() << "Need Name: " << VNeedIt->File << " Index: " << DotDynstr.add(VNeedIt->File) << '\n';
-    VNeed.vn_aux = sizeof(Elf_Verneed);
-    VNeed.vn_next =
-        (VNeedIt != Section.VersionNeeds.end() - 1)
-            ? sizeof(Elf_Verneed) + VNeed.vn_cnt * sizeof(Elf_Vernaux)
-            : 0;
-    BlobSize += sizeof(Elf_Verneed);
-    OS.write((const char *)&VNeed, sizeof(VNeed));
-    for (auto VNeedAuxIt = VNeedIt->Auxiliaries.begin();
-         VNeedAuxIt != VNeedIt->Auxiliaries.end(); ++VNeedAuxIt) {
-      Elf_Vernaux VNeedAux;
-      zero(VNeedAux);
-      VNeedAux.vna_hash = VNeedAuxIt->Hash;
-      VNeedAux.vna_flags = VNeedAuxIt->Flags;
-      VNeedAux.vna_other = VNeedAuxIt->Other;
-      // VNeedAux.vna_name = DotDynstr.add(VNeedAuxIt->Name);
-      VNeedAux.vna_next = (VNeedAuxIt != VNeedIt->Auxiliaries.end() - 1)
-                              ? sizeof(Elf_Vernaux)
-                              : 0;
-      BlobSize += sizeof(Elf_Vernaux);
-      OS.write((const char *)&VNeedAux, sizeof(Elf_Vernaux));
-    }
-  }
-  SHeader.sh_size = BlobSize;
-  return true;
-template <class ELFT>
 bool ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
                                          const ELFYAML::MipsABIFlags &Section,
                                          ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {