blob: 78ec0ac61a7374a8b6998e45c6e55605a0aed1c5 [file] [log] [blame]
@ RUN: llvm-mc < %s -triple armv7r -mattr=+hwdiv-arm -filetype=obj | llvm-objdump -d - | FileCheck %s
@ v7r implies Thumb hwdiv, but ARM hwdiv is optional
@ FIXME: Does that imply we should actually refuse to disassemble it?
.eabi_attribute Tag_CPU_arch, 10 // v7
.eabi_attribute Tag_CPU_arch_profile, 0x52 // 'R' profile
udiv r0, r1, r2
@CHECK-LABEL: div_arm
@CHECK: 11 f2 30 e7 <unknown>
udiv r0, r1, r2
@CHECK-LABEL: div_thumb
@CHECK: b1 fb f2 f0 udiv r0, r1, r2