blob: 3617388c04e9de8656610f0ea46aa75e6d5d4448 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- llvm/unittest/CodeGen/GlobalISel/LegalizerInfoTest.cpp -------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/LegalizerInfo.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetOpcodes.h"
#include "GISelMITest.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace LegalizeActions;
// Define a couple of pretty printers to help debugging when things go wrong.
namespace llvm {
std::ostream &
operator<<(std::ostream &OS, const LegalizeAction Act) {
switch (Act) {
case Lower: OS << "Lower"; break;
case Legal: OS << "Legal"; break;
case NarrowScalar: OS << "NarrowScalar"; break;
case WidenScalar: OS << "WidenScalar"; break;
case FewerElements: OS << "FewerElements"; break;
case MoreElements: OS << "MoreElements"; break;
case Libcall: OS << "Libcall"; break;
case Custom: OS << "Custom"; break;
case Unsupported: OS << "Unsupported"; break;
case NotFound: OS << "NotFound"; break;
case UseLegacyRules: OS << "UseLegacyRules"; break;
return OS;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &OS, const llvm::LegalizeActionStep Ty) {
OS << "LegalizeActionStep(" << Ty.Action << ", " << Ty.TypeIdx << ", "
<< Ty.NewType << ')';
return OS;
namespace {
TEST(LegalizerInfoTest, ScalarRISC) {
using namespace TargetOpcode;
LegalizerInfo L;
// Typical RISCy set of operations based on AArch64.
for (unsigned Op : {G_ADD, G_SUB}) {
for (unsigned Size : {32, 64})
L.setAction({Op, 0, LLT::scalar(Size)}, Legal);
Op, 0, LegalizerInfo::widenToLargerTypesAndNarrowToLargest);
for (unsigned opcode : {G_ADD, G_SUB}) {
// Check we infer the correct types and actually do what we're told.
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({opcode, {LLT::scalar(8)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(WidenScalar, 0, LLT::scalar(32)));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({opcode, {LLT::scalar(16)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(WidenScalar, 0, LLT::scalar(32)));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({opcode, {LLT::scalar(32)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(Legal, 0, LLT{}));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({opcode, {LLT::scalar(64)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(Legal, 0, LLT{}));
// Make sure the default for over-sized types applies.
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({opcode, {LLT::scalar(128)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(NarrowScalar, 0, LLT::scalar(64)));
// Make sure we also handle unusual sizes
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({opcode, {LLT::scalar(1)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(WidenScalar, 0, LLT::scalar(32)));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({opcode, {LLT::scalar(31)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(WidenScalar, 0, LLT::scalar(32)));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({opcode, {LLT::scalar(33)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(WidenScalar, 0, LLT::scalar(64)));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({opcode, {LLT::scalar(63)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(WidenScalar, 0, LLT::scalar(64)));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({opcode, {LLT::scalar(65)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(NarrowScalar, 0, LLT::scalar(64)));
TEST(LegalizerInfoTest, VectorRISC) {
using namespace TargetOpcode;
LegalizerInfo L;
// Typical RISCy set of operations based on ARM.
L.setAction({G_ADD, LLT::vector(8, 8)}, Legal);
L.setAction({G_ADD, LLT::vector(16, 8)}, Legal);
L.setAction({G_ADD, LLT::vector(4, 16)}, Legal);
L.setAction({G_ADD, LLT::vector(8, 16)}, Legal);
L.setAction({G_ADD, LLT::vector(2, 32)}, Legal);
L.setAction({G_ADD, LLT::vector(4, 32)}, Legal);
G_ADD, 0, LegalizerInfo::widenToLargerTypesUnsupportedOtherwise);
L.setAction({G_ADD, 0, LLT::scalar(32)}, Legal);
// Check we infer the correct types and actually do what we're told for some
// simple cases.
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({G_ADD, {LLT::vector(8, 8)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(Legal, 0, LLT{}));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({G_ADD, {LLT::vector(8, 7)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(WidenScalar, 0, LLT::vector(8, 8)));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({G_ADD, {LLT::vector(2, 8)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(MoreElements, 0, LLT::vector(8, 8)));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({G_ADD, {LLT::vector(8, 32)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(FewerElements, 0, LLT::vector(4, 32)));
// Check a few non-power-of-2 sizes:
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({G_ADD, {LLT::vector(3, 3)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(WidenScalar, 0, LLT::vector(3, 8)));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({G_ADD, {LLT::vector(3, 8)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(MoreElements, 0, LLT::vector(8, 8)));
TEST(LegalizerInfoTest, MultipleTypes) {
using namespace TargetOpcode;
LegalizerInfo L;
LLT p0 = LLT::pointer(0, 64);
LLT s64 = LLT::scalar(64);
// Typical RISCy set of operations based on AArch64.
L.setAction({G_PTRTOINT, 0, s64}, Legal);
L.setAction({G_PTRTOINT, 1, p0}, Legal);
G_PTRTOINT, 0, LegalizerInfo::widenToLargerTypesAndNarrowToLargest);
// Check we infer the correct types and actually do what we're told.
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({G_PTRTOINT, {s64, p0}}),
LegalizeActionStep(Legal, 0, LLT{}));
// Make sure we also handle unusual sizes
L.getAction({G_PTRTOINT, {LLT::scalar(65), s64}}),
LegalizeActionStep(NarrowScalar, 0, s64));
L.getAction({G_PTRTOINT, {s64, LLT::pointer(0, 32)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(Unsupported, 1, LLT::pointer(0, 32)));
TEST(LegalizerInfoTest, MultipleSteps) {
using namespace TargetOpcode;
LegalizerInfo L;
LLT s32 = LLT::scalar(32);
LLT s64 = LLT::scalar(64);
G_UREM, 0, LegalizerInfo::widenToLargerTypesUnsupportedOtherwise);
L.setAction({G_UREM, 0, s32}, Lower);
L.setAction({G_UREM, 0, s64}, Lower);
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({G_UREM, {LLT::scalar(16)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(WidenScalar, 0, LLT::scalar(32)));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({G_UREM, {LLT::scalar(32)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(Lower, 0, LLT::scalar(32)));
TEST(LegalizerInfoTest, SizeChangeStrategy) {
using namespace TargetOpcode;
LegalizerInfo L;
for (unsigned Size : {1, 8, 16, 32})
L.setAction({G_UREM, 0, LLT::scalar(Size)}, Legal);
G_UREM, 0, LegalizerInfo::widenToLargerTypesUnsupportedOtherwise);
// Check we infer the correct types and actually do what we're told.
for (unsigned Size : {1, 8, 16, 32}) {
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({G_UREM, {LLT::scalar(Size)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(Legal, 0, LLT{}));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({G_UREM, {LLT::scalar(2)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(WidenScalar, 0, LLT::scalar(8)));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({G_UREM, {LLT::scalar(7)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(WidenScalar, 0, LLT::scalar(8)));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({G_UREM, {LLT::scalar(9)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(WidenScalar, 0, LLT::scalar(16)));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({G_UREM, {LLT::scalar(17)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(WidenScalar, 0, LLT::scalar(32)));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({G_UREM, {LLT::scalar(31)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(WidenScalar, 0, LLT::scalar(32)));
EXPECT_EQ(L.getAction({G_UREM, {LLT::scalar(33)}}),
LegalizeActionStep(Unsupported, 0, LLT::scalar(33)));
#define EXPECT_ACTION(Action, Index, Type, Query) \
do { \
auto A = LI.getAction(Query); \
EXPECT_EQ(LegalizeActionStep(Action, Index, Type), A) << A; \
} while (0)
TEST(LegalizerInfoTest, RuleSets) {
using namespace TargetOpcode;
const LLT s5 = LLT::scalar(5);
const LLT s8 = LLT::scalar(8);
const LLT s16 = LLT::scalar(16);
const LLT s32 = LLT::scalar(32);
const LLT s33 = LLT::scalar(33);
const LLT s64 = LLT::scalar(64);
const LLT v2s5 = LLT::vector(2, 5);
const LLT v2s8 = LLT::vector(2, 8);
const LLT v2s16 = LLT::vector(2, 16);
const LLT v2s32 = LLT::vector(2, 32);
const LLT v3s32 = LLT::vector(3, 32);
const LLT v4s32 = LLT::vector(4, 32);
const LLT v2s33 = LLT::vector(2, 33);
const LLT v2s64 = LLT::vector(2, 64);
const LLT p0 = LLT::pointer(0, 32);
const LLT v3p0 = LLT::vector(3, p0);
const LLT v4p0 = LLT::vector(4, p0);
LegalizerInfo LI;
.legalFor({v4s32, v4p0})
EXPECT_ACTION(Unsupported, 0, LLT(), LegalityQuery(G_IMPLICIT_DEF, {s32}));
EXPECT_ACTION(Unsupported, 0, LLT(), LegalityQuery(G_IMPLICIT_DEF, {v2s32}));
EXPECT_ACTION(MoreElements, 0, v4p0, LegalityQuery(G_IMPLICIT_DEF, {v3p0}));
EXPECT_ACTION(MoreElements, 0, v4s32, LegalityQuery(G_IMPLICIT_DEF, {v3s32}));
// Test minScalarOrElt
LegalizerInfo LI;
.minScalarOrElt(0, s32);
EXPECT_ACTION(WidenScalar, 0, s32, LegalityQuery(G_OR, {s16}));
EXPECT_ACTION(WidenScalar, 0, v2s32, LegalityQuery(G_OR, {v2s16}));
// Test maxScalarOrELt
LegalizerInfo LI;
.maxScalarOrElt(0, s16);
EXPECT_ACTION(NarrowScalar, 0, s16, LegalityQuery(G_AND, {s32}));
EXPECT_ACTION(NarrowScalar, 0, v2s16, LegalityQuery(G_AND, {v2s32}));
// Test clampScalarOrElt
LegalizerInfo LI;
.clampScalarOrElt(0, s16, s32);
EXPECT_ACTION(NarrowScalar, 0, s32, LegalityQuery(G_XOR, {s64}));
EXPECT_ACTION(WidenScalar, 0, s16, LegalityQuery(G_XOR, {s8}));
// Make sure the number of elements is preserved.
EXPECT_ACTION(NarrowScalar, 0, v2s32, LegalityQuery(G_XOR, {v2s64}));
EXPECT_ACTION(WidenScalar, 0, v2s16, LegalityQuery(G_XOR, {v2s8}));
// Test minScalar
LegalizerInfo LI;
.minScalar(0, s32);
// Only handle scalars, ignore vectors.
EXPECT_ACTION(WidenScalar, 0, s32, LegalityQuery(G_OR, {s16}));
EXPECT_ACTION(Unsupported, 0, LLT(), LegalityQuery(G_OR, {v2s16}));
// Test maxScalar
LegalizerInfo LI;
.maxScalar(0, s16);
// Only handle scalars, ignore vectors.
EXPECT_ACTION(NarrowScalar, 0, s16, LegalityQuery(G_AND, {s32}));
EXPECT_ACTION(Unsupported, 0, LLT(), LegalityQuery(G_AND, {v2s32}));
// Test clampScalar
LegalizerInfo LI;
.clampScalar(0, s16, s32);
EXPECT_ACTION(NarrowScalar, 0, s32, LegalityQuery(G_XOR, {s64}));
EXPECT_ACTION(WidenScalar, 0, s16, LegalityQuery(G_XOR, {s8}));
// Only handle scalars, ignore vectors.
EXPECT_ACTION(Unsupported, 0, LLT(), LegalityQuery(G_XOR, {v2s64}));
EXPECT_ACTION(Unsupported, 0, LLT(), LegalityQuery(G_XOR, {v2s8}));
// Test widenScalarOrEltToNextPow2
LegalizerInfo LI;
.widenScalarOrEltToNextPow2(0, 32);
// Handle scalars and vectors
EXPECT_ACTION(WidenScalar, 0, s32, LegalityQuery(G_AND, {s5}));
EXPECT_ACTION(WidenScalar, 0, v2s32, LegalityQuery(G_AND, {v2s5}));
EXPECT_ACTION(WidenScalar, 0, s64, LegalityQuery(G_AND, {s33}));
EXPECT_ACTION(WidenScalar, 0, v2s64, LegalityQuery(G_AND, {v2s33}));
// Test widenScalarToNextPow2
LegalizerInfo LI;
.widenScalarToNextPow2(0, 32);
EXPECT_ACTION(WidenScalar, 0, s32, LegalityQuery(G_AND, {s5}));
EXPECT_ACTION(WidenScalar, 0, s64, LegalityQuery(G_AND, {s33}));
// Do nothing for vectors.
EXPECT_ACTION(Unsupported, 0, LLT(), LegalityQuery(G_AND, {v2s5}));
EXPECT_ACTION(Unsupported, 0, LLT(), LegalityQuery(G_AND, {v2s33}));