blob: 0d3c6fdc933c41e9f87b32fd02461610a1fc51be [file] [log] [blame]
//===- DFAPacketizerEmitter.cpp - Packetization DFA for a VLIW machine ----===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This class parses the file and produces an API that can be used
// to reason about whether an instruction can be added to a packet on a VLIW
// architecture. The class internally generates a deterministic finite
// automaton (DFA) that models all possible mappings of machine instructions
// to functional units as instructions are added to a packet.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "dfa-emitter"
#include "CodeGenTarget.h"
#include "DFAEmitter.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
using namespace llvm;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Definitions shared between DFAPacketizer.cpp and DFAPacketizerEmitter.cpp
// DFA_MAX_RESTERMS * DFA_MAX_RESOURCES must fit within sizeof DFAInput.
// This is verified in DFAPacketizer.cpp:DFAPacketizer::DFAPacketizer.
// e.g. terms x resource bit combinations that fit in uint32_t:
// 4 terms x 8 bits = 32 bits
// 3 terms x 10 bits = 30 bits
// 2 terms x 16 bits = 32 bits
// e.g. terms x resource bit combinations that fit in uint64_t:
// 8 terms x 8 bits = 64 bits
// 7 terms x 9 bits = 63 bits
// 6 terms x 10 bits = 60 bits
// 5 terms x 12 bits = 60 bits
// 4 terms x 16 bits = 64 bits <--- current
// 3 terms x 21 bits = 63 bits
// 2 terms x 32 bits = 64 bits
#define DFA_MAX_RESTERMS 4 // The max # of AND'ed resource terms.
#define DFA_MAX_RESOURCES 16 // The max # of resource bits in one term.
typedef uint64_t DFAInput;
typedef int64_t DFAStateInput;
#define DFA_TBLTYPE "int64_t" // For generating DFAStateInputTable.
namespace {
DFAInput addDFAFuncUnits(DFAInput Inp, unsigned FuncUnits) {
return (Inp << DFA_MAX_RESOURCES) | FuncUnits;
/// Return the DFAInput for an instruction class input vector.
/// This function is used in both DFAPacketizer.cpp and in
/// DFAPacketizerEmitter.cpp.
DFAInput getDFAInsnInput(const std::vector<unsigned> &InsnClass) {
DFAInput InsnInput = 0;
assert((InsnClass.size() <= DFA_MAX_RESTERMS) &&
"Exceeded maximum number of DFA terms");
for (auto U : InsnClass)
InsnInput = addDFAFuncUnits(InsnInput, U);
return InsnInput;
} // end anonymous namespace
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef NDEBUG
// To enable debugging, run llvm-tblgen with: "-debug-only dfa-emitter".
// dbgsInsnClass - When debugging, print instruction class stages.
void dbgsInsnClass(const std::vector<unsigned> &InsnClass);
// dbgsStateInfo - When debugging, print the set of state info.
void dbgsStateInfo(const std::set<unsigned> &stateInfo);
// dbgsIndent - When debugging, indent by the specified amount.
void dbgsIndent(unsigned indent);
// class DFAPacketizerEmitter: class that generates and prints out the DFA
// for resource tracking.
namespace {
class DFAPacketizerEmitter {
std::string TargetName;
// allInsnClasses is the set of all possible resources consumed by an
// InstrStage.
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned>> allInsnClasses;
RecordKeeper &Records;
DFAPacketizerEmitter(RecordKeeper &R);
// collectAllFuncUnits - Construct a map of function unit names to bits.
int collectAllFuncUnits(std::vector<Record*> &ProcItinList,
std::map<std::string, unsigned> &FUNameToBitsMap,
int &maxResources,
raw_ostream &OS);
// collectAllComboFuncs - Construct a map from a combo function unit bit to
// the bits of all included functional units.
int collectAllComboFuncs(std::vector<Record*> &ComboFuncList,
std::map<std::string, unsigned> &FUNameToBitsMap,
std::map<unsigned, unsigned> &ComboBitToBitsMap,
raw_ostream &OS);
// collectOneInsnClass - Populate allInsnClasses with one instruction class.
int collectOneInsnClass(const std::string &ProcName,
std::vector<Record*> &ProcItinList,
std::map<std::string, unsigned> &FUNameToBitsMap,
Record *ItinData,
raw_ostream &OS);
// collectAllInsnClasses - Populate allInsnClasses which is a set of units
// used in each stage.
int collectAllInsnClasses(const std::string &ProcName,
std::vector<Record*> &ProcItinList,
std::map<std::string, unsigned> &FUNameToBitsMap,
std::vector<Record*> &ItinDataList,
int &maxStages,
raw_ostream &OS);
// Emit code for a subset of itineraries.
void emitForItineraries(raw_ostream &OS,
std::vector<Record *> &ProcItinList,
std::string DFAName);
void run(raw_ostream &OS);
} // end anonymous namespace
#ifndef NDEBUG
// To enable debugging, run llvm-tblgen with: "-debug-only dfa-emitter".
// dbgsInsnClass - When debugging, print instruction class stages.
void dbgsInsnClass(const std::vector<unsigned> &InsnClass) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "InsnClass: ");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < InsnClass.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << ", ");
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "0x" << Twine::utohexstr(InsnClass[i]));
DFAInput InsnInput = getDFAInsnInput(InsnClass);
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " (input: 0x" << Twine::utohexstr(InsnInput) << ")");
// dbgsIndent - When debugging, indent by the specified amount.
void dbgsIndent(unsigned indent) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < indent; ++i) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " ");
#endif // NDEBUG
DFAPacketizerEmitter::DFAPacketizerEmitter(RecordKeeper &R):
TargetName(CodeGenTarget(R).getName()), Records(R) {}
// collectAllFuncUnits - Construct a map of function unit names to bits.
int DFAPacketizerEmitter::collectAllFuncUnits(
std::vector<Record*> &ProcItinList,
std::map<std::string, unsigned> &FUNameToBitsMap,
int &maxFUs,
raw_ostream &OS) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "-------------------------------------------------------"
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "collectAllFuncUnits");
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " (" << ProcItinList.size() << " itineraries)\n");
int totalFUs = 0;
// Parse functional units for all the itineraries.
for (unsigned i = 0, N = ProcItinList.size(); i < N; ++i) {
Record *Proc = ProcItinList[i];
std::vector<Record*> FUs = Proc->getValueAsListOfDefs("FU");
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " FU:" << i << " (" << FUs.size() << " FUs) "
<< Proc->getName());
// Convert macros to bits for each stage.
unsigned numFUs = FUs.size();
for (unsigned j = 0; j < numFUs; ++j) {
assert ((j < DFA_MAX_RESOURCES) &&
"Exceeded maximum number of representable resources");
unsigned FuncResources = (unsigned) (1U << j);
FUNameToBitsMap[FUs[j]->getName()] = FuncResources;
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " " << FUs[j]->getName() << ":0x"
<< Twine::utohexstr(FuncResources));
if (((int) numFUs) > maxFUs) {
maxFUs = numFUs;
totalFUs += numFUs;
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\n");
return totalFUs;
// collectAllComboFuncs - Construct a map from a combo function unit bit to
// the bits of all included functional units.
int DFAPacketizerEmitter::collectAllComboFuncs(
std::vector<Record*> &ComboFuncList,
std::map<std::string, unsigned> &FUNameToBitsMap,
std::map<unsigned, unsigned> &ComboBitToBitsMap,
raw_ostream &OS) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "-------------------------------------------------------"
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "collectAllComboFuncs");
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " (" << ComboFuncList.size() << " sets)\n");
int numCombos = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0, N = ComboFuncList.size(); i < N; ++i) {
Record *Func = ComboFuncList[i];
std::vector<Record*> FUs = Func->getValueAsListOfDefs("CFD");
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " CFD:" << i << " (" << FUs.size() << " combo FUs) "
<< Func->getName() << "\n");
// Convert macros to bits for each stage.
for (unsigned j = 0, N = FUs.size(); j < N; ++j) {
assert ((j < DFA_MAX_RESOURCES) &&
"Exceeded maximum number of DFA resources");
Record *FuncData = FUs[j];
Record *ComboFunc = FuncData->getValueAsDef("TheComboFunc");
const std::vector<Record*> &FuncList =
const std::string &ComboFuncName = ComboFunc->getName();
unsigned ComboBit = FUNameToBitsMap[ComboFuncName];
unsigned ComboResources = ComboBit;
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " combo: " << ComboFuncName << ":0x"
<< Twine::utohexstr(ComboResources) << "\n");
for (unsigned k = 0, M = FuncList.size(); k < M; ++k) {
std::string FuncName = FuncList[k]->getName();
unsigned FuncResources = FUNameToBitsMap[FuncName];
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " " << FuncName << ":0x"
<< Twine::utohexstr(FuncResources) << "\n");
ComboResources |= FuncResources;
ComboBitToBitsMap[ComboBit] = ComboResources;
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " => combo bits: " << ComboFuncName << ":0x"
<< Twine::utohexstr(ComboBit) << " = 0x"
<< Twine::utohexstr(ComboResources) << "\n");
return numCombos;
// collectOneInsnClass - Populate allInsnClasses with one instruction class
int DFAPacketizerEmitter::collectOneInsnClass(const std::string &ProcName,
std::vector<Record*> &ProcItinList,
std::map<std::string, unsigned> &FUNameToBitsMap,
Record *ItinData,
raw_ostream &OS) {
const std::vector<Record*> &StageList =
// The number of stages.
unsigned NStages = StageList.size();
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " " << ItinData->getValueAsDef("TheClass")->getName()
<< "\n");
std::vector<unsigned> UnitBits;
// Compute the bitwise or of each unit used in this stage.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < NStages; ++i) {
const Record *Stage = StageList[i];
// Get unit list.
const std::vector<Record*> &UnitList =
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " stage:" << i << " [" << UnitList.size()
<< " units]:");
unsigned dbglen = 26; // cursor after stage dbgs
// Compute the bitwise or of each unit used in this stage.
unsigned UnitBitValue = 0;
for (unsigned j = 0, M = UnitList.size(); j < M; ++j) {
// Conduct bitwise or.
std::string UnitName = UnitList[j]->getName();
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " " << j << ":" << UnitName);
dbglen += 3 + UnitName.length();
UnitBitValue |= FUNameToBitsMap[UnitName];
if (UnitBitValue != 0)
while (dbglen <= 64) { // line up bits dbgs
dbglen += 8;
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t");
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " (bits: 0x" << Twine::utohexstr(UnitBitValue)
<< ")\n");
if (!UnitBits.empty())
dbgs() << " ";
dbgs() << "\n";
return NStages;
// collectAllInsnClasses - Populate allInsnClasses which is a set of units
// used in each stage.
int DFAPacketizerEmitter::collectAllInsnClasses(const std::string &ProcName,
std::vector<Record*> &ProcItinList,
std::map<std::string, unsigned> &FUNameToBitsMap,
std::vector<Record*> &ItinDataList,
int &maxStages,
raw_ostream &OS) {
// Collect all instruction classes.
unsigned M = ItinDataList.size();
int numInsnClasses = 0;
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "-------------------------------------------------------"
<< "collectAllInsnClasses " << ProcName << " (" << M
<< " classes)\n");
// Collect stages for each instruction class for all itinerary data
for (unsigned j = 0; j < M; j++) {
Record *ItinData = ItinDataList[j];
int NStages = collectOneInsnClass(ProcName, ProcItinList,
FUNameToBitsMap, ItinData, OS);
if (NStages > maxStages) {
maxStages = NStages;
return numInsnClasses;
// Run the worklist algorithm to generate the DFA.
void DFAPacketizerEmitter::run(raw_ostream &OS) {
OS << "\n"
<< "#include \"llvm/CodeGen/DFAPacketizer.h\"\n";
OS << "namespace llvm {\n";
OS << "\n// Input format:\n";
<< "\t// maximum AND'ed resource terms\n";
<< "\t// maximum resource bits in one term\n";
// Collect processor iteraries.
std::vector<Record*> ProcItinList =
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<Record*>> ItinsByNamespace;
for (Record *R : ProcItinList)
for (auto &KV : ItinsByNamespace)
emitForItineraries(OS, KV.second, KV.first);
OS << "} // end namespace llvm\n";
void DFAPacketizerEmitter::emitForItineraries(
raw_ostream &OS, std::vector<Record *> &ProcItinList,
std::string DFAName) {
// Collect the Functional units.
std::map<std::string, unsigned> FUNameToBitsMap;
int maxResources = 0;
FUNameToBitsMap, maxResources, OS);
// Collect the Combo Functional units.
std::map<unsigned, unsigned> ComboBitToBitsMap;
std::vector<Record*> ComboFuncList =
collectAllComboFuncs(ComboFuncList, FUNameToBitsMap, ComboBitToBitsMap, OS);
// Collect the itineraries.
int maxStages = 0;
int numInsnClasses = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0, N = ProcItinList.size(); i < N; i++) {
Record *Proc = ProcItinList[i];
// Get processor itinerary name.
const std::string &ProcName = Proc->getName();
// Skip default.
if (ProcName == "NoItineraries")
// Sanity check for at least one instruction itinerary class.
unsigned NItinClasses =
if (NItinClasses == 0)
// Get itinerary data list.
std::vector<Record*> ItinDataList = Proc->getValueAsListOfDefs("IID");
// Collect all instruction classes
numInsnClasses += collectAllInsnClasses(ProcName, ProcItinList,
FUNameToBitsMap, ItinDataList, maxStages, OS);
// The type of a state in the nondeterministic automaton we're defining.
using NfaStateTy = unsigned;
// Given a resource state, return all resource states by applying
// InsnClass.
auto applyInsnClass = [&](ArrayRef<unsigned> InsnClass,
NfaStateTy State) -> std::deque<unsigned> {
std::deque<unsigned> V(1, State);
// Apply every stage in the class individually.
for (unsigned Stage : InsnClass) {
// Apply this stage to every existing member of V in turn.
size_t Sz = V.size();
for (unsigned I = 0; I < Sz; ++I) {
unsigned S = V.front();
// For this stage, state combination, try all possible resources.
for (unsigned J = 0; J < DFA_MAX_RESOURCES; ++J) {
unsigned ResourceMask = 1U << J;
if ((ResourceMask & Stage) == 0)
// This resource isn't required by this stage.
unsigned Combo = ComboBitToBitsMap[ResourceMask];
if (Combo && ((~S & Combo) != Combo))
// This combo units bits are not available.
unsigned ResultingResourceState = S | ResourceMask | Combo;
if (ResultingResourceState == S)
return V;
// Given a resource state, return a quick (conservative) guess as to whether
// InsnClass can be applied. This is a filter for the more heavyweight
// applyInsnClass.
auto canApplyInsnClass = [](ArrayRef<unsigned> InsnClass,
NfaStateTy State) -> bool {
for (unsigned Resources : InsnClass) {
if ((State | Resources) == State)
return false;
return true;
DfaEmitter Emitter;
std::deque<NfaStateTy> Worklist(1, 0);
std::set<NfaStateTy> SeenStates;
while (!Worklist.empty()) {
NfaStateTy State = Worklist.front();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < allInsnClasses.size(); i++) {
const std::vector<unsigned> &InsnClass = allInsnClasses[i];
if (!canApplyInsnClass(InsnClass, State))
for (unsigned NewState : applyInsnClass(InsnClass, State)) {
if (SeenStates.emplace(NewState).second)
Emitter.addTransition(State, NewState, getDFAInsnInput(InsnClass));
OS << "} // end namespace llvm\n\n";
OS << "namespace {\n";
std::string TargetAndDFAName = TargetName + DFAName;
Emitter.emit(TargetAndDFAName, OS);
OS << "} // end anonymous namespace\n\n";
std::string SubTargetClassName = TargetName + "GenSubtargetInfo";
OS << "namespace llvm {\n";
OS << "DFAPacketizer *" << SubTargetClassName << "::"
<< "create" << DFAName
<< "DFAPacketizer(const InstrItineraryData *IID) const {\n"
<< " Automaton<uint64_t> A(ArrayRef<" << TargetAndDFAName
<< "Transition>(" << TargetAndDFAName << "Transitions), "
<< TargetAndDFAName << "TransitionInfo);\n"
<< " return new DFAPacketizer(IID, std::move(A));\n"
<< "\n}\n\n";
namespace llvm {
void EmitDFAPacketizer(RecordKeeper &RK, raw_ostream &OS) {
emitSourceFileHeader("Target DFA Packetizer Tables", OS);
} // end namespace llvm