blob: aaab5857e0f102c9cad5adbf56f96e223cb68408 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- SimpleLoopUnswitch.cpp - Hoist loop-invariant control flow ---------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/SimpleLoopUnswitch.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Sequence.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/AssumptionCache.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/LoopAnalysisManager.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/LoopInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/LoopPass.h"
#include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constant.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Dominators.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/InstrTypes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Use.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/GenericDomTree.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/BasicBlockUtils.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/LoopUtils.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <iterator>
#include <utility>
#define DEBUG_TYPE "simple-loop-unswitch"
using namespace llvm;
STATISTIC(NumBranches, "Number of branches unswitched");
STATISTIC(NumSwitches, "Number of switches unswitched");
STATISTIC(NumTrivial, "Number of unswitches that are trivial");
static void replaceLoopUsesWithConstant(Loop &L, Value &LIC,
Constant &Replacement) {
assert(!isa<Constant>(LIC) && "Why are we unswitching on a constant?");
// Replace uses of LIC in the loop with the given constant.
for (auto UI = LIC.use_begin(), UE = LIC.use_end(); UI != UE;) {
// Grab the use and walk past it so we can clobber it in the use list.
Use *U = &*UI++;
Instruction *UserI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(U->getUser());
if (!UserI || !L.contains(UserI))
// Replace this use within the loop body.
*U = &Replacement;
/// Update the dominator tree after removing one exiting predecessor of a loop
/// exit block.
static void updateLoopExitIDom(BasicBlock *LoopExitBB, Loop &L,
DominatorTree &DT) {
assert(pred_begin(LoopExitBB) != pred_end(LoopExitBB) &&
"Cannot have empty predecessors of the loop exit block if we split "
"off a block to unswitch!");
BasicBlock *IDom = *pred_begin(LoopExitBB);
// Walk all of the other predecessors finding the nearest common dominator
// until all predecessors are covered or we reach the loop header. The loop
// header necessarily dominates all loop exit blocks in loop simplified form
// so we can early-exit the moment we hit that block.
for (auto PI = std::next(pred_begin(LoopExitBB)), PE = pred_end(LoopExitBB);
PI != PE && IDom != L.getHeader(); ++PI)
IDom = DT.findNearestCommonDominator(IDom, *PI);
DT.changeImmediateDominator(LoopExitBB, IDom);
/// Update the dominator tree after unswitching a particular former exit block.
/// This handles the full update of the dominator tree after hoisting a block
/// that previously was an exit block (or split off of an exit block) up to be
/// reached from the new immediate dominator of the preheader.
/// The common case is simple -- we just move the unswitched block to have an
/// immediate dominator of the old preheader. But in complex cases, there may
/// be other blocks reachable from the unswitched block that are immediately
/// dominated by some node between the unswitched one and the old preheader.
/// All of these also need to be hoisted in the dominator tree. We also want to
/// minimize queries to the dominator tree because each step of this
/// invalidates any DFS numbers that would make queries fast.
static void updateDTAfterUnswitch(BasicBlock *UnswitchedBB, BasicBlock *OldPH,
DominatorTree &DT) {
DomTreeNode *OldPHNode = DT[OldPH];
DomTreeNode *UnswitchedNode = DT[UnswitchedBB];
// If the dominator tree has already been updated for this unswitched node,
// we're done. This makes it easier to use this routine if there are multiple
// paths to the same unswitched destination.
if (UnswitchedNode->getIDom() == OldPHNode)
// First collect the domtree nodes that we are hoisting over. These are the
// set of nodes which may have children that need to be hoisted as well.
SmallPtrSet<DomTreeNode *, 4> DomChain;
for (auto *IDom = UnswitchedNode->getIDom(); IDom != OldPHNode;
IDom = IDom->getIDom())
// The unswitched block ends up immediately dominated by the old preheader --
// regardless of whether it is the loop exit block or split off of the loop
// exit block.
DT.changeImmediateDominator(UnswitchedNode, OldPHNode);
// For everything that moves up the dominator tree, we need to examine the
// dominator frontier to see if it additionally should move up the dominator
// tree. This lambda appends the dominator frontier for a node on the
// worklist.
// Note that we don't currently use the IDFCalculator here for two reasons:
// 1) It computes dominator tree levels for the entire function on each run
// of 'compute'. While this isn't terrible, given that we expect to update
// relatively small subtrees of the domtree, it isn't necessarily the right
// tradeoff.
// 2) The interface doesn't fit this usage well. It doesn't operate in
// append-only, and builds several sets that we don't need.
// FIXME: Neither of these issues are a big deal and could be addressed with
// some amount of refactoring of IDFCalculator. That would allow us to share
// the core logic here (which is solving the same core problem).
SmallSetVector<BasicBlock *, 4> Worklist;
SmallVector<DomTreeNode *, 4> DomNodes;
SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 4> DomSet;
auto AppendDomFrontier = [&](DomTreeNode *Node) {
assert(DomNodes.empty() && "Must start with no dominator nodes.");
assert(DomSet.empty() && "Must start with an empty dominator set.");
// First flatten this subtree into sequence of nodes by doing a pre-order
// walk.
// We intentionally re-evaluate the size as each node can add new children.
// Because this is a tree walk, this cannot add any duplicates.
for (int i = 0; i < (int)DomNodes.size(); ++i)
DomNodes.insert(DomNodes.end(), DomNodes[i]->begin(), DomNodes[i]->end());
// Now create a set of the basic blocks so we can quickly test for
// dominated successors. We could in theory use the DFS numbers of the
// dominator tree for this, but we want this to remain predictably fast
// even while we mutate the dominator tree in ways that would invalidate
// the DFS numbering.
for (DomTreeNode *InnerN : DomNodes)
// Now re-walk the nodes, appending every successor of every node that isn't
// in the set. Note that we don't append the node itself, even though if it
// is a successor it does not strictly dominate itself and thus it would be
// part of the dominance frontier. The reason we don't append it is that
// the node passed in came *from* the worklist and so it has already been
// processed.
for (DomTreeNode *InnerN : DomNodes)
for (BasicBlock *SuccBB : successors(InnerN->getBlock()))
if (!DomSet.count(SuccBB))
// Append the initial dom frontier nodes.
// Walk the worklist. We grow the list in the loop and so must recompute size.
for (int i = 0; i < (int)Worklist.size(); ++i) {
auto *BB = Worklist[i];
DomTreeNode *Node = DT[BB];
assert(!DomChain.count(Node) &&
"Cannot be dominated by a block you can reach!");
// If this block had an immediate dominator somewhere in the chain
// we hoisted over, then its position in the domtree needs to move as it is
// reachable from a node hoisted over this chain.
if (!DomChain.count(Node->getIDom()))
DT.changeImmediateDominator(Node, OldPHNode);
// Now add this node's dominator frontier to the worklist as well.
/// Check that all the LCSSA PHI nodes in the loop exit block have trivial
/// incoming values along this edge.
static bool areLoopExitPHIsLoopInvariant(Loop &L, BasicBlock &ExitingBB,
BasicBlock &ExitBB) {
for (Instruction &I : ExitBB) {
auto *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(&I);
if (!PN)
// No more PHIs to check.
return true;
// If the incoming value for this edge isn't loop invariant the unswitch
// won't be trivial.
if (!L.isLoopInvariant(PN->getIncomingValueForBlock(&ExitingBB)))
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Basic blocks should never be empty!");
/// Rewrite the PHI nodes in an unswitched loop exit basic block.
/// Requires that the loop exit and unswitched basic block are the same, and
/// that the exiting block was a unique predecessor of that block. Rewrites the
/// PHI nodes in that block such that what were LCSSA PHI nodes become trivial
/// PHI nodes from the old preheader that now contains the unswitched
/// terminator.
static void rewritePHINodesForUnswitchedExitBlock(BasicBlock &UnswitchedBB,
BasicBlock &OldExitingBB,
BasicBlock &OldPH) {
for (Instruction &I : UnswitchedBB) {
auto *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(&I);
if (!PN)
// No more PHIs to check.
// When the loop exit is directly unswitched we just need to update the
// incoming basic block. We loop to handle weird cases with repeated
// incoming blocks, but expect to typically only have one operand here.
for (auto i : seq<int>(0, PN->getNumOperands())) {
assert(PN->getIncomingBlock(i) == &OldExitingBB &&
"Found incoming block different from unique predecessor!");
PN->setIncomingBlock(i, &OldPH);
/// Rewrite the PHI nodes in the loop exit basic block and the split off
/// unswitched block.
/// Because the exit block remains an exit from the loop, this rewrites the
/// LCSSA PHI nodes in it to remove the unswitched edge and introduces PHI
/// nodes into the unswitched basic block to select between the value in the
/// old preheader and the loop exit.
static void rewritePHINodesForExitAndUnswitchedBlocks(BasicBlock &ExitBB,
BasicBlock &UnswitchedBB,
BasicBlock &OldExitingBB,
BasicBlock &OldPH) {
assert(&ExitBB != &UnswitchedBB &&
"Must have different loop exit and unswitched blocks!");
Instruction *InsertPt = &*UnswitchedBB.begin();
for (Instruction &I : ExitBB) {
auto *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(&I);
if (!PN)
// No more PHIs to check.
auto *NewPN = PHINode::Create(PN->getType(), /*NumReservedValues*/ 2,
PN->getName() + ".split", InsertPt);
// Walk backwards over the old PHI node's inputs to minimize the cost of
// removing each one. We have to do this weird loop manually so that we
// create the same number of new incoming edges in the new PHI as we expect
// each case-based edge to be included in the unswitched switch in some
// cases.
// FIXME: This is really, really gross. It would be much cleaner if LLVM
// allowed us to create a single entry for a predecessor block without
// having separate entries for each "edge" even though these edges are
// required to produce identical results.
for (int i = PN->getNumIncomingValues() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (PN->getIncomingBlock(i) != &OldExitingBB)
Value *Incoming = PN->removeIncomingValue(i);
NewPN->addIncoming(Incoming, &OldPH);
// Now replace the old PHI with the new one and wire the old one in as an
// input to the new one.
NewPN->addIncoming(PN, &ExitBB);
/// Unswitch a trivial branch if the condition is loop invariant.
/// This routine should only be called when loop code leading to the branch has
/// been validated as trivial (no side effects). This routine checks if the
/// condition is invariant and one of the successors is a loop exit. This
/// allows us to unswitch without duplicating the loop, making it trivial.
/// If this routine fails to unswitch the branch it returns false.
/// If the branch can be unswitched, this routine splits the preheader and
/// hoists the branch above that split. Preserves loop simplified form
/// (splitting the exit block as necessary). It simplifies the branch within
/// the loop to an unconditional branch but doesn't remove it entirely. Further
/// cleanup can be done with some simplify-cfg like pass.
static bool unswitchTrivialBranch(Loop &L, BranchInst &BI, DominatorTree &DT,
LoopInfo &LI) {
assert(BI.isConditional() && "Can only unswitch a conditional branch!");
DEBUG(dbgs() << " Trying to unswitch branch: " << BI << "\n");
Value *LoopCond = BI.getCondition();
// Need a trivial loop condition to unswitch.
if (!L.isLoopInvariant(LoopCond))
return false;
// FIXME: We should compute this once at the start and update it!
SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 16> ExitBlocks;
SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 16> ExitBlockSet(ExitBlocks.begin(),
// Check to see if a successor of the branch is guaranteed to
// exit through a unique exit block without having any
// side-effects. If so, determine the value of Cond that causes
// it to do this.
ConstantInt *CondVal = ConstantInt::getTrue(BI.getContext());
ConstantInt *Replacement = ConstantInt::getFalse(BI.getContext());
int LoopExitSuccIdx = 0;
auto *LoopExitBB = BI.getSuccessor(0);
if (!ExitBlockSet.count(LoopExitBB)) {
std::swap(CondVal, Replacement);
LoopExitSuccIdx = 1;
LoopExitBB = BI.getSuccessor(1);
if (!ExitBlockSet.count(LoopExitBB))
return false;
auto *ContinueBB = BI.getSuccessor(1 - LoopExitSuccIdx);
assert(L.contains(ContinueBB) &&
"Cannot have both successors exit and still be in the loop!");
auto *ParentBB = BI.getParent();
if (!areLoopExitPHIsLoopInvariant(L, *ParentBB, *LoopExitBB))
return false;
DEBUG(dbgs() << " unswitching trivial branch when: " << CondVal
<< " == " << LoopCond << "\n");
// Split the preheader, so that we know that there is a safe place to insert
// the conditional branch. We will change the preheader to have a conditional
// branch on LoopCond.
BasicBlock *OldPH = L.getLoopPreheader();
BasicBlock *NewPH = SplitEdge(OldPH, L.getHeader(), &DT, &LI);
// Now that we have a place to insert the conditional branch, create a place
// to branch to: this is the exit block out of the loop that we are
// unswitching. We need to split this if there are other loop predecessors.
// Because the loop is in simplified form, *any* other predecessor is enough.
BasicBlock *UnswitchedBB;
if (BasicBlock *PredBB = LoopExitBB->getUniquePredecessor()) {
assert(PredBB == BI.getParent() &&
"A branch's parent isn't a predecessor!");
UnswitchedBB = LoopExitBB;
} else {
UnswitchedBB = SplitBlock(LoopExitBB, &LoopExitBB->front(), &DT, &LI);
// Now splice the branch to gate reaching the new preheader and re-point its
// successors.
BI.getParent()->getInstList(), BI);
BI.setSuccessor(LoopExitSuccIdx, UnswitchedBB);
BI.setSuccessor(1 - LoopExitSuccIdx, NewPH);
// Create a new unconditional branch that will continue the loop as a new
// terminator.
BranchInst::Create(ContinueBB, ParentBB);
// Rewrite the relevant PHI nodes.
if (UnswitchedBB == LoopExitBB)
rewritePHINodesForUnswitchedExitBlock(*UnswitchedBB, *ParentBB, *OldPH);
rewritePHINodesForExitAndUnswitchedBlocks(*LoopExitBB, *UnswitchedBB,
*ParentBB, *OldPH);
// Now we need to update the dominator tree.
updateDTAfterUnswitch(UnswitchedBB, OldPH, DT);
// But if we split something off of the loop exit block then we also removed
// one of the predecessors for the loop exit block and may need to update its
// idom.
if (UnswitchedBB != LoopExitBB)
updateLoopExitIDom(LoopExitBB, L, DT);
// Since this is an i1 condition we can also trivially replace uses of it
// within the loop with a constant.
replaceLoopUsesWithConstant(L, *LoopCond, *Replacement);
return true;
/// Unswitch a trivial switch if the condition is loop invariant.
/// This routine should only be called when loop code leading to the switch has
/// been validated as trivial (no side effects). This routine checks if the
/// condition is invariant and that at least one of the successors is a loop
/// exit. This allows us to unswitch without duplicating the loop, making it
/// trivial.
/// If this routine fails to unswitch the switch it returns false.
/// If the switch can be unswitched, this routine splits the preheader and
/// copies the switch above that split. If the default case is one of the
/// exiting cases, it copies the non-exiting cases and points them at the new
/// preheader. If the default case is not exiting, it copies the exiting cases
/// and points the default at the preheader. It preserves loop simplified form
/// (splitting the exit blocks as necessary). It simplifies the switch within
/// the loop by removing now-dead cases. If the default case is one of those
/// unswitched, it replaces its destination with a new basic block containing
/// only unreachable. Such basic blocks, while technically loop exits, are not
/// considered for unswitching so this is a stable transform and the same
/// switch will not be revisited. If after unswitching there is only a single
/// in-loop successor, the switch is further simplified to an unconditional
/// branch. Still more cleanup can be done with some simplify-cfg like pass.
static bool unswitchTrivialSwitch(Loop &L, SwitchInst &SI, DominatorTree &DT,
LoopInfo &LI) {
DEBUG(dbgs() << " Trying to unswitch switch: " << SI << "\n");
Value *LoopCond = SI.getCondition();
// If this isn't switching on an invariant condition, we can't unswitch it.
if (!L.isLoopInvariant(LoopCond))
return false;
auto *ParentBB = SI.getParent();
// FIXME: We should compute this once at the start and update it!
SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 16> ExitBlocks;
SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 16> ExitBlockSet(ExitBlocks.begin(),
SmallVector<int, 4> ExitCaseIndices;
for (auto Case : SI.cases()) {
auto *SuccBB = Case.getCaseSuccessor();
if (ExitBlockSet.count(SuccBB) &&
areLoopExitPHIsLoopInvariant(L, *ParentBB, *SuccBB))
BasicBlock *DefaultExitBB = nullptr;
if (ExitBlockSet.count(SI.getDefaultDest()) &&
areLoopExitPHIsLoopInvariant(L, *ParentBB, *SI.getDefaultDest()) &&
DefaultExitBB = SI.getDefaultDest();
else if (ExitCaseIndices.empty())
return false;
DEBUG(dbgs() << " unswitching trivial cases...\n");
SmallVector<std::pair<ConstantInt *, BasicBlock *>, 4> ExitCases;
// We walk the case indices backwards so that we remove the last case first
// and don't disrupt the earlier indices.
for (unsigned Index : reverse(ExitCaseIndices)) {
auto CaseI = SI.case_begin() + Index;
// Save the value of this case.
ExitCases.push_back({CaseI->getCaseValue(), CaseI->getCaseSuccessor()});
// Delete the unswitched cases.
// Check if after this all of the remaining cases point at the same
// successor.
BasicBlock *CommonSuccBB = nullptr;
if (SI.getNumCases() > 0 &&
std::all_of(std::next(SI.case_begin()), SI.case_end(),
[&SI](const SwitchInst::CaseHandle &Case) {
return Case.getCaseSuccessor() ==
CommonSuccBB = SI.case_begin()->getCaseSuccessor();
if (DefaultExitBB) {
// We can't remove the default edge so replace it with an edge to either
// the single common remaining successor (if we have one) or an unreachable
// block.
if (CommonSuccBB) {
} else {
BasicBlock *UnreachableBB = BasicBlock::Create(
Twine(ParentBB->getName()) + ".unreachable_default",
new UnreachableInst(ParentBB->getContext(), UnreachableBB);
DT.addNewBlock(UnreachableBB, ParentBB);
} else {
// If we're not unswitching the default, we need it to match any cases to
// have a common successor or if we have no cases it is the common
// successor.
if (SI.getNumCases() == 0)
CommonSuccBB = SI.getDefaultDest();
else if (SI.getDefaultDest() != CommonSuccBB)
CommonSuccBB = nullptr;
// Split the preheader, so that we know that there is a safe place to insert
// the switch.
BasicBlock *OldPH = L.getLoopPreheader();
BasicBlock *NewPH = SplitEdge(OldPH, L.getHeader(), &DT, &LI);
// Now add the unswitched switch.
auto *NewSI = SwitchInst::Create(LoopCond, NewPH, ExitCases.size(), OldPH);
// Rewrite the IR for the unswitched basic blocks. This requires two steps.
// First, we split any exit blocks with remaining in-loop predecessors. Then
// we update the PHIs in one of two ways depending on if there was a split.
// We walk in reverse so that we split in the same order as the cases
// appeared. This is purely for convenience of reading the resulting IR, but
// it doesn't cost anything really.
SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 2> UnswitchedExitBBs;
SmallDenseMap<BasicBlock *, BasicBlock *, 2> SplitExitBBMap;
// Handle the default exit if necessary.
// FIXME: It'd be great if we could merge this with the loop below but LLVM's
// ranges aren't quite powerful enough yet.
if (DefaultExitBB) {
if (pred_empty(DefaultExitBB)) {
rewritePHINodesForUnswitchedExitBlock(*DefaultExitBB, *ParentBB, *OldPH);
} else {
auto *SplitBB =
SplitBlock(DefaultExitBB, &DefaultExitBB->front(), &DT, &LI);
rewritePHINodesForExitAndUnswitchedBlocks(*DefaultExitBB, *SplitBB,
*ParentBB, *OldPH);
updateLoopExitIDom(DefaultExitBB, L, DT);
DefaultExitBB = SplitExitBBMap[DefaultExitBB] = SplitBB;
// Note that we must use a reference in the for loop so that we update the
// container.
for (auto &CasePair : reverse(ExitCases)) {
// Grab a reference to the exit block in the pair so that we can update it.
BasicBlock *ExitBB = CasePair.second;
// If this case is the last edge into the exit block, we can simply reuse it
// as it will no longer be a loop exit. No mapping necessary.
if (pred_empty(ExitBB)) {
// Only rewrite once.
if (UnswitchedExitBBs.insert(ExitBB).second)
rewritePHINodesForUnswitchedExitBlock(*ExitBB, *ParentBB, *OldPH);
// Otherwise we need to split the exit block so that we retain an exit
// block from the loop and a target for the unswitched condition.
BasicBlock *&SplitExitBB = SplitExitBBMap[ExitBB];
if (!SplitExitBB) {
// If this is the first time we see this, do the split and remember it.
SplitExitBB = SplitBlock(ExitBB, &ExitBB->front(), &DT, &LI);
rewritePHINodesForExitAndUnswitchedBlocks(*ExitBB, *SplitExitBB,
*ParentBB, *OldPH);
updateLoopExitIDom(ExitBB, L, DT);
// Update the case pair to point to the split block.
CasePair.second = SplitExitBB;
// Now add the unswitched cases. We do this in reverse order as we built them
// in reverse order.
for (auto CasePair : reverse(ExitCases)) {
ConstantInt *CaseVal = CasePair.first;
BasicBlock *UnswitchedBB = CasePair.second;
NewSI->addCase(CaseVal, UnswitchedBB);
updateDTAfterUnswitch(UnswitchedBB, OldPH, DT);
// If the default was unswitched, re-point it and add explicit cases for
// entering the loop.
if (DefaultExitBB) {
updateDTAfterUnswitch(DefaultExitBB, OldPH, DT);
// We removed all the exit cases, so we just copy the cases to the
// unswitched switch.
for (auto Case : SI.cases())
NewSI->addCase(Case.getCaseValue(), NewPH);
// If we ended up with a common successor for every path through the switch
// after unswitching, rewrite it to an unconditional branch to make it easy
// to recognize. Otherwise we potentially have to recognize the default case
// pointing at unreachable and other complexity.
if (CommonSuccBB) {
BasicBlock *BB = SI.getParent();
BranchInst::Create(CommonSuccBB, BB);
return true;
/// This routine scans the loop to find a branch or switch which occurs before
/// any side effects occur. These can potentially be unswitched without
/// duplicating the loop. If a branch or switch is successfully unswitched the
/// scanning continues to see if subsequent branches or switches have become
/// trivial. Once all trivial candidates have been unswitched, this routine
/// returns.
/// The return value indicates whether anything was unswitched (and therefore
/// changed).
static bool unswitchAllTrivialConditions(Loop &L, DominatorTree &DT,
LoopInfo &LI) {
bool Changed = false;
// If loop header has only one reachable successor we should keep looking for
// trivial condition candidates in the successor as well. An alternative is
// to constant fold conditions and merge successors into loop header (then we
// only need to check header's terminator). The reason for not doing this in
// LoopUnswitch pass is that it could potentially break LoopPassManager's
// invariants. Folding dead branches could either eliminate the current loop
// or make other loops unreachable. LCSSA form might also not be preserved
// after deleting branches. The following code keeps traversing loop header's
// successors until it finds the trivial condition candidate (condition that
// is not a constant). Since unswitching generates branches with constant
// conditions, this scenario could be very common in practice.
BasicBlock *CurrentBB = L.getHeader();
SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 8> Visited;
do {
// Check if there are any side-effecting instructions (e.g. stores, calls,
// volatile loads) in the part of the loop that the code *would* execute
// without unswitching.
if (llvm::any_of(*CurrentBB,
[](Instruction &I) { return I.mayHaveSideEffects(); }))
return Changed;
TerminatorInst *CurrentTerm = CurrentBB->getTerminator();
if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<SwitchInst>(CurrentTerm)) {
// Don't bother trying to unswitch past a switch with a constant
// condition. This should be removed prior to running this pass by
// simplify-cfg.
if (isa<Constant>(SI->getCondition()))
return Changed;
if (!unswitchTrivialSwitch(L, *SI, DT, LI))
// Coludn't unswitch this one so we're done.
return Changed;
// Mark that we managed to unswitch something.
Changed = true;
// If unswitching turned the terminator into an unconditional branch then
// we can continue. The unswitching logic specifically works to fold any
// cases it can into an unconditional branch to make it easier to
// recognize here.
auto *BI = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(CurrentBB->getTerminator());
if (!BI || BI->isConditional())
return Changed;
CurrentBB = BI->getSuccessor(0);
auto *BI = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(CurrentTerm);
if (!BI)
// We do not understand other terminator instructions.
return Changed;
// Don't bother trying to unswitch past an unconditional branch or a branch
// with a constant value. These should be removed by simplify-cfg prior to
// running this pass.
if (!BI->isConditional() || isa<Constant>(BI->getCondition()))
return Changed;
// Found a trivial condition candidate: non-foldable conditional branch. If
// we fail to unswitch this, we can't do anything else that is trivial.
if (!unswitchTrivialBranch(L, *BI, DT, LI))
return Changed;
// Mark that we managed to unswitch something.
Changed = true;
// We unswitched the branch. This should always leave us with an
// unconditional branch that we can follow now.
BI = cast<BranchInst>(CurrentBB->getTerminator());
assert(!BI->isConditional() &&
"Cannot form a conditional branch by unswitching1");
CurrentBB = BI->getSuccessor(0);
// When continuing, if we exit the loop or reach a previous visited block,
// then we can not reach any trivial condition candidates (unfoldable
// branch instructions or switch instructions) and no unswitch can happen.
} while (L.contains(CurrentBB) && Visited.insert(CurrentBB).second);
return Changed;
/// Unswitch control flow predicated on loop invariant conditions.
/// This first hoists all branches or switches which are trivial (IE, do not
/// require duplicating any part of the loop) out of the loop body. It then
/// looks at other loop invariant control flows and tries to unswitch those as
/// well by cloning the loop if the result is small enough.
static bool unswitchLoop(Loop &L, DominatorTree &DT, LoopInfo &LI,
AssumptionCache &AC) {
assert(L.isLCSSAForm(DT) &&
"Loops must be in LCSSA form before unswitching.");
bool Changed = false;
// Must be in loop simplified form: we need a preheader and dedicated exits.
if (!L.isLoopSimplifyForm())
return false;
// Try trivial unswitch first before loop over other basic blocks in the loop.
Changed |= unswitchAllTrivialConditions(L, DT, LI);
// FIXME: Add support for non-trivial unswitching by cloning the loop.
return Changed;
PreservedAnalyses SimpleLoopUnswitchPass::run(Loop &L, LoopAnalysisManager &AM,
LoopStandardAnalysisResults &AR,
LPMUpdater &U) {
Function &F = *L.getHeader()->getParent();
DEBUG(dbgs() << "Unswitching loop in " << F.getName() << ": " << L << "\n");
if (!unswitchLoop(L, AR.DT, AR.LI, AR.AC))
return PreservedAnalyses::all();
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Historically this pass has had issues with the dominator tree so verify it
// in asserts builds.
return getLoopPassPreservedAnalyses();
namespace {
class SimpleLoopUnswitchLegacyPass : public LoopPass {
static char ID; // Pass ID, replacement for typeid
explicit SimpleLoopUnswitchLegacyPass() : LoopPass(ID) {
bool runOnLoop(Loop *L, LPPassManager &LPM) override;
void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
} // end anonymous namespace
bool SimpleLoopUnswitchLegacyPass::runOnLoop(Loop *L, LPPassManager &LPM) {
if (skipLoop(L))
return false;
Function &F = *L->getHeader()->getParent();
DEBUG(dbgs() << "Unswitching loop in " << F.getName() << ": " << *L << "\n");
auto &DT = getAnalysis<DominatorTreeWrapperPass>().getDomTree();
auto &LI = getAnalysis<LoopInfoWrapperPass>().getLoopInfo();
auto &AC = getAnalysis<AssumptionCacheTracker>().getAssumptionCache(F);
bool Changed = unswitchLoop(*L, DT, LI, AC);
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Historically this pass has had issues with the dominator tree so verify it
// in asserts builds.
return Changed;
char SimpleLoopUnswitchLegacyPass::ID = 0;
INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(SimpleLoopUnswitchLegacyPass, "simple-loop-unswitch",
"Simple unswitch loops", false, false)
INITIALIZE_PASS_END(SimpleLoopUnswitchLegacyPass, "simple-loop-unswitch",
"Simple unswitch loops", false, false)
Pass *llvm::createSimpleLoopUnswitchLegacyPass() {
return new SimpleLoopUnswitchLegacyPass();