blob: 4ef9d11d41b28716d2f7f7043812eebf53129e8d [file] [log] [blame]
; Test f128 moves on z14.
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=s390x-linux-gnu -mcpu=z14 | FileCheck %s
; VR-to-VR moves. Since f128s are passed by reference,
; we need to force a copy by other means.
define void @f1(fp128 *%x) {
; CHECK: vlr
; CHECK: vleig
; CHECK: br %r14
%val = load volatile fp128 , fp128 *%x
%t1 = bitcast fp128 %val to <2 x i64>
%t2 = insertelement <2 x i64> %t1, i64 0, i32 0
%res = bitcast <2 x i64> %t2 to fp128
store volatile fp128 %res, fp128 *%x
store volatile fp128 %val, fp128 *%x
ret void
; Test 128-bit moves from GPRs to VRs. i128 isn't a legitimate type,
; so this goes through memory.
define void @f2(fp128 *%a, i128 *%b) {
; CHECK: vl
; CHECK: vst
; CHECK: br %r14
%val = load i128 , i128 *%b
%res = bitcast i128 %val to fp128
store fp128 %res, fp128 *%a
ret void
; Test 128-bit moves from VRs to GPRs, with the same restriction as f2.
define void @f3(fp128 *%a, i128 *%b) {
; CHECK: vl
; CHECK: vst
%val = load fp128 , fp128 *%a
%res = bitcast fp128 %val to i128
store i128 %res, i128 *%b
ret void