[X86] Auto upgrade VPCOM/VPCOMU intrinsics to generic integer comparisons

This causes a couple of changes in the upgrade tests as signed/unsigned eq/ne are equivalent and we constant fold true/false codes, these changes are the same as what we already do for avx512 cmp/ucmp.

Noticed while cleaning up vector integer comparison costs for PR40376.

git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@351697 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
diff --git a/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicsX86.td b/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicsX86.td
index ea0b03b..3d41d23 100644
--- a/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicsX86.td
+++ b/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicsX86.td
@@ -1908,31 +1908,6 @@
   def int_x86_xop_vfrcz_ps_256 : GCCBuiltin<"__builtin_ia32_vfrczps256">,
               Intrinsic<[llvm_v8f32_ty], [llvm_v8f32_ty], [IntrNoMem]>;
-  def int_x86_xop_vpcomb :
-              Intrinsic<[llvm_v16i8_ty], [llvm_v16i8_ty, llvm_v16i8_ty,
-                         llvm_i8_ty], [IntrNoMem]>;
-  def int_x86_xop_vpcomw :
-              Intrinsic<[llvm_v8i16_ty], [llvm_v8i16_ty, llvm_v8i16_ty,
-                         llvm_i8_ty], [IntrNoMem]>;
-  def int_x86_xop_vpcomd :
-              Intrinsic<[llvm_v4i32_ty], [llvm_v4i32_ty, llvm_v4i32_ty,
-                         llvm_i8_ty], [IntrNoMem]>;
-  def int_x86_xop_vpcomq :
-              Intrinsic<[llvm_v2i64_ty], [llvm_v2i64_ty, llvm_v2i64_ty,
-                         llvm_i8_ty], [IntrNoMem]>;
-  def int_x86_xop_vpcomub :
-              Intrinsic<[llvm_v16i8_ty], [llvm_v16i8_ty, llvm_v16i8_ty,
-                         llvm_i8_ty], [IntrNoMem]>;
-  def int_x86_xop_vpcomuw :
-              Intrinsic<[llvm_v8i16_ty], [llvm_v8i16_ty, llvm_v8i16_ty,
-                         llvm_i8_ty], [IntrNoMem]>;
-  def int_x86_xop_vpcomud :
-              Intrinsic<[llvm_v4i32_ty], [llvm_v4i32_ty, llvm_v4i32_ty,
-                         llvm_i8_ty], [IntrNoMem]>;
-  def int_x86_xop_vpcomuq :
-              Intrinsic<[llvm_v2i64_ty], [llvm_v2i64_ty, llvm_v2i64_ty,
-                         llvm_i8_ty], [IntrNoMem]>;
   def int_x86_xop_vphaddbd :
               Intrinsic<[llvm_v4i32_ty], [llvm_v16i8_ty], [IntrNoMem]>;
diff --git a/lib/IR/AutoUpgrade.cpp b/lib/IR/AutoUpgrade.cpp
index b28e9f5..e27d93e 100644
--- a/lib/IR/AutoUpgrade.cpp
+++ b/lib/IR/AutoUpgrade.cpp
@@ -361,8 +361,7 @@
       Name == "xop.vpcmov.256" || // Added in 5.0
       Name.startswith("avx512.mask.move.s") || // Added in 4.0
       Name.startswith("avx512.cvtmask2") || // Added in 5.0
-      (Name.startswith("xop.vpcom") && // Added in 3.2
-       F->arg_size() == 2) ||
+      Name.startswith("xop.vpcom") || // Added in 3.2, Updated in 9.0
       Name.startswith("xop.vprot") || // Added in 8.0
       Name.startswith("avx512.prol") || // Added in 8.0
       Name.startswith("avx512.pror") || // Added in 8.0
@@ -2038,26 +2037,31 @@
         llvm_unreachable("Unknown suffix");
-      Name = Name.substr(9); // strip off "xop.vpcom"
       unsigned Imm;
-      if (Name.startswith("lt"))
-        Imm = 0;
-      else if (Name.startswith("le"))
-        Imm = 1;
-      else if (Name.startswith("gt"))
-        Imm = 2;
-      else if (Name.startswith("ge"))
-        Imm = 3;
-      else if (Name.startswith("eq"))
-        Imm = 4;
-      else if (Name.startswith("ne"))
-        Imm = 5;
-      else if (Name.startswith("false"))
-        Imm = 6;
-      else if (Name.startswith("true"))
-        Imm = 7;
-      else
-        llvm_unreachable("Unknown condition");
+      if (CI->getNumArgOperands() == 3) {
+        Imm = cast<ConstantInt>(CI->getArgOperand(2))->getZExtValue();
+      } else {
+        Name = Name.substr(9); // strip off "xop.vpcom"
+        if (Name.startswith("lt"))
+          Imm = 0;
+        else if (Name.startswith("le"))
+          Imm = 1;
+        else if (Name.startswith("gt"))
+          Imm = 2;
+        else if (Name.startswith("ge"))
+          Imm = 3;
+        else if (Name.startswith("eq"))
+          Imm = 4;
+        else if (Name.startswith("ne"))
+          Imm = 5;
+        else if (Name.startswith("false"))
+          Imm = 6;
+        else if (Name.startswith("true"))
+          Imm = 7;
+        else
+          llvm_unreachable("Unknown condition");
+      }
       Rep = upgradeX86vpcom(Builder, *CI, Imm, IsSigned);
     } else if (IsX86 && Name.startswith("xop.vpcmov")) {
       Value *Sel = CI->getArgOperand(2);
diff --git a/lib/Target/X86/X86IntrinsicsInfo.h b/lib/Target/X86/X86IntrinsicsInfo.h
index 01a56a4..b032889 100644
--- a/lib/Target/X86/X86IntrinsicsInfo.h
+++ b/lib/Target/X86/X86IntrinsicsInfo.h
@@ -1205,14 +1205,6 @@
   X86_INTRINSIC_DATA(vgf2p8mulb_512, INTR_TYPE_2OP,
                      X86ISD::GF2P8MULB, 0),
-  X86_INTRINSIC_DATA(xop_vpcomb,        INTR_TYPE_3OP, X86ISD::VPCOM, 0),
-  X86_INTRINSIC_DATA(xop_vpcomd,        INTR_TYPE_3OP, X86ISD::VPCOM, 0),
-  X86_INTRINSIC_DATA(xop_vpcomq,        INTR_TYPE_3OP, X86ISD::VPCOM, 0),
-  X86_INTRINSIC_DATA(xop_vpcomub,       INTR_TYPE_3OP, X86ISD::VPCOMU, 0),
-  X86_INTRINSIC_DATA(xop_vpcomud,       INTR_TYPE_3OP, X86ISD::VPCOMU, 0),
-  X86_INTRINSIC_DATA(xop_vpcomuq,       INTR_TYPE_3OP, X86ISD::VPCOMU, 0),
-  X86_INTRINSIC_DATA(xop_vpcomuw,       INTR_TYPE_3OP, X86ISD::VPCOMU, 0),
-  X86_INTRINSIC_DATA(xop_vpcomw,        INTR_TYPE_3OP, X86ISD::VPCOM, 0),
   X86_INTRINSIC_DATA(xop_vpermil2pd,     INTR_TYPE_4OP, X86ISD::VPERMIL2, 0),
   X86_INTRINSIC_DATA(xop_vpermil2pd_256, INTR_TYPE_4OP, X86ISD::VPERMIL2, 0),
   X86_INTRINSIC_DATA(xop_vpermil2ps,     INTR_TYPE_4OP, X86ISD::VPERMIL2, 0),
diff --git a/lib/Transforms/InstCombine/InstCombineCalls.cpp b/lib/Transforms/InstCombine/InstCombineCalls.cpp
index 50cad61..e8b0d52 100644
--- a/lib/Transforms/InstCombine/InstCombineCalls.cpp
+++ b/lib/Transforms/InstCombine/InstCombineCalls.cpp
@@ -1133,45 +1133,6 @@
   return Builder.CreateShuffleVector(V1, V2, ShuffleMask);
-/// Decode XOP integer vector comparison intrinsics.
-static Value *simplifyX86vpcom(const IntrinsicInst &II,
-                               InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder,
-                               bool IsSigned) {
-  if (auto *CInt = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(II.getArgOperand(2))) {
-    uint64_t Imm = CInt->getZExtValue() & 0x7;
-    VectorType *VecTy = cast<VectorType>(II.getType());
-    CmpInst::Predicate Pred = ICmpInst::BAD_ICMP_PREDICATE;
-    switch (Imm) {
-    case 0x0:
-      Pred = IsSigned ? ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT : ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT;
-      break;
-    case 0x1:
-      Pred = IsSigned ? ICmpInst::ICMP_SLE : ICmpInst::ICMP_ULE;
-      break;
-    case 0x2:
-      Pred = IsSigned ? ICmpInst::ICMP_SGT : ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT;
-      break;
-    case 0x3:
-      Pred = IsSigned ? ICmpInst::ICMP_SGE : ICmpInst::ICMP_UGE;
-      break;
-    case 0x4:
-      Pred = ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ; break;
-    case 0x5:
-      Pred = ICmpInst::ICMP_NE; break;
-    case 0x6:
-      return ConstantInt::getSigned(VecTy, 0); // FALSE
-    case 0x7:
-      return ConstantInt::getSigned(VecTy, -1); // TRUE
-    }
-    if (Value *Cmp = Builder.CreateICmp(Pred, II.getArgOperand(0),
-                                        II.getArgOperand(1)))
-      return Builder.CreateSExtOrTrunc(Cmp, VecTy);
-  }
-  return nullptr;
 static bool maskIsAllOneOrUndef(Value *Mask) {
   auto *ConstMask = dyn_cast<Constant>(Mask);
   if (!ConstMask)
@@ -3167,22 +3128,6 @@
       return nullptr;
-  case Intrinsic::x86_xop_vpcomb:
-  case Intrinsic::x86_xop_vpcomd:
-  case Intrinsic::x86_xop_vpcomq:
-  case Intrinsic::x86_xop_vpcomw:
-    if (Value *V = simplifyX86vpcom(*II, Builder, true))
-      return replaceInstUsesWith(*II, V);
-    break;
-  case Intrinsic::x86_xop_vpcomub:
-  case Intrinsic::x86_xop_vpcomud:
-  case Intrinsic::x86_xop_vpcomuq:
-  case Intrinsic::x86_xop_vpcomuw:
-    if (Value *V = simplifyX86vpcom(*II, Builder, false))
-      return replaceInstUsesWith(*II, V);
-    break;
   case Intrinsic::ppc_altivec_vperm:
     // Turn vperm(V1,V2,mask) -> shuffle(V1,V2,mask) if mask is a constant.
     // Note that ppc_altivec_vperm has a big-endian bias, so when creating
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/X86/commute-xop.ll b/test/CodeGen/X86/commute-xop.ll
index 606ff12..789afbb 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/X86/commute-xop.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/X86/commute-xop.ll
@@ -74,12 +74,12 @@
 ; X32-LABEL: commute_fold_vpcomud:
 ; X32:       # %bb.0:
 ; X32-NEXT:    movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax
-; X32-NEXT:    vpcomequd (%eax), %xmm0, %xmm0
+; X32-NEXT:    vpcomeqd (%eax), %xmm0, %xmm0
 ; X32-NEXT:    retl
 ; X64-LABEL: commute_fold_vpcomud:
 ; X64:       # %bb.0:
-; X64-NEXT:    vpcomequd (%rdi), %xmm0, %xmm0
+; X64-NEXT:    vpcomeqd (%rdi), %xmm0, %xmm0
 ; X64-NEXT:    retq
   %1 = load <4 x i32>, <4 x i32>* %a0
   %2 = call <4 x i32> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomud(<4 x i32> %1, <4 x i32> %a1, i8 4) ; vpcomequd
@@ -91,12 +91,12 @@
 ; X32-LABEL: commute_fold_vpcomuq:
 ; X32:       # %bb.0:
 ; X32-NEXT:    movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax
-; X32-NEXT:    vpcomnequq (%eax), %xmm0, %xmm0
+; X32-NEXT:    vpcomneqq (%eax), %xmm0, %xmm0
 ; X32-NEXT:    retl
 ; X64-LABEL: commute_fold_vpcomuq:
 ; X64:       # %bb.0:
-; X64-NEXT:    vpcomnequq (%rdi), %xmm0, %xmm0
+; X64-NEXT:    vpcomneqq (%rdi), %xmm0, %xmm0
 ; X64-NEXT:    retq
   %1 = load <2 x i64>, <2 x i64>* %a0
   %2 = call <2 x i64> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomuq(<2 x i64> %1, <2 x i64> %a1, i8 5) ; vpcomnequq
@@ -107,13 +107,12 @@
 define <8 x i16> @commute_fold_vpcomuw(<8 x i16>* %a0, <8 x i16> %a1) {
 ; X32-LABEL: commute_fold_vpcomuw:
 ; X32:       # %bb.0:
-; X32-NEXT:    movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax
-; X32-NEXT:    vpcomfalseuw (%eax), %xmm0, %xmm0
+; X32-NEXT:    vxorps %xmm0, %xmm0, %xmm0
 ; X32-NEXT:    retl
 ; X64-LABEL: commute_fold_vpcomuw:
 ; X64:       # %bb.0:
-; X64-NEXT:    vpcomfalseuw (%rdi), %xmm0, %xmm0
+; X64-NEXT:    vxorps %xmm0, %xmm0, %xmm0
 ; X64-NEXT:    retq
   %1 = load <8 x i16>, <8 x i16>* %a0
   %2 = call <8 x i16> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomuw(<8 x i16> %1, <8 x i16> %a1, i8 6) ; vpcomfalseuw
@@ -124,13 +123,12 @@
 define <8 x i16> @commute_fold_vpcomw(<8 x i16>* %a0, <8 x i16> %a1) {
 ; X32-LABEL: commute_fold_vpcomw:
 ; X32:       # %bb.0:
-; X32-NEXT:    movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax
-; X32-NEXT:    vpcomtruew (%eax), %xmm0, %xmm0
+; X32-NEXT:    vpcmpeqd %xmm0, %xmm0, %xmm0
 ; X32-NEXT:    retl
 ; X64-LABEL: commute_fold_vpcomw:
 ; X64:       # %bb.0:
-; X64-NEXT:    vpcomtruew (%rdi), %xmm0, %xmm0
+; X64-NEXT:    vpcmpeqd %xmm0, %xmm0, %xmm0
 ; X64-NEXT:    retq
   %1 = load <8 x i16>, <8 x i16>* %a0
   %2 = call <8 x i16> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomw(<8 x i16> %1, <8 x i16> %a1, i8 7) ; vpcomtruew
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/X86/xop-intrinsics-x86_64-upgrade.ll b/test/CodeGen/X86/xop-intrinsics-x86_64-upgrade.ll
index a9f237a..3d25e41 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/X86/xop-intrinsics-x86_64-upgrade.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/X86/xop-intrinsics-x86_64-upgrade.ll
@@ -726,6 +726,86 @@
 declare <8 x i16> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomtruew(<8 x i16>, <8 x i16>) nounwind readnone
+define <16 x i8> @test_int_x86_xop_vpcomb(<16 x i8> %a0, <16 x i8> %a1) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: test_int_x86_xop_vpcomb:
+; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    vpcomltb %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    retq
+  %res = call <16 x i8> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomb(<16 x i8> %a0, <16 x i8> %a1, i8 0) ;
+  ret <16 x i8> %res
+declare <16 x i8> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomb(<16 x i8>, <16 x i8>, i8) nounwind readnone
+define <8 x i16> @test_int_x86_xop_vpcomw(<8 x i16> %a0, <8 x i16> %a1) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: test_int_x86_xop_vpcomw:
+; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    vpcomltw %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    retq
+  %res = call <8 x i16> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomw(<8 x i16> %a0, <8 x i16> %a1, i8 0) ;
+  ret <8 x i16> %res
+declare <8 x i16> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomw(<8 x i16>, <8 x i16>, i8) nounwind readnone
+define <4 x i32> @test_int_x86_xop_vpcomd(<4 x i32> %a0, <4 x i32> %a1) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: test_int_x86_xop_vpcomd:
+; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    vpcomltd %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    retq
+  %res = call <4 x i32> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomd(<4 x i32> %a0, <4 x i32> %a1, i8 0) ;
+  ret <4 x i32> %res
+declare <4 x i32> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomd(<4 x i32>, <4 x i32>, i8) nounwind readnone
+define <2 x i64> @test_int_x86_xop_vpcomq(<2 x i64> %a0, <2 x i64> %a1) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: test_int_x86_xop_vpcomq:
+; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    vpcomltq %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    retq
+  %res = call <2 x i64> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomq(<2 x i64> %a0, <2 x i64> %a1, i8 0) ;
+  ret <2 x i64> %res
+declare <2 x i64> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomq(<2 x i64>, <2 x i64>, i8) nounwind readnone
+define <16 x i8> @test_int_x86_xop_vpcomub(<16 x i8> %a0, <16 x i8> %a1) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: test_int_x86_xop_vpcomub:
+; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    vpcomltub %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    retq
+  %res = call <16 x i8> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomub(<16 x i8> %a0, <16 x i8> %a1, i8 0) ;
+  ret <16 x i8> %res
+declare <16 x i8> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomub(<16 x i8>, <16 x i8>, i8) nounwind readnone
+define <8 x i16> @test_int_x86_xop_vpcomuw(<8 x i16> %a0, <8 x i16> %a1) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: test_int_x86_xop_vpcomuw:
+; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    vpcomltuw %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    retq
+  %res = call <8 x i16> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomuw(<8 x i16> %a0, <8 x i16> %a1, i8 0) ;
+  ret <8 x i16> %res
+declare <8 x i16> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomuw(<8 x i16>, <8 x i16>, i8) nounwind readnone
+define <4 x i32> @test_int_x86_xop_vpcomud(<4 x i32> %a0, <4 x i32> %a1) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: test_int_x86_xop_vpcomud:
+; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    vpcomltud %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    retq
+  %res = call <4 x i32> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomud(<4 x i32> %a0, <4 x i32> %a1, i8 0) ;
+  ret <4 x i32> %res
+declare <4 x i32> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomud(<4 x i32>, <4 x i32>, i8) nounwind readnone
+define <2 x i64> @test_int_x86_xop_vpcomuq(<2 x i64> %a0, <2 x i64> %a1) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: test_int_x86_xop_vpcomuq:
+; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    vpcomltuq %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    retq
+  %res = call <2 x i64> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomuq(<2 x i64> %a0, <2 x i64> %a1, i8 0) ;
+  ret <2 x i64> %res
+declare <2 x i64> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomuq(<2 x i64>, <2 x i64>, i8) nounwind readnone
 define <2 x i64> @test_int_x86_xop_vpcmov(<2 x i64> %a0, <2 x i64> %a1, <2 x i64> %a2) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: test_int_x86_xop_vpcmov:
 ; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/X86/xop-intrinsics-x86_64.ll b/test/CodeGen/X86/xop-intrinsics-x86_64.ll
index 80a3c5b..50e0578 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/X86/xop-intrinsics-x86_64.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/X86/xop-intrinsics-x86_64.ll
@@ -663,84 +663,3 @@
   ret <8 x float> %res
 declare <8 x float> @llvm.x86.xop.vfrcz.ps.256(<8 x float>) nounwind readnone
-define <16 x i8> @test_int_x86_xop_vpcomb(<16 x i8> %a0, <16 x i8> %a1) {
-; CHECK-LABEL: test_int_x86_xop_vpcomb:
-; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    vpcomltb %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm0
-; CHECK-NEXT:    retq
-  %res = call <16 x i8> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomb(<16 x i8> %a0, <16 x i8> %a1, i8 0) ;
-  ret <16 x i8> %res
-declare <16 x i8> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomb(<16 x i8>, <16 x i8>, i8) nounwind readnone
-define <8 x i16> @test_int_x86_xop_vpcomw(<8 x i16> %a0, <8 x i16> %a1) {
-; CHECK-LABEL: test_int_x86_xop_vpcomw:
-; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    vpcomltw %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm0
-; CHECK-NEXT:    retq
-  %res = call <8 x i16> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomw(<8 x i16> %a0, <8 x i16> %a1, i8 0) ;
-  ret <8 x i16> %res
-declare <8 x i16> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomw(<8 x i16>, <8 x i16>, i8) nounwind readnone
-define <4 x i32> @test_int_x86_xop_vpcomd(<4 x i32> %a0, <4 x i32> %a1) {
-; CHECK-LABEL: test_int_x86_xop_vpcomd:
-; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    vpcomltd %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm0
-; CHECK-NEXT:    retq
-  %res = call <4 x i32> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomd(<4 x i32> %a0, <4 x i32> %a1, i8 0) ;
-  ret <4 x i32> %res
-declare <4 x i32> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomd(<4 x i32>, <4 x i32>, i8) nounwind readnone
-define <2 x i64> @test_int_x86_xop_vpcomq(<2 x i64> %a0, <2 x i64> %a1) {
-; CHECK-LABEL: test_int_x86_xop_vpcomq:
-; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    vpcomltq %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm0
-; CHECK-NEXT:    retq
-  %res = call <2 x i64> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomq(<2 x i64> %a0, <2 x i64> %a1, i8 0) ;
-  ret <2 x i64> %res
-declare <2 x i64> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomq(<2 x i64>, <2 x i64>, i8) nounwind readnone
-define <16 x i8> @test_int_x86_xop_vpcomub(<16 x i8> %a0, <16 x i8> %a1) {
-; CHECK-LABEL: test_int_x86_xop_vpcomub:
-; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    vpcomltub %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm0
-; CHECK-NEXT:    retq
-  %res = call <16 x i8> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomub(<16 x i8> %a0, <16 x i8> %a1, i8 0) ;
-  ret <16 x i8> %res
-declare <16 x i8> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomub(<16 x i8>, <16 x i8>, i8) nounwind readnone
-define <8 x i16> @test_int_x86_xop_vpcomuw(<8 x i16> %a0, <8 x i16> %a1) {
-; CHECK-LABEL: test_int_x86_xop_vpcomuw:
-; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    vpcomltuw %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm0
-; CHECK-NEXT:    retq
-  %res = call <8 x i16> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomuw(<8 x i16> %a0, <8 x i16> %a1, i8 0) ;
-  ret <8 x i16> %res
-declare <8 x i16> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomuw(<8 x i16>, <8 x i16>, i8) nounwind readnone
-define <4 x i32> @test_int_x86_xop_vpcomud(<4 x i32> %a0, <4 x i32> %a1) {
-; CHECK-LABEL: test_int_x86_xop_vpcomud:
-; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    vpcomltud %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm0
-; CHECK-NEXT:    retq
-  %res = call <4 x i32> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomud(<4 x i32> %a0, <4 x i32> %a1, i8 0) ;
-  ret <4 x i32> %res
-declare <4 x i32> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomud(<4 x i32>, <4 x i32>, i8) nounwind readnone
-define <2 x i64> @test_int_x86_xop_vpcomuq(<2 x i64> %a0, <2 x i64> %a1) {
-; CHECK-LABEL: test_int_x86_xop_vpcomuq:
-; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    vpcomltuq %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm0
-; CHECK-NEXT:    retq
-  %res = call <2 x i64> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomuq(<2 x i64> %a0, <2 x i64> %a1, i8 0) ;
-  ret <2 x i64> %res
-declare <2 x i64> @llvm.x86.xop.vpcomuq(<2 x i64>, <2 x i64>, i8) nounwind readnone