blob: 942ae38a04c5d7b7abe34357fd3c07861f96315b [file] [log] [blame]
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os, signal, subprocess, sys
import re
import platform
import tempfile
import threading
import lit.ShUtil as ShUtil
import lit.Test as Test
import lit.util
from lit.util import to_bytes, to_string
class InternalShellError(Exception):
def __init__(self, command, message):
self.command = command
self.message = message
kIsWindows = platform.system() == 'Windows'
# Don't use close_fds on Windows.
kUseCloseFDs = not kIsWindows
# Use temporary files to replace /dev/null on Windows.
kAvoidDevNull = kIsWindows
class ShellEnvironment(object):
"""Mutable shell environment containing things like CWD and env vars.
Environment variables are not implemented, but cwd tracking is.
def __init__(self, cwd, env):
self.cwd = cwd
self.env = dict(env)
class TimeoutHelper(object):
Object used to helper manage enforcing a timeout in
_executeShCmd(). It is passed through recursive calls
to collect processes that have been executed so that when
the timeout happens they can be killed.
def __init__(self, timeout):
self.timeout = timeout
self._procs = []
self._timeoutReached = False
self._doneKillPass = False
# This lock will be used to protect concurrent access
# to _procs and _doneKillPass
self._lock = None
self._timer = None
def cancel(self):
if not
def active(self):
return self.timeout > 0
def addProcess(self, proc):
if not
needToRunKill = False
with self._lock:
# Avoid re-entering the lock by finding out if kill needs to be run
# again here but call it if necessary once we have left the lock.
# We could use a reentrant lock here instead but this code seems
# clearer to me.
needToRunKill = self._doneKillPass
# The initial call to _kill() from the timer thread already happened so
# we need to call it again from this thread, otherwise this process
# will be left to run even though the timeout was already hit
if needToRunKill:
assert self.timeoutReached()
def startTimer(self):
if not
# Do some late initialisation that's only needed
# if there is a timeout set
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._timer = threading.Timer(self.timeout, self._handleTimeoutReached)
def _handleTimeoutReached(self):
self._timeoutReached = True
def timeoutReached(self):
return self._timeoutReached
def _kill(self):
This method may be called multiple times as we might get unlucky
and be in the middle of creating a new process in _executeShCmd()
which won't yet be in ``self._procs``. By locking here and in
addProcess() we should be able to kill processes launched after
the initial call to _kill()
with self._lock:
for p in self._procs:
# Empty the list and note that we've done a pass over the list
self._procs = [] # Python2 doesn't have list.clear()
self._doneKillPass = True
class ShellCommandResult(object):
"""Captures the result of an individual command."""
def __init__(self, command, stdout, stderr, exitCode, timeoutReached,
outputFiles = []):
self.command = command
self.stdout = stdout
self.stderr = stderr
self.exitCode = exitCode
self.timeoutReached = timeoutReached
self.outputFiles = list(outputFiles)
def executeShCmd(cmd, shenv, results, timeout=0):
Wrapper around _executeShCmd that handles
# Use the helper even when no timeout is required to make
# other code simpler (i.e. avoid bunch of ``!= None`` checks)
timeoutHelper = TimeoutHelper(timeout)
if timeout > 0:
finalExitCode = _executeShCmd(cmd, shenv, results, timeoutHelper)
timeoutInfo = None
if timeoutHelper.timeoutReached():
timeoutInfo = 'Reached timeout of {} seconds'.format(timeout)
return (finalExitCode, timeoutInfo)
def quote_windows_command(seq):
Reimplement Python's private subprocess.list2cmdline for MSys compatibility
Based on CPython implementation here:
Some core util distributions (MSys) don't tokenize command line arguments
the same way that MSVC CRT does. Lit rolls its own quoting logic similar to
the stock CPython logic to paper over these quoting and tokenization rule
We use the same algorithm from MSDN as CPython
(, but we treat more
characters as needing quoting, such as double quotes themselves.
result = []
needquote = False
for arg in seq:
bs_buf = []
# Add a space to separate this argument from the others
if result:
result.append(' ')
# This logic differs from upstream list2cmdline.
needquote = (" " in arg) or ("\t" in arg) or ("\"" in arg) or not arg
if needquote:
for c in arg:
if c == '\\':
# Don't know if we need to double yet.
elif c == '"':
# Double backslashes.
result.append('\\' * len(bs_buf)*2)
bs_buf = []
# Normal char
if bs_buf:
bs_buf = []
# Add remaining backslashes, if any.
if bs_buf:
if needquote:
return ''.join(result)
def _executeShCmd(cmd, shenv, results, timeoutHelper):
if timeoutHelper.timeoutReached():
# Prevent further recursion if the timeout has been hit
# as we should try avoid launching more processes.
return None
if isinstance(cmd, ShUtil.Seq):
if cmd.op == ';':
res = _executeShCmd(cmd.lhs, shenv, results, timeoutHelper)
return _executeShCmd(cmd.rhs, shenv, results, timeoutHelper)
if cmd.op == '&':
raise InternalShellError(cmd,"unsupported shell operator: '&'")
if cmd.op == '||':
res = _executeShCmd(cmd.lhs, shenv, results, timeoutHelper)
if res != 0:
res = _executeShCmd(cmd.rhs, shenv, results, timeoutHelper)
return res
if cmd.op == '&&':
res = _executeShCmd(cmd.lhs, shenv, results, timeoutHelper)
if res is None:
return res
if res == 0:
res = _executeShCmd(cmd.rhs, shenv, results, timeoutHelper)
return res
raise ValueError('Unknown shell command: %r' % cmd.op)
assert isinstance(cmd, ShUtil.Pipeline)
# Handle shell builtins first.
if cmd.commands[0].args[0] == 'cd':
if len(cmd.commands) != 1:
raise ValueError("'cd' cannot be part of a pipeline")
if len(cmd.commands[0].args) != 2:
raise ValueError("'cd' supports only one argument")
newdir = cmd.commands[0].args[1]
# Update the cwd in the parent environment.
if os.path.isabs(newdir):
shenv.cwd = newdir
shenv.cwd = os.path.join(shenv.cwd, newdir)
# The cd builtin always succeeds. If the directory does not exist, the
# following Popen calls will fail instead.
return 0
procs = []
input = subprocess.PIPE
stderrTempFiles = []
opened_files = []
named_temp_files = []
# To avoid deadlock, we use a single stderr stream for piped
# output. This is null until we have seen some output using
# stderr.
for i,j in enumerate(cmd.commands):
# Reference the global environment by default.
cmd_shenv = shenv
if j.args[0] == 'env':
# Create a copy of the global environment and modify it for this one
# command. There might be multiple envs in a pipeline:
# env FOO=1 llc < %s | env BAR=2 llvm-mc | FileCheck %s
cmd_shenv = ShellEnvironment(shenv.cwd, shenv.env)
arg_idx = 1
for arg_idx, arg in enumerate(j.args[1:]):
# Partition the string into KEY=VALUE.
key, eq, val = arg.partition('=')
# Stop if there was no equals.
if eq == '':
cmd_shenv.env[key] = val
j.args = j.args[arg_idx+1:]
# Apply the redirections, we use (N,) as a sentinel to indicate stdin,
# stdout, stderr for N equal to 0, 1, or 2 respectively. Redirects to or
# from a file are represented with a list [file, mode, file-object]
# where file-object is initially None.
redirects = [(0,), (1,), (2,)]
for r in j.redirects:
if r[0] == ('>',2):
redirects[2] = [r[1], 'w', None]
elif r[0] == ('>>',2):
redirects[2] = [r[1], 'a', None]
elif r[0] == ('>&',2) and r[1] in '012':
redirects[2] = redirects[int(r[1])]
elif r[0] == ('>&',) or r[0] == ('&>',):
redirects[1] = redirects[2] = [r[1], 'w', None]
elif r[0] == ('>',):
redirects[1] = [r[1], 'w', None]
elif r[0] == ('>>',):
redirects[1] = [r[1], 'a', None]
elif r[0] == ('<',):
redirects[0] = [r[1], 'r', None]
raise InternalShellError(j,"Unsupported redirect: %r" % (r,))
# Map from the final redirections to something subprocess can handle.
final_redirects = []
for index,r in enumerate(redirects):
if r == (0,):
result = input
elif r == (1,):
if index == 0:
raise InternalShellError(j,"Unsupported redirect for stdin")
elif index == 1:
result = subprocess.PIPE
result = subprocess.STDOUT
elif r == (2,):
if index != 2:
raise InternalShellError(j,"Unsupported redirect on stdout")
result = subprocess.PIPE
if r[2] is None:
redir_filename = None
if kAvoidDevNull and r[0] == '/dev/null':
r[2] = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode=r[1])
elif kIsWindows and r[0] == '/dev/tty':
# Simulate /dev/tty on Windows.
# "CON" is a special filename for the console.
r[2] = open("CON", r[1])
# Make sure relative paths are relative to the cwd.
redir_filename = os.path.join(cmd_shenv.cwd, r[0])
r[2] = open(redir_filename, r[1])
# Workaround a Win32 and/or subprocess bug when appending.
# FIXME: Actually, this is probably an instance of PR6753.
if r[1] == 'a':
r[2].seek(0, 2)
opened_files.append(tuple(r) + (redir_filename,))
result = r[2]
stdin, stdout, stderr = final_redirects
# If stderr wants to come from stdout, but stdout isn't a pipe, then put
# stderr on a pipe and treat it as stdout.
if (stderr == subprocess.STDOUT and stdout != subprocess.PIPE):
stderr = subprocess.PIPE
stderrIsStdout = True
stderrIsStdout = False
# Don't allow stderr on a PIPE except for the last
# process, this could deadlock.
# FIXME: This is slow, but so is deadlock.
if stderr == subprocess.PIPE and j != cmd.commands[-1]:
stderr = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+b')
stderrTempFiles.append((i, stderr))
# Resolve the executable path ourselves.
args = list(j.args)
executable = None
# For paths relative to cwd, use the cwd of the shell environment.
if args[0].startswith('.'):
exe_in_cwd = os.path.join(cmd_shenv.cwd, args[0])
if os.path.isfile(exe_in_cwd):
executable = exe_in_cwd
if not executable:
executable = lit.util.which(args[0], cmd_shenv.env['PATH'])
if not executable:
raise InternalShellError(j, '%r: command not found' % j.args[0])
# Replace uses of /dev/null with temporary files.
if kAvoidDevNull:
for i,arg in enumerate(args):
if arg == "/dev/null":
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
args[i] =
# On Windows, do our own command line quoting for better compatibility
# with some core utility distributions.
if kIsWindows:
args = quote_windows_command(args)
procs.append(subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=cmd_shenv.cwd,
executable = executable,
stdin = stdin,
stdout = stdout,
stderr = stderr,
env = cmd_shenv.env,
close_fds = kUseCloseFDs))
# Let the helper know about this process
except OSError as e:
raise InternalShellError(j, 'Could not create process ({}) due to {}'.format(executable, e))
# Immediately close stdin for any process taking stdin from us.
if stdin == subprocess.PIPE:
procs[-1].stdin = None
# Update the current stdin source.
if stdout == subprocess.PIPE:
input = procs[-1].stdout
elif stderrIsStdout:
input = procs[-1].stderr
input = subprocess.PIPE
# Explicitly close any redirected files. We need to do this now because we
# need to release any handles we may have on the temporary files (important
# on Win32, for example). Since we have already spawned the subprocess, our
# handles have already been transferred so we do not need them anymore.
for (name, mode, f, path) in opened_files:
# FIXME: There is probably still deadlock potential here. Yawn.
procData = [None] * len(procs)
procData[-1] = procs[-1].communicate()
for i in range(len(procs) - 1):
if procs[i].stdout is not None:
out = procs[i]
out = ''
if procs[i].stderr is not None:
err = procs[i]
err = ''
procData[i] = (out,err)
# Read stderr out of the temp files.
for i,f in stderrTempFiles:, 0)
procData[i] = (procData[i][0],
def to_string(bytes):
if isinstance(bytes, str):
return bytes
return bytes.encode('utf-8')
exitCode = None
for i,(out,err) in enumerate(procData):
res = procs[i].wait()
# Detect Ctrl-C in subprocess.
if res == -signal.SIGINT:
raise KeyboardInterrupt
# Ensure the resulting output is always of string type.
if out is None:
out = ''
out = to_string(out.decode('utf-8', errors='replace'))
out = str(out)
if err is None:
err = ''
err = to_string(err.decode('utf-8', errors='replace'))
err = str(err)
# Gather the redirected output files for failed commands.
output_files = []
if res != 0:
for (name, mode, f, path) in sorted(opened_files):
if path is not None and mode in ('w', 'a'):
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
data =
data = None
if data is not None:
output_files.append((name, path, data))
cmd.commands[i], out, err, res, timeoutHelper.timeoutReached(),
if cmd.pipe_err:
# Python treats the exit code as a signed char.
if exitCode is None:
exitCode = res
elif res < 0:
exitCode = min(exitCode, res)
exitCode = max(exitCode, res)
exitCode = res
# Remove any named temporary files we created.
for f in named_temp_files:
except OSError:
if cmd.negate:
exitCode = not exitCode
return exitCode
def executeScriptInternal(test, litConfig, tmpBase, commands, cwd):
cmds = []
for ln in commands:
cmds.append(ShUtil.ShParser(ln, litConfig.isWindows,
return lit.Test.Result(Test.FAIL, "shell parser error on: %r" % ln)
cmd = cmds[0]
for c in cmds[1:]:
cmd = ShUtil.Seq(cmd, '&&', c)
results = []
timeoutInfo = None
shenv = ShellEnvironment(cwd, test.config.environment)
exitCode, timeoutInfo = executeShCmd(cmd, shenv, results, timeout=litConfig.maxIndividualTestTime)
except InternalShellError:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
exitCode = 127
ShellCommandResult(e.command, '', e.message, exitCode, False))
out = err = ''
for i,result in enumerate(results):
# Write the command line run.
out += '$ %s\n' % (' '.join('"%s"' % s
for s in result.command.args),)
# If nothing interesting happened, move on.
if litConfig.maxIndividualTestTime == 0 and \
result.exitCode == 0 and \
not result.stdout.strip() and not result.stderr.strip():
# Otherwise, something failed or was printed, show it.
# Add the command output, if redirected.
for (name, path, data) in result.outputFiles:
if data.strip():
out += "# redirected output from %r:\n" % (name,)
data = to_string(data.decode('utf-8', errors='replace'))
if len(data) > 1024:
out += data[:1024] + "\n...\n"
out += "note: data was truncated\n"
out += data
out += "\n"
if result.stdout.strip():
out += '# command output:\n%s\n' % (result.stdout,)
if result.stderr.strip():
out += '# command stderr:\n%s\n' % (result.stderr,)
if not result.stdout.strip() and not result.stderr.strip():
out += "note: command had no output on stdout or stderr\n"
# Show the error conditions:
if result.exitCode != 0:
# On Windows, a negative exit code indicates a signal, and those are
# easier to recognize or look up if we print them in hex.
if litConfig.isWindows and result.exitCode < 0:
codeStr = hex(int(result.exitCode & 0xFFFFFFFF)).rstrip("L")
codeStr = str(result.exitCode)
out += "error: command failed with exit status: %s\n" % (
if litConfig.maxIndividualTestTime > 0:
out += 'error: command reached timeout: %s\n' % (
return out, err, exitCode, timeoutInfo
def executeScript(test, litConfig, tmpBase, commands, cwd):
bashPath = litConfig.getBashPath()
isWin32CMDEXE = (litConfig.isWindows and not bashPath)
script = tmpBase + '.script'
if isWin32CMDEXE:
script += '.bat'
# Write script file
mode = 'w'
if litConfig.isWindows and not isWin32CMDEXE:
mode += 'b' # Avoid CRLFs when writing bash scripts.
f = open(script, mode)
if isWin32CMDEXE:
f.write('\nif %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 EXIT\n'.join(commands))
if test.config.pipefail:
f.write('set -o pipefail;')
f.write('{ ' + '; } &&\n{ '.join(commands) + '; }')
if isWin32CMDEXE:
command = ['cmd','/c', script]
if bashPath:
command = [bashPath, script]
command = ['/bin/sh', script]
if litConfig.useValgrind:
# FIXME: Running valgrind on sh is overkill. We probably could just
# run on clang with no real loss.
command = litConfig.valgrindArgs + command
out, err, exitCode = lit.util.executeCommand(command, cwd=cwd,
return (out, err, exitCode, None)
except lit.util.ExecuteCommandTimeoutException as e:
return (e.out, e.err, e.exitCode, e.msg)
def parseIntegratedTestScriptCommands(source_path, keywords):
parseIntegratedTestScriptCommands(source_path) -> commands
Parse the commands in an integrated test script file into a list of
(line_number, command_type, line).
# This code is carefully written to be dual compatible with Python 2.5+ and
# Python 3 without requiring input files to always have valid codings. The
# trick we use is to open the file in binary mode and use the regular
# expression library to find the commands, with it scanning strings in
# Python2 and bytes in Python3.
# Once we find a match, we do require each script line to be decodable to
# UTF-8, so we convert the outputs to UTF-8 before returning. This way the
# remaining code can work with "strings" agnostic of the executing Python
# version.
keywords_re = re.compile(
to_bytes("(%s)(.*)\n" % ("|".join(re.escape(k) for k in keywords),)))
f = open(source_path, 'rb')
# Read the entire file contents.
data =
# Ensure the data ends with a newline.
if not data.endswith(to_bytes('\n')):
data = data + to_bytes('\n')
# Iterate over the matches.
line_number = 1
last_match_position = 0
for match in keywords_re.finditer(data):
# Compute the updated line number by counting the intervening
# newlines.
match_position = match.start()
line_number += data.count(to_bytes('\n'), last_match_position,
last_match_position = match_position
# Convert the keyword and line to UTF-8 strings and yield the
# command. Note that we take care to return regular strings in
# Python 2, to avoid other code having to differentiate between the
# str and unicode types.
keyword,ln = match.groups()
yield (line_number, to_string(keyword.decode('utf-8')),
def getTempPaths(test):
"""Get the temporary location, this is always relative to the test suite
root, not test source root."""
execpath = test.getExecPath()
execdir,execbase = os.path.split(execpath)
tmpDir = os.path.join(execdir, 'Output')
tmpBase = os.path.join(tmpDir, execbase)
return tmpDir, tmpBase
def getDefaultSubstitutions(test, tmpDir, tmpBase, normalize_slashes=False):
sourcepath = test.getSourcePath()
sourcedir = os.path.dirname(sourcepath)
# Normalize slashes, if requested.
if normalize_slashes:
sourcepath = sourcepath.replace('\\', '/')
sourcedir = sourcedir.replace('\\', '/')
tmpDir = tmpDir.replace('\\', '/')
tmpBase = tmpBase.replace('\\', '/')
# We use #_MARKER_# to hide %% while we do the other substitutions.
substitutions = []
substitutions.extend([('%%', '#_MARKER_#')])
substitutions.extend([('%s', sourcepath),
('%S', sourcedir),
('%p', sourcedir),
('%{pathsep}', os.pathsep),
('%t', tmpBase + '.tmp'),
('%T', tmpDir),
('#_MARKER_#', '%')])
# "%/[STpst]" should be normalized.
('%/s', sourcepath.replace('\\', '/')),
('%/S', sourcedir.replace('\\', '/')),
('%/p', sourcedir.replace('\\', '/')),
('%/t', tmpBase.replace('\\', '/') + '.tmp'),
('%/T', tmpDir.replace('\\', '/')),
# "%:[STpst]" are paths without colons.
if kIsWindows:
('%:s', re.sub(r'^(.):', r'\1', sourcepath)),
('%:S', re.sub(r'^(.):', r'\1', sourcedir)),
('%:p', re.sub(r'^(.):', r'\1', sourcedir)),
('%:t', re.sub(r'^(.):', r'\1', tmpBase) + '.tmp'),
('%:T', re.sub(r'^(.):', r'\1', tmpDir)),
('%:s', sourcepath),
('%:S', sourcedir),
('%:p', sourcedir),
('%:t', tmpBase + '.tmp'),
('%:T', tmpDir),
return substitutions
def applySubstitutions(script, substitutions):
"""Apply substitutions to the script. Allow full regular expression syntax.
Replace each matching occurrence of regular expression pattern a with
substitution b in line ln."""
def processLine(ln):
# Apply substitutions
for a,b in substitutions:
if kIsWindows:
b = b.replace("\\","\\\\")
ln = re.sub(a, b, ln)
# Strip the trailing newline and any extra whitespace.
return ln.strip()
# Note Python 3 map() gives an iterator rather than a list so explicitly
# convert to list before returning.
return list(map(processLine, script))
class ParserKind(object):
An enumeration representing the style of an integrated test keyword or
TAG: A keyword taking no value. Ex 'END.'
COMMAND: A Keyword taking a list of shell commands. Ex 'RUN:'
LIST: A keyword taking a comma separated list of value. Ex 'XFAIL:'
CUSTOM: A keyword with custom parsing semantics.
TAG = 0
LIST = 2
class IntegratedTestKeywordParser(object):
"""A parser for LLVM/Clang style integrated test scripts.
keyword: The keyword to parse for. It must end in either '.' or ':'.
kind: An value of ParserKind.
parser: A custom parser. This value may only be specified with
def __init__(self, keyword, kind, parser=None, initial_value=None):
if not keyword.endswith('.') and not keyword.endswith(':'):
raise ValueError("keyword '%s' must end with either '.' or ':' "
% keyword)
if keyword.endswith('.') and kind in \
[ParserKind.LIST, ParserKind.COMMAND]:
raise ValueError("Keyword '%s' should end in ':'" % keyword)
elif keyword.endswith(':') and kind in [ParserKind.TAG]:
raise ValueError("Keyword '%s' should end in '.'" % keyword)
if parser is not None and kind != ParserKind.CUSTOM:
raise ValueError("custom parsers can only be specified with "
self.keyword = keyword
self.kind = kind
self.parsed_lines = []
self.value = initial_value
self.parser = parser
if kind == ParserKind.COMMAND:
self.parser = self._handleCommand
elif kind == ParserKind.LIST:
self.parser = self._handleList
elif kind == ParserKind.TAG:
if not keyword.endswith('.'):
raise ValueError("keyword '%s' should end with '.'" % keyword)
self.parser = self._handleTag
elif kind == ParserKind.CUSTOM:
if parser is None:
raise ValueError("ParserKind.CUSTOM requires a custom parser")
self.parser = parser
raise ValueError("Unknown kind '%s'" % kind)
def parseLine(self, line_number, line):
self.parsed_lines += [(line_number, line)]
self.value = self.parser(line_number, line, self.value)
def getValue(self):
return self.value
def _handleTag(line_number, line, output):
"""A helper for parsing TAG type keywords"""
return (not line.strip() or output)
def _handleCommand(line_number, line, output):
"""A helper for parsing COMMAND type keywords"""
# Trim trailing whitespace.
line = line.rstrip()
# Substitute line number expressions
line = re.sub('%\(line\)', str(line_number), line)
def replace_line_number(match):
if == '+':
return str(line_number + int(
if == '-':
return str(line_number - int(
line = re.sub('%\(line *([\+-]) *(\d+)\)', replace_line_number, line)
# Collapse lines with trailing '\\'.
if output and output[-1][-1] == '\\':
output[-1] = output[-1][:-1] + line
if output is None:
output = []
return output
def _handleList(line_number, line, output):
"""A parser for LIST type keywords"""
if output is None:
output = []
output.extend([s.strip() for s in line.split(',')])
return output
def parseIntegratedTestScript(test, additional_parsers=[],
"""parseIntegratedTestScript - Scan an LLVM/Clang style integrated test
script and extract the lines to 'RUN' as well as 'XFAIL' and 'REQUIRES'
'REQUIRES-ANY' and 'UNSUPPORTED' information.
If additional parsers are specified then the test is also scanned for the
keywords they specify and all matches are passed to the custom parser.
If 'require_script' is False an empty script
may be returned. This can be used for test formats where the actual script
is optional or ignored.
# Collect the test lines from the script.
sourcepath = test.getSourcePath()
script = []
requires = []
requires_any = []
unsupported = []
builtin_parsers = [
IntegratedTestKeywordParser('RUN:', ParserKind.COMMAND,
IntegratedTestKeywordParser('XFAIL:', ParserKind.LIST,
IntegratedTestKeywordParser('REQUIRES:', ParserKind.LIST,
IntegratedTestKeywordParser('REQUIRES-ANY:', ParserKind.LIST,
IntegratedTestKeywordParser('UNSUPPORTED:', ParserKind.LIST,
IntegratedTestKeywordParser('END.', ParserKind.TAG)
keyword_parsers = {p.keyword: p for p in builtin_parsers}
for parser in additional_parsers:
if not isinstance(parser, IntegratedTestKeywordParser):
raise ValueError('additional parser must be an instance of '
if parser.keyword in keyword_parsers:
raise ValueError("Parser for keyword '%s' already exists"
% parser.keyword)
keyword_parsers[parser.keyword] = parser
for line_number, command_type, ln in \
parser = keyword_parsers[command_type]
parser.parseLine(line_number, ln)
if command_type == 'END.' and parser.getValue() is True:
# Verify the script contains a run line.
if require_script and not script:
return lit.Test.Result(Test.UNRESOLVED, "Test has no run line!")
# Check for unterminated run lines.
if script and script[-1][-1] == '\\':
return lit.Test.Result(Test.UNRESOLVED,
"Test has unterminated run lines (with '\\')")
# Check that we have the required features:
missing_required_features = [f for f in requires
if f not in test.config.available_features]
if missing_required_features:
msg = ', '.join(missing_required_features)
return lit.Test.Result(Test.UNSUPPORTED,
"Test requires the following features: %s"
% msg)
requires_any_features = [f for f in requires_any
if f in test.config.available_features]
if requires_any and not requires_any_features:
msg = ' ,'.join(requires_any)
return lit.Test.Result(Test.UNSUPPORTED,
"Test requires any of the following features: "
"%s" % msg)
unsupported_features = [f for f in unsupported
if f in test.config.available_features]
if unsupported_features:
msg = ', '.join(unsupported_features)
return lit.Test.Result(
"Test is unsupported with the following features: %s" % msg)
unsupported_targets = [f for f in unsupported
if f in test.suite.config.target_triple]
if unsupported_targets:
return lit.Test.Result(
"Test is unsupported with the following triple: %s" % (
if test.config.limit_to_features:
# Check that we have one of the limit_to_features features in requires.
limit_to_features_tests = [f for f in test.config.limit_to_features
if f in requires]
if not limit_to_features_tests:
msg = ', '.join(test.config.limit_to_features)
return lit.Test.Result(
"Test requires one of the limit_to_features features %s" % msg)
return script
def _runShTest(test, litConfig, useExternalSh, script, tmpBase):
# Create the output directory if it does not already exist.
execdir = os.path.dirname(test.getExecPath())
if useExternalSh:
res = executeScript(test, litConfig, tmpBase, script, execdir)
res = executeScriptInternal(test, litConfig, tmpBase, script, execdir)
if isinstance(res, lit.Test.Result):
return res
out,err,exitCode,timeoutInfo = res
if exitCode == 0:
status = Test.PASS
if timeoutInfo is None:
status = Test.FAIL
status = Test.TIMEOUT
# Form the output log.
output = """Script:\n--\n%s\n--\nExit Code: %d\n""" % (
'\n'.join(script), exitCode)
if timeoutInfo is not None:
output += """Timeout: %s\n""" % (timeoutInfo,)
output += "\n"
# Append the outputs, if present.
if out:
output += """Command Output (stdout):\n--\n%s\n--\n""" % (out,)
if err:
output += """Command Output (stderr):\n--\n%s\n--\n""" % (err,)
return lit.Test.Result(status, output)
def executeShTest(test, litConfig, useExternalSh,
if test.config.unsupported:
return (Test.UNSUPPORTED, 'Test is unsupported')
script = parseIntegratedTestScript(test)
if isinstance(script, lit.Test.Result):
return script
if litConfig.noExecute:
return lit.Test.Result(Test.PASS)
tmpDir, tmpBase = getTempPaths(test)
substitutions = list(extra_substitutions)
substitutions += getDefaultSubstitutions(test, tmpDir, tmpBase,
script = applySubstitutions(script, substitutions)
# Re-run failed tests up to test_retry_attempts times.
attempts = 1
if hasattr(test.config, 'test_retry_attempts'):
attempts += test.config.test_retry_attempts
for i in range(attempts):
res = _runShTest(test, litConfig, useExternalSh, script, tmpBase)
if res.code != Test.FAIL:
# If we had to run the test more than once, count it as a flaky pass. These
# will be printed separately in the test summary.
if i > 0 and res.code == Test.PASS:
res.code = Test.FLAKYPASS
return res