blob: bd321d15c7fb05df964a09698b2e276fc4287ce8 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Helps to keep files in sync with the corresponding CMakeLists.txt.
For each file in the tree, checks if the list of cpp files in
it is identical to the list of cpp files in the corresponding CMakeLists.txt
file, and prints the difference if not.
Also checks that each CMakeLists.txt file below unittests/ folders that define
binaries have corresponding files.
If --write is passed, tries to write modified .gn files and adds one git
commit for each cmake commit this merges. If an error is reported, the state
of HEAD is unspecified; run `git reset --hard origin/master` if this happens.
from __future__ import print_function
from collections import defaultdict
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
def patch_gn_file(gn_file, add, remove):
with open(gn_file) as f:
gn_contents =
srcs_tok = 'sources = ['
tokloc = gn_contents.find(srcs_tok)
if tokloc == -1: raise ValueError(gn_file + ': Failed to find source list')
if gn_contents.find(srcs_tok, tokloc + 1) != -1:
raise ValueError(gn_file + ': Multiple source lists')
if gn_file.find('# NOSORT', 0, tokloc) != -1:
raise ValueError(gn_file + ': Found # NOSORT, needs manual merge')
tokloc += len(srcs_tok)
for a in add:
gn_contents = (gn_contents[:tokloc] + ('"%s",' % a) +
for r in remove:
gn_contents = gn_contents.replace('"%s",' % r, '')
with open(gn_file, 'w') as f:
# Run `gn format`.
gn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '')
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, gn, 'format', '-q', gn_file])
def sync_source_lists(write):
# Use shell=True on Windows in case git is a bat file.
def git(args): subprocess.check_call(['git'] + args, == 'nt')
def git_out(args):
return subprocess.check_output(['git'] + args, == 'nt')
gn_files = git_out(['ls-files', '*']).splitlines()
# Matches e.g. | "foo.cpp",|, captures |foo| in group 1.
gn_cpp_re = re.compile(r'^\s*"([^"]+\.(?:cpp|c|h|S))",$', re.MULTILINE)
# Matches e.g. | foo.cpp|, captures |foo| in group 1.
cmake_cpp_re = re.compile(r'^\s*([A-Za-z_0-9./-]+\.(?:cpp|c|h|S))$',
changes_by_rev = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)))
def find_gitrev(touched_line, in_file):
return git_out(
['log', '--format=%h', '-1', '-S' + touched_line, in_file]).rstrip()
def svnrev_from_gitrev(gitrev):
git_llvm = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'git-svn', 'git-llvm')
return int(subprocess.check_output(
[sys.executable, git_llvm, 'svn-lookup', gitrev],
# Collect changes to gn files, grouped by revision.
for gn_file in gn_files:
# The CMakeLists.txt for llvm/utils/gn/secondary/foo/ is
# at foo/CMakeLists.txt.
strip_prefix = 'llvm/utils/gn/secondary/'
if not gn_file.startswith(strip_prefix):
cmake_file = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(gn_file[len(strip_prefix):]), 'CMakeLists.txt')
if not os.path.exists(cmake_file):
def get_sources(source_re, text):
return set([ for m in source_re.finditer(text)])
gn_cpp = get_sources(gn_cpp_re, open(gn_file).read())
cmake_cpp = get_sources(cmake_cpp_re, open(cmake_file).read())
if gn_cpp == cmake_cpp:
def by_rev(files, key):
for f in files:
svnrev = svnrev_from_gitrev(find_gitrev(f, cmake_file))
by_rev(sorted(cmake_cpp - gn_cpp), 'add')
by_rev(sorted(gn_cpp - cmake_cpp), 'remove')
# Output necessary changes grouped by revision.
for svnrev in sorted(changes_by_rev):
print('gn build: Merge r{0} --{0}'
for gn_file, data in sorted(changes_by_rev[svnrev].items()):
add = data.get('add', [])
remove = data.get('remove', [])
if write:
patch_gn_file(gn_file, add, remove)
git(['add', gn_file])
print(' ' + gn_file)
if add:
print(' add:\n' + '\n'.join(' "%s",' % a for a in add))
if remove:
print(' remove:\n ' + '\n '.join(remove))
if write:
git(['commit', '-m', 'gn build: Merge r%d' % svnrev])
return bool(changes_by_rev)
def sync_unittests():
# Matches e.g. |add_llvm_unittest_with_input_files|.
unittest_re = re.compile(r'^add_\S+_unittest', re.MULTILINE)
checked = [ 'clang', 'clang-tools-extra', 'lld', 'llvm' ]
changed = False
for c in checked:
for root, _, _ in os.walk(os.path.join(c, 'unittests')):
cmake_file = os.path.join(root, 'CMakeLists.txt')
if not os.path.exists(cmake_file):
if not
continue # Skip CMake files that just add subdirectories.
gn_file = os.path.join('llvm/utils/gn/secondary', root, '')
if not os.path.exists(gn_file):
changed = True
print('missing GN file %s for unittest CMake file %s' %
(gn_file, cmake_file))
return changed
def main():
src = sync_source_lists(len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '--write')
tests = sync_unittests()
if src or tests:
if __name__ == '__main__':