blob: 31c4cd5e472a5efefae5ccf4b8918eb52cdbfafc [file] [log] [blame]
//===- DWARFDie.cpp -------------------------------------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFDie.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/None.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Dwarf.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFAbbreviationDeclaration.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFContext.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFDebugRangeList.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFExpression.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFFormValue.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFUnit.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DataExtractor.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/WithColor.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace dwarf;
using namespace object;
static void dumpApplePropertyAttribute(raw_ostream &OS, uint64_t Val) {
OS << " (";
do {
uint64_t Shift = countTrailingZeros(Val);
assert(Shift < 64 && "undefined behavior");
uint64_t Bit = 1ULL << Shift;
auto PropName = ApplePropertyString(Bit);
if (!PropName.empty())
OS << PropName;
OS << format("DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_0x%" PRIx64, Bit);
if (!(Val ^= Bit))
OS << ", ";
} while (true);
OS << ")";
static void dumpRanges(const DWARFObject &Obj, raw_ostream &OS,
const DWARFAddressRangesVector &Ranges,
unsigned AddressSize, unsigned Indent,
const DIDumpOptions &DumpOpts) {
if (!DumpOpts.ShowAddresses)
ArrayRef<SectionName> SectionNames;
if (DumpOpts.Verbose)
SectionNames = Obj.getSectionNames();
for (const DWARFAddressRange &R : Ranges) {
OS << '\n';
R.dump(OS, AddressSize);
if (SectionNames.empty() || R.SectionIndex == -1ULL)
StringRef Name = SectionNames[R.SectionIndex].Name;
OS << " \"" << Name << '\"';
// Print section index if name is not unique.
if (!SectionNames[R.SectionIndex].IsNameUnique)
OS << format(" [%" PRIu64 "]", R.SectionIndex);
static void dumpLocation(raw_ostream &OS, DWARFFormValue &FormValue,
DWARFUnit *U, unsigned Indent,
DIDumpOptions DumpOpts) {
DWARFContext &Ctx = U->getContext();
const DWARFObject &Obj = Ctx.getDWARFObj();
const MCRegisterInfo *MRI = Ctx.getRegisterInfo();
if (FormValue.isFormClass(DWARFFormValue::FC_Block) ||
FormValue.isFormClass(DWARFFormValue::FC_Exprloc)) {
ArrayRef<uint8_t> Expr = *FormValue.getAsBlock();
DataExtractor Data(StringRef((const char *), Expr.size()),
Ctx.isLittleEndian(), 0);
DWARFExpression(Data, U->getVersion(), U->getAddressByteSize())
.print(OS, MRI);
FormValue.dump(OS, DumpOpts);
if (FormValue.isFormClass(DWARFFormValue::FC_SectionOffset)) {
uint32_t Offset = *FormValue.getAsSectionOffset();
if (!U->isDWOUnit() && !U->getLocSection()->Data.empty()) {
DWARFDebugLoc DebugLoc;
DWARFDataExtractor Data(Obj, *U->getLocSection(), Ctx.isLittleEndian(),
auto LL = DebugLoc.parseOneLocationList(Data, &Offset);
if (LL) {
uint64_t BaseAddr = 0;
if (Optional<SectionedAddress> BA = U->getBaseAddress())
BaseAddr = BA->Address;
LL->dump(OS, Ctx.isLittleEndian(), Obj.getAddressSize(), MRI, BaseAddr,
} else
OS << "error extracting location list.";
bool UseLocLists = !U->isDWOUnit();
StringRef LoclistsSectionData =
UseLocLists ? Obj.getLoclistsSection().Data : U->getLocSectionData();
if (!LoclistsSectionData.empty()) {
DataExtractor Data(LoclistsSectionData, Ctx.isLittleEndian(),
// Old-style location list were used in DWARF v4 (.debug_loc.dwo section).
// Modern locations list (.debug_loclists) are used starting from v5.
// Ideally we should take the version from the .debug_loclists section
// header, but using CU's version for simplicity.
auto LL = DWARFDebugLoclists::parseOneLocationList(
Data, &Offset, UseLocLists ? U->getVersion() : 4);
uint64_t BaseAddr = 0;
if (Optional<SectionedAddress> BA = U->getBaseAddress())
BaseAddr = BA->Address;
if (LL)
LL->dump(OS, BaseAddr, Ctx.isLittleEndian(), Obj.getAddressSize(), MRI,
OS << "error extracting location list.";
/// Dump the name encoded in the type tag.
static void dumpTypeTagName(raw_ostream &OS, dwarf::Tag T) {
StringRef TagStr = TagString(T);
if (!TagStr.startswith("DW_TAG_") || !TagStr.endswith("_type"))
OS << TagStr.substr(7, TagStr.size() - 12) << " ";
/// Recursively dump the DIE type name when applicable.
static void dumpTypeName(raw_ostream &OS, const DWARFDie &Die) {
DWARFDie D = Die.getAttributeValueAsReferencedDie(DW_AT_type);
if (!D.isValid())
if (const char *Name = D.getName(DINameKind::LinkageName)) {
OS << Name;
// FIXME: We should have pretty printers per language. Currently we print
// everything as if it was C++ and fall back to the TAG type name.
const dwarf::Tag T = D.getTag();
switch (T) {
case DW_TAG_array_type:
case DW_TAG_pointer_type:
case DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type:
case DW_TAG_reference_type:
case DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type:
dumpTypeTagName(OS, T);
// Follow the DW_AT_type if possible.
dumpTypeName(OS, D);
switch (T) {
case DW_TAG_array_type:
OS << "[]";
case DW_TAG_pointer_type:
OS << '*';
case DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type:
OS << '*';
case DW_TAG_reference_type:
OS << '&';
case DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type:
OS << "&&";
static void dumpAttribute(raw_ostream &OS, const DWARFDie &Die,
uint32_t *OffsetPtr, dwarf::Attribute Attr,
dwarf::Form Form, unsigned Indent,
DIDumpOptions DumpOpts) {
if (!Die.isValid())
const char BaseIndent[] = " ";
OS << BaseIndent;
OS.indent(Indent + 2);
WithColor(OS, HighlightColor::Attribute) << formatv("{0}", Attr);
if (DumpOpts.Verbose || DumpOpts.ShowForm)
OS << formatv(" [{0}]", Form);
DWARFUnit *U = Die.getDwarfUnit();
DWARFFormValue formValue(Form);
if (!formValue.extractValue(U->getDebugInfoExtractor(), OffsetPtr,
U->getFormParams(), U))
OS << "\t(";
StringRef Name;
std::string File;
auto Color = HighlightColor::Enumerator;
if (Attr == DW_AT_decl_file || Attr == DW_AT_call_file) {
Color = HighlightColor::String;
if (const auto *LT = U->getContext().getLineTableForUnit(U))
if (LT->getFileNameByIndex(
DILineInfoSpecifier::FileLineInfoKind::AbsoluteFilePath, File)) {
File = '"' + File + '"';
Name = File;
} else if (Optional<uint64_t> Val = formValue.getAsUnsignedConstant())
Name = AttributeValueString(Attr, *Val);
if (!Name.empty())
WithColor(OS, Color) << Name;
else if (Attr == DW_AT_decl_line || Attr == DW_AT_call_line)
OS << *formValue.getAsUnsignedConstant();
else if (Attr == DW_AT_high_pc && !DumpOpts.ShowForm && !DumpOpts.Verbose &&
formValue.getAsUnsignedConstant()) {
if (DumpOpts.ShowAddresses) {
// Print the actual address rather than the offset.
uint64_t LowPC, HighPC, Index;
if (Die.getLowAndHighPC(LowPC, HighPC, Index))
OS << format("0x%016" PRIx64, HighPC);
formValue.dump(OS, DumpOpts);
} else if (Attr == DW_AT_location || Attr == DW_AT_frame_base ||
Attr == DW_AT_data_member_location ||
Attr == DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value)
dumpLocation(OS, formValue, U, sizeof(BaseIndent) + Indent + 4, DumpOpts);
formValue.dump(OS, DumpOpts);
std::string Space = DumpOpts.ShowAddresses ? " " : "";
// We have dumped the attribute raw value. For some attributes
// having both the raw value and the pretty-printed value is
// interesting. These attributes are handled below.
if (Attr == DW_AT_specification || Attr == DW_AT_abstract_origin) {
if (const char *Name = Die.getAttributeValueAsReferencedDie(Attr).getName(
OS << Space << "\"" << Name << '\"';
} else if (Attr == DW_AT_type) {
OS << Space << "\"";
dumpTypeName(OS, Die);
OS << '"';
} else if (Attr == DW_AT_APPLE_property_attribute) {
if (Optional<uint64_t> OptVal = formValue.getAsUnsignedConstant())
dumpApplePropertyAttribute(OS, *OptVal);
} else if (Attr == DW_AT_ranges) {
const DWARFObject &Obj = Die.getDwarfUnit()->getContext().getDWARFObj();
// For DW_FORM_rnglistx we need to dump the offset separately, since
// we have only dumped the index so far.
Optional<DWARFFormValue> Value = Die.find(DW_AT_ranges);
if (Value && Value->getForm() == DW_FORM_rnglistx)
if (auto RangeListOffset =
U->getRnglistOffset(*Value->getAsSectionOffset())) {
DWARFFormValue FV(dwarf::DW_FORM_sec_offset);
FV.dump(OS, DumpOpts);
if (auto RangesOrError = Die.getAddressRanges())
dumpRanges(Obj, OS, RangesOrError.get(), U->getAddressByteSize(),
sizeof(BaseIndent) + Indent + 4, DumpOpts);
WithColor::error() << "decoding address ranges: "
<< toString(RangesOrError.takeError()) << '\n';
OS << ")\n";
bool DWARFDie::isSubprogramDIE() const { return getTag() == DW_TAG_subprogram; }
bool DWARFDie::isSubroutineDIE() const {
auto Tag = getTag();
return Tag == DW_TAG_subprogram || Tag == DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine;
Optional<DWARFFormValue> DWARFDie::find(dwarf::Attribute Attr) const {
if (!isValid())
return None;
auto AbbrevDecl = getAbbreviationDeclarationPtr();
if (AbbrevDecl)
return AbbrevDecl->getAttributeValue(getOffset(), Attr, *U);
return None;
DWARFDie::find(ArrayRef<dwarf::Attribute> Attrs) const {
if (!isValid())
return None;
auto AbbrevDecl = getAbbreviationDeclarationPtr();
if (AbbrevDecl) {
for (auto Attr : Attrs) {
if (auto Value = AbbrevDecl->getAttributeValue(getOffset(), Attr, *U))
return Value;
return None;
DWARFDie::findRecursively(ArrayRef<dwarf::Attribute> Attrs) const {
std::vector<DWARFDie> Worklist;
// Keep track if DIEs already seen to prevent infinite recursion.
// Empirically we rarely see a depth of more than 3 when dealing with valid
// DWARF. This corresponds to following the DW_AT_abstract_origin and
// DW_AT_specification just once.
SmallSet<DWARFDie, 3> Seen;
while (!Worklist.empty()) {
DWARFDie Die = Worklist.back();
if (!Die.isValid())
if (Seen.count(Die))
if (auto Value = Die.find(Attrs))
return Value;
if (auto D = Die.getAttributeValueAsReferencedDie(DW_AT_abstract_origin))
if (auto D = Die.getAttributeValueAsReferencedDie(DW_AT_specification))
return None;
DWARFDie::getAttributeValueAsReferencedDie(dwarf::Attribute Attr) const {
if (auto SpecRef = toReference(find(Attr))) {
if (auto SpecUnit = U->getUnitVector().getUnitForOffset(*SpecRef))
return SpecUnit->getDIEForOffset(*SpecRef);
return DWARFDie();
Optional<uint64_t> DWARFDie::getRangesBaseAttribute() const {
return toSectionOffset(find({DW_AT_rnglists_base, DW_AT_GNU_ranges_base}));
Optional<uint64_t> DWARFDie::getHighPC(uint64_t LowPC) const {
if (auto FormValue = find(DW_AT_high_pc)) {
if (auto Address = FormValue->getAsAddress()) {
// High PC is an address.
return Address;
if (auto Offset = FormValue->getAsUnsignedConstant()) {
// High PC is an offset from LowPC.
return LowPC + *Offset;
return None;
bool DWARFDie::getLowAndHighPC(uint64_t &LowPC, uint64_t &HighPC,
uint64_t &SectionIndex) const {
auto F = find(DW_AT_low_pc);
auto LowPcAddr = toAddress(F);
if (!LowPcAddr)
return false;
if (auto HighPcAddr = getHighPC(*LowPcAddr)) {
LowPC = *LowPcAddr;
HighPC = *HighPcAddr;
SectionIndex = F->getSectionIndex();
return true;
return false;
Expected<DWARFAddressRangesVector> DWARFDie::getAddressRanges() const {
if (isNULL())
return DWARFAddressRangesVector();
// Single range specified by low/high PC.
uint64_t LowPC, HighPC, Index;
if (getLowAndHighPC(LowPC, HighPC, Index))
return DWARFAddressRangesVector{{LowPC, HighPC, Index}};
Optional<DWARFFormValue> Value = find(DW_AT_ranges);
if (Value) {
if (Value->getForm() == DW_FORM_rnglistx)
return U->findRnglistFromIndex(*Value->getAsSectionOffset());
return U->findRnglistFromOffset(*Value->getAsSectionOffset());
return DWARFAddressRangesVector();
void DWARFDie::collectChildrenAddressRanges(
DWARFAddressRangesVector &Ranges) const {
if (isNULL())
if (isSubprogramDIE()) {
if (auto DIERangesOrError = getAddressRanges())
Ranges.insert(Ranges.end(), DIERangesOrError.get().begin(),
for (auto Child : children())
bool DWARFDie::addressRangeContainsAddress(const uint64_t Address) const {
auto RangesOrError = getAddressRanges();
if (!RangesOrError) {
return false;
for (const auto &R : RangesOrError.get())
if (R.LowPC <= Address && Address < R.HighPC)
return true;
return false;
const char *DWARFDie::getSubroutineName(DINameKind Kind) const {
if (!isSubroutineDIE())
return nullptr;
return getName(Kind);
const char *DWARFDie::getName(DINameKind Kind) const {
if (!isValid() || Kind == DINameKind::None)
return nullptr;
// Try to get mangled name only if it was asked for.
if (Kind == DINameKind::LinkageName) {
if (auto Name = dwarf::toString(
findRecursively({DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name, DW_AT_linkage_name}),
return Name;
if (auto Name = dwarf::toString(findRecursively(DW_AT_name), nullptr))
return Name;
return nullptr;
uint64_t DWARFDie::getDeclLine() const {
return toUnsigned(findRecursively(DW_AT_decl_line), 0);
void DWARFDie::getCallerFrame(uint32_t &CallFile, uint32_t &CallLine,
uint32_t &CallColumn,
uint32_t &CallDiscriminator) const {
CallFile = toUnsigned(find(DW_AT_call_file), 0);
CallLine = toUnsigned(find(DW_AT_call_line), 0);
CallColumn = toUnsigned(find(DW_AT_call_column), 0);
CallDiscriminator = toUnsigned(find(DW_AT_GNU_discriminator), 0);
/// Helper to dump a DIE with all of its parents, but no siblings.
static unsigned dumpParentChain(DWARFDie Die, raw_ostream &OS, unsigned Indent,
DIDumpOptions DumpOpts) {
if (!Die)
return Indent;
Indent = dumpParentChain(Die.getParent(), OS, Indent, DumpOpts);
Die.dump(OS, Indent, DumpOpts);
return Indent + 2;
void DWARFDie::dump(raw_ostream &OS, unsigned Indent,
DIDumpOptions DumpOpts) const {
if (!isValid())
DWARFDataExtractor debug_info_data = U->getDebugInfoExtractor();
const uint32_t Offset = getOffset();
uint32_t offset = Offset;
if (DumpOpts.ShowParents) {
DIDumpOptions ParentDumpOpts = DumpOpts;
ParentDumpOpts.ShowParents = false;
ParentDumpOpts.ShowChildren = false;
Indent = dumpParentChain(getParent(), OS, Indent, ParentDumpOpts);
if (debug_info_data.isValidOffset(offset)) {
uint32_t abbrCode = debug_info_data.getULEB128(&offset);
if (DumpOpts.ShowAddresses)
WithColor(OS, HighlightColor::Address).get()
<< format("\n0x%8.8x: ", Offset);
if (abbrCode) {
auto AbbrevDecl = getAbbreviationDeclarationPtr();
if (AbbrevDecl) {
WithColor(OS, HighlightColor::Tag).get().indent(Indent)
<< formatv("{0}", getTag());
if (DumpOpts.Verbose)
OS << format(" [%u] %c", abbrCode,
AbbrevDecl->hasChildren() ? '*' : ' ');
OS << '\n';
// Dump all data in the DIE for the attributes.
for (const auto &AttrSpec : AbbrevDecl->attributes()) {
if (AttrSpec.Form == DW_FORM_implicit_const) {
// We are dumping .debug_info section ,
// implicit_const attribute values are not really stored here,
// but in .debug_abbrev section. So we just skip such attrs.
dumpAttribute(OS, *this, &offset, AttrSpec.Attr, AttrSpec.Form,
Indent, DumpOpts);
DWARFDie child = getFirstChild();
if (DumpOpts.ShowChildren && DumpOpts.RecurseDepth > 0 && child) {
DIDumpOptions ChildDumpOpts = DumpOpts;
ChildDumpOpts.ShowParents = false;
while (child) {
child.dump(OS, Indent + 2, ChildDumpOpts);
child = child.getSibling();
} else {
OS << "Abbreviation code not found in 'debug_abbrev' class for code: "
<< abbrCode << '\n';
} else {
OS.indent(Indent) << "NULL\n";
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void DWARFDie::dump() const { dump(llvm::errs(), 0); }
DWARFDie DWARFDie::getParent() const {
if (isValid())
return U->getParent(Die);
return DWARFDie();
DWARFDie DWARFDie::getSibling() const {
if (isValid())
return U->getSibling(Die);
return DWARFDie();
DWARFDie DWARFDie::getPreviousSibling() const {
if (isValid())
return U->getPreviousSibling(Die);
return DWARFDie();
DWARFDie DWARFDie::getFirstChild() const {
if (isValid())
return U->getFirstChild(Die);
return DWARFDie();
DWARFDie DWARFDie::getLastChild() const {
if (isValid())
return U->getLastChild(Die);
return DWARFDie();
iterator_range<DWARFDie::attribute_iterator> DWARFDie::attributes() const {
return make_range(attribute_iterator(*this, false),
attribute_iterator(*this, true));
DWARFDie::attribute_iterator::attribute_iterator(DWARFDie D, bool End)
: Die(D), AttrValue(0), Index(0) {
auto AbbrDecl = Die.getAbbreviationDeclarationPtr();
assert(AbbrDecl && "Must have abbreviation declaration");
if (End) {
// This is the end iterator so we set the index to the attribute count.
Index = AbbrDecl->getNumAttributes();
} else {
// This is the begin iterator so we extract the value for this->Index.
AttrValue.Offset = D.getOffset() + AbbrDecl->getCodeByteSize();
updateForIndex(*AbbrDecl, 0);
void DWARFDie::attribute_iterator::updateForIndex(
const DWARFAbbreviationDeclaration &AbbrDecl, uint32_t I) {
Index = I;
// AbbrDecl must be valid before calling this function.
auto NumAttrs = AbbrDecl.getNumAttributes();
if (Index < NumAttrs) {
AttrValue.Attr = AbbrDecl.getAttrByIndex(Index);
// Add the previous byte size of any previous attribute value.
AttrValue.Offset += AttrValue.ByteSize;
uint32_t ParseOffset = AttrValue.Offset;
auto U = Die.getDwarfUnit();
assert(U && "Die must have valid DWARF unit");
bool b = AttrValue.Value.extractValue(U->getDebugInfoExtractor(),
&ParseOffset, U->getFormParams(), U);
assert(b && "extractValue cannot fail on fully parsed DWARF");
AttrValue.ByteSize = ParseOffset - AttrValue.Offset;
} else {
assert(Index == NumAttrs && "Indexes should be [0, NumAttrs) only");
DWARFDie::attribute_iterator &DWARFDie::attribute_iterator::operator++() {
if (auto AbbrDecl = Die.getAbbreviationDeclarationPtr())
updateForIndex(*AbbrDecl, Index + 1);
return *this;