blob: ccc7e5de466dd533dedc2a24afc73415c3919f94 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--------------------- SummaryView.cpp -------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// This file implements the functionalities used by the SummaryView to print
/// the report information.
#include "SummaryView.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetSchedule.h"
namespace mca {
using namespace llvm;
void SummaryView::printSummary(raw_ostream &OS) const {
unsigned Iterations = Source.getNumIterations();
unsigned Instructions = Source.size();
unsigned TotalInstructions = Instructions * Iterations;
double IPC = (double)TotalInstructions / TotalCycles;
std::string Buffer;
raw_string_ostream TempStream(Buffer);
TempStream << "Iterations: " << Iterations;
TempStream << "\nInstructions: " << TotalInstructions;
TempStream << "\nTotal Cycles: " << TotalCycles;
TempStream << "\nDispatch Width: " << DispatchWidth;
TempStream << "\nIPC: " << format("%.2f", IPC) << '\n';
OS << Buffer;
void SummaryView::printInstructionInfo(raw_ostream &OS) const {
std::string Buffer;
raw_string_ostream TempStream(Buffer);
const MCSchedModel &SM = STI.getSchedModel();
unsigned Instructions = Source.size();
TempStream << "\n\nInstruction Info:\n";
TempStream << "[1]: #uOps\n[2]: Latency\n[3]: RThroughput\n"
<< "[4]: MayLoad\n[5]: MayStore\n[6]: HasSideEffects\n\n";
TempStream << "[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]\tInstructions:\n";
for (unsigned I = 0, E = Instructions; I < E; ++I) {
const MCInst &Inst = Source.getMCInstFromIndex(I);
const MCInstrDesc &MCDesc = MCII.get(Inst.getOpcode());
const MCSchedClassDesc &SCDesc =
unsigned NumMicroOpcodes = SCDesc.NumMicroOps;
unsigned Latency = MCSchedModel::computeInstrLatency(STI, SCDesc);
Optional<double> RThroughput =
MCSchedModel::getReciprocalThroughput(STI, SCDesc);
TempStream << ' ' << NumMicroOpcodes << " ";
if (NumMicroOpcodes < 10)
TempStream << " ";
else if (NumMicroOpcodes < 100)
TempStream << ' ';
TempStream << Latency << " ";
if (Latency < 10)
TempStream << " ";
else if (Latency < 100)
TempStream << ' ';
if (RThroughput.hasValue()) {
double RT = RThroughput.getValue();
TempStream << format("%.2f", RT) << ' ';
if (RT < 10.0)
TempStream << " ";
else if (RT < 100.0)
TempStream << ' ';
} else {
TempStream << " - ";
TempStream << (MCDesc.mayLoad() ? " * " : " ");
TempStream << (MCDesc.mayStore() ? " * " : " ");
TempStream << (MCDesc.hasUnmodeledSideEffects() ? " * " : " ");
MCIP.printInst(&Inst, TempStream, "", STI);
TempStream << '\n';
OS << Buffer;
} // namespace mca.