blob: 75fd43f6056520ffc505842f0383132793fc29de [file] [log] [blame]
# RUN: llvm-mc %s -filetype obj -triple x86_64-pc-linux -o %t.o
# RUN: llvm-dwarfdump -v %t.o | FileCheck %s
# DW_LLE_startx_length has different `length` encoding in pre-DWARF 5
# and final DWARF 5 versions. This test checks we are able to parse
# the final version which uses ULEB128 and not the U32.
# CHECK: .debug_loclists contents:
# CHECK-NEXT: 0x00000000: locations list header: length = 0x0000000e, version = 0x0005, addr_size = 0x08, seg_size = 0x00, offset_entry_count = 0x00000000
# CHECK-NEXT: 0x0000000c:
# CHECK-NEXT: DW_LLE_startx_length(0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000010)
# CHECK-NEXT: => Addr idx 1 (w/ length 16): DW_OP_reg5 RDI
# CHECK-NEXT: DW_LLE_end_of_list ()
.section .debug_loclists,"",@progbits
.long .Ldebug_loclist_table_end0-.Ldebug_loclist_table_start0
.short 5 # Version.
.byte 8 # Address size.
.byte 0 # Segmen selector size.
.long 0 # Offset entry count.
.byte 3 # DW_LLE_startx_length
.byte 0x01 # Index
.uleb128 0x10 # Length
.byte 1 # Loc expr size
.byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5
.byte 0 # DW_LLE_end_of_list