blob: 9b76edae49992e4a827f5452fa72d89dc198f24e [file] [log] [blame]
//===--------- MachO_x86_64.cpp - Tests for JITLink MachO/x86-64 ----------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "JITLinkTestCommon.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/MachO_x86_64.h"
#include "llvm/Testing/Support/Error.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::jitlink;
using namespace llvm::jitlink::MachO_x86_64_Edges;
namespace {
class JITLinkTest_MachO_x86_64 : public JITLinkTestCommon,
public testing::Test {
using BasicVerifyGraphFunction =
std::function<void(LinkGraph &, const MCDisassembler &)>;
void runBasicVerifyGraphTest(StringRef AsmSrc, StringRef Triple,
StringMap<JITEvaluatedSymbol> Externals,
bool PIC, bool LargeCodeModel,
MCTargetOptions Options,
BasicVerifyGraphFunction RunGraphTest) {
auto TR = getTestResources(AsmSrc, Triple, PIC, LargeCodeModel,
if (!TR) {
dbgs() << "Skipping JITLInk unit test: " << toString(TR.takeError())
<< "\n";
auto JTCtx = std::make_unique<TestJITLinkContext>(
**TR, [&](LinkGraph &G) { RunGraphTest(G, (*TR)->getDisassembler()); });
JTCtx->externals() = std::move(Externals);
static void verifyIsPointerTo(LinkGraph &G, Block &B, Symbol &Target) {
EXPECT_EQ(B.edges_size(), 1U) << "Incorrect number of edges for pointer";
if (B.edges_size() != 1U)
auto &E = *B.edges().begin();
EXPECT_EQ(E.getOffset(), 0U) << "Expected edge offset of zero";
EXPECT_EQ(E.getKind(), Pointer64)
<< "Expected pointer to have a pointer64 relocation";
EXPECT_EQ(&E.getTarget(), &Target) << "Expected edge to point at target";
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(readInt<uint64_t>(G, B), HasValue(Target.getAddress()))
<< "Pointer does not point to target";
static void verifyGOTLoad(LinkGraph &G, Edge &E, Symbol &Target) {
EXPECT_EQ(E.getAddend(), 0U) << "Expected GOT load to have a zero addend";
<< "GOT entry should be a defined symbol";
if (!E.getTarget().isDefined())
verifyIsPointerTo(G, E.getTarget().getBlock(), Target);
static void verifyCall(const MCDisassembler &Dis, LinkGraph &G,
Block &CallerBlock, Edge &E, Symbol &Callee) {
EXPECT_EQ(E.getKind(), Branch32) << "Edge is not a Branch32";
EXPECT_EQ(E.getAddend(), 0U) << "Expected no addend on stub call";
EXPECT_EQ(&E.getTarget(), &Callee)
<< "Edge does not point at expected callee";
JITTargetAddress FixupAddress = CallerBlock.getAddress() + E.getOffset();
uint64_t PCRelDelta = Callee.getAddress() - (FixupAddress + 4);
decodeImmediateOperand(Dis, CallerBlock, 0, E.getOffset() - 1),
static void verifyIndirectCall(const MCDisassembler &Dis, LinkGraph &G,
Block &CallerBlock, Edge &E, Symbol &Callee) {
EXPECT_EQ(E.getKind(), PCRel32) << "Edge is not a PCRel32";
EXPECT_EQ(E.getAddend(), 0) << "Expected no addend on stub cal";
EXPECT_TRUE(E.getTarget().isDefined()) << "Target is not a defined symbol";
if (!E.getTarget().isDefined())
verifyIsPointerTo(G, E.getTarget().getBlock(), Callee);
JITTargetAddress FixupAddress = CallerBlock.getAddress() + E.getOffset();
uint64_t PCRelDelta = E.getTarget().getAddress() - (FixupAddress + 4);
decodeImmediateOperand(Dis, CallerBlock, 3, E.getOffset() - 2),
static void verifyCallViaStub(const MCDisassembler &Dis, LinkGraph &G,
Block &CallerBlock, Edge &E, Symbol &Callee) {
verifyCall(Dis, G, CallerBlock, E, E.getTarget());
if (!E.getTarget().isDefined()) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Edge target is not a stub";
auto &StubBlock = E.getTarget().getBlock();
EXPECT_EQ(StubBlock.edges_size(), 1U)
<< "Expected one edge from stub to target";
auto &StubEdge = *StubBlock.edges().begin();
verifyIndirectCall(Dis, G, StubBlock, StubEdge, Callee);
} // end anonymous namespace
// Test each operation on LegacyObjectTransformLayer.
TEST_F(JITLinkTest_MachO_x86_64, BasicRelocations) {
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
.build_version macos, 10, 14
.globl _bar
.p2align 4, 0x90
callq _baz
.globl _foo
.p2align 4, 0x90
callq _bar
movq _y@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rcx
movq _p(%rip), %rdx
.section __DATA,__data
.globl _x
.p2align 2
.long 42
.globl _p
.p2align 3
.quad _x
{{"_y", JITEvaluatedSymbol(0xdeadbeef, JITSymbolFlags::Exported)},
{"_baz", JITEvaluatedSymbol(0xcafef00d, JITSymbolFlags::Exported)}},
true, false, MCTargetOptions(),
[](LinkGraph &G, const MCDisassembler &Dis) {
// Name the symbols in the asm above.
auto &Baz = symbol(G, "_baz");
auto &Y = symbol(G, "_y");
auto &Bar = symbol(G, "_bar");
auto &Foo = symbol(G, "_foo");
auto &Foo_1 = symbol(G, "_foo.1");
auto &Foo_2 = symbol(G, "_foo.2");
auto &X = symbol(G, "_x");
auto &P = symbol(G, "_p");
// Check unsigned reloc for _p
EXPECT_EQ(P.getBlock().edges_size(), 1U)
<< "Unexpected number of relocations";
EXPECT_EQ(P.getBlock().edges().begin()->getKind(), Pointer64)
<< "Unexpected edge kind for _p";
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(readInt<uint64_t>(G, P.getBlock()),
<< "Unsigned relocation did not apply correctly";
// Check that _bar is a call-via-stub to _baz.
// This will check that the call goes to a stub, that the stub is an
// indirect call, and that the pointer for the indirect call points to
// baz.
EXPECT_EQ(Bar.getBlock().edges_size(), 1U)
<< "Incorrect number of edges for bar";
EXPECT_EQ(Bar.getBlock().edges().begin()->getKind(), Branch32)
<< "Unexpected edge kind for _bar";
verifyCallViaStub(Dis, G, Bar.getBlock(),
*Bar.getBlock().edges().begin(), Baz);
// Check that _foo is a direct call to _bar.
EXPECT_EQ(Foo.getBlock().edges_size(), 1U)
<< "Incorrect number of edges for foo";
EXPECT_EQ(Foo.getBlock().edges().begin()->getKind(), Branch32);
verifyCall(Dis, G, Foo.getBlock(), *Foo.getBlock().edges().begin(),
// Check .got load in _foo.1
EXPECT_EQ(Foo_1.getBlock().edges_size(), 1U)
<< "Incorrect number of edges for foo_1";
EXPECT_EQ(Foo_1.getBlock().edges().begin()->getKind(), PCRel32);
verifyGOTLoad(G, *Foo_1.getBlock().edges().begin(), Y);
// Check PCRel ref to _p in _foo.2
EXPECT_EQ(Foo_2.getBlock().edges_size(), 1U)
<< "Incorrect number of edges for foo_2";
EXPECT_EQ(Foo_2.getBlock().edges().begin()->getKind(), PCRel32);
JITTargetAddress FixupAddress =
Foo_2.getBlock().getAddress() +
uint64_t PCRelDelta = P.getAddress() - (FixupAddress + 4);
decodeImmediateOperand(Dis, Foo_2.getBlock(), 4, 0),
<< "PCRel load does not reference expected target";