blob: bb967cb0248de06d81f7b8b11466b72b5cce5f52 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "RISCVBaseInfo.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
namespace llvm {
namespace RISCVSysReg {
#define GET_SysRegsList_IMPL
#include ""
} // namespace RISCVSysReg
namespace RISCVABI {
ABI computeTargetABI(const Triple &TT, FeatureBitset FeatureBits,
StringRef ABIName) {
auto TargetABI = StringSwitch<ABI>(ABIName)
.Case("ilp32", ABI_ILP32)
.Case("ilp32f", ABI_ILP32F)
.Case("ilp32d", ABI_ILP32D)
.Case("ilp32e", ABI_ILP32E)
.Case("lp64", ABI_LP64)
.Case("lp64f", ABI_LP64F)
.Case("lp64d", ABI_LP64D)
if (!ABIName.empty() && TargetABI == ABI_Unknown) {
<< "'" << ABIName
<< "' is not a recognized ABI for this target (ignoring target-abi)\n";
} else if (ABIName.startswith("ilp32") && TT.isArch64Bit()) {
errs() << "32-bit ABIs are not supported for 64-bit targets (ignoring "
TargetABI = ABI_Unknown;
} else if (ABIName.startswith("lp64") && !TT.isArch64Bit()) {
errs() << "64-bit ABIs are not supported for 32-bit targets (ignoring "
TargetABI = ABI_Unknown;
} else if (ABIName.endswith("f") && !FeatureBits[RISCV::FeatureStdExtF]) {
errs() << "Hard-float 'f' ABI can't be used for a target that "
"doesn't support the F instruction set extension (ignoring "
TargetABI = ABI_Unknown;
} else if (ABIName.endswith("d") && !FeatureBits[RISCV::FeatureStdExtD]) {
errs() << "Hard-float 'd' ABI can't be used for a target that "
"doesn't support the D instruction set extension (ignoring "
TargetABI = ABI_Unknown;
// For now, default to the ilp32/lp64 if no explicit ABI is given or an
// invalid/unrecognised string is given. In the future, it might be worth
// changing this to default to ilp32f/lp64f and ilp32d/lp64d when hardware
// support for floating point is present.
if (TargetABI == ABI_Unknown) {
TargetABI = TT.isArch64Bit() ? ABI_LP64 : ABI_ILP32;
return TargetABI;
} // namespace RISCVABI
} // namespace llvm